The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2308 Prohibition

Chapter 2308 Prohibition
Lan Xun suddenly opened his eyes, and the cold light in his eyes made him subconsciously step back a few meters: "Okay, but before that, you better be quiet!"

The next second, Hong Jing was under his restraining spell again.

"You, just wait for me. I will make you pay back the shame you have done me thousands of times in the future!"

Lan Xun closed his cold eyes and waved his hand: "Noisy!"

Hong Jing's sword body suddenly trembled violently. Not only was he unable to move, but his voice was also silenced.

The Human Emperor was silent for a long time, and then he mustered up the courage to ask: "I don't know why the master just let that demon go. He came here with a purpose. If you don't get rid of him, I'm afraid he will do something to you." unfavorable."

"As the right-hand man of the Demon Lord, his strength should not be underestimated. If we really get rid of him, I am afraid it will cause the Demon Lord to attack the human race."

"Besides, with my body like this, what can I do to him?" Lin Fan couldn't help but sigh to himself.

"Master, you still have me. I can be your sharp weapon in front of you. I can command you at will and kill everyone who harms you!"

Lin Fan curled his lips, and a smile gradually spread in his eyes: "I know you are protecting me, but now is not a good time to confront him head-on."

"As long as he doesn't do anything harmful to the human race, I can tolerate him staying in this world, but if he doesn't listen to my warning and acts recklessly, I won't let him go!"

"Yes, Master!" The Human Emperor knew that even at the last moment of his life, he was still thinking about the human race. He didn't understand why after so many years, he couldn't abandon everything and live for himself.

As he spoke, the night quickly passed.

Lin Fan finally recovered almost after adjusting his breath in the second half of the night. Seeing that they were still sleeping soundly, Lin Fan unconsciously smiled slightly.

After intermittent heavy rain, I actually saw a gorgeous rainbow appearing on the horizon in the morning, which made me feel inexplicably happy.

The Human Emperor also sprang out from between his brows and appeared beside him to accompany him to appreciate it. He recalled that the last time he saw the rainbow was in Kyushu. At that time, the Human Emperor had not yet transformed into a human form and could only see through Lin Fan's eyes saw the beauty of the horizon.

And this was also the most unforgettable moment for him. After all, he was always busy in Kyushu and rarely had the opportunity to calm down and enjoy his own time.

Qiankun also woke up, and his first reaction was to check on his senior brothers. Listening to Zhuo Yu's weak snoring, he smiled and felt relieved.

"Let them sleep a little longer." He turned around and found that the spiritual master was no longer in the house. He then looked outside the house and saw a gap in the door. It seemed that he had gone out.

"It's so beautiful. It would be great if time could stay at this moment." The Human Emperor imitated Lin Fan's deep expression and sighed.

"You, if time stays at this moment, will this world continue to work?" Lin Fan nodded his forehead with a smile.

Suddenly he heard the door creaking and looked subconsciously. Seeing Qiankun and others walking out, Zhuo Yu kept looking at the wound on his hand with an unbelievable look on his face. Did it heal automatically overnight?
"Senior brother, Li Fan, it was the spiritual master who forced out the demonic poison for you last night." Qiankun's eyes flashed slightly.

Seeing that Zhuo Bai and others were about to bow their heads and say thank you, Lin Fan quickly supported them: "It was my negligence in leaving the meeting last night that caused you to be poisoned by the demon. There is no need to say thank you for this."

"How can this be possible? The spiritual master must have activated the spiritual power in the body for the three of us last night. As far as we are concerned, your body is the most important thing since we have been poisoned by the demon." Zhuo Yu hurriedly stepped forward. Front: "Yes, it was my carelessness last night that gave that demon a chance to sneak attack, otherwise I would have beaten him to the point where he wouldn't even recognize his biological father."

Li Fan was a little confused. From what they said, could it be that there was something strange about the spiritual master's body?

"Okay, now that you have recovered, we have to continue on our way, otherwise something will happen if we pause for a moment. My body and bones cannot tolerate your torment like this."

"That's what the spiritual master said, but are you sure your body is fine?" Zhuo Bai still couldn't let go and said with a slight frown.

Lin Fan suddenly smiled: "Don't worry, I can't do anything. But you should go back and practice more. If I'm not by your side, I might be eaten alive by the demon."

Seeing him turn around and walk away calmly, waving his hands and speaking calmly, it still made people feel a little worried.

In Yunfu City, with the four generals performing their duties, Linkong did not dare to make any big moves. However, he did not give up on the altar. He even harbored strong resentment because of Qiankun's design. .

Not only were more than a dozen people in the Qian Mansion executed temporarily with heavy weapons, but they were also hung outside Lincheng to be exposed to the sun for more than ten days, and then dumped directly in a mass grave. General Xi also learned of this through the news spread by Lingkong. Condition.

However, he was not ignorant of Ling Kong's methods, but he wanted to use this to attract Qian and Kun, thus igniting the conflict between the two cities. However, what he miscalculated was that Qian and Kun were no longer in Lincheng and did not know the news.

Not to mention, Qiankun has completely broken up with the Qian family. Based on what Qian Qian did to him in the past, General Xi will not take action.

The latest news is that Lin Kong has made a new move recently, that is, he has spent a lot of money to hire a porcelain craftsman with excellent skills. The purpose is obviously for the altar that he has tried every means to make.

However, those porcelain generals were sent from the county capital, which showed that the two city lords were secretly closely connected.

Just as General Xi was stunned, Zhuo Yi walked in: "General, I have found out the details about Mo Ran, the seventh disciple of Nanjiang Mansion, that you asked me to find out."

"At the beginning, the city lord thought that the previous lord of the county capital had solved Yunfu City's urgent needs, so when the current city lord Lin Jue proposed to send his brother to one of the four generals, the city lord did not refuse, but he also did not explicitly accept it. .”

Zhuo Yi put his hand on his chin and said thoughtfully: "After all, our city lord has never known Lin Jue in depth. Who knows if he has inserted himself into our Yunfu City with a purpose."

"However, considering the friendship of the previous city lord, we, the city lord, haven't had time to repay it, so it's hard to offend him directly, so we can only see if he is capable."

"So the city lord said that he needs to go through a trial before he can get started, but he seems to have chosen Nan Jiang. The specific reason seems to be because he has the shadow of his elder brother in him."

"I found this out from the letter he wrote himself when I secretly sent someone to monitor him."

"What do you mean by this?" General Xi suddenly raised his eyes and looked at him, wondering: "Isn't his eldest brother Lin Jue? But as far as I know, Lin Jue's temperament is nothing like General Nan."

Zhuo Yi continued: "This person is not referring to Lin Jue. Lin Jue is just his second brother. Few people may know it outside. He actually has an older brother named Lin Jue, and Mo Ran takes his mother's surname. , so the surname is Mo."

(End of this chapter)

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