The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 613 Invincible Pose

Chapter 613 Invincible Pose

A shout resounded through the sky.

The vision slowly disappeared, and Li Jing saw Lin Fan standing alone covered in blood, smashing a warship into two with his fists.

The Shanghai Clan on the warship had no time to escape, and they were bombarded and killed along with the warship.

The blood on Lin Fan's body was the blood of the Hai Clan who was killed by the bombardment.

Bloody style!

Immediately, Lin Fan punched again.

The Sea Clan on the remaining warships trembled, bleeding.

They roared, they struggled, everything was so powerless.

Seven explosions sounded, and the seven warships left over from the prehistoric period were all bombarded.

There was a divine light in Lin Fan's eyes, which turned into a terrifying sword energy, and slashed at the Shui tribe who planned to sneak around him and attack Qiantangguan.

Jian Guang blasted all the aquarium into blood foam without leaving any corpses.

"How can it be so strong?"

A strong dragon who escaped from the warship was still in shock.

Da Luo Jinxian's triple cultivation base did not give him a sense of security.

"I escaped"

Before he had time to rejoice, Lin Fan's hand passed through his heart.

"Who else?!"

Lin Fan pulled out his hand and threw the dragon corpse towards the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea.

The throwing action is so natural, like throwing away a piece of garbage.

Lin Fan's eyes were extremely cold, and a domineering killing intent permeated his eyes.

Wherever the eyes passed, the Sea Clan trembled, and even the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea couldn't help being frightened.

Although they were confident that the Dragon King could beat Lin Fan, it was one thing to be able to beat Lin Fan, but another thing not to be afraid.

"kill him!"

The warship was blown up, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea finally sent out a dragon master, a master of the Daluo Jinxian level.

The Dragon Clan Daluo Jinxian was dispatched, and the wind was surging, and strong winds and tornadoes were blowing on the surface of the magma sea.

These winds are black, sharper than a blade, tearing apart the void, with a chaotic aura.

Immediately, a murderous atmosphere filled the sea.

Even Li Jing and the others, who were hiding in Qiantang Pass in shock, could feel a different murderous aura.

The murderous aura was thick, and the magma sea was rolled up by the chilling wind.

The high temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees spread from the sea surface, and the dead air was lingering.

Lin Fan not only had to deal with the powerful Daluo Jinxian dragon clan, but also had to face the high temperature of over [-] degrees.

The wind that blows turns into the wind of death, bringing the breath of death.

A black dragon claw sticks out from the magma sea, like wrapped in steel, the dragon claw attracts the sweeping wind.

The wind was like a knife, killing Lin Fan without a blind angle.

Lin Fan didn't bother to look, and punched the incoming wind with his fist.

The air exploded, and the magma sea parted under the front of the fist, revealing the dragon hidden in the magma.

"King Zhou, Li Jing's third son Nezha killed the third prince of our clan. Now that Nezha is dead, everyone in Qiantangguan will be buried with him. If you kill my clan's master, you, your whole clan will die."

The magma dragon launched an offensive, triggering various visions.

Each kind of vision corresponds to the corresponding Tao and Dharma.

Every vision can kill the strong.

The dragon body is his most solid weapon.

It was a terrible blow.

"Six Paths of Samsara Fist!"

In an instant, Lin Fan punched out!
With the domineering body and the six reincarnation punches, the powerful power made the magma dragon's eyes wide open.

Lin Fan punched the dragon's claws, and the open eyes of the magma dragon shattered. The magma sea carrying the dragon's body sank into the ground, and the dragon's body shattered.

"It's a pity that good ingredients are broken like this."

Lin Fan felt a little regretful.

Immediately, he looked at the other dragons: "Don't worry, Gu will leave your whole body."

"Come on together and kill him."

A dozen or so Dragon Clan Da Luo Jinxians shot together.

The murderous aura soared to the sky, impacted the heavenly court, and alarmed the heavenly emperor.

The body of the dragon clan is as strong as a magic soldier, and every dragon clan Da Luo Jinxian has exerted the strongest combat power.

The blades were like rain, the spears danced wildly, all kinds of magic weapons flew, and the breath of destruction forced back the sea clan army watching the battle.

