Chapter 2309 Worry
"Suddenly hearing the news, my subordinates also specially investigated this person. It is said that before Lin Jue became the city lord, their family was in poverty. Fortunately, his eldest brother, Lin Jue, became famous with his martial arts skills. His parents shared a lot of the money he earned, which also allowed his two younger brothers to have enough food and clothing."

"Of course, the neighbors saw his filial piety and kindness and praised him all the time. Unfortunately, he suddenly became disabled for some unknown reason. Some people say that jealousy of talents was caused by accidentally breaking his hamstring while practicing martial arts. of."

"But I think this is a bit strange. For someone who practices martial arts all year round, let alone a person with outstanding talent, this kind of mistake should not happen."

Xi Jiang's eyes fell on the dagger on the table and he was slightly calm.

"A few years ago, Lin Jue somehow made the former city lord Li Yuanzhi willingly give up the position of city lord to him, and then he allowed him to take the position of city lord openly. After all, this is their internal secret. Subordinates It’s not yet clear what the situation is.”

"However, the relationship between the three brothers is extremely complicated, and as far as Lin Jue is concerned, it is as if this eldest brother has never existed. Apart from announcing that Mo Ran is his younger brother, he has not mentioned this person who has worked so hard for him. Brother."

"But one thing I can be sure of is that the relationship between Lin Kuai and his younger brother Mo Ran is not good. On the contrary, Mo Ran is much closer to his eldest brother Lin Guo, and he also uses him as an example, and it is also because of him that he I have embarked on the path of spiritual practice.”

"Although it was not his original intention to enter the Nanjiang Mansion, he has been a very hard-working among the brothers since he entered the manor. Even though he does not have Lin Yu's talent, he has worked hard day and night to cultivate. It has been greatly improved in a short period of time.”

"Even several of his senior brothers have difficulty dealing with him, so he is also highly valued by General Nan, and Mo Ran also stands very firmly on General Nan's side and will never go against him for Lin Jue."

"By the way, my spy also said that sometimes after receiving a letter from Lin Jue, his temperament would change drastically, and he would find fault with the junior brother of Nanjiang Mansion. It is said that that junior brother is as deep as Qiankun. The brothers like him because he has a good temper and can take care of others, but they also blame him for picking on weaklings."

"Okay, then you remember to send someone to monitor him. It is best not to let him do anything harmful to Yunfu City. Of course, it would be best if he is not bewitched by Lin Jue and does not go against us."

General Xi suddenly thought that General Nan's mansion was famously heavily guarded. He remembered that when he was surrounded by enemies from all sides, General Nan was always guarding the house to prevent secrets from being leaked.

"I wonder who you sent is actually capable of sneaking into General Nan's Mansion to find out information?"

Zhuo Yi was stunned by this question. He suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and when he was thinking of making up a random reason, he was deflated the moment he met General Xi's eyes.

"Well, he specifically told me not to reveal his identity. I also swore a poisonous oath to him, so..." Zhuo Yi looked embarrassed and didn't dare to look at General Xi again.

"Haha, I understand. You can go down first. Then we can ask your informant to monitor us for a while. When the city lord comes back, we can discuss all this again."

Zhuo Yi's eyes flashed and he responded quickly: "Yes, general!"

"Wait a minute, does the reward mean to you that the city lord is coming back soon?" He said with his eyes gleaming and his eyelashes fluttering.

"Yes, the deputy general sent a letter. The city lord has woken up, and all the poison on his body has faded. However, there is still a residual poison that has eroded his lungs, causing him to lose a part of his memory."

"But fortunately, he generally remembers it. The lost memory seems to be related to the fifth lady, but he can recover quickly and his body will recover soon."

"That's good." The letter that Zhuo Yi suddenly mentioned was suddenly released. Otherwise, the fifth lady, who had been waiting for the city lord for so long, would suddenly have to face him losing his memory of her, and she would be heartbroken.

Seeing that General Xi still had a solemn look on his face, when the city lord came back, he could rest for a while. Otherwise, seeing that he was getting thinner and thinner, I wonder if he would be able to bear it. Otherwise, he should ask the cook to make more soup for the general. Drink.

Zhuo Yi secretly made a decision, and then he handed over his hands and said: "Then I will take my leave first. I will remember to take more rest and don't exhaust myself!"

Seeing that he was silent, he seemed to be thinking about something important. It was not convenient to say anything more at the moment, and it would be even worse to interrupt his train of thought, so he tried to keep his voice as low as possible and left.

Speaking of which, the general just said that he knew what was going on. Could it be that he knew who the spy I was talking about was?

Zhuo Yi was thinking as he walked, but no matter what, it would be better to follow the general's instructions before giving instructions to his grandson, otherwise he would be really afraid that something like that ink might take advantage of the loophole.

After all, he is someone who is valued by General Nan who has a thousand-year-old ice face. It can be imagined that this person is definitely not simple!
"Second Senior Brother?"

