The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1300 Calm down

Chapter 1300 Calm down
"My lord, the Nightless City Lord has been killed."

After saying this, Emperor Huayin raised his head and looked at the Lord of the Star Region, he was still afraid that the Lord of the Star Region would show his might.

Unexpectedly, the master of the star field was like a normal person, with a calm expression on his face.

This immediately made Emperor Huayin feel that the Lord of the Star Region was planning something?
In other words, the Lord of the Star Territory is angry?
"Oh? Nightless City Lord, who is it?"


Hearing these words from the master of the star field, Emperor Huayin almost spat out blood. He didn't expect that the master of the star field didn't know who the nightless city master was?
Is this okay?Could it be that the Lord of the Star Domain has no impression at all?
You know, the nightless city lord is the son of the star field lord.

"My lord, the Nightless City Lord is your son."

"Oh, my son? How is it possible? How can I not remember?"

Hearing the words of Emperor Huayin, the Lord of the Star Region seemed a little dazed and puzzled.

His son, would he not know?Where does he have the son of the city lord who never sleeps?

This immediately made Nightless City Lord look at Emperor Huayin, and Emperor Huayin thought for a moment.

"This is the jade slip of the nightless city lord, he is your 930th six sons."

After Emperor Huayin finished speaking, he handed the broken jade slip to the Lord of the Star Region.

The Lord of the Starfields reached out to get the jade slip, and he saw that on the jade slip was written City Lord Evernight, the 930th thousand [-] six sons of the Lord of the Starfields.

The Lord of the Star Region twitched his eyebrows. It was really his son, but it was already nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-six. It was no wonder that the Lord of the Star Region had no impression.

Moreover, the appearance of the nightless city lord did not appear in his mind at all. The star field lord sighed, he was really old, and he didn't even know his son.

"The Lord of Nightless City is the 930th, [-]th six sons of the lord. He guarded Nightless City, but he was killed by a man named Lin Fan in white."

Emperor Huayin quickly informed the Lord of the Star Region about the death of the Nightless City Lord.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing the words of Emperor Huayin, the Lord of the Starfield smiled.

"It's not easy for this man in white to be able to kill City Lord Evernight. It's not easy, Emperor Huayin, why don't you invite him and tell him that I want to adopt him as a foster son."

After saying this, the Lord of the Star Region laughed and raised his neck and took a sip of his wine.

This immediately made Emperor Huayin uneasy, and almost dropped his jaw to the ground.

What's the situation?Did you make a mistake?

Emperor Huayin suddenly felt that the Lord of the Star Region didn't care about the cause of the death of the Nightless City Lord at all?

Could it be that the Lord of the Star Field really doesn't have the slightest impression?

"My lord, the Nightless City Lord has been killed."

"Emperor Huayin, don't tell me that the unfilial son was killed. Hurry up and find Lin Fan and tell Lin Fan that I want him to be my adopted son."

After saying this, the Lord of the Star Region gave Emperor Huayin a cold look.

As soon as his words fell, Emperor Huayin gasped, and Emperor Huayin was completely stunned.

It seems that the Lord of the Star Territory has no impression of the Nightless City Lord, and has no sympathy for him.


Emperor Huayin hurriedly said: "Don't worry, my lord, this subordinate will go right away."

Emperor Huayin left in a hurry, and seeing his leaving figure, the Lord of the Starfield slowly stood up.

"I control three thousand great worlds, but I have ten thousand sons. Emperor Huayin, you don't know that having too many children is a burden. Hey, I don't know how strong this Lin Fan is."

As soon as the words fell, an indistinct figure flashed in the heart of the Starfield Lord.

He simply didn't think about it, but went back to the beauties and continued to drink and have fun.

Even if Emperor Huayin had a teleportation formation, it would take a month to travel from the star field to the Cangya Kingdom, so it can be seen how big the star field is.

But in Cangya Kingdom, the Nightless City Lord was killed.Hundreds of thousands of Nightless City guards were also killed, and those battleships in the Nightless City were collected by Lin Fan. After Cangwu Hou and Emperor Lietian were wiped out, he went to the Nightless City and occupied the Nightless City.

This time, although the Nightless City Lord brought hundreds of thousands of Nightless City Guards, the real Nightless City was not affected.

There are still many masters in the city that never sleeps, Lin Fan doesn't want to leave any troubles, so he plans to destroy the city that never sleeps.

In this way, Marquis Cangwu, Nightless City and Nine Nether Kingdoms will be merged into an unprecedented and unprecedented power.

Lin Fan smiled slightly, turned around and strode towards the capital of Cangya Kingdom, followed by hundreds of thousands of warships.

These warships, carrying millions of Nether Guards and hundreds of thousands of Shadow Guards, arrived at the gate of Cangya Kingdom in mighty form.

At this time, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian were both in a cold sweat. They looked at the million Nether Guards and hundreds of thousands of warships together, and several thoughts flashed through their hearts.

And those millions of shadow guards were even more restless, Lin Fan's method of killing the Nightless City Lord was seen by all the shadow guards.

What's more, the Heaven-opening God Ax, which is enough to destroy the world, immediately shocked millions of shadow guards into a cold sweat.

At this time, millions of shadow guards all looked at Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian.

And at this moment, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian saw Emperor Zun Wuji and Patriarch Canglan striding towards Lin Fan's left and right.

Although Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian were standing in front of millions of shadow guards, they felt a chill in their backs.

Especially when he saw Lin Fan standing first, behind him were hundreds of thousands of warships, a million Nether Guards and hundreds of thousands of Shadow Guards.

At this time, the Emperor Wuji and the Patriarch Canglan walked side by side to Lin Fan, and Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian broke out in a cold sweat.

They gasped and their jaws dropped to the floor.

"The Promise Emperor."

Seeing Emperor Wuji, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian gasped. These two rebels from the Cangya Kingdom felt murderous intent when they saw Emperor Wuji.

They knew that if they couldn't kill Emperor Wuji this time, they would definitely be killed by Emperor Wuji. Thinking of this, they all shouted loudly, unable to suppress their anger.

"Marquis Cangwu, Emperor Lietian, I told you before, not to kill the Lord Cangya, but unfortunately, you just didn't listen, and you still colluded with the Lord of Night City, you really have no conscience."

As soon as the words fell, Emperor Wuji looked at Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian coldly. As soon as his words fell, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian broke out in a cold sweat.

For a moment, Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian looked at Emperor Wuji coldly, causing a killing intent to appear on Emperor Wuji's face.

At this moment, there was a tense posture between them.

However, neither Emperor Wuji nor Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian did anything.

They all stared angrily, but several thoughts flashed through their hearts.

At this time, Lin Fan strode over and looked at Emperor Wuji, and then his eyes fell on Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian.

"Emperor Wuji, this time, you deal with Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian."

Lin Fan didn't plan to make a move this time, and as soon as he finished speaking, he looked at Emperor Zun Wuji.

However, Lin Fan's words made Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian extremely excited.

Lin Fan didn't intend to make a move?Let the Promise Emperor fight with the two of us?
Marquis Cangwu and Emperor Lietian suddenly had hope for life. They felt that with their skills, they still couldn't beat Emperor Zun Wuji?

(End of this chapter)

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