The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 614 1 kill and then kill!

Chapter 614 Kill and kill again!

"how is this possible?!"

The faces of the dragon and sea clan watching the battle were pale.

"It must be fake! How could the Dragon King not be his opponent?"

"How could it be possible for King Zhou, who has been cultivated at the ninth level of Jinxian, to defeat the Dragon King of the East China Sea at the ninth level of Jinxian?"

Before the Haizu who watched the battle could react, Lin Fan pierced through the head of the Dragon King of the East China Sea with a sword, and came out bathed in dragon blood.

"It's not that you are too weak, it's just that you are not talented enough, but you want to fuse the Buddha and the devil. I saw the flaw and destroyed the power of the Buddha and the devil at the critical moment."

Lin Fan cut off the unrepentant head of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and threw the head to Ao Guang.

"This year's Dragon King of the East China Sea is not strong! We have to change it. Ao Guang, Gu is optimistic about you. From today onwards, you will be the new Dragon King of the East China Sea."

The eyes of the ferocious dragon head are wide open, and the incomparable domineering, unruly, and ambitious dissipate with death.

The wide-open long eyes were full of regret and endless words of begging for mercy.

Lin Fan moved so fast that the Dragon King of the East China Sea was killed before he even had time to surrender.

Ao Guang looked at the dragon head that fell at his feet, and his whole body trembled even more.

He found that the Dragon Clan glared at him one after another.

Before the fight, Ao Guang was so frightened by Lin Fan that he knelt down. The Dragon Clan misunderstood him greatly.

Now, Lin Fan killed the Dragon King in front of the Dragon Clan and the Sea Clan, and made Ao Guang the Dragon King of the East Sea.

Some conspiratorial parties have begun to suspect whether Ao Guang has long been in contact with King Zhou.

"He killed the Dragon King!"

"Revenge for the Dragon King!"

Not knowing who spoke first, the remaining Da Luo Jinxians of the Dragon Clan attacked Lin Fan one after another.

Another master of the dragon clan sent the sea clan to ask for help from the four seas, intending to gather the power of the four seas to suppress and kill Lin Fan.

The death of a dragon king cannot harm the heritage of the dragon family.


The shouting and killing sounded again.

Tens of thousands of sea tribes formed a large formation, using the power of the formation to suppress and kill Lin Fan.

The tyrannical power sealed off the void, the sound of the dragon's roar was earth-shattering, and a giant golden fairy-level dragon god appeared in his real body and killed it with divine weapons.

"I will give you a chance, but you don't know how to cherish it. Then I will send you to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss!"

Lin Fan charged out with his sword.

At this time, Lin Fan's cultivation base has reached the fifth level of Daluo Golden Immortal.

Without him, since he came to the Conferred God World, he knew that the combat power here was much stronger than the Lotus Lantern.

Therefore, he consumed all resources, including half of the heavenly treasure house obtained from the Lotus Lantern World, to improve his strength with all his strength.

The stars twinkled, and pieces of starlight fell from the sky.

For a while, the stars fell like rain, as if the stars were broken and fell into the world.

A sword makes the stars twinkle, and a sword makes the stars eclipse.

Collapsing, dying, and the sword light with the aura of being unstoppable, the sword light is everywhere, blood falls like a river, and wailing is everywhere.

Countless powerful sea tribes, dragon tribes, gods and demons fell from the sky.

"Falling Heart Flame!"

Lin Fan activated the strange fire, and the strange fire raged, turning the void into a sea of ​​flames.

The Sea Clan who escaped the sword light could not escape the flames.

Immediately, the falling sea clan mixed with the sea water to form a pot of seafood soup.

"No, King Zhou is a demon god! He will kill everyone."

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the Hai clan began to flee in large numbers.

One hundred thousand pigs can't be caught in three days, let alone one hundred thousand sea people.

As for the escaped Hai Clan Lin Fan, he hurriedly made up his sword. If he couldn't make up the sword, he could only watch them escape.

After all, you can't lose the big because of small things. Lin Fan is in a decisive battle with the dragon masters, and he doesn't have much time to deal with the escaping miscellaneous fish.

Lin Fan blasted a golden dragon with one punch.

The Daluo Golden Immortals of the Dragon Clan who participated in the siege of Lin Fan moved the battle circle to the depths of the sea, and the sea boiled wherever they passed.

"Your Majesty, don't chase after me, it's a conspiracy of the Dragon Clan!"

