The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2214 Forever

Chapter 2214 Forever
She squeezed his cold hand tightly and said, "You are not allowed to abandon me again, do you know that I can't live without you at all!"

"Silly girl, am I still alive?" Liang Xuan couldn't help laughing: "Yes, she has no relatives and no reason in this world like me, and finally has my brother. If I leave, if she is bullied what to do."

"Then cheer up, okay? I'll take you away. Let's go home together and go back to the past. From now on, there will only be the two of us, okay?"

Lingxi looked at him with tears in her eyes, unwilling to be separated from him again. Seeing her tearful eyes, Liang Xuan suddenly flashed a picture in his mind. In the picture, there seemed to be a woman crying, as if calling for Brother Mo.

Seeing him suddenly closing his eyes and frowning, Lingxi panicked instantly: "What's the matter, are you feeling unwell?"

"It's okay." Liang Xuan covered his head for a while, then opened his eyes to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "Okay, let's go home, I will always be with you in the future and will not leave you. Stop crying, you know."

"Okay, I promise you." Lingxi laughed while crying.

After the words fell, Liang Xuan disappeared into his arms.


Zhuo Yi nodded towards the general with piercing eyes, and then withdrew the spell. Immediately afterwards, Lingxi also regained consciousness, and knelt down beside Liang Xuan's bed in a panic. Seeing that he was still asleep, he was immediately worried.

"General, what's going on, why hasn't she woke up yet!"

Just as she turned her head to look at General Xi with tears in her eyes, she suddenly felt a chill in her hands.


Lingxi quickly looked at him nervously: "Brother Xuan, you finally woke up!"

Liang Xuan looked up with a pale face, and said with dull eyes: "I seem to have had a long, long dream. In the dream, I was sitting with my family, smiling happily, but that dream was very short, and I haven't had time yet." Feel that warmth, and it suddenly disappears."

"You said how great it would be if they were still there. It would be great if it really happened like in a dream. It's a pity that my fate is like this after all. Everyone around me is destined to leave me."

Seeing his expression, Lingxi felt even more anxious: "No, no, don't you still have me, and I will always be with you forever."

Zhuo Yi saw his sickly face, and his dull eyes looked like a walking dead.

"Brother Liang, the people in the past should let the past go, instead of just thinking about it blindly. You should cheer up, look forward, cherish the present, and cherish the people around you."

"In order to find you, Miss Ling not only took great pains to take care of you when you woke up, but also didn't sleep well for several days. You will only make her worry more."

Liang Xuan shifted his gaze to Lingxi's face, and saw that her eyes were rosy, and tears overflowed from her eye sockets in an instant: "Why are you crying?"

Subconsciously, he gently wiped away the tears on her face, and sat up quickly.

General Xi patted Zhuo Yi, and then walked out of the house one after another.

"I... I didn't cry."

Lingxi wiped her face in a panic. Liang Xuan saw her like this. Although he couldn't tell what it was like, he felt a stabbing pain in his heart, and he couldn't see her being wronged in any way.

"I'm sorry you worried about me for so long."

Lingxi suddenly clenched his hand and said, "Can you stay with me all the time like this, don't go anywhere in the future, and don't feel depressed anymore, okay?"

Seeing that she was very emotional, Liang Xuan couldn't help being taken aback. Lingxi realized that she was overly emotional, and quickly calmed down: "I'm sorry, I couldn't control my emotions just now, but I was just too worried about what might happen to you !"

"Okay, I promise you that I will stay with you from now on, but my brother still has to earn money to support you, so how can he not go anywhere?"

Liang Xuan touched her head with a doting expression and smiled. Lingxi was taken aback immediately, and her face turned rosy involuntarily. Then she couldn't help getting up and hugging him: "Since you promised, you can't go back on your word." !"

"That's natural!"

The smile on Lingxi's face gradually faded: "It turns out that you have only regarded me as your sister all this time, but that's fine, as long as I can be with you all the time, Lingxi is already content."

General Xi turned his back to Zhuo Yi and said solemnly: "Liang Xuan has an extremely yin body, both in potential and explosive power. If he is guided, he will definitely be a good hand of the city lord in the future!"

"The general means that he wants to recruit Liang Xuan into his sect?!"

"That's right, but he doesn't have to go to the trial. After a while, you can talk to him for me!"

Zhuo Yi was a little startled, this seemed to be the first time someone had entered the Western General's eyes, even though Qian Kun was quite favored by him back then, he had passed the trial before entering the Western General's Mansion.

In the mansion, except for Zhuo Ming Qiankun who is a little special, everyone else in the mansion passed the trial before they were able to join Xi Jiang's sect.

But speaking of what this extremely yin body is, Zhuo Yi felt a little curious, seeing the serious look on the general's face, he instantly dispelled the idea of ​​asking.

At the same time, Lin Fan had already arrived outside the Hall of Killing Evil, but leaves fell everywhere, and it was desolate, let alone people, not even a bird.

"I didn't expect that the Shasha Hall is in such a desolate place. If it weren't for the map drawn by the general, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to find it today."

Seeing the pattern on his hand, Lin Fan immediately looked up at the gate of the Shasha Hall, and saw that it was closed tightly. Could it be that there is no one there?
However, according to General Xi, Zhuo Yu and Zhuo Bai have not returned since yesterday and this morning, so it is only possible that they are here.

He stood there for a moment, then went up and knocked on the door. The moment his hand touched the door, the door opened automatically. Although Lin Fan was a little surprised, he was also expecting it.

After all, if those two guys were really captured, shouldn't Hall Master Lengsha just sit and wait for someone to come to his door to confess his mistake? of blood.

Lin Fan pondered for a moment, then went straight in. What made him stand out was the strange painted walls. But after thinking about it, these scenes fit the place where a beast master lived, but it was more depressing. Some, with Lin Fan's usual style, he couldn't adapt to this kind of environment.

"My Shasha Hall is really lively these few days, people come to visit me every now and then."

Lin Fan saw that Leng Sha was lying on the bed in front of him with his eyes slightly closed, looking lazily.

"Meet the hall master!" Lin Fan greeted politely. After all, the first impression is extremely important. Although he met him last time, he didn't communicate much, and he couldn't even remember himself.

Leng Sha glanced at Lin Fan, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth, "This is Jun Lang's young gentleman again."

"It's a pleasure to meet you haha!" Lin Fan couldn't help but his heart sank: "What does he mean by this, why can't people understand it?"

"I'm taking the liberty, seeing the door open by itself, I think you did it on purpose, so I came in."

"It doesn't matter, after all, those two boys in front just broke into my hall, you are much more polite."

After saying that, Leng Sha poured a sip of wine into his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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