Chapter 1289
Lord Cangya felt the murderous light in Marquis Cangwu's eyes, and his heart sank to the extreme.

Could it be that he was really doomed this time?
In an instant, the Lord Cangya broke out in a cold sweat. He looked coldly at Emperor Lietian and Marquis Cangwu, and his eyes fell on the hundreds of shadow guards who were in the supreme state.

All along, Lord Cangya believed that the shadow guards were loyal to him, until he saw hundreds of shadow guards breaking into the main hall, which immediately made Lord Cangya sigh.

It seems that I trusted these shadow guards too much, which ended up like this.

Now, Lord Cangya finally understands that some things cannot be trusted too much, just like these shadow guards, if they are trusted too much, they will rebel and become tools of others.

Emperor Lietian and Marquis Cangwu seemed to see what the Lord of Cangya was thinking, and the two powerful men in the Supreme Realm both smiled coldly.

This time, Emperor Zun Wuji was far away at the Great Wall of Desperation, even if he defeated the Nine Nether Kingdoms, there would not be many troops left in his hands.

If I and others succeeded in forcing the palace and using the millions of shadow guards in Cangya Kingdom, wouldn't they still be able to kill Emperor Wuji and Lin Fan?

Thinking of this, Emperor Lietian and Marquis Cangwu both showed the look of wanting to kill the Lord Cangya.

The Lord Cangya stepped back a few steps, he felt an unprecedented terrifying aura coming, which immediately made him break out in a cold sweat.

"You, what do you want to do?"

The Lord Cangya was still in shock, he looked at Emperor Lietian and Marquis Cangwu, and felt the terrifying killing intent on them, which immediately made the Lord Cangya restless.

Because, he felt that Emperor Lietian and Marquis Cangwu looked at him together.

"Hehe, Lord Cangya, this time, we are going to kill you to let you know how weak you are. Just because you still want to be the ruler of Cangya Kingdom, you are really beyond your control."

"That's right, Lord Cangya, all of this is your own fault, and you can't blame others."

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian, one on the left and one on the right, walked towards the Lord Cangya together.

They showed hideous and terrifying eyes.Immediately, the Lord Cangya felt a terrifying aura.

At this time, the Lord Cangya hurriedly fled to the entrance of the palace.


Hundreds of shadow guards pulled out their weapons to block Cangya Lord's escape.

These hundreds of shadow guards have been brainwashed by Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian, and they don't pay attention to Lord Cangya at all.

They looked at the Lord Cangya coldly, which made the Lord Cangya's heart sink to the extreme.

"Master Cangya, keep running, aren't you very powerful? Why don't you run away?"

Marquis Cangwu looked at Lord Cangya sarcastically, and after he finished speaking, he grabbed Lord Cangya's collar with one hand.

At the same time, Emperor Lietian came in front of the Lord Cangya, and the two supreme powerhouses looked at the Lord Cangya coldly, with playful expressions in their eyes.

"You, you are not going to let me go?"

Lord Cangya has never been so afraid of others, he suddenly felt hoarse and could hardly speak, so he hurriedly looked at Emperor Lietian and Marquis Cangwu.

He didn't believe that Emperor Lietian was so decisive with Marquis Cangwu, that he didn't take him seriously, and that he wanted to kill him, it was really abominable.

"Let you go? Let you go to the Great Wall of Impossibility to find Emperor Zun Wuji. When the time comes, will you rise up?"

Marquis Cangwu slapped Lord Cangya with his hands, and as soon as he finished speaking, he casually punched Lord Cangya in the chest.


The Lord of Cangya spurted blood wildly, and was caught by Emperor Lietian, almost breathless.

He never thought that he would die in such a humiliating manner, which immediately made Lord Cangya spit on Marquis Cangwu's face.

The Lord of Cangya was caught by Emperor Lietian, and he was about to suffocate.Marquis Cangwu spit on his face, couldn't help shouting loudly, raised his hand and punched Lord Cangya.

This punch was enough to kill Lord Cangya, and immediately made Lord Cangya kneel on the ground, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

"I didn't expect that the Lord Cangya would kneel in front of the two of us. I'm really flattered, haha."

"Hmph, what's the use of keeping him? Don't talk nonsense, just kill him."

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian smiled coldly, and then saw Emperor Lietian flashed a brilliance, instantly killing the Lord Cangya.

At this time, Marquis Cangwu ordered people to go to the harem to kill the concubine of the Lord Cangya, as well as the heir and prince of Cangya Kingdom.

Immediately, two hundred shadow guards rushed into the harem, although Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian were above the main hall, they could still hear screams and cries from the harem.

Those who achieve great things must have a heart of stone.

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian turned a deaf ear to the screams and cries, they smiled at each other, kicked away the body of the Cangya King, and sat on the throne of the Cangya Kingdom together.

"Marquis Cangwu, this time, Cangya Kingdom will be handed over to the two of us as regents. After killing Emperor Wuji, the throne of Cangya Kingdom, you and I, how about it once a year?"

"Okay, this time we must kill Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji."

Although Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian resented Emperor Zun Wuji very much, they were not opponents of Emperor Zun Wuji.

Thinking of Emperor Wuji and Lin Fan, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian immediately felt that they must capture Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji this time, so that their thrones could be preserved.

Thinking of this, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian issued an order, and Cangya Kingdom entered a state of alert.

At the same time, a piece of news about the sudden death of Cangya Kingdom's lord, and the regent of Cangwuhou and Lietian Emperor Zun, spread throughout the worlds controlled by Cangya Kingdom.

At this time, Emperor Yan, Wuzu and Jian Aoshi of the Xuanhuang World heard the news, and hurried to the Canglan Sect to inform the Canglan Sect Patriarch.

"Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian are ambitious. It seems that the killing of Lord Cangya is inseparable from them. Now, Lin Fanke is still at the Great Wall of Desperation. You must inform Lin Fanke of this matter."

Canglan Jiaozu glanced at Emperor Yan, Wu Zu and Jian Aoshi, and as soon as he finished speaking, all three masters nodded their heads in unison.

"Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian are at odds with Emperor Wuji. Now, they have killed the Lord Cangya and controlled the millions of shadow guards in Cangya Kingdom. Ambushed, by the way, I have a communication device here."

Patriarch Canglan suddenly thought of the communicator in his arms, he hurriedly found Lin Fan and dialed it.

He only heard the beeping sound from the communicator, obviously Lin Fan did not pick up the communicator.

Could it be that he is fighting to the death with the Nine Nether Emperors?

Immediately, the Patriarch Canglan looked at Emperor Yan, Wu Zu and Jian Aoshi.

"Godfather, why don't we go and inform Mrs. Lin Fanke?"

Emperor Yan, Wuzu, and Jian Aoshi looked at each other, and they all looked at Canglan Jiaozu.

I saw Canglan Sect Patriarch sigh, "I'm going to tell Lin Fanke about this matter, you guard the Xuanhuang World and Canglan Sect."

As soon as Canglan Jiaozu finished speaking, he stood up and looked at Emperor Yan, Wuzu and Jian Aoshi.

(End of this chapter)

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