Chapter 1281 Wrong?

Seeing the back of Emperor Wuji leaving, a thought flashed in the heart of Lord Cangya.

Could it be that Lin Fan told Emperor Wuji?Let Emperor Zun Wuji relay it to himself?

The Lord Cangya couldn't help gasping when he saw the figure of Emperor Wuji leaving.

He felt that Lin Fan must have told Emperor Wuji about this matter, and now, seeing Emperor Wuji leave angrily, the heart of King Cangya surged.

Could it be that Lin Fan knew that Yan Nong Mie Tian had entered the Nine Nether Kingdoms and wanted to occupy the Great Wall of Desperation?
This immediately made Lord Cangya feel that he had done something wrong.

"Yingwei, you go to guard the Great Wall of Desperation, and you must block the Nine Nether Kingdom from the Great Wall of Desperation. In addition, if you encounter Yan Nong Mietian, you will be killed."

The Lord Cangya looked at the shadow guard coldly, and as soon as he finished speaking, the shadow guard nodded and hurried to the Great Wall of Desperation.

And above the main hall, Lord Cangya looked at the people in the main hall.

"Master, the Shadow Guard will definitely defeat the Nine Nether Kingdoms this time."

"My lord, don't worry, the Shadow Guards are the elite of our Cangya Kingdom. They smashed the Nine Nether Kingdom with ease."

Everyone in the main hall spoke to the Lord Cangya.

As soon as everyone finished speaking, Cangya Lord nodded, "Okay, let's wait and see what happens."

As soon as the words fell, the Lord Cangya waved his hand, and the ministers in the hall hurriedly left the hall.

Outside the main hall, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian, one of the Four Great Towns, strode out.

Marquis Cangwu, Lietian Emperor Zun, Yannong Batian, and Wuji Emperor Zun are the four major towns of Cangya Kingdom.

Now, Yannong Batian was killed, and Emperor Zun Wuji of Wuji Temple seemed to be the head of the three great towns.

This immediately made Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian who walked out of the hall look out of breath.

"Marquis Cangwu, isn't Emperor Wuji just saying that he wants to crusade against the Nine Nether Kingdom and make meritorious service? At that time, he will be the leader of the three major towns of the Cangya Kingdom."

Emperor Lietian snorted coldly, he felt that he was too shameful, he should have fought to go to the Great Wall of Desperation just now, otherwise he would not have offended Emperor Wuji.

Fortunately, the sudden utterance of the shadow guard made Emperor Wuji lose all face.

Thinking of Emperor Zun Wuji leaving deflated, Emperor Zun Litian couldn't be more excited.

If it wasn't on the main hall, he would have almost jumped up.

The Marquis Cangwu sighed, "Who said it wasn't? But the last time Yannong Mietian framed Emperor Wuji, fortunately he had the guest Qing Lin Fan to help him, this Lin Fan is too evil, and Emperor Wuji has Lin Fan, just like a fish in water .”

As soon as Marquis Cangwu finished speaking, he looked at Emperor Lietian, and Emperor Lietian snorted coldly, "Lin Fan is just a strong man in the Supreme Realm, but he actually defeated Yannong Batian, and even made Yannong Shenfu, from then on. Disappearing in Cangya Kingdom, this kind of strength is simply terrifying."

"Scary? You say Lin Fan is scary?"

Hearing the words of Emperor Lietian, Marquis Cangwu couldn't help but exclaimed. He looked at Emperor Lietian, and immediately felt that Emperor Lietian's words were true.

Lin Fan is indeed scary, but Lin Fan seems to be very disgusted with Yannong Mietian.

"Actually, the king is also worried. He knows the strength of Emperor Wuji, and he knows how terrifying it is to get Lin Fan's emperor. Now, the king is doing this to prevent Emperor Wuji from going to the Great Wall."

"Huh? What do you mean to say, the king is afraid that Emperor Wuji will support his troops?"

Thinking of this, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian looked at each other, and they looked around, but they didn't see anyone else.

Therefore, the two sighed, turned and left the capital of Cangya Kingdom.

When they left, the two were still together and agreed to go to Marquis Cangwu's house for a drink in the evening.

