The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 624 Soaring Points

Chapter 624 Soaring Points

At Hangu Pass, a murderous atmosphere enveloped the outside of the pass and the interior of the pass.

Inside the pass, great merchants stood like a forest, with a post at ten steps and a post at a hundred steps on the city wall, ensuring that not even a fly could fly in outside the pass.


The heavenly court soldiers and horses stood on the clouds, beating drums and shouting loudly.

The Buddhist monks, monsters, Shuras and other soldiers and horses confronted each other.The opposing soldiers and horses were divided according to their powers and formed into an army alone.

It seems to be united, but it is actually a mob.

They are difficult to unite.

For example, the monster clan, not to mention the division by clan, can be divided into many forces by power alone.

Why do demons of the same race in Niutoushan and Ma'anshan stand together?
They are all divided according to territory, and after the division of territory, they are divided according to race, which is complicated.

Standing on the Hangu Pass, Lin Fan frowned slightly as he looked at the boundless enemy army outside the pass.

Seeing this, Huang Feihu, who was following behind him, suggested, "Your Majesty, the enemy troops outside the pass seem numerous and tyrannical, but they are actually mobs. Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Lin Fan nodded: "I'm not worried about the enemy troops outside Hangu Pass, I'm worried about Qiantang Pass. Although Gu used the favor of saving Nezha to invite real Taiyi, but there are still too few masters at Qiantang Pass, once the masters break through"

Lin Fan didn't go on with the rest.

There are many soldiers at Qiantang Pass, most of them are infantry.

There are very few cavalry, after all, you can't ride horses in the water.

The navy has all gone ashore, otherwise, what is the difference between a water battle with the sea clan in the sea and courting death?
Lin Fan ordered to focus on defense, and after careful consideration, Li Jing was still the main general.

"Your Majesty, the mysterious bird of destiny descended to give birth to merchants. If the battle is unfavorable, your majesty can invite the mysterious bird." Huang Feihu reminded.

"You have seen the Xuanniao? What is the cultivation level of the Xuanniao?" Lin Fan was curious.

"Six hundred years ago, the Xuanniao had the eighth level of the Golden Immortal. I have never seen the current Xuanniao, so I dare not say it." Huang Feihu said respectfully.

"Once the battle at Qiantang Pass is unfavorable, His Majesty can use the power of blood to summon Xuanniao to help fight at Qiantang Pass."

It needs the power of blood to summon it. Hearing this, Lin Fan dismissed the idea of ​​letting the black bird help in the battle.

What he inherited was the luck and calamity of the original King Zhou, not his blood.

The original King Zhou was turned into ashes by Lin Fan, where did he get the blood power to summon the mysterious bird.

As for asking the surrendered East China Sea Dragon Clan to help.

Do not make jokes.

Lin Fan killed so many dragons of the Dragon Clan, the feud has already been forged.

If the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea does not come to attack Qiantang Pass, they will burn incense.

In fact, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea lived up to expectations and joined the team of merchants in the Heavenly Court.

Ao Guang, Lin Fanfeng's Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, has already been sent to Dragon Prison.

"I'll talk about the Xuanniao later. The Xuanniao is condensed by the luck of the Great Merchant. Unless it is absolutely necessary, I will never summon the Xuanniao. Aiqing, get ready, the battle is about to begin."

Lin Fan said to Huang Feihu.


A shout came from the clouds outside the pass.

The horn sounded, and the Tianting coalition forces began to attack Hangu Pass.

The first to attack was not the elite, but the wild beast without intelligence.

In Xihe Niuzhou, the most indispensable thing is beasts.

Looking at the endless beast outside the pass, Lin Fan smiled, earning a lot of points.

Lin Fan held the sky with one hand, the invisible rules diffused from his body and fell on the generals of the great merchants.


There are endless ferocious beasts outside the pass, covering the sky and covering the earth. As far as the eye can see, it is a sea of ​​ferocious beasts.

In the sea of ​​ferocious beasts, there are monsters mixed together, trying to attack and kill the strong in the big merchant army.
Lin Fan didn't move, and neither did the immortal-level powerhouse who closed it.

It's just a duel between soldiers, and it's not their turn to make a move.