With a click, a divine weapon shattered.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea froze, and sent more masters to surround and kill Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's fists were as fast as lightning, and his movements were weird and fast.

They are often killed one by one before the strong dragons can react.

Killing Da Luo is like slaughtering a dog.

"What a quick movement!"

Li Jing at Qiantangguan was shocked by Lin Fan's speed.

"Since when did Your Majesty become so powerful?"

In Li Jing's impression, King Zhou was very strong, but he was just ordinary strong.

Instead of killing Da Luo Jinxian like slaughtering a dog like now.

In the eyes, I saw Lin Fan's figure rushing forward, his hand cut into the heart of the Dragon Clan Da Luo Jinxian, with a little force, he sliced ​​open like a chicken with his hands, and the internal organs and blood rushed wildly.

Da Luo Jinxian of the Dragon Clan struggled, roaring again and again, blasting out all kinds of supernatural powers.

He died, before blasting out his supernatural powers.

Lin Fan's speed was so fast that the Dragon Clan Da Luo Jinxian died before he realized it and reacted instinctively.

"Dragon King of the East China Sea, if you don't make a move, the dragon masters will all die in battle."

Lin Fan put down the dragon corpse in his hand, ignoring the dragon masters surrounding him.

Each of these masters was wounded, and the magic weapon was damaged.

"King Zhou, do you want to die quickly? I will help you."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea made the move himself.

The power of Da Luo Jinxian Nine Layers was completely released.

While walking, the energy of the ground, water, wind, fire, and thunder is aroused, like a moving natural disaster.

Wherever it passed, lightning, water, fire, wind and earth raged.

The space almost collapsed between raising hands and feet, as if it was not allowed in the world.

Powerful, terrifying, with a ray of quasi-holy power.

No accident, within a few years, the Dragon King of the East China Sea will be able to become a quasi-sage.

He has a dragon head and a human body, and his black body is entwined with dense patterns of demon gods, like a Buddha, like a demon lord.

Suddenly, the Dragon King of the East China Sea launched an attack, showing a thousand hands.

With one movement, thousands of hands attack at the same time.

"Buddhist supernatural powers, Thousand-handed Buddha?"

Lin Fan was astonished, but the counterattack was not slow.

Widely opened and closed, bombarded with an imperial and domineering fist.

The power is fully activated, and all directions are destroyed wherever it passes, no worse than the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, the earth is cracked and landslides are broken, the sky is shattered, and the space is shattered.

A duel between Buddhist supernatural powers and Liu Dao reincarnation boxing.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea showed a thousand-handed Buddha Dharma, and the Buddha's light covered the sun.

While surprised, Lin Fan went forward with all his strength.

Lin Fan's fist hurts, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea is not much better.

Thousands of hands, at least hundreds of fractures.

One man and one dragon fight from the sky to the sea, and from the sea to the ground.

"Why do you have Buddhist supernatural powers? As far as I know, the dragon clan seems to have no connection with Buddhism, right?"

Lin Fan had a vague guess in his heart.

The Buddhist bald donkey has wanted to spread Buddhism eastward for a long time, but he almost failed to turn China into a pure land of Buddhism.

As far as Lin Fan remembers, during the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods, the Buddhist sect often poached people from the east.

In the later Journey to the West, more efforts were made to recruit people and promote Buddhism.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea knows Buddhist exercises, presumably the two sages in the West started to attract people, and they will teach Buddhist exercises when they see people
The Dragon King of the East China Sea did not answer, the Buddha's energy turned into the devil's energy, and the Buddha's light at the back of his head turned into black energy.

The boundless darkness surged, hooking out the long-lost magic power of Rahu.

For a time, the Buddha body of the Dragon King of the East China Sea turned into a body god, forming a state of coexistence of Buddha and demon.

Thousands of bergamot and magic hands appeared with thousands of divine weapons, and Qianshen held the divine weapons and blasted towards Lin Fan together.

"Good come!"

Lin Fan used the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist with one hand, and used the Blood Demon Sword with the other to use the God Slashing Art.

The blood demon sword swung, cutting off hundreds of magical weapons in the hands of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.


The Six Paths of Reincarnation punched the Sea Dragon King of the Middle East, smashing half of his body into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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