The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1285 I don't know what is good or bad

Chapter 1285 I don't know what is good or bad
"Emperor, let's go and talk."

"Yes, Lord."

The Lord Cangya couldn't help but dragged Emperor Wuji and walked to the other side. If you just look at their backs, they look like a couple.

Seeing the Lord Cangya and Emperor Wuji leave him alone, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian shouted violently, unable to suppress the anger in their hearts.

They are also the towns of Cangya Kingdom, although their strength is not comparable to that of Emperor Wuji, and their status is not as good as that of Yannong Shenfu.

However, they also made great contributions to the Cangya Kingdom.

now what?Lord Cangya directly left them aside, and was still so close to Emperor Wuji, which immediately made Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian feel annoyed.

At this time, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian snorted coldly, feeling dissatisfied with the Lord Cangya in their hearts.

They all buried the look of resentment in their hearts, and only waited for the moment when it exploded.

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian were standing in place, but Lord Cangya and Emperor Wuji came not far away.

"My lord, the Nine Nether Kingdom killed hundreds of thousands of shadow guards from Cangya Nation. I plan to go to the Great Wall of Desperation and slaughter the Nine Nether Nation."

Emperor Wuji said straight to the point, after he said this, he looked at the Lord Cangya, but saw the Lord Cangya nodded.

"Well, that's exactly what I meant, that is, to let you go to the Great Wall of Impossibility. But, Lin Fanke, are you going?"

If only Emperor Wuji was allowed to go, the Lord Cangya would still be a little worried, but if Lin Fan was added, the Lord Cangya would feel much more at ease.

After he finished saying this, he looked towards Emperor Zun Wuji, only to see Emperor Zun Wuji smiling.

"My lord, don't worry, Lin Fanke said to go with me."

After Emperor Wuji said this, the Lord Cangya laughed out loud, "Okay, okay, in this way, our Cangya Kingdom will be able to turn the crisis into safety, and right now, we must take back the Great Wall of Desperation.

"Yes, Lord."

Hearing the Lord Cangya's instruction again, Emperor Wuji nodded, and after saying this, he turned around and left.

This time, he is determined to take back the Great Wall of Desperation and kill the Nine Nether Kingdoms.

"Okay, the situation is urgent, so I won't keep you, Emperor Wuji, you must return with a complete victory."

Lord Cangya stretched out his hand and patted Emperor Zun Wuji on the shoulder, he turned and left, leaving Emperor Zun Wuji pondering what Lord Cangya said.

"The Promise Emperor, congratulations."
"Congratulations, Promise Emperor."

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian both came over and bowed to Emperor Wuji.

After they finished speaking, Emperor Zun Wuji turned and looked at them.

"Marquis Cangwu, Emperor Lietian, I am going to crusade against the Nine Nether Kingdom, and you assist the Lord Cangya with all your heart."

"Haha, Emperor Wuji don't worry, we are the town of Cangya Kingdom, and it is our duty to assist the Lord of Cangya Kingdom."

"Emperor Wuji, don't worry."

Hearing Emperor Wuji's words, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian both laughed out of embarrassment.

Emperor Wuji knew that when he was in Cangya Kingdom, he might be able to intimidate Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian.

However, when he leads his army to the Great Wall of Desperation, can Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian still be restrained by him?
Thinking of this, Emperor Wuji glanced at Emperor Cangwu Hou Lietian, and he said indifferently: "I can destroy the Nine Nether Kingdoms, and I can also destroy the rebels in the Cangya Kingdom."

Throwing down these words coldly, Emperor Wuji turned around and left, leaving Cangwuhou and Emperor Lietian who were out of breath.

Cang Wuhou and Lietian Emperor Zun only looked at each other, and they both showed indifference.

"Hmph, Emperor Promise, your slap is really wide."

"That's right, he is far away from the Great Wall of Desperation, and he still restricts us like this?"

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian said this coldly, which immediately made them hate Emperor Wuji at the same time.

