The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 615 Heavenly Emperor's Jealousy

Chapter 615 Heavenly Emperor's Jealousy

The face of the ancestor of the dragon clan changed slightly: "Your Majesty, Ao Guangxiu is a little lower."

Seeing the change in Lin Fan's expression, the ancestor of the dragon clan hurriedly said: "Your Majesty is wise, from today onwards, Ao Guang will be the Dragon King of the East China Sea."

Next, Lin Fan lived in the East China Sea Dragon Palace for seven days.

Not at all worried that the Dragon Clan invited masters from all over the world to retaliate against the siege.

For him, the siege of masters from all over the world is not a danger, but a point delivered to his door.

Master of the Four Seas really lived up to his expectations, turned his face on the third day of his stay, and then died a lot, allowing Lin Fan to accumulate a lot of points.

After the third day, no dragon strongman dared to attack Lin Fan, and everyone who saw Lin Fan was not afraid.

the seventh day.
Lin Fan was alone when he came, and a group of people when he left.

The dragon princess acts as a maid, and the dragon girl pulls the chariot, and the imperial chariot of Nine Dragons leaves the East China Sea in a mighty way.

The emperor's chariot was approaching Qiantang Pass, and the officers and men of Qiantang Pass seemed to be facing a formidable enemy.

"What a beautiful fairy."

"It's not a fairy, it's a dragon girl."

The guards couldn't help talking in low voices, and they all praised the beauty of the dragon girl.

While praising, the guard is deeper.

Because, there is not one beautiful dragon girl, but many, each of whom is powerful.

"Not good, the Dragon Clan is here again."

"Poor Majesty, there are many bad luck and bad luck."

"Stop comers!"

Accompanied by the violent drinking, there was also thunder and thunder.

An old man driving Tianlei stopped in front of the car.

"Master Wen, I'm all right."

Lin Fan lifted the curtain of the car, and said humanely.

The person who came was none other than Grand Master Wen Zhongwen.

"Your Majesty, what are you?"

Grand Master Wen stared dumbfounded at the beauties of the dragon clan surrounding the imperial chariot.

"Gu went to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. The new Dragon King of the East China Sea, Ao Guang, is a nice person, and he gave away a lot of dragon girls. As the emperor, only the dragon girls accompany him to meet his status."

Lin Fan couldn't complain about the accompanying maids, they were all at the level of aunts.

Changed the dragon girl to feel much better.

"The matter with the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea has been resolved, so you don't have to worry too much. The old Dragon King of the East China Sea is dead. General Li Jing, your son Nezha's revenge will be avenged for you."

Lin Fan casually said to Li Jing who was behind Wen Zhong.

"Your Majesty's kindness, Li Jing will never forget it.

"Hehe. I don't expect you to remember Gu's kindness. You don't have to send Gu with a knife."

"Li Jing dare not!" Li Jing quickly knelt down.

"General Li, don't be nervous. I'm just kidding, Nezha. Speaking of which, Gu also knows the art of bringing the dead back to life."

"Your Majesty, the dog Nezha has been brought back to the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain by his mentor Taiyi Zhenren to reshape his body."

Li Jing answered honestly.

Heavenly Court Yaochi, celestial spirit lingers, mist fills the air, cranes dance around, sacred medicines are in pieces, and ancient medicines are everywhere.

When the Emperor of Heaven travels, Hercules and ancient gods open the way, riding in nine horse-drawn chariots and nine immortal horse-drawn chariots.

The carriage is made of pure gold, engraved with the runes of the Dao, and the carriage alone is a first-class magic weapon.

Going out for fun is a pleasure, but the emperor in the car has cold eyes and no smile on his face.

In the carriage, a mirror was showing the surface of the lake that Lin Fan had returned from the East China Sea.

The dragon girl drives the car, and Jiulong pulls the car.

The imperial chariot alone is more luxurious and high-end than the carriage he is riding in now.

"King Zhou, I don't even use the dragon girl to drive, how dare you?! And this car?"

On the screen, the car Lin Fan is riding in is exactly the car of the dragon god Candle Dragon when the dragon, phoenix and kylin tribes ruled the world.

At that time, the world was divided into three parts, and there was no such thing as a heavenly emperor, otherwise, Zhulong would also be a heavenly emperor.

Lin Fan was driving in Zhulong's car, and the team of waiters pulling the cart was even more luxurious than that of the Emperor of Heaven. No one would believe that he hadn't killed the Emperor of Heaven and replaced him.

"Rebellious officials and thieves, rebellious officials and thieves!"

The Heavenly Emperor wished that a magical power could kill Lin Fan through the air.

