The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1280 Disgust

Chapter 1280 Disgust
Only Emperor Jiuyouming smiled slightly and looked at Yannong Mietian.

For a moment, Emperor Jiuyouming and Yannong Mietian looked at each other excitedly and smiled.

Yannong Mietian wanted to take revenge on Cangya Kingdom, and Emperor Jiuyouming wanted to occupy Cangya Kingdom. The two really coincided with each other.

At this time, Yannong Mietian saluted Emperor Jiuyouming, turned around and left the Nether Palace.

Seeing Yannong Mietian's leaving figure, Emperor Jiuyouming laughed triumphantly, inexplicably excited.

He knew that the destruction of Cangya Kingdom was not far away.

In the Wuji Hall of the Wuji Shrine, Lin Fan and the Emperor Wuji sat opposite each other, and the two of them took a sip of the drunk flower shade at the same time.

Lin Fan felt like he wouldn't be able to fall asleep for a day without taking a few sips of drunken flower shade.

He looked at Emperor Zun Wuji, and immediately asked Emperor Zun Wuji to put down his wine glass, showing a listening expression.

"Emperor Wuji, where do you think Yannong Mietian will go when he escapes from Cangya Kingdom?"

"Your Honor, I guess Yan Nong Mie Tian will go to the Great Wall of Desperation and enter the Nine Nether Kingdoms."

"The Nine Nether Kingdoms, the Great Wall of Desperation."

Lin Fan repeated the words of Emperor Wuji, and several thoughts flashed through his mind.

The Great Wall of Desperation, Nine Nether Kingdoms, Yannong Mietian may be brewing a bigger conspiracy.

"Keqing, do you mean that Yan Nong Mietian, who entered the Nine Nether Kingdom, will collude with the Nine Nether Emperor?"

"What do you think?"

Seeing Emperor Wuji's surprised expression, Lin Fan asked back. His rhetorical question immediately made Emperor Wuji break out in a cold sweat.

If it is really as Ke Qing said, the entire Great Wall of Despair will face a catastrophe.

Moreover, once the Great Wall of Desperation is occupied by the Nine Nether Kingdom, it will be completely flat if it enters the capital of the Cangya Kingdom.

Think up to this point.Emperor Wuji couldn't help but gasped, and immediately felt that what Lin Fan said was not a lie.

Perhaps, everything was as expected, Yannong Mietian already had a distorted personality, he was able to kill his father Yannong Batian, could it be that he couldn't do other things?

Immediately, Emperor Wuji looked at Lin Fan, he was waiting for Lin Fan to speak, how to stop this matter
"There is only one way to solve this matter. Don't let the shadow guards of the Impassable Great Wall relax at all. Once they relax, they will be attacked by the Nine Nether Kingdom. This is a week-long night, which is different from the past."

Lin Fan said these words lightly, and as soon as his words fell, the Promise Emperor immediately nodded his head.

At this time, several thoughts came to Emperor Wuji's mind. If everything was as Lin Fan said, the Nine Nether Kingdom might take advantage of the slackness of the shadow guards on the Great Wall and sneak attack on the Great Wall.

In this way, wouldn't it be a failure?
Immediately, Emperor Wuji looked at Lin Fan, he clasped his fists and said, "Guest Guest, I intend to ask the Lord Cangya to send troops to the Great Wall of Desperation. I wonder if Ke Qing can go with me?"

"If you can get Lord Cangya to let you go, I will go with you. I would like to see what Emperor Jiuyouming looks like."

Lin Fan smiled slightly, and after saying this, he left the Promise Palace.

At this moment, seeing Emperor Zun Wuji couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and now he was both excited and worried, afraid that the Nine Nether Kingdom would take the opportunity to invade the Great Wall of Desperation.

So, in the early morning of the next day, Emperor Zun Wuji left the Wuji Shrine before dawn, took the fire unicorn, and arrived at the capital of Cangya Kingdom in an instant.

It looks like the Promise Shrine is in the capital of Cangya Kingdom.