Moreover, they also resented the Lord Cangya in the first place.

All along, they have been restricted by Emperor Zun Wuji and the Yannong God's Mansion. After finally waiting for the God's Mansion of Yannong to be destroyed, they were crushed by Emperor Zun Wuji before they could catch their breath.

For a moment, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian shouted violently in their hearts. As soon as they finished speaking, they looked towards the place where Lord Cangya was.

At this time, Emperor Wuji returned to the Wuji Temple in an instant. He looked at Lin Fan, but saw Lin Fan smiling lightly, "Is everything done?"

"My dear guest, it's done."

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Emperor Wuji looked at Lin Fan triumphantly.

"Why are you happy? This will be a tough battle. Now, at the Impassable Great Wall, Emperor Nine Netherworld has brought several million Nether Guards to guard it. You can dispatch hundreds of thousands of Shadow Guards from Cangya Kingdom at most. What do you think our chances of winning are? "

After saying this sentence, Emperor Wuji was dumbfounded immediately, and Emperor Wuji was completely stunned. There are millions of Nether Guards guarding the Great Wall of Desperation. The Nine Nether Emperors are so generous. This is to eat them up. Yes.

"My dear guest, what do you say?"

Unknowingly, Emperor Wuji showed a look of fear, hundreds of thousands of shadow guards, fighting against millions of ghost guards, isn't this courting death?
Thinking of this, Emperor Zun Wuji showed a look of surprise on his face.

Hearing the words of guest Qing Lin Fan, Emperor Wuji was stunned. Who would have thought that Emperor Jiuyouming had deployed millions of Nether Guards on the Impassable Great Wall, which was simply terrifying.


Lin Fan smiled faintly. To him, several million Nether Guards were nothing.

Immediately, upon hearing Lin Fan's words, Emperor Wuji understood instantly, and he suddenly laughed out loud, "Miss Lin Fan, you scared me to death."

Emperor Wuji laughed triumphantly. After saying this, he followed Lin Fan's instructions and went outside the Wuji Temple to gather hundreds of thousands of shadow guards.

All of a sudden, tens of thousands of warships headed for the Great Wall from outside the Promise Shrine.

Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji sat on the Chinese warship and left the Wuji Temple in an instant.

Tens of thousands of warships passed by the capital of Cangya Kingdom. Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian saw the tens of thousands of warships leaving the capital and headed for the Great Wall. They looked at each other and suddenly burst out laughing.

However, the Lord Cangya showed a worried expression. He was not worried that Emperor Wuji and Lin Fan would not be able to defeat Emperor Jiuyouming, but he was worried about his own safety.

In the past few days, he has always felt that there is a dark force that has penetrated into the entire capital of Cangya Kingdom.

For this reason, the Lord Cangya also arranged tens of thousands of shadow guards to guard the capital and protect his safety.

Tens of thousands of warships left the capital of Cangya Kingdom in an instant, and within a few days, they arrived outside the Great Wall of Desperation.

Tens of thousands of warships and hundreds of thousands of shadow guards, all of whom are powerful in the Supreme Realm, all looked at the blood-stained Great Wall of Desperation.

There, there are hundreds of thousands of shadow guards' blood.

There, there are hundreds of thousands of dead souls of shadow guards.

For a moment, the hundreds of thousands of shadow guards on these tens of thousands of warships were all jealous.

They looked coldly at the Great Wall of Impossibility, where millions of Nether Guards guarded the Great Wall of Impossibility.

Above the Great Wall of Desperation, the majestic city tower was covered by a barrier in the air.

Sitting in the barrier, Emperor Jiuyouming looked coldly at the battleship made by hundreds of thousands of shadow guards.

This immediately caused a sneer to appear on Emperor Jiuyouming's face.

"Hehe, Cangya Kingdom really doesn't know what to do. Hundreds of thousands of shadow guards want to take away the Great Wall? Seriously."

(End of this chapter)

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