The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1294 Must win?

Chapter 1294 Must win?

Immediately, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian were on top of this hall, and they analyzed each other's strength and combat power.

If Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji were left aside, killing hundreds of thousands of shadow guards out of millions of shadow guards would be as easy as picking something out of a pocket.

However, if Lin Fan and Emperor Zun Wuji were added, the chances of winning would be great.

Thinking of this, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian glanced at each other again, revealing a murderous intent.

This time, if Lin Fan was not killed, they might not be able to stay in Cangya Kingdom.

However, if Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji were killed, the situation would be quite different.

Because Lin Fan killed the Nine Nether Emperor, the Nine Nether Kingdom is an unclaimed land, and at that time, both the Cangya Kingdom and the Nine Nether Kingdom will be occupied by them.

"Emperor Lietian, when we kill Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji, you will occupy the Nine Nether Kingdoms, and I will occupy the Cangya Kingdom, what do you think?"

Marquis Cangwu's words immediately made Lietian Emperor Zun smile, he looked up at Lietian Emperor Zun, smiled and said: "No problem, when the time comes, the Cangya Kingdom will belong to you, and the Nine Nether Kingdom will belong to me."

This sentence immediately made Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian reach an agreement, and they all laughed out loud at the same time.

But Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian didn't know that this time, in addition to hundreds of thousands of Shadow Guards, there were also millions of Nether Guards.

"Right now, we still need to strengthen the protection of the national capital. Today, there are 500 million shadow guards in Cangya. With these 500 million shadow guards, should we resist Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji as a group, or rush forward?"

Emperor Lietian said what was in his heart, and immediately made Marquis Cangwu think about it.

"Don't resist in separate courts. This will only allow Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji to kill us one by one. I think we should rush forward. Five million shadow guards, even if Lin Fan is as evil as the sky, is enough for him to drink a pot."

Marquis Cangwu looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. As soon as his words fell, Emperor Lietian was stunned, and then he also laughed out loud.

At this time, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian felt that with 500 million shadow guards, it would be easy to kill Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji.

However, they were still a little worried, because Lin Fan's strength was beyond their imagination.

This Lin Fan didn't know where he came from, and he became the guest minister of the Wuji Shrine directly, and even wiped out the Yannong Shrine.

This kind of strength is really rare.

Now, they don't take the Promise Emperor seriously, but think Lin Fan is too scary.

"Lin Fan's strength is beyond our imagination. Why did such a terrifying evildoer appear in the Wuji Temple? We can't find any clues. It's really scary."

At this time, I saw Emperor Lietian uttering these words coldly. As soon as his words fell, Marquis Cangwu immediately nodded his head, showing a cautious look.

"Who said it wasn't? Lin Fan is truly terrifying. He can even kill Emperor Jiuyouming. What else can he not do? Such a master is simply terrifying."

For a moment, Marquis Cangwu also uttered terrifying words about Lin Fan, and both Emperor Lietian and Marquis Cangwu were full of resistance to Lin Fan in their hearts.

Especially thinking of Lin Fan killing Emperor Jiuyouming and destroying Jiuyouming Kingdom, this immediately made Emperor Lietian and Marquis Cangwu feel a bone-chilling chill.

"Then, we will go all out to deal with Lin Fan, and put Cang Ya Kingdom on alert now, lest Lin Fan sneak attack."

As soon as the words fell, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian nodded in unison.

This time, before their butts were hot, they met Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji, which immediately made them feel that they shouldn't have killed the Lord Cangya.

However, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If the Lord Cangya is not killed, they will still have a hard life. Thinking of this, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian strode out of the main hall of Cangya Kingdom.

At this time, the shadow guards had already been sent to summon millions of shadow guards.

Every shadow guard is a powerful person in the supreme realm. They are menacing, like a murderous god coming to the world, with a murderous intent on their faces.

This immediately shrouded the entire Cangya Kingdom in endless killing intent.

"Greetings to Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian."

All of a sudden, millions of shadow guards bowed to Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian. As soon as they finished speaking, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian waved their hands.

"The shadow guards of my Cangya Kingdom, the Lord Cangya was unfortunately killed, but he was actually angered by the Emperor Wuji and Lin Fan. Now, Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji are about to come from the Nine Nether Kingdom to attack my Cangya. China, we should show our strength and let them see, right?"

"Yes, show your strength and let them see."

As soon as Lietian Emperor Zun finished speaking, millions of shadow guards immediately shouted in unison. Every word these millions of shadow guards said showed a look of complacency.

It was as if Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji had been killed by them and died in front of them.

At this moment, Marquis Cangwu sighed, "The Lord of Cangya was murdered, Emperor Wuji wants to usurp the throne of King Cangya, can you bear it?"

"I can't bear it, I can't bear it."

For a moment, as soon as Marquis Cangwu's words fell, millions of shadow guards immediately shouted in unison, and as soon as their words fell, the momentum of the entire Cangya Kingdom was shaken.

For a moment, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian looked at each other, and they both smiled.

It seems that these millions of shadow guards are easy to deceive.After a while, he directly pledged his allegiance to them.

Thinking of this, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian looked coldly at the millions of shadow guards, and immediately made the millions of shadow guards kneel on the ground.

At this time, several million shadow guards took action, and they all surrounded the Cangya Kingdom in a tight, impenetrable way, which immediately gave Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian hope.

"Haha, with such morale, how can Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji survive? Hmph, they must die at our hands."

"Emperor Lietian is right. Can Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji still survive this time? They will definitely die in our hands."

Thinking of this, Emperor Lietian and Marquis Cangwu strode back to the main hall.

They also sent a lot of investigative shadow guards to monitor the every move of Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji.

However, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian didn't know that none of these shadow guards escaped from the control of Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji.

What's more, these shadow guards saw hundreds of thousands of warships coming from the Great Wall of Desperation to the capital of Cangya Kingdom.

At this time, outside the capital of Cangya Kingdom, several figures quickly arrived at the capital.

They were all wearing black clothes, and Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian hurried over with big strides.

"Meet the Nightbringer."

"Meet the Nightbringer."

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian knew that these two messengers of the night were the messengers of the city that never sleeps in the southern border of Cangya Kingdom.

Even though the city that never sleeps is called a city, its territory is vast, just like Cangya Kingdom and Nine Nether Kingdoms.

Moreover, Nightless City has lived in the wild land in the south for a long time, and the owner of Nightless City is the heir of this star field, and his status is higher than that of Cangya Kingdom Lord and Jiuyouming Emperor.

Although, the owner of this star field has tens of thousands of sons, and the Nightless City Lord is just one of them.

However, the status and strength of the city that never sleeps is immediately obvious to Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian.

Immediately, they didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly invited the Night Envoy to the main hall.

The people sat down as guests and hosts, and saw Cangwu County and Lietian Emperor Zun laugh, and they rubbed their hands together, showing excited expressions.

"I don't know the presence of the messenger of the night, I will forgive you, but what is the purpose of the messenger coming here?"

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian looked at each other, and they both looked at the two Night Envoys.

(End of this chapter)

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