Chapter 2213
Presumably you are his only and closest person in this world, so this matter has to be done by you! "

"But." Lingxi hesitated a little:
"We used to be dependent on each other, each other's most precious existence, but now he has been reincarnated for several lives, and I have only been with him for a few months. Will he regard me as his closest person?"

"Of course, after all, you are the only one in this world."

"What's more, the matter has come to this point, and no suitable person can be found, so you can only try it for the time being."

"But don't worry, I will protect the law for you. If not, I will help you get out of his consciousness, but before that, he needs to let you enter his consciousness."

Lingxi's hesitant eyes suddenly became firm: "Then let's start, please trouble the general!"

At the same time, it happened that Zhuo Yi also walked in. Seeing General Xi was about to ship his hair, he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "General, let me do it!"

General Xi hesitated for a moment, then said, "Alright, I'll guide you from the sidelines!"

Zhuo Yi nodded his head slightly, and then stood in front of Liang Xuan. He suddenly calmed down, and when his hands touched and spun, a green aura was like a tide!

At this time, General Xi said: "Miss Ling, remember to hold your breath and concentrate, and sink all your mind into the sea of ​​​​qi, and then Zhuo Yi remembers to use the purest breath to bring out the two's spiritual consciousness to meet. If they merge with each other, then It means that she has successfully entered Liang Xuan's consciousness, if they are mutually exclusive, they must not be forced to merge!"

The two were instructed by him, and then Zhuo Yi sent the purest breath to Lingxi's body, and then pulled another breath out of Liang Xuan's consciousness.

Seeing a group of white and blue light circles piercing through their brows respectively, and then slowly pulling the two light circles together as Xi Jiang said.

Just when the two rays of light were about to merge, Lingxi's consciousness was immediately ejected: "General!"

Seeing that they were repelling each other, Zhuo Yi immediately looked at General Xi.

"I will try again!"

Lingxi's voice sounded again, seeing this situation, General Xi could only nod his head: "Try again."

Zhuo Yi continued to concentrate, and with the traction of his breath, the two circles of light approached again.

"Brother Xuan!"

"what sound?!"

Liang Xuan's consciousness was in a frozen place, and he walked with difficulty in the snowy field, looking at the boundless surroundings, his whole body was covered with snowflakes.

Mother said, Dad came to this area to collect firewood in the morning, and now he has gone for several hours and has not returned. Seeing the worried look of his family members, Liang Xuan came here step by step.

But besides the heavy snow, there is no firewood at all, so how could Dad come here.

Although Liang Xuan thought so, he still walked forward. He was afraid that something would happen to his father. Right now, he just wanted to find him as soon as possible.

"Huh? What is that?"

Seeing the blood-stained snow in front of him, he quickly ran forward with a look of fear on his face.

He caressed the blood-stained snow with his hand that was red from cold, and Liang Xuan immediately ran along the blood stain in deep thought and fear.

Zhuo Yi waved his sleeves and waved his true energy again. After casting the spell for a while, he finally saw that Lingxi's consciousness gradually merged into Liang Xuan's. Xi Jiang saw that he had consumed a lot of true energy , and then shot to bless him as a guardian.

"Is he here?"

Looking at the icy and snowy surroundings, she who belonged to the spirit fox clan didn't feel the cold. On the contrary, Liang Xuan was just an ordinary human race. If he was here, he would definitely not be able to withstand such a cold weather.

Immediately, she turned into her original form and quickly crawled through the snow. No matter what, she must take Liang Xuan out of here. This time, she can't lose him again!

"Father, where are you!"

Liang Xuan trembled and kept calling to the surroundings, and with more and more blood stains under his feet, he began to fear whether things were really as he thought.

After panting for breath, he ran forward again with difficulty until he stood on a snow slope, seeing that there was no way ahead, but the blood on the snow still remained.

He looked down with trembling pupils, but saw a person lying under the snowy slope. Liang Xuan saw the patches on that person's clothes, which his mother sewed for his father at night. He couldn't believe it. Everything just froze in place.


Liang Xuan jumped down without hesitation, but passed out due to a head injury caused by the rolling snow slope. When he woke up again, he found himself lying on the snow. Everything that happened seemed to no longer exist.

Lingxi kept searching and calling in the snow all over the sky, but she couldn't find him except in the vast expanse of whiteness.

"General, why don't I do it myself, it's too exhausting!" Zhuo Yi said, turning his head to look at the lucky general behind him.

"It doesn't matter, it's easy for you to deplete your cultivation, and the two of you can get relief if you cast spells together."

"It's just that she has to bring Liang Xuan out quickly, otherwise, after a long time, when we lose all our strength, both of them will be trapped in it and unable to get out!"

"Then what to do!"

Zhuo Yi's face suddenly darkened.

"Use your spiritual sense to summon her and ask her to bring Liang Xuan out as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

Immediately, Zhuo Yi closed his eyes slightly and submerged his thoughts in the sea of ​​air.

"Miss Ling'er, you can't delay any longer, you need to bring Liang Xuan out as soon as possible, otherwise, after a long time, even you will be trapped in Liang Xuan's consciousness and cannot come out!"

When Lingxi heard this, she became even more anxious. She looked around and immediately became human.

"Brother Xuan!"

"Where are you!"

Liang Xuan struggled to crawl in the iceberg and snow, both the corners of his mouth and face were covered with traces of frostbite.

While he was weak, he seemed to hear someone calling his name, but now his consciousness was gradually weakening, and he could no longer tell whether it was an auditory hallucination.

Lingxi yelled with all her strength while walking, looking at the white surroundings, there was no one responding except for the echo from her ears. Ever since she turned into a human body and stayed by his side, whenever she spoke, Liang Xuan would always respond to her.

As the snow fell more and more heavily, Liang Xuan could no longer move his heavy body. He could only let it be covered by the snow, and his whole body was affected by the cold air, as if he had become numb.

"Am I really going to die here?"

"He smiled at the corner of his mouth unconsciously, and said in a weak voice: "It's also good that I can go with them. "

Thinking back to what happened just now, isn't it just what happened, and now it's turning around in my mind again, isn't it just reminding myself that I have nothing to worry about in this world, and what's the point of living.

Lingxi, who had been running for an unknown amount of time, finally saw Liang Xuan's figure not far away. She shouted hoarsely and came to his side in a blink of an eye.

"Brother Xuan, wake up!"

"Lingmo, don't scare me. I've been looking for you for 1000 years. Do you know why you took the blame and left me alone!"

Lingxi hugged him and cried bitterly. Tears rolled down her cheeks and fell on Liang Xuan's face. He felt a burst of warmth on his cold skin. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Lingxi's tears streaming down his face. , subconsciously reached out and touched it.

"Ling'er, why are you crying?"

Lingxi heard Liang Xuan's voice, and looked at him quickly: "Brother Xuan, you finally woke up!"

(End of this chapter)

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