The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1279 Seize the opportunity

Chapter 1279 Seize the opportunity
And outside the Wuji Shrine, Lin Fan, who strode back to the Wuji Shrine, saw the Wuji Emperor outside the palace.

"Congratulations, Keqing, for killing the God and Demon." Emperor Wuji showed a very respectful expression, and as soon as he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Fan.

"Oh? The news from the Promise Shrine is very fast,"

Lin Fan smiled slightly. He didn't expect that when he came to the Promise Palace, the Promise Emperor learned that he had killed the gods and demons.

"Your Honor, it's not that the old man knew it quickly, but that someone in Cangya Kingdom knew it,"

"Oh, who knew?"

Hearing the words of Emperor Wuji, Lin Fan became more interested, and after he finished speaking, he looked at Emperor Wuji.

"Keqing, do you know the shadow guards of Cangya Kingdom?"

"Shadow guard?"

Lin Fan didn't know that there were shadow guards in Cangya country, who specialized in spying on information, and most of the shadow guards' cultivation bases were those in the Supreme Exalted Realm.

The Shadow Guards are Cangya Kingdom's secret intelligence force, and most of the Shadow Guards are those of the Great Supreme Realm.

Lin Fan didn't know that there was a Great Wall of Desperation on the border of Cangya Country, and the people guarding the Great Wall of Desperation were the Shadow Guards.

The Great Wall of Desperation is the northern border of Cangya Kingdom, beyond the Great Wall of Desperation, one can reach the Nine Nether Kingdom.

According to legend, Emperor Jiuyouming, the ruler of Jiuyouming Kingdom, is a mysterious existence. No one knows where Emperor Jiuyouming came from, and no one knows why Jiuyouming Kingdom can dominate the world.

Compared to Cangya Kingdom which occupies over a hundred Great Thousand Worlds, Nine Nether Kingdoms occupy nearly a hundred Great Thousand Worlds.

It is said that Emperor Jiuyouming of Jiuyouming Kingdom has the ability to open up star fields.

At this time, the Great Wall of Despair is ushering in the annual dark hour.

Since the Impassable Great Wall is located on the northern border of Cangya Kingdom, every fifth day of March will usher in a week-long night.

Night is always the most active time in Nine Nether Kingdom.

This is also the reason why the Great Wall of Desperation is guarded by Shadow Guards of the Supreme Realm.

Shadow guards, haunting the night, are often called night killers.

The sun on the Great Wall of Desperation is slowly setting, and a long week of night is coming.

Many passers-by walked in a hurry, but one person seemed a lot nervous.

The arrest warrant for Yan Nong's destruction of the sky quickly spread to the Great Wall of Desperation.

On the Great Wall of Desperation, there were [-] barriers shaped like heaven and earth nets, and Yan Nong Mietian, who was mixed in the crowd, was shocked for a while.

However, Yannong Mietian is a man who has experienced many battles, and he is not afraid of these shadow guards.

Woo woo woo.

At this time, a funeral procession came towards the Great Wall from far away.

With a thought in Yannong Mietian's mind, it directly turned into a beam of brilliance and sank into the bottom of the coffin.

The wheels twitched, and it didn't take long to arrive at the gate of the Great Wall of Desperation.

The shadow guards guarding the Great Wall of Impossible Land looked at the funeral procession and let them go.

These people were weeping, and after a while, they came to a suburb outside the city.

At this time, only a mournful voice was heard, "Yan Nong Mie Tian Palace Master, you have been wronged."

As soon as this remark came out, Yannong Mietian laughed loudly and turned into a ray of light from the bottom of the coffin.

He looked at the funeral procession and saw that they were from the Nine Nether Kingdom.

These people are black and white impermanence, Meng Po, they directly welcomed Yannong Mietian into the teleportation formation, and came to Jiuyouming Kingdom in an instant.

The Nine Nether Kingdom really lived up to its reputation, and there was a weird atmosphere everywhere.

Above the Nine Nether Kingdoms, nine dark sun stars burst out with infinite brilliance, and instantly landed on the land of the Nine Nether Kingdoms.

