The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1284 New plan

Chapter 1284 New plan
As soon as he said this, Emperor Jiuyouming immediately showed a suspicious look.

In Cangya, is there a more powerful existence?

who is it?

Emperor Jiuyouming knew that there were only four powerful towns in Cangya Kingdom.

These four major kingdoms are Wuji Emperor Zun of Wuji Temple, Yannong Batian of Yannong Shenfu, Litian Emperor Zun of Split Heaven Palace, and Cangwu Marquis of Cangwu Wilderness.

Now, Yannong Batian died in the hands of Yannong Mietian, and Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian were nothing more than ants.

This powerful existence is only the Promise Emperor of the Promise Palace.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jiuyouming sneered, it is said that Emperor Wuji's cultivation base is only superior to those in the Great Supreme Realm, what ability does he have?
Immediately, Emperor Jiuyouming snorted coldly, causing Yannong Mietian to sigh.

"Underworld Emperor, in Cangya Kingdom, there are Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji."

"Lin Fan? That monstrous man, it is said that he is the guest minister of Emperor Wuji?"

Hearing what Yannong Mietian said, Emperor Jiuyouming finally figured it out.

Lin Fan, a man in white was enough to make him feel puzzled.

It is said that he is just a strong man in the Great Supreme Realm.

However, he killed many masters.

This immediately made Jiuyouming Emperor look at Yannong Mietian, and the latter could not help but gasp when he felt Emperor Jiuyouming's thoughts.

Yannong Mietian knew that Emperor Jiuyouming had a temperamental personality and often killed people inadvertently.

When Yan Nong Mietian came to Jiuyouming Country, he was really worried at the beginning, for fear that Emperor Jiuyouming would kill himself if he disagreed with him.

However, right now he knows that Emperor Jiuyouming is eager to occupy Cangya Kingdom, so he won't be able to kill himself.

He immediately pointed out that he would first occupy the Great Wall of Desperation in Cangya Kingdom, and then waited quietly for the army to arrive.

When the time comes, they will wait for work with leisure and kill those Cangya Kingdom's army in an instant.

Thinking of this, Yannong Mietian informed Emperor Jiuyouming of this matter. Hearing this, Emperor Jiuyouming immediately felt that Cangya Kingdom was just a mob, and his Youming Guard would definitely occupy Cangya Kingdom.

Immediately, Emperor Jiuyouming looked at Yannong Mietian, his voice was full of chill.

"Yan Nong Mie Tian, ​​are you saying that my Nether Guard is not as good as Cang Ya Kingdom?"

Before the sound fell, an indifferent and terrifying atmosphere surged out in an instant.

Yannong Mietian broke out in a cold sweat, he suddenly felt that Emperor Jiuyouming was too difficult to serve, why did he go to Jiuyouming country?
Regret arose in his heart, but Yannong Mietian hurriedly knelt down to Emperor Jiuyouming and said:

"Underworld, the strength of Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji is quite terrifying? But his subordinates have let him leave as the shadow guard commander, and he will definitely inform the Lord Cangya about the Great Wall of Desperation. At that time, Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji Your Majesty came to the Great Wall of Desperation, and our Nine Nether Kingdoms will be able to kill them with leisure, I don’t know what Emperor Ming will do.”

After saying this, Yannong Mietian suddenly felt a lot of sweat on his back, which was frightened by Emperor Jiuyouming's aura.

He looked at Emperor Jiuyouming in surprise, only to see the stern-faced Emperor Jiuyouming suddenly burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay, since that's the case, let's go to the Great Wall of Desperation and wait for work with leisure."

Immediately, Emperor Jiuyouming patted Yannong Mietian's shoulder, and immediately asked Yannong Mietian to say: "The Underworld Emperor is holy."

As soon as the words fell, Emperor Jiuyouming ordered to go down.

Let millions of Nether Guards from the Nine Nether Kingdoms gather at the Impassable Great Wall.