Li Jing quickly reminded.

However, Lin Fan was too fast, chasing the dragons and disappearing at the sea level.

Lin Fan went deeper and deeper into the sea.

There are countless ferocious beasts hiding under the blue sea, but they are considered unlucky to meet Lin Fan.

As Lin Fan passed by, sword intent emanated, and he pushed all the way, and all the way he passed were corpses.

In the end, Lin Fan went to the Dragon Palace under the sea.

"Quick, quickly open the big formation."

The strong Da Luo Jinxian who fled back to the Dragon Palace hurriedly said, still in shock.

"Finally safe!"

The Dragon Palace Guardian Formation was passed down from Honghuang, and it is easy to kill Lin Fan.

The strong dragon thinks so.

After all, the guardian of the Dragon Palace is the Quasi-Saint Formation.

One of the strongest formations under the saint.

"King Zhou, donate your cultivation skills, and I will give you a pleasure."

The one who spoke was an ice dragon, with only one front paw left, the other front paw was blown off by Lin Fan.

The Dragons are not fools, seeing Lin Fan leapfrog killing monsters like chopping vegetables, they naturally set their minds on Lin Fan's practice of kung fu.

Lin Fan ignored them, and grabbed the head of the Dragon Clan Da Luo Jinxian who hadn't had time to escape into the Dragon Palace.

"Kneel obediently at the lonely feet, and the lonely will take your life, otherwise, die!"

Lin Fan crushed the skull of the Dragon Clan Daluo Jinxian in his hand.

"King Zhou has no way, launch a large formation to suppress and kill King Zhou."

Soon, the quasi-holy-level palace guard array was activated, and a terrifying giant dragon appeared.

The formation was running, trapping Lin Fan into the world of the formation.

"Candle Dragon! Didn't Candle Dragon perish in the wild?"

Lin Fan backed away to avoid the light from Zhulong's eyes.

"No, it's not Candle Dragon, it's just that the array reappears the power of Candle Dragon."

Candle Dragon is a great power in the prehistoric period.

When the three clans of dragon, phoenix and kylin were fighting for power, the ancestor Hongjun hadn't become a saint yet.

At this time, the reappeared Candle Dragon Dharma Aspect can kill Da Luo Jinxian with just one look.

"Six Paths of Samsara Fist!"

Lin Fan swung his fists, and the shocking energy condensed on both fists, emitting a light as big as the sun.

The light overwhelms everything!
Punch out, explode, collapse.

It collided with the candle dragon method and made a huge impact sound.

The sound impacted, and the dragon masters who presided over the circle instantly turned into blood mist.

"The body of the candle dragon is hard to beat. Is King Zhou an ancient alien species? Even our dragon clan doesn't have such a strong body!"

The dragon master was astonished.

That's a quasi-sage, not a cat or a dog.

Candle Dragon's dharma was sluggish, and Lin Fan's hands were stained with blood, this time it was his own blood.

The vibration of the Dragon Palace led to the ancestor of the dragon clan who had been practicing for a long time. This ancestor's cultivation base was almost the same as that of the Dragon King. With his power blessing, the power of the magic circle was strengthened.


Lin Fan waved his fist again to meet him.

The shock exploded again, and the force of the counter-shock began to collapse the Dragon Palace building.

Cracks appeared in the quasi-sage-level magic circle.

"I surrender!"

A Daluo Jinxian of the dragon clan who presided over the formation couldn't bear the pressure, his feet went limp, and he fell to his knees.

His kneeling was like a signal, starting the wave of Dragon Clan Daluo Jinxian kneeling and begging for mercy.

One after another, Daluo Jinxian of the Dragon Clan knelt down.

"Patriarch, you can't kneel! King Zhou is cruel and will kill us."

A junior from the Dragon Clan persuaded.

"shut up."

The ancestor of the dragon clan directly killed the junior who persuaded him.

"Your Majesty King Zhou, our Dragon Clan is willing to surrender, please stop your majesty."

"That's good! It's not shameful to kneel at the lonely feet." Lin Fan laughed.

"Yes, it's not ashamed."

The patriarch of the dragon clan wanted to kill the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

"It is an honor for my Dragon Clan to be able to kneel at His Majesty's feet."

"You are very good."

Lin Fan brought Ao Guang over.

"From today onwards, he is the Dragon King of the East China Sea."

(End of this chapter)

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