Chapter 1299
Seeing the nightless city lord snorting coldly, he was obviously very angry.

However, the nightless city lord didn't notice that Marquis Cangwu and Lietian Emperor Zun had fled. He looked at Lin Fan coldly. This monster-like opponent instantly aroused the nightless city lord's interest.

As the son of the master of the star field.Nightless City Lord has always been arrogant and does not take others seriously.

This time, he saw Lin Fan showing a playful and contemptuous look, which immediately made City Master Nightless shout loudly, unable to suppress the anger in his heart.

I only heard City Lord Nightless say coldly: "Lin Fan, you are Lin Fan, okay, kill you, Cangya Kingdom and Jiuyouming Kingdom are mine now."

The Nightless City Lord finally understood that this monstrous man was Lin Fan.

Moreover, Lin Fan drove these Nether Guards to kill his Nightless City Guards.

It was also Lin Fan who secretly killed his night guards and injured himself.

This instantly made Nightless City Lord furious, he shouted loudly, glared at Lin Fan, really wanted to kill Lin Fan.

On the other hand, Lin Fan sneered, not paying attention to City Lord Evernight.

To Lin Fan, the Nightless City Lord is like an ant, who can crush him in an instant.

At this time, seeing City Lord Nightless shouting violently, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

This Lin Fan actually beheaded so many nightless city guards, how could he swallow this breath?

In an instant, he saw the Heaven-Opening God Ax in Lin Fan's hand, smashing towards the Nightless City Lord in an instant like the momentum of opening up the sky and the earth.


The nightless city lord was as quick as lightning, and directly killed Lin Fan who had come over.

For a moment, Lin Fan and the nightless city lord fought.

And those Nightless City Guards and Nether Guards fought instantly, the two sides were fighting each other, fighting to the death, and killing each other was inextricable.

At this moment, I saw the Heavenly God Ax in Lin Fan's hand smashing towards the City Lord of Nevernight.

Nightless City Lord wanted to escape, but saw that Lin Fan's strength had reached a terrifying level.

Suddenly, Nightless City Lord felt that Lin Fan's attack hit him like annihilation.


The ax that opened the sky was as fast as destroying the sky and the earth, and the nightless city lord immediately felt the breath of death rushing towards his face.

He spat out blood from his mouth, and the whole person was stunned.

The Nightless City Lord did not expect that Lin Fan's strength had reached such a terrifying level, and his every move made the Nightless City Lord feel a terrifying killing intent from the bottom of his heart.

"His strength is so terrifying? It seems that he is just a strong man in the Supreme Realm."

The outlook on life of the nightless city lord was completely subverted by Lin Fan. A powerful man in the supreme state can not only injure himself, but also kill so many nightless city guards?
All of a sudden, a cold sweat broke out on the back of the nightless city lord. He felt that Lin Fan was too terrifying. Such terrifying strength was simply unimaginable.

At this time, Lin Fan held the Celestial Axe in his hand, and looked coldly at the Nightless City Lord, only to hear him say indifferently: "The Nightless City Lord, you dare to act wild in front of me? Well, this time I will give you a chance .”

After a while, I saw Lin Fan sneering coldly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he looked at City Lord Evernight.

Unexpectedly, seeing Lin Fan's expression, Nightless City Lord broke out in a cold sweat.

He felt that this monstrous Lin Fan didn't seem to intend to let him go.

"Lin Fan, you want to kill me? Hehe, you know, my father is the master of this star field."

Nightless City Lord was so angry that he suddenly showed a ferocious look, which made Lin Fan look at him with a cold smile.

"Master of the Nightless City, you dare to challenge me like an ant like you? Since you are the son of the master of the star field, it is a pity that the master of the star field has more than 1 sons. If you die, he may not know that you are Who."

Lin Fan smiled coldly, and as soon as his words fell, the Nightless City Lord was in a state of shock. This Lin Fan didn't take himself seriously, but he dared to say such words, and the Nightless City Lord's lungs were about to explode. .

For a while, I saw City Lord Nightless snorting coldly. He wanted to tell Lin Fan that he had a noble lineage, but City Lord Lin Fan didn't think of him at all.

Think about this.

Nightless City Lord killed Lin Fan in an instant, but at this moment, Lin Fan showed a sneer, and the Heavenly God Ax in Lin Fan's hand came to kill Nightless City Lord in an instant.


The nightless city lord suddenly felt the breath of death rushing towards his face. He felt Lin Fan's God-opening axe, directly attacking him angrily, and he was too late to dodge.


The nightless city lord was instantly crushed by the god-opening axe, blood spewed out from his mouth, and he was exhausted.

Lin Fan, a man like an evildoer, didn't pay attention to him, and even severely injured him.

In an instant, the nightless city lord was instantly shattered by the god-opening axe, and he died on the spot.

The nightless city lord was killed, and all the nightless city guards shouted loudly. They didn't kill these Nether guards, but killed Lin Fan.

Lin Fan sneered, and smashed the Celestial Ax in his hand.

In an instant, where the Heavenly God Ax passed, the earth cracked and the sky shattered. Lin Fan smiled coldly.

Amidst the miserable cries, these nightless city guards died in an instant, at the hands of Lin Fan.

After killing these nightless city guards, a sneer appeared on Lin Fan's face, and a thought flashed in his heart.

The owner of the Nightless City was killed, and the Nightless City will become a subsidiary of the Cangya Kingdom from now on.

This time, if there are no accidents, the Nightless City, Cangya Kingdom and Jiuyouming Kingdom will be merged.

Lin Fan smiled faintly. Although he killed the nightless city master, he didn't know that the star field master who gave birth to 1 sons knew that one of his sons was the nightless city master.


In the star field, a jade slip suddenly shattered.

In the endless star field, the majestic star palace, the stars are shining brightly.

The star field is the supreme force that controls the three thousand worlds.

The master of the star field is a strong man in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

Above the strong ones in the Great Yuan Beginning Realm are the strong ones in the Great Eternal Realm.

As the master of the star field who is a strong man in the Great Yuan Beginning Realm, he can destroy small countries like Cangya Kingdom, Nine Netherworld Kingdom, and Nightless City with just one finger.

And the Three Thousand Great Worlds are like ants in the eyes of the Starfield Lord.

bang bang.

In a place above the Hall of Stars where the jade slips were placed, suddenly a jade slip was shattered.

Emperor Huayin, who was guarding the jade slip, suddenly saw that the jade slip was shattered. He was shocked, and saw the words "Nightless City Lord" appear on the jade slip.

Several thoughts flashed through Emperor Huayin's heart, and his heart broke out in a cold sweat.

"Isn't this Nightless City Lord the son of the Lord of the Star Region? The eldest son of my Star Region, I'll go and tell the Lord of the Star Region immediately."

Emperor Huayin was taken aback.

He hurriedly grabbed the shattered jade slip, and hurried to the Star Palace where the Lord of the Star Region was.

At this time, he saw the Lord of the Star Region in the Hall of Stars, talking to several beauties, which immediately made Emperor Huayin break out in a cold sweat.

He hurried over and looked at the Lord of the Star Territory, his voice trembling slightly, "My lord, something is not right."

As soon as his words fell, the Lord of the Star Region looked at him, only to see the Lord of the Star Region looked at Emperor Huayin coldly, and his voice showed a touch of coldness.

"what happened."

The Lord of the Star Territory was most annoyed by others disturbing him. He gave Emperor Huayin a cold look, which immediately made the latter break out in a cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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