However, there are trillions of lands between the Promise Palace and the Cangya Kingdom. It is conceivable that the size of the Cangya Kingdom and the size of the Cangya Kingdom are already beyond imagination.

However, riding the fire unicorn arrived in an instant.

In the early morning, it was above the main hall of Cangya Kingdom. The Lord of Cangya Kingdom greeted everyone and asked them to sit down.

"Master, Yannong Mietian may have defected to Cangya Kingdom, what is the country's plan?"

Emperor Wuji hurried out, he bowed to the Lord Cangya, and told the Lord Cangya everything he knew.

"Well, Emperor Wuji, I already know that even if Yannong Mietian escapes from Cangya Kingdom, he will only enter Nine Netherworld Kingdom. He is as anxious as a bereaved dog. What worries do we have?"

The Lord Cangya waved his hand, Yan Nong Mietian entered the Nine Nether Kingdom, everything was under his control.

He smiled, waved his hand, and signaled Emperor Wuji to sit down.

"My lord, right now is the seven-day long dark night on the Great Wall of Impassable Land. If Yannong Mietian is reused by Emperor Jiuyouming, if he sneaks into the Great Wall of Impassable Land, then the one who will go to the capital of Cangya Kingdom will be Pingchuan."

Emperor Wuji's voice was resounding, and after he finished speaking, he looked at the Lord Cangya.

His words immediately shocked the Lord Cangya into a cold sweat, that's right, why didn't he think of this?
All the people present were also looking at each other and whispering to each other, and they all felt that the words of Emperor Wuji were not false at all.

Yannong Mietian is already insane, he can kill Yannong Batian with his own hands, what else can't he do?
What's more, Yannong Shenfu exists in name only, doesn't Yannong want to take revenge?
This, perhaps, was the reason why he entered the Nine Nether Kingdoms.

What's more, between Nine Nether Kingdom and Cangya Kingdom, there is the Great Wall of Desperation.

Once the Nine Nether Kingdom enters the Great Wall of Desperation, it will be able to drive straight in, making the Cangya Kingdom in danger.

Therefore, from the moment when Emperor Wuji's words fell, the entire Cangya Kingdom Hall was silent, and everyone was talking about it, but they couldn't come up with any ideas.

The Lord Cangya had several thoughts in his mind, and he suddenly smiled and said, "Emperor Wuji, have you forgotten? Those guarding the Great Wall of Desperation are the shadow guards of my Cangya Kingdom, and every shadow guard is a supreme being." Those who are strong in the realm, will they be afraid of the Nine Nether Kingdom?"

You must know that the most elite shadow guards of Cangya Kingdom are guarding the Great Wall of Desperation.

As soon as the Lord Cangya's words fell, he laughed out loud. His words immediately made Emperor Wuji frowned.

When the rest of the ministers heard the words of Lord Cangya, they all became excited and excited, and they all looked at Emperor Wuji together.

"My lord, the shadow guards are indeed powerful. However, they are not as treacherous as Yan Nong's extermination of the sky. If you don't relax on the first day and the second day, but on the last day, the shadow guards won't relax? What if, before the Nine Nether Kingdom? Come to attack, I don't know how the king will respond?"

Emperor Wuji's words immediately left the Lord Cangya speechless.

Not only the Lord Cangya, but everyone in the hall also looked at Emperor Zun Wuji with a bewildered expression.

When did Emperor Wuji think so thoroughly?

Everyone looked at Emperor Wuji, and at the Lord Cangya.

At this time, a shadow guard commander came out, "My lord, I will wait for the shadow guard to die, please rest assured, the shadow guard will definitely be able to defend the Great Wall of Desperation."

As soon as the commander of the shadow guard finished speaking, he looked at Emperor Zun Wuji, as if he was very disgusted with Emperor Zun Wuji.

Emperor Wuji didn't care, he thought of Lin Fan in his heart.

He felt that Lin Fan seemed to know that he would run into a wall this time, and he immediately said: "Okay, I, Emperor Wuji, will let you slap your face. Let me see how you defeat the Nine Nether Kingdoms."

The Promise Emperor turned around and left angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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