The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1298 Unstoppable

Chapter 1298 Unstoppable
Sure enough, hundreds of thousands of warships carrying millions of Nether Guards were seen rushing towards tens of thousands of warships like destroying heaven and earth.


In an instant, the battleship bearing the brunt was instantly smashed to pieces by hundreds of thousands of warships, which immediately made Nightless City Lord exclaim.

Seeing hundreds of thousands of warships approaching from a distance, the million Nether Guards showed a hideous expression, and the nightless city lord grabbed Cangwuhou and Lietian Emperor angrily, with a murderous look on his face. meaning.

Didn't it mean that the Nine Nether Kingdoms were extinguished?Why did millions of ghost guards appear suddenly?
These Nether Guards, which looked like skeletons, instantly made the Nightless City Lord furious. When he saw Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian, he really wanted to kill them.

At this time, the hundreds of thousands of city guards who never sleep showed expressions of horror.

In particular, the warships of millions of Nether Guards crushed over in an instant, causing hundreds of thousands of Nightless City Guards to be in shock, feeling a bone-chilling chill and rushing towards them.

In an instant, tens of thousands of the Nightless City Guards who bore the brunt were killed.

The Nightless City Lord's face became more and more angry. He didn't expect that hundreds of thousands of Nightless City Guards would not be able to defeat a million Nether Guards.

The main reason is that these Nether Guardians are too terrifying.

They looked like skeletons, and every Nether Guard showed a ferocious sneer, which immediately made hundreds of thousands of Nightless City Guards feel a terrifying aura, rushing towards them.

At the same time, terrifying will-o'-the-wisps emanated from the bodies of Million Nether Guards, making the Nightless City Guards feel the existence of terror even more.

For a while, many Nightless City Guards died under the will-o'-the-wisp and crushing of the Nether Guard.

Seeing only these Nether Guards, they looked coldly at the remaining Nightless City Guards, and these Nightless City Guards broke out in a cold sweat when they saw this scene.

Who would have thought that these Nether Guards were so powerful, each of the nightless city guards looked at the nightless city master in shock, but saw the nightless city master shouted loudly, and threw down Cangwuhou and Emperor Lietian.

"Kill, kill me, just a million Nether Guards. It's just the remnants of Nine Nether Kingdoms, kill them."

The nightless city lord drew out his sword, and it shone for hundreds of thousands of miles like destroying the sky and the earth.

But where the sword light passed, hundreds of thousands of miles were razed to the ground.

The capital of Cangya Kingdom was also shaken, and there was a bang.

Those Nether Guards standing on the battleship, before they could react, were destroyed by the sword light together with the battleship, and instantly turned into dust.

This immediately caused a commotion among the other Nether Guards, and they all backed away.

kill kill kill.

Hundreds of thousands of nightless city guards all killed these retreating Nether Guards, and for a moment, the earth shook, and the sky seemed to be split.

At this moment, City Lord Evernight looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Okay, okay, that's it, that's it."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw the Nightless City Guard who was going forward to kill those Nether Guards, and he stopped moving for an instant.

Before he could react, the Nightless City Guard headed by the city was directly shattered and shattered into a pile of powder.

This immediately made the Nightless City Lord break out in a cold sweat. He didn't expect these Nightless City guards to be killed instantly.

What exactly is going on?

Thinking of this, the Nightless City Lord yelled so loudly that his lungs were about to explode.

Who killed his sleepless city guards?
The Nightless City Guard was killed, not by those retreating Nether Guards.

This immediately caused the nightless city lord to roar, holding a long sword, soaring into the air, he must find the murderer who killed these nightless city guards.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a brilliance that opened up the world suddenly fell from the sky, and it hit the nightless city lord instantly like a thunderbolt.


The nightless city lord originally wanted to block with a long sword.Unexpectedly, as soon as the long sword was struck, he felt that this force instantly shattered his long sword.

Immediately afterwards, the Nightless City Lord opened his mouth to spurt blood, as if he had changed himself.

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian watched this scene.

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian were taken aback, not knowing who the Nightless City Lord was injured by.

Is there any master hidden in these Nether Guards?
For a moment, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian couldn't believe this scene, they showed a shocked look, and immediately felt that this master was too terrifying.

At this moment, the nightless city lord wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and he yelled loudly, unable to suppress the anger in his heart.

Why is this child so terrifying.

In an instant, several thoughts flashed through the heart of Nightless City Lord, and he looked at the man in white with the axe in his hand in shock, not knowing who he was.

"Who is he?"

"This person is holding the God of God Axe, is he from the Nine Nether Kingdom?"

Marquis Cangwu and Dizun Lietian had never seen Lin Fan before. Lin Fan came down from the sky holding the ax that opened the sky, and Marquis Cangwu and Dizun Lietian immediately felt the terrifying murderous intent emanating from this man.

The Nightless City Lord was stunned by Lin Fan's murderous intent. A man in white could crush himself. This scene was simply too terrifying.

All of a sudden, the nightless city lord raised his head and glared at the man in white. He didn't know that the white-clothed man was Lin Fan, but he saw the nightless city lord shouting violently, and a destructive offensive was set off around him.

Boom boom boom.

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian looked at each other in unison, and they both showed expressions of horror.

The man in white appeared majestically and majestically with the God-opening Axe in his hand. It was so terrifying that Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian immediately felt a bone-chilling chill.

At this time, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian looked at City Lord Evernight, only to see City Lord Nightless also showing a horrified expression.

It seems that the nightless city lord is also afraid of this white man in his heart, which immediately made Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian a question.

Who is this man in white?

For a moment, the hearts of Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian suddenly thumped, like falling into an ice cave.

"who are you?"

The Nightless City Lord, who was crushed one after another, looked coldly at the man in white. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the man in white say two words coldly.

These two words are really astonishing.

The white-clothed man who appeared suddenly, holding the God-opening axe, suppressed the Nightless City Lord everywhere, almost blowing up the Nightless City Lord.

At this moment, I saw the man in white say two words coldly.

"Lin Fan."

That's right, he said the word Lin Fan.

Could it be that he is Lin Fan.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Whether it was the nightless city lord, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian, they were all too shocked to speak.

However, the Nightless City Lord was shocked by Lin Fan's strength.

Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian heard that this person was Lin Fan, they all felt chills down their backs, and suddenly felt a breath of death blowing towards their faces.

"Lin Fan, is he Lin Fan?"

In an instant, several thoughts flashed through the hearts of Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian.

Lin Fan is their mortal enemy, but this time, they saw Lin Fan hanging and beating the nightless city lord, which immediately shocked Cangwuhou and Lietian Dizun into a cold sweat.

Immediately, the two of them slipped into the camp of millions of shadow guards, taking advantage of the nightless city lord's unpreparedness.

(End of this chapter)

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