At this time, the Lord Cangya who had returned to the harem let out a long and comfortable sigh as the concubine pressed his shoulders.

The concubine had a beautiful face, and while beating the back of the Lord Cangya, she said coquettishly: "Master, when will you take the slave family out, the slave family is so boring in the harem."

After the concubine finished speaking, she lay down in the arms of King Cang Ya, as weak and boneless as a snake.

The Lord Cangya smiled slightly and pinched her fair chin, "Oh, where do you want to go?"

When saying this, the Lord Cangya narrowed his eyes, revealing a look of enjoyment.

"My lord, didn't the servants say before that they were going to the Great Wall of Desperation?"

"The Great Wall of Despair is in the dark, and there is no time now."

"No, Lord, what you said, the night at the Great Wall of Desperation is very romantic, I want to go."


Seeing that the concubine was still acting like a baby to him, the Lord Cangya slapped her with his hands.

The concubine was so dizzy from the beating that she lay directly on the ground, covering half of her swollen face with an expression of disbelief.

"Master, did you hit me?"

The concubine couldn't believe it, the Lord Cangya had always loved her so much, why did she beat her now?

The concubine looked at the Lord Cangya with a bewildered face, and immediately made the Lord Cangya snort coldly, "You want to go to the Great Wall of Desperation, do you think I don't know?"

The Lord Cangya said coldly, as soon as his words fell, the concubine's face changed drastically, she stepped back a few steps, and looked at the Lord Cangya.

"Master, you have wronged the slave family, but the slave family doesn't think so."

As soon as the words fell, I saw the concubine sighed, showing a lovely and pitiful expression.

"Wronged you? You are a hag from the Nine Nether Kingdom, do you think the owner of the country doesn't know?"

The Lord Cangya snorted coldly, his words immediately made the concubine's face change suddenly, she looked at the Lord Cangya in surprise, with signs of fear in her eyes.

"How do you know I'm not your concubine?"

Amidst the tearing sound, the originally beautiful concubine suddenly turned into a ferocious hag.

After she finished saying this, Jie Jie suddenly laughed strangely.

"As far as your tricks are concerned, do you still need the master of the country to guess? Shadow Guard, catch him."

The Lord Cangya snorted coldly, he had already seen that this woman was not his concubine, but a hag from Nine Nether Kingdom.

He directly caused seven or eight shadow guards to kill the hag.


The hag opened her mouth and spewed out a puff of smoke, which spread like an extermination.

I saw her attack bursting in instantly, and those seven or eight shadow guards followed like a shadow, and they were about to capture the hag in an instant.

Suddenly, the hag looked up to the sky and laughed, Jie Jie laughed strangely.

"Master Cangya, since you know that I am a hag from the Nine Nether Kingdom, you should also know that the Nine Nether Kingdom will kill you soon, and the Great Wall of Impairment will be the first place where I set foot in the Nine Nether Kingdom."

The hag looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped his chest casually.


Seeing the ghost woman's miserable cry, even the primordial spirit was smashed to pieces in an instant.

This immediately surprised the Lord of Cangya, how difficult is it that the Nine Nether Kingdom really wants to attack the Great Wall of Desperation?

And the shadow guards of the Great Wall of Desperation, will they all be buried for this operation?

Thinking of this, Lord Cangya suddenly felt cold sweat break out on his back, and he completely felt the terrifying killing intent rushing towards his face.

Although the Lord Cangya killed his concubine ghost woman, and learned that the Nine Nether Kingdom will definitely occupy the Great Wall of Desperation.

He hastily sent someone to inform the commander of the shadow guards to delay his journey to the Great Wall of Desperation.

However, the commander of the Shadow Guard left Cangya Kingdom immediately and entered the Great Wall of Desperation.

This immediately made the Lord Cangya worried, could it be that he was really wrong?
But in Wuji Shrine, Emperor Wuji told Lin Fan about this, but Lin Fan laughed.

This immediately made Emperor Wuji's face burn, everything was just as Lin Fan said, it seems that the Lord Cangya still doesn't believe in him, and feels that he is a soldier and self-respecting.

(End of this chapter)

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