The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1288 Sudden change, the king is confused

Chapter 1288 Sudden change, the king is confused

As soon as the words fell, the Emperor Jiuyouming swung the Jiuyouming Staff, and instantly rushed towards Lin Fan like an overwhelming force.

At this time, Lin Fan smiled coldly, and he didn't pay attention to Emperor Jiuyouming. He sneered, and Emperor Jiuyouming immediately felt that he was crushed by Lin Fan.

For a while, how could he swallow this breath?
Boom boom boom.

In an instant, the Nine Netherworld Emperor burst out the Nine Netherworld Rod, and smashed it heavily towards Lin Fan like destroying the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, Lin Fan smiled coldly, making Emperor Jiuyouming feel Lin Fan's terror.

Although it was seen that Lin Fan was only a strong man in the Great Supreme Realm, Lin Fan's strength made Emperor Jiuyouming feel unprecedented fear.

Can a strong man in the supreme realm kill his servants in the supreme realm?

Can you still kill all the people of the Nine Nether Kingdom, can you still destroy the Nine Nether Kingdom?

For a moment, Emperor Nine Netherworld was furious instantly. He sensed Lin Fan's terror, and with all his might, the Nine Netherworld Rod slammed down.

Boom boom boom.

At this time, the millions of Nether Guards and the hundreds of thousands of Shadow Guards fought frantically.

Outside the entire Great Wall of Desperation, there were already corpses strewn all over the field, and blood flowed like rivers.

The wreckage of many battleships exploded, sending up endless smoke and fireballs.

However, no one paid any attention to these, whether it was the Nether Guard or the Shadow Guard, they all threw themselves into the killing.

They killed inextricably, they killed so darkly, they killed so exhausted.

They know that this battle is either you die or I live.

Immediately, seeing these Nether Guards and Shadow Guards, they all yelled loudly, killing the Shadow Guards and Nether Guards in an instant with terrifying attacks.

On the battleship of the Chinese army, Yan Nong Mie Tian opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and Emperor Zun Wuji was also panting.

Emperor Wuji didn't expect that Yannong Mietian's strength as a junior would almost surpass him.

But Yannong Mietian did not expect that the strength of Emperor Zun Wuji was beyond his imagination.

And as the Nine Nether Kingdom was destroyed by the fire, the two saw this scene from the Chinese warship at the same time.

Suddenly, Yannong Mietian seemed to think of something, he glared at Emperor Zun Wuji and said:
"This fire destroyed the Nine Netherworld Kingdom, it must be Lin Fan's doing."

After saying these words, Yan Nong's violent momentum burst open.

This immediately made Emperor Wuji sneer coldly, "That's right, after destroying the Nine Nether Kingdom, Emperor Nine Nether would be much easier to deal with. Yannong Mietian, today, whether it's you, Emperor Nine Nether, or hundreds Ten thousand Nether Guards will die in the hands of this old man and Lin Fanke."

After saying this, the Promise Emperor laughed triumphantly, he knew that Lin Fan had burned down the Nine Nether Kingdom.

Moreover, Lin Fan may have found Emperor Jiuyouming, and there must be still fighting between him and Emperor Jiuyouming.

After the Wuji Emperor said this, Yan Nong Mietian suddenly shouted out loud. He couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and shouted:
"Emperor Wuji, Lin Fan, you bullied me too much, I, Yan Nong Mie Tian, ​​will tear your corpses into thousands of pieces today."

Yannong Mietian yelled loudly, and after he finished speaking, he saw Emperor Wuji spread his hands, "Okay, if you want to kill Lin Fanke, you must pass my test first."

As soon as the words fell, Emperor Wuji's berserk attack smashed towards Yan Nong Mie Tian in an instant.

At the same time, Yan Nong Mie Tian counterattacked in an instant, and the relationship between the two was already life and death, and it was inseparable.

This Yannong Mietian and Emperor Wuji know that they are already in the same situation, this time, no matter what, the winner must be determined.

For a moment, the warship of the Chinese army carried the anger of Yan Nong Mie Tian and Emperor Wuji, and made a loud explosion sound.

