The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2291 Deja Vu

"Hahaha, what's the matter?" Zhuo Yu and Zhuo Bai took a step back and continued to look at him.

The girl immediately retracted her gaze and smiled with a slightly red face.

So, Lin Fan put his hands behind his back and continued to tell about the origin of the Shark Pearl.

In fact, the shark clan has been living in the deep sea for generations and has never touched land. However, there are a few who are too curious and want to see the scenery of this world, so they violate the clan order and come here privately. Shore.

When the shark first left the deep sea where she lived, she never thought that there was a violent storm on the sea surface. The waves that night were so big that even with her spiritual power, she would almost be caught in it.

But this could not stop her curiosity and expectation to see the human world. At that time, a fishing father and his son happened to be swept into the sea. The beautiful shark followed the cry for help and turned around to save him. Down.

But she could only save one person at a time, so in the critical moment of life and death, she rescued the boy who was only 12 years old. After rescuing him back to the shore, his father had already been swept into the waves and disappeared.

When the shark saw that the boy was unconscious, she sent her spiritual power to him and stayed by his side all night, and did not leave until the next morning. At that time, she was afraid that the boy would see her when he woke up. body, so he decided to leave before he woke up.

"Ah, then this boy doesn't know who saved him in this life?" Zhuo Yu said in surprise.

Zhuo Yu's words were true, and it was precisely because of such a coincidence that all the subsequent misunderstandings and tragedies occurred.

Not long after the shark left, a little girl picking up shells happened to pass by. When she saw this, she took her back to her house. When the boy woke up, he thought she had saved him and was deeply grateful to her. Affection.

Since then, the two have grown up together and have been like childhood sweethearts. They have already formed a deep relationship. Their parents even made a marriage contract for this purpose, planning to get married when they grow up.

As the boy grew up, his appearance became more and more prominent, and his family gradually became rich after he ran a fishery, becoming a well-known local wealthy family. And the girl who nominally rescued him is looking forward to the day of getting married to him. , in this way, she can sit back and enjoy the success and grow old together with her beloved.

Naturally, during this period many women were attracted to boys, which also caused jealousy and jealousy among girls.

As time passed, the day when the two got married was getting closer, but the boy suddenly learned the news from his fisherman that he had caught a mermaid. The boy was shocked and hurried to see it.

Everyone knows that a mermaid can turn into bright beads with just a shed of tears. The girl rushed there after hearing the news. When the boy saw the mermaid, he was shocked by her touching beauty. But there is still a feeling of déjà vu.

Especially when he saw the shocking injuries on her body, he couldn't bear it, because the boy had been kind since he was a child, and even when he became a rich man, he always extended kindness and never forgot his original intention.

Little did he know that the shark was the one who saved him from death when he was a child, but the boy didn't know about it, so he didn't take it to heart.

But looking at her blue pupils, his mind flashed back to the danger of being swept away by waves when he was a child. In addition, the death of his father left a big shadow in his heart.

He was also deeply puzzled by how he was able to escape from the waves. He also wondered for a long time how he could have survived the huge waves at that time.

This question has troubled him for a long time, and he also asked the girl, but she just covered it up with one or two sentences, saying that it had been so long and she couldn't remember it clearly.

The first time the shark saw the boy, she knew at a glance that he was the human race that she had saved back then. However, before she inherited the rule of the shark race, she was unable to speak and could not transform into legs.Everyone was even more salivating when they saw the shark, and they were planning to take action against the shark. Full of greed, they planned to torture him privately, making the shark shed tears in pain, naively thinking that they could get the shark's pearl in this way.

"Don't sharks turn into beads just because they shed tears?"

Seeing the innocent doubt of the woman in front of him, Lin Fan couldn't help but smile: "Of course not. Only when a shark is truly emotional can the tears he shed turn into bright white beads. If he is forced to shed tears of pain, they will be different from those of ordinary people." It’s no different.”

"So, everything has spirit. From a certain point of view, this kind of behavior of human beings is really a crime worthy of death. If it weren't for their greed, how could there be fewer and fewer creatures in the world year by year."

The girl immediately nodded with twinkling eyes: "I agree with the young master."

Lin Fan smiled and continued to talk.

The boy saw everyone holding weapons and was about to attack the shark. However, she was seriously injured and could no longer resist. She could only struggle fiercely. Seeing this, the boy quickly stopped, and the unbearable feeling in his heart was clearly expressed.

At this time, the girl who nominally saved him arrived. Of course, the same person also knew her, because when she was leaving, he happened to see the girl appear, so the same person was able to leave with peace of mind. Unexpectedly, it seems that now, she is actually the most powerful person. Under his own name, he was with this boy.

For this reason, the same guy couldn't help but feel ridiculous, but fortunately, he didn't save the wrong person. The boy didn't have murderous intentions towards her.

Just as the girl was about to speak, the boy ordered everyone to release the shark, which made the girl angry because she desperately wanted the shark pearl.

However, he did not dare to spoil his kind and considerate impression in front of the boy, so he could only watch with gritted teeth as they released the mermaid back into the sea.

Before leaving, the shark looked at the boy with grateful eyes, and just like that, she returned to the sea again, but for some reason, the boy felt so familiar when he saw her walking back.

Later, the boy couldn't help but come here every night, sitting alone on the beach and looking at the waves of the sea. He didn't know what he was looking forward to. It seemed that after seeing the shark that day, he became unforgettable.

Maybe he wanted to see her again and ask her if she had seen her before.

But for several days, he didn't see any sign of the shark again. He remembered that he saw her covered with injuries that day, and he couldn't help but feel worried.

It wasn't until a few days later that he was sitting on the beach and gradually fell asleep, when he suddenly heard sparkling waves on the sea surface, reflecting the moonlight. He looked around and saw the beautiful mermaid leaning out of the sea.

He couldn't help but call softly, but he didn't expect the shark to turn around and leave, so he couldn't help but take a step forward, looked down, and found that he had actually walked into the sea water.

For several days in a row, he continued to come here and gradually interacted with the shark. This also allowed the girl to witness the intimacy between the two. She couldn't help but become furious and secretly had murderous intentions.

When the boy was about to arrive the next day, she deliberately held him back because she had already ambushed people on the coast and set a trap, waiting for the shark to fall into the trap (End of Chapter)

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