Seeing Yannong Mietian and the scenery of Nine Nether Kingdoms, he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

The Nine Nether Kingdoms is really terrifying, there are bones everywhere, and skeletons are everywhere.

That black and white impermanence brought him to the Nether Palace of the Nine Nether Kingdom, Yan Nong Mietian raised his head, and saw the Nine Nether Emperor who made the people of the Cangya Kingdom terrified.

Emperor Jiuyouming is the lord of the Nine Youming Kingdom, possessing terrifying strength.

"Yan Nong Mie Tian, ​​congratulations on coming to the Nine Nether Kingdom. This emperor thinks that you are qualified to be the general of the Nine Nether Kingdom. What do you think?"

Emperor Jiuyouming said these words slowly, and as soon as his voice fell, Yannong Mietian immediately knelt down excitedly.

I saw Yannong Mietian hastily bowed to Emperor Jiuyouming and said: "Thank you, the lord, Yannong Mietian will definitely serve the lord and let the lord rule the entire Cangya Kingdom."

Yannong Mietian was also forced to come to Nine Netherworld this time, all of this is the result of his own fault.

After he said this, he knelt down to Emperor Jiuyouming, and immediately made Emperor Jiuyouming laugh triumphantly.

"Hahaha, good, good, as expected of Yan Nong destroying the sky, sure enough, this time, you will stay in Jiuyouming Kingdom for a few days, when the time comes, this emperor will let you step into the territory of Cangya Kingdom."

Seeing that Yannong Mietian wanted to submit to him, Emperor Jiuyouming laughed triumphantly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked at Yannong Mietian, which immediately made Yannong Mietian look excited.

"My lord, I don't think it should be too late. Now is the time of crisis. It is better to directly hit the Great Wall of Desperation. As long as the Great Wall of Desperation fails, the north of Cangya Kingdom will be safe and secure. At that time, all the way to the plains will surely defeat Cangya!" country."

Yannong Mietian showed an impatient expression, and as soon as he said this, he looked at Emperor Jiuyouming, and his words immediately made Emperor Jiuyouming laugh out loud.
"Yan Nong Mi Tian, ​​when do you think it is most beneficial to occupy the Great Wall of Desperation?"

Emperor Jiuyouming also wanted to occupy Cangya Kingdom, but he was not familiar with Cangya Kingdom, so he asked Yannong Mietian.

Yannong Mietian heard Emperor Jiuyouming's question, and said: "I don't think it's possible now, after six days, we can attack the Great Wall of Desperation."

"Six days! Why six days?"

After hearing that it would take five days for Yannong to destroy the sky, the Emperor Jiuyouming looked at Yannong with a confused face.

His words immediately made Yan Nong Mie Tian cup his hands and say:
"The lord doesn't know that when the night of this week comes, the shadow guards of the Impassable Great Wall will definitely stand ready in the first three days, for fear of a sudden attack from the Nine Nether Kingdom. However, on the sixth or seventh day, when the dawn is about to It's time for them to relax."

The words of Yan Nong Mie Tian immediately made Emperor Jiu You Ming nod his head.

Yannong Shenfu has occupied the head of the four major towns of Cangya Kingdom for so many years, if Yannong Mietian has no ability at all, wouldn't it be a big laugh?

Emperor Jiuyouming suddenly felt that Yannong Mietian's words had reached his heart, and everything was just as Yannong Mietian said, the sixth or seventh day is when the shadow guards of the Great Wall are most relaxed .

If the sneak attack was at the most lax time, the casualties of the Nine Nether Kingdom would be very small.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jiuyouming suddenly felt that it was the blessing of Jiuyouming Kingdom to get Yannong Mietian.

"Okay, everything will be done as you said. On the sixth day, or the fourth day, seize the opportunity and occupy the Great Wall."

"Yes, the lord can rest assured, Yannong Litian will definitely assist the lord."

Yannong Mietian said excitedly, after he finished speaking, he looked at Emperor Jiuyouming.

(End of this chapter)

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