Chapter 1295

One of the messengers of the night said with a smile: "Marquis Cangwu, Emperor Lietian, the two of us have been ordered to come here. Soon after, my Lord Nightless City Lord will come to Cangya Kingdom."

"My lord, I don't know if you have any objections to jointly governing Cangya Kingdom with the two of you?"

Two messengers of the night, one Xuan Ming and the other Xuan Yuan, they came here to convey the words of the nightless city lord.

It turned out that Nightless City Lord had long wanted to occupy Cangya Kingdom, but he was afraid of the four towns of Cangya Kingdom, Yannong Batian, Wuji Emperor Zun, Cangwuhou and Lietian Emperor Zun.

However, when he learned that Yannong Batian was killed, Yannong Shenfu existed in name only, and Emperor Wuji went to conquer Jiuyouming Kingdom.

However, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian killed the Cangya Lord and even occupied the position.

This immediately made Nightless City Lord feel that his strength was far above Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian.

Immediately, Nightless City Lord sent two of his servants to go to Cangya Kingdom, and told Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian that he would be here soon.

When Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian heard these words, they were both taken aback. They looked at the two Night Envoys in unison.

The words of the nightless city lord are clearly for the purpose of occupying the entire Cangya Kingdom.

Immediately, Emperor Lietian and Marquis Cangwu suddenly felt that things were becoming more and more difficult to handle.

Originally, they occupied Cangya Kingdom and divided Cangya Kingdom into two.

However, the nightless city lord inserted a horizontal bar, which immediately made them uneasy.

"Why, you don't want to."


Seeing Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian not saying a word, the messengers of the night shouted violently, unable to suppress the anger in their hearts.

At this time, seeing that Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian didn't speak, but instead showed a look of embarrassment, this immediately made several night messengers sneer.


At this moment, a beam of brilliance appeared above the sky, as if the sky burst open.

A battleship that looked like an extermination of heaven and earth, descended from the sky, and slowly fell down.

The warship arrived in front of the capital of Cangya Kingdom in an instant like a thunderbolt.

The whole body of the battleship was black, and a cloud-piercing arrow pierced the sky in an instant, and landed in front of Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian.

In an instant, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian could see clearly that this battleship was the Nightless City Lord of the Nightless City.

Nightless City Lord is the eldest son of this star field, his appearance immediately shocked Cangwuhou and Lietian Dizun speechless.

Originally, they killed the Lord Cangya, and before their buttocks were hot, they met the Nightless City Lord, which immediately shocked Cangwuhou and Emperor Lietian at a loss.

In an instant, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian looked at each other, and the two headed to the battleship one after the other.


On the battleship, a young man in black robe walked down instantly, his incomparably powerful aura immediately made Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian kneel down together.

This is not because Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian wanted to kneel down, but because they were forced by that person's powerful aura.

The young man in black glanced coldly at Cang Wuhou and Lietian Emperor, and he said with a smile, "Are you Cangwuhou and Lietian Emperor?"

After saying this, the black-robed young man laughed out loud with pride. He found that Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian had low cultivation levels.

Just relying on them to kill the Lord Cangya?
At the beginning, a sneer flashed in the heart of the black-robed youth. He didn't think that the two of them had the ability to kill Cangya King.

However, the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't help but not believe it.

"Your subordinate Cangwuhou, Emperor Lietian, pay homage to the nightless city lord."

It was also the first time that Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian had seen City Lord Nightless, but they did not expect him to be a young man in black robes.

Moreover, every move of the nightless city lord made Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian feel a bone-chilling chill.

Immediately, they knelt in front of the Nightless City Lord, only to see the Nightless City Lord sneer, and strode towards the main hall of Cangya Kingdom.

From the appearance of the messenger of the night to the arrival of the nightless city lord, the millions of shadow guards guarding Cangya Kingdom did not make a move.

They watched Nightless City Lord enter the main hall of Cangya Kingdom, followed by Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian.

For a moment, countless thoughts wandered in the hearts of millions of shadow guards.

"Could it be that Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian took refuge in City Lord Evernight?"

"Could it be that the city that never sleeps mainly occupies Cangya Kingdom?"

Countless thoughts flashed through everyone's minds, and the shadow guards were all stunned. They all saw the Nightless City Lord entering the hall, and instantly enveloped the hall with a barrier.

At this time, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian knelt on the main hall together.

"Marquis Cangwu, Emperor Lietian, my city lord is here today to form an alliance with you and jointly govern Cangya Kingdom.

I don't know what do you think? "

The Nightless City Lord never liked to beat around the bush. After saying this, he looked at Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian.

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian, who heard these words at the beginning, were indeed stunned by the actions of the nightless city lord.

However, the two immediately thought of Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji, and suddenly, they smiled in their hearts.

"It is the blessing of Cangya Kingdom that the Nightless City Lord can rule Cangya Kingdom. However, Emperor Wuji, one of the towns of Cangya Kingdom, is coming to conquer, and there is a guest named Lin Fan who killed Emperor Jiuyouming.

"Emperor Jiuyouming was killed by Lin Fankeqing, and he asked Nightless City Lord to think about the safety of Cangya Kingdom and defeat Lin Fan and Emperor Wuji."

After Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian finished speaking, they saw City Lord Nightless frowning.

In the beginning, the Lord of Nightless City just wanted to occupy Cangya Kingdom.

However, hearing the danger that Cangya Kingdom is facing now, several thoughts flashed in his heart.

Especially when he heard that the Nine Nether Emperors of the Nine Nether Kingdom had all died at the hands of Lin Fan, this immediately made the Nightless City Lord full of interest in Lin Fan.

Who is Lin Fan?

Why was he able to kill Emperor Jiuyouming?
Although the Lord of Nightless City did not take Emperor Jiuyouming seriously, Lin Fan's killing of Emperor Jiuyouming was indeed beyond his expectation.

Now that he had already said the words of dominating the Cangya Kingdom, he smiled faintly when he saw that Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian mentioned Lin Fan.

"Lin Fan? You're just a guest of the Promise Palace, and you're scared? Hmph, I'm the Lord of the Nightless City, the heir of the Star Field. Why haven't I encountered such a big storm? Let Lin Fan wait, I want Cut him to pieces himself."

The nightless city lord looked as if he was riding a tiger, but he still didn't care.

It's just Lin Fan, how big a storm can it cause?

Actually, Nightless City Lord didn't know that the future Lin Fan, even his father, Starfield Lord, would feel toothache and anxiety when he heard this name.

It has to be said that the nightless city lord has a youthful posture, after he said this, he looked at Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian.

Then he saw Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian salute him in unison, "I wish the Lord of Nightless City the victory and kill Lin Fan."

As soon as the words fell, the Lord of Nightless City stood up, looked at Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian, "Where is Lin Fan now?"

(End of this chapter)

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