He heard Zhuo Ming's voice and quickly followed it: "Hey, why are you here?"

Seeing that he was sitting in a wheelchair, it was inconvenient to be alone, so he pushed him out of habit and said, "Are you hungry? I happen to be hungry too. Come on, I'll take you to the kitchen!"

Just as Zhuo Ming was about to speak, he felt a gust of wind in front of him: "Second Senior Brother, can you push it a little slower?"

"Oh, good!"

"The reason why I came here is..." "It's because I haven't seen Xiao Qiankun for a long time, so I miss them, right?" Zhuo Yi interrupted, and he could see what he was thinking at a glance. After all, the two of them are brothers who get along. The one who has been around the longest is also the one who knows him best.

Just by looking at his eyes or expression, you can tell what he is thinking, because although he talks little, he is also the one who has the hardest time concealing his thoughts. Over the years, his emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy have all been displayed on his face. .

Seeing him tilting his head in embarrassment, he really guessed it.

"Actually, I'm worried that without the help of the third and fifth senior brothers to help the general manage matters in the mansion, I'm afraid they will be entangled in more things, so..."

Seeing him sigh softly, he didn't expect that he had guessed wrong. It turned out that he was worried about the general's affairs, but seeing his depressed look, after all, he was powerless about many things, it would really make him feel uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, I took you to the kitchen not only to fill our bellies, but of course the most important thing is because of our general~"

Zhuo Yi tilted his head and smiled at him: "But have you forgotten that beside the general, I am a capable person who can definitely help a lot, so you better not worry about it!"

He flicked his forehead, just like Zhuo Ming did to him when he fell asleep during training. It seemed that in that moment, the two of them returned to the days of training, supporting and encouraging each other to face difficulties together.

Even though Zhuo Ming has become like this now, as long as he is around, he will still open up a new page for him. Perhaps this is the friendship accumulated over time, which always makes him feel that as long as he lives one more day, he will protect him. One day for him!
Zhuo Ming suddenly smiled, and it was not until he pushed him to the kitchen and saw him asking his aunt to make soup for General Xi in the future that he understood the purpose of his coming here.

"But you must remember that it won't be too bitter. The general can't even take a sip!"

The aunt laughed and said: "You don't have to say that, after all, I have been working in Xijiang Mansion for so many years, and I know no less than you, a fool!"

"Auntie, why do you always call me Er Lengzi? Zhuo Yu is inexplicably like Er Lengzi. I'm so smart!"

Zhuo Yi muttered, looking at his aunt with resentment on his face.

"You are two equals, one is a fool and the other is a fool. No one can win against the other hahahahaha!"

"Pfft!" When Zhuo Ming heard this, he couldn't hold back a smile. He didn't expect that the second senior brother and the cook would be so familiar with each other. However, sometimes when watching the second senior brother and the third senior brother quarreling, they did feel like a fool and a second senior brother. Feeling like a fool.

Zhuo Yi couldn't resist but let it go, and was kicked out with a shovel by the aunt because she thought she was taking her place.

He glanced at Zhuo Ming dejectedly, immediately cleared his throat, picked it up, and said seriously: "Auntie and I were joking, don't take it seriously!"

He quickly whispered: "By the way, didn't you hear what I just said?"

Zhuo Ming pretended to be confused and asked, "What are you talking about?" Seeing him, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and then said, "Are you telling me that Er Lengzi and Third Senior Brother are idiots?"

He suddenly felt despair and slapped his forehead. It was over. Now my arrogant and high-spirited impression in the heart of my senior brother was completely destroyed!

Zhuo Yi put down his hand, looked at him with a 180-degree turn, and corrected with a stiff smile: "No, no, no, the aunt is referring to the third junior brother who is worthy of these titles. I am so elegant, suave, and handsome. How can the image of Second Senior Brother in your minds be tarnished by these titles?"

Seeing him praising himself, Zhuo Ming could only cough a few times to hide his smile.

"Hey, you idiot, your tonic soup is ready. Should I deliver it to the general or should you deliver it yourself?"

The aunt stuck her head out and said, as soon as these words came out, Zhuo Yi froze in place, and even the smile on his face became stiff in an instant.

He blinked and looked at Zhuo Ming, and saw that his face was already red from suppressing laughter. Then he turned around suddenly, deliberately emphasized his tone, and whispered softly: "Auntie, I just said, you should be direct." Just ask the guy to send it over."

"Also, I'm not a fool!"

The aunt took her head back calmly and said softly: "Oh, you idiot!"

Zhuo Yi immediately clenched his palms and stared in her direction with gritted teeth. When he saw her holding a spatula and sticking her head out, Zhuo Yi was so frightened that he suddenly retracted his clenched hands and immediately put a smile on his face.

"The fourth general is also here. I wonder what you want to eat today?" Seeing the aunt's friendly expression the next second, Zhuo Yi frowned and waved to her, but she didn't expect her gaze to show any concern. He moved and looked at Zhuo Ming on his side with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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