Most of these Nether Guards are powerful in the Great Supreme Realm, and they agreed with a bang, and then set out to the Great Wall of Desperation.

This time, Emperor Nine Youming asked millions of Youming guards to guard the Great Wall of Impassion, and the millions of Youming guards formed a magic circle in the wilderness outside the Great Wall of Impossibility.

The other million Nether Guards were sent to the rear, and they would go to support whichever side was in urgent need.

After completing this matter, Emperor Jiuyouming sat on the Great Wall of Impossibility, with several powerful men standing beside him.

Yannong Mietian suddenly felt that he was squeezed out by Emperor Jiuyouming, and several thoughts flashed through his heart.

At this time, millions of Nether Guards were waiting in formation, but behind the Nine Nether Kingdom, there were only some women and children, which seemed extremely empty.

In other words, Emperor Jiuyouming put all his main force on the Great Wall of Desperation, but his rear became empty.

At this time, Emperor Jiuyouming was drinking and having fun with everyone, waiting quietly for Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji to come.

Yan Nong Mietian looked coldly at the wilderness far away from the Great Wall, he knew that Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji would come to the Great Wall to die soon.

When the time comes, I will kill them all and kill them with my hands.

Thinking of this, Yannong Mietian's heart, not to mention how excited, flashed the playful eyes of Emperor Jiuyouming in his heart, instantly, making Yannong Mietian feel that Emperor Jiuyouming was using him from the beginning.

Thinking of this, how could Yannong Mietian swallow this breath, he already had a plan in his heart.

Immediately, Yannong Mietian was seen standing aside indifferently, his actions caught the attention of Emperor Jiuyouming.

"Yannong destroys the sky."

Emperor Jiuyouming looked at Yannong Mietian, Yannong Mietian's name flashed in his heart, and a killing intent appeared on his face.

From the very beginning, he knew that Yan Nong's destruction of the sky was not a sincere surrender, but that he regarded Jiuyouming Kingdom as the executioner who slaughtered Cangya Kingdom.

And Emperor Jiuyouming knew that he had been using Yannong to destroy the sky from the beginning to the end.

The Promise Emperor left the Promise Palace, and soon came to the capital of Cangya Kingdom.

At this time, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian saw that Emperor Wuji was coming, and they clasped their fists together and said, "Emperor Wuji, you are finally here."

"Oh, so it's Marquis Cangwu, Emperor Lietian."

Emperor Wuji raised his hand to salute Cang Wuhou and Emperor Lietian casually. After he said this, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian felt very embarrassed.

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian looked at each other in unison, they all looked at Emperor Wuji, and then at the silent Lord Cangya.

The Lord Cangya was very conflicted. He should have believed the words of Emperor Wuji from the very beginning, so that he would not lose the Great Wall of Desperation and kill hundreds of thousands of shadow guards.

Now, when he saw Emperor Wuji coming, he showed an embarrassed expression, and he suddenly had the feeling that he knew why he knew what he was doing today.

"Meet the King,"

Emperor Wuji did not avoid suspicion, and directly knelt in front of Lord Cangya. After he finished speaking, he saw Lord Cangya help him up in a hurry, showing a very kind expression.

"Emperor Zun Wuji, I blamed you wrongly before, I'm really sorry, please don't offend Emperor Zun."

The Lord Cangya hastily apologized to Emperor Wuji. After he finished speaking, he looked at Emperor Wuji, but Emperor Wuji also looked at him. Therefore, Lord Cangya and Emperor Wuji smiled in unison. speak up.

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian looked at Lord Cangya and Emperor Wuji in bewilderment, but they didn't know why they laughed.

You know, the Lord Cangya was still angry just now, he killed hundreds of thousands of shadow guards, and lost the Great Wall of Desperation.

Now, they laughed directly with Emperor Wuji, which immediately made Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian wonder why they laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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