The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2292 Lost God

Chapter 2292 Lost God

"Damn it, even if you pretend to be someone else, you actually want to kill her. This woman is too vicious!" Zhuo Yu couldn't help but said angrily.

Zhuo Bai pondered for a moment and said in a low voice: "I think this man is also at fault. Since he has feelings for the shark, why don't he tell the woman clearly and ask clearly?"

The girl next to him also continued: "I think what this young man said is reasonable. The two have an engagement, but the man has not made it clear to the woman. Doing so is tantamount to betraying the woman and their engagement. "

"But when he asked about what happened back then, she deliberately concealed it and lied that she couldn't remember the matter. She wanted me to say that both sides were at fault. But what made me curious was that the shark had already interacted with him, but Have you told him what happened?"

After listening to Li Fan's remarks, Lin Fan's eyes suddenly lit up: "You are asking the right question, but the actions of the two of them also led to the subsequent tragedy!"

In fact, it was the same night that Mermaid said goodbye to him. She knew very well that her identity and the human race would not lead to a good outcome. In addition, he was already engaged, so she had secretly given up on this relationship.

She also decided to go back and inherit the rule of the Shark Clan and never return to the human race. After hearing the news that she was leaving and never coming back, the man gave her the hairpin he had carefully prepared a few days ago as a farewell gift.It was after this move was caught by the girl that she secretly had murderous intentions. The shark also hoped to see him again tomorrow in order to offer his own shark pearl as a return gift.

Later, according to her plan, the shark fell into her trap as expected. Even though she was seriously injured later, she still escaped with her spiritual power.

When the man arrived, he did not see the figure of the shark. He stayed there all night and never saw her again. Since then, he has never seen her again.

"What happened next?" Qiankun asked subconsciously when he saw Lin Fan staring at the shark beads on his neck with his eyes a little lost.

"There is no later." Lin Fan cleared his throat and turned around and said, "I don't know what happened next. This is just a folk rumor, just made up by people."

"But it sounds so real. What if it is true?" Lin Fan turned to look at the girl and saw the harmless and innocent look on her face. He couldn't help but smile: "It's just a story. After listening to it, girl Just forget about it.”

"But I don't know what the girl's name is. Maybe we can drop by and take you back?"

Seeing Lin Fan's crooked eyebrows and the slight smile on his lips, the woman unconsciously blushed slightly and said, "The little girl's name is Zhang Rui, and she was born into a clam pearl collector in Benghe Village ahead. "

Looking in the direction she pointed, Lin Fan smiled and said, "We're on our way, how about we go together?"

"Thank you very much, sir!" Zhang Rui said with a thin smile and a low eyebrow.

"You're welcome, hahahaha!" Zhuo Yu replied first, and Li Fan chuckled at him: "This girl is with Brother Xie Lin, what are you doing here?"

"I'm answering for Brother Lin, can't I?" Zhuo Yu pretended to smile at Li Fan.

"Okay." Li Fan glanced at him with a half-smile, then put his hand on Qiankun, whispering in a low voice: "How can you, senior brother, be so shameless? When I enter your Xijiang Mansion, I have to climb on his head. No!"

Qiankun then revealed a sly smile: "But Brother Lin, what should we do with these two people?"

He pointed at the two people on the ground who were beaten black and blue, and said coldly.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about them. If you have the guts to chase someone in broad daylight, then you must have a lot of background. Just look at me!"

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows and walked closer to the two of them. Seeing the swollen eyes of each of them, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Looking at how strong and strong they are, how can they not resist a blow? I just waved my hand lightly, and how could these eyes be swollen?" Is it like this?"

Zhuo Yu on the side shrank back subconsciously and murmured in a low voice: "Uh-huh, this doesn't look like a light wave. If I can be knocked out for so long, I guess I have suffered internal injuries."

Lin Fan raised his eyes and looked at Zhuo Yu with a playful smile: "Come here!" It's over, he must have heard what he didn't say!
Zhuo Yu walked past timidly, and then Lin Fan waved his hand to Zhuo Bai. The two of them looked at him blankly, and when they saw him wink, they immediately understood.

In the blink of an eye, the two men in black felt a chill in their bodies, and even their bodies were suspended in the air. They opened their eyes one after another and saw that they were hanging on the cliff with their whole bodies tied up.

"What, what's going on?!"

The two people suddenly raised their eyes and looked at Lan Xun. Their bodies were supported by a rope tied to the tree trunk. For a moment, they suddenly became panicked, with fear on their faces.

"You, who are you!"

"Don't act rashly. This tree trunk won't be able to support you two for long. If you're not careful, you may fall!"

Lin Fan took a step forward and looked down at them with blurred pupils. Seeing the gravel falling under his feet, he felt inexplicably happy.

Qiankun, who was standing by, saw the falling gravel and stared at it intently. His mind couldn't help but recall the scene in his dream, and the fear in his heart suddenly arose again.

Zhuo Bai behind him saw sweat on his forehead, and immediately took his hand and comforted him: "Are you afraid of heights?"

Qiankun nodded somewhat absentmindedly. Seeing this, Li Fan stepped forward and pulled him behind him: "Are you okay? If you are afraid of heights, just walk farther away and don't get so close to the cliff."

"Okay" Qiankun felt that his chest was still shaking violently. He was not like this before. Ever since that strange dream, he was particularly afraid of cliffs or high places, and he only wanted to retreat.

"A good man will save his life, a good man will save his life!"

Lin Fan twirled the dagger in his hand and sat on the ground with a wicked smile on his face: "Now I know you will spare your life. Just now I saw that you are very brave, how dare you chase and kill a little girl under the blue sky and in broad daylight."

Zhang Rui couldn't help but feel happy when she saw Lin Fan venting his anger for him.

"We didn't mean it, we just used money to do things!" One of the men in black said with his whole body trembling, his face getting paler.

"Shut up!" Another man in black suddenly enlarged his pupils and shouted angrily at him.

"Hey, you still dare not say anything now. I'm afraid if you speak a little later, I can't guarantee that this hand will still be stable." Lin Fan stared at the dagger playfully, and gradually moved closer to his rope.

"I said, I said I said!!!"

He couldn't help but his gums trembled, and his whole body was filled with coldness: "You are really going to die, and you still want to keep your mouth shut for that woman!"

"But we use money to do things, and we promised her not to tell!"

Seeing the nervousness on his face, his breathing became even faster.

"I didn't expect you to be very principled. It's a pity that you used your principles in the wrong place. It's really not appropriate to pay to kill people." Lin Fan turned the dagger leisurely and couldn't help but feel that he was getting more and more interesting.

"What do you know? As long as we can get money, there is no harm in killing. Besides, the two of us brothers didn't really want to kill her, they just wanted to scare the girl."

(End of this chapter)

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