However, Yannong Mietian and Wuji Emperor Zun didn't take the exploding Chinese warship seriously. They wanted to decide the outcome, life and death this time.

At this time, Lin Fan and Emperor Jiuyouming were still fighting.

The Nine Nether Emperor felt Lin Fan's fear more and more, he felt the look of fear shrouded in his heart.

And in the capital of Cangya Kingdom, the Lord Cangya, who was about to retreat, suddenly saw hundreds of shadow guards guarding the palace gate, running from outside the palace to the main hall.

This immediately caused the Lord Cangya to shout loudly, and said angrily: "What's going on, who let you in?"

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the Lord Cangya fell on Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian.

At this time, hundreds of shadow guards were seen running over from outside the palace.

The Lord Cangya shouted violently, unable to suppress the anger in his heart.

His eyes fell coldly on Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian, and a word flashed in his mind: "Forcing the palace!"

This suddenly caused several thoughts to flash through the heart of Lord Cangya, and he looked at Emperor Lietian and Marquis Cangwu in surprise.

"The lord has an order to retreat."

Suddenly, the attendants beside the Lord Cangya shouted to everyone in the hall.

As soon as the servant's words fell, everyone immediately fled away as if they had been pardoned.

At this moment, only Marquis Cangwu, Emperor Lietian, Lord Cangya and hundreds of shadow guards remained in the hall.

These hundreds of shadow guards are all powerful in the Great Supreme Realm. They stand above the main hall and do not allow idlers to enter the main hall.

"Master, you should abdicate the throne of Cangya Kingdom."

Marquis Cangwu didn't beat around the bush, he said this straightforwardly, which immediately made Emperor Lietian burst out laughing.

At this moment, the Lord Cangya was startled and restless, he didn't expect that everything was as he had imagined in his heart, that Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian were going to force the palace.

This immediately caused the Lord Cangya to shout violently, unable to suppress the anger in his heart.

He is the lord of Cangya Kingdom and the founder of Cangya Kingdom, but now, he was forced into the palace by Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian of the Four Great Towns, which immediately made him very angry.

"Master Cangya, originally, Emperor Lietian and Marquis Cangwu were restrained by the Yannong Divine Palace and the Wuji Divine Palace, so they might not rebel. Unfortunately, the Yannong Divine Palace was destroyed and Yannong Batian was killed. , Emperor Wuji went to the Great Wall of Desperation again, and he didn't know if he was alive or dead. Now, there are domestic and foreign troubles in Cangya, but you are useless, so what's the use of keeping you? It's better to abdicate and let the virtuous, so as not to be killed."

Emperor Lietian said coldly, after he said this, he looked at Lord Cangya, which immediately made Lord Cangya break out in a cold sweat. He did not expect that among the four towns, Marquis Wu and Lie Heavenly Emperor Zun had already planted the seeds of rebellion.

Why didn't I find out?Could it be that they hide too deeply?
Lord Cangya sighed, several thoughts flashed through his mind.

He looked at Emperor Lietian and Marquis Cangwu in surprise, not knowing what to say.

Right now, Emperor Wuji and Lin Fan are still at the Great Wall of Desperation. Even if they know that Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian are forcing the palace, they may be too far away to quench their thirst. For a while, the Lord Cangya seemed to be in a state of confusion. He didn't know what he would do next. What a fate.

"Emperor Lietian, Marquis Cangwu, I think I treat you well, why do you want to take revenge on me?"

After saying this, the Lord Cangya was completely outraged, he didn't know why Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian rebelled, did he treat them badly?

Thinking of this, the Lord Cangya yelled, and he looked coldly at Cangwuhou and Lietian Emperor Zun, only to see Cangwuhou and Lietian Emperor Zun laughing together.

"Hahaha, Lord Cangya, you really treat us kindly, but we just want you to abdicate for the virtuous, why, you don't want to abdicate for the virtuous?"

After saying this, Marquis Cangwu's voice was obviously louder. He looked at the Lord Cangya coldly, and immediately made the Lord Cangya take several steps back.

(End of this chapter)

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