"Taibai Jinxing, the Conferred God Tribulation has already begun?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the catastrophe has already begun." Taibai Jinxing said respectfully.

"When will it end?"

"Not long after the death of King Zhou."

"26 years, too long."

The Emperor of Heaven sighed and lowered the curtain.

He didn't want to wait a moment.

26 years is too long.

He is eager to gather power, not like now, no one who can fight will obey the command, and no one who obeys the command can fight.

Only when the conferment of the gods is over, can he be considered as the emperor of heaven, instead of being aggrieved like now.

The Emperor of Heaven thought of his younger sister Yao Ji who was suppressed in Huashan, and his nephew Yang Jian, and the more he thought about it, the more he clenched his fists.

He will never forget that it was the calculation of Western Buddhism that made Yao Ji fall in love with ordinary people.
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the ancestors of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea came to ask for an audience."

Taibai Jinxing called a few times, waking up the Heavenly Emperor from his memory.

"What is the ancestor of the Dragon Clan doing here?" the Heavenly Emperor was curious.

Taibai Jinxing brought the ancestor of the dragon clan over.

After saluting, the ancestors of the Dragon Clan wept blood every word and filed an imperial petition.

"Your Majesty, King Zhou has no way. Using Li Jing's son Nezha to commit suicide as an excuse, he attacked our East China Sea and beheaded countless masters in the East China Sea. He also attacked the Dragon Palace and forced his ministers to send away 18 dragon girls and princesses. What a pain!"

Obviously it was the Dragon Clan who attacked Qiantang Pass first and put it in the mouth of the Dragon Clan ancestors, but it was Lin Fan who used Nezha's death as a reason to attack the East China Sea.

It is false to seek justice for Nezha, but it is actually for the wealth of the Dragon Palace and the Dragon Girl.

"I also ask Your Majesty to uphold justice for the veteran."


The Emperor of Heaven didn't expect that the ancestor of the Dragon Clan didn't even want his old face, and directly exposed the big news that Lin Fan had snatched the Dragon Girl away.

"It's not easy for the heavens to deal with mortal matters. King Zhou will give you justice after a hundred years."

"A hundred years later? I'm afraid I won't be able to wait a hundred years. Now Zhou
The king already has the cultivation base of the fifth level of Da Luo Jinxian, and his strength is no worse than that of ordinary quasi-sages, after a hundred years."

The ancestor of the dragon clan did not continue.

The Emperor of Heaven sneered in his heart.

"The great catastrophe of conferring the gods has begun. Now everyone knows that King Zhou is only 26 years old. You tell me that King Zhou can live to a hundred years later. Don't you know that King Zhou is only 26 years old? The immortals of the Dragon Clan are indeed sinister."

"I didn't expect me to send troops when I came up to file a complaint. I just wanted to add obstacles to me. I just told me that King Zhou has the heart to become the emperor of heaven. Hehe."

When the ancestor of the dragon clan left the Heavenly Court and walked to the Nantian Gate, he met several heavenly generals from the mortal world who looked panic-stricken, with blue noses and swollen faces.

Several heavenly generals met the ancestor of the dragon clan, and went straight to Lingxiao Palace without saying a word.

The patriarch of the dragon clan had an idea and turned the immortal yuan, and a grain of monitoring dust fell on one of the heavenly generals.

Before the Heavenly Emperor had time to rejoice over the Dragon Clan being harmed by Lin Fan, he heard a piece of news that almost made him faint from anger.

King Zhou went to Mount Hua and snatched away the suppressed Fairy Yaoji.

"Sister Tiandi was snatched away by King Zhou. It's a good show."

The ancestor of the dragon clan grinned.

"No, such good news, how can the ancestor enjoy it alone, everyone in the world should know."

With the help of the ancestors of the dragon clan, the news that Lin Fan snatched Yao Ji from Mount Hua spread to the world.

Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven was furious.

It doesn't matter if the news of Yao Ji's being snatched hasn't spread, but if he doesn't move after it spreads, how will outsiders think of him as the co-lord of the Three Realms.

Although Yao Ji's identity is not known to many people, but who he is, he is the Emperor of Heaven, and every word and deed will be seen by those who care.

The Emperor of Heaven is sure that those bald donkeys in the west are absolutely laughing.

How to do?
Can't beat it.

You can only use calamity to get past it.

"This is Yao Ji's doom." The Heavenly Emperor sighed.

On Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Yang Jian who came to pray, and was also speechless for a long time.

"Go! Where did you come from, and where do you go back."

After waiting for a long time, Yuanshi Tianzun said to Yang Jian.

(End of this chapter)

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