Really rely on immortal-level powerhouses to solve everything, do you still use soldiers in the Battle of the Conferred Gods?
Wouldn't it be better to let the disciples of the Three Religions fight by themselves.


On the wall of the pass, countless sharp arrows soared into the sky, turning into a dense rain of arrows and falling on the team of beasts outside the pass.

The sharp arrow pierced through the body, nailing and wounding countless beasts.

Before the nailed beast could stand up, it was trampled into blood foam by the continuous team behind it.

Lin Fan felt that the points were increasing rapidly, although each time it increased by one or two points, he couldn't stand the large base.

Below the closed wall, there was a continuous stream of wailing and screaming.
Yiming Yaoxian standing on the cloud had a cold expression on his face.

He is a demon fairy, who came from heaven, but he was also a demon, who evolved from a ferocious beast.

Seeing so many ferocious beasts die tragically, his heart fluctuated.

A black cloud flew over from the sky, and the black cloud made a buzzing sound. When I looked closely, I found that it was densely packed with poisonous bees.


The Great Merchant Immortal-level powerhouse made a move and transformed into a fire dragon, which attacked the sea of ​​poisonous bees.

On one side of the heaven, the Dragon King rained rain, and the raindrops hit the fire dragon, making the fire dragon dim.


There is a general on the wall to call the wind and blow away the cumulonimbus clouds.

As soon as the clouds cleared, I saw a green dragon hovering high in the sky.

The green dragon scale armor lingers with a demonic and deadly aura. This is a demonic dragon and an evil dragon.

"Your Majesty, watch me kill him!"

Huang Feihu fetched his bow, drew the bow and set up an arrow, and the point of the arrow pointed directly at Qinglong.

The bowstring moved, sharp arrows hit the sky, wind and thunder roared in the sky, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, but Qinglong responded with magical powers.

The action of one person and one dragon is like a signal, triggering the battle between myths, earth immortals, and heavenly immortals.

The supernatural powers swept across, and the celestial artifacts and divine artifacts struck each other, cracking the sky outside Hangu Pass in circles.

Fighting in the sky has no effect on the ground.

In the sky, strong men above the mythical level fight against each other, while on the ground, fierce beasts swarm.

Most of these ferocious beasts were cultivated at the acquired or innate level, similar to those of the great merchants.

Cultivation is not the key point, the key point is the large number, killing is insurmountable, killing one batch will lead to another batch.

Lin Fan didn't move, waiting for the points to increase.

He didn't move because the opponent's master didn't move either.

Heavenly Court Master, Buddha Kingdom Master, Monster Race Master, Asura
The opponent has more masters.

Without using all his cultivation, Lin Fan had to hold the line and watch the points floating in the sky.

"Really want to kill them?" Lin Fan smiled strangely.

Seeing the points floating in the sky, but unable to do it, always feels a little uncomfortable.

"King Zhou, I never thought you would dare to come to Hangu Pass. You ignored the laws of heaven, killed innocent monsters indiscriminately, and killed people indiscriminately. You can be convicted!"

"Desolation and immorality have caused people to seething with resentment. Smile for the beauties, change the weather randomly, and attract heaven's punishment. You can be convicted of the crime!"

"God's punishment came, and you let innocent soldiers resist and let them die for you. Countless soldiers died because you made a beautiful woman smile. You can be convicted! Your conscience is safe!"

Three voices of conviction, three voices of shouting and questioning, and one voice of Yaoxian's upright and awe-inspiring voice.

Surrounding him are equally upright and equally angry Heavenly Court Immortals, most of them are Yaoxian, and a few Human Race Immortals.

The high-end combat power from Heaven did not rush to attack, but bombarded the opponent with mouth cannon.

Immortal mouth cannon skills are really powerful. When it is said that King Zhou laughed for beating beauties, he changed the heavens at random to attract the crusade from the heavens. This war led to the morale of the great merchants plummeting.

Why was blood shed in vain fighting for such an absurd emperor?
No one wants to fight for an emperor who laughs at beauties, changes the weather, and causes catastrophe.

Lin Fan noticed that his morale had dropped, and he was a little stupid like a speechless businessman.

Even if it is really Gu's fault, if Gu obediently admits his mistake, will the people in Heavenly Court retreat obediently?

Will the monster race outside the pass not enter the pass to eat people?

(End of this chapter)

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