The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 625 This is the King

Chapter 625 This is the King
"There is nothing wrong with Gu. You are the ones who are guilty. Those who kill Gu are all monsters who cannibalize people. Why can't you kill them? As for changing the time of day, you can change the time of day, why can't Gu?"

"Thinking about it carefully, I asked myself that I didn't offend the Heavenly Court, but it's unfair for you to lead troops to attack Gu!"

"Leading troops to attack each other, summoning alien races, monsters, and demons is not righteous!"

"The Heavenly Court was set up by the Daoist Patriarch. When the Heavenly Court goes to battle, please invite Buddhist masters. You are worthy of the saints of the three religions and the Daoist Patriarch? I don't know, but I thought you were from the Buddhist sect, and the heavenly court was established by the Buddhist sect."

"It's so injustice, people who betray their ancestors and forget their ancestors, dare to call it justice! Absurd! I don't even bother that you are under the same sky."

Lin Fan has never lost before.

Hearing what Lin Fan said, the faces of all the immortals in the heavenly court were as black as ink.

Zhu Ganglian secretly glanced around and found that it was true as Lin Fan said.

On the side of the heavenly court, there are evil spirits, evil spirits, demonic spirits, and all kinds of messy and fierce spirits. They don't look like the immortals of the heavenly court, but more like demons.

On the other hand, on the side of the big merchants, the will is united, and the arrogance is soaring.

Can it be a city?As soon as Lin Fan said it, the officers and men of the great merchants realized that there were people in the Heavenly Court outside the pass, including immortals, demons, demons, Buddhas, and Asuras, and each of them looked less like a good person than the other.

Looking at the momentum, no one is kind, and people will believe that they are murderous.

Seeing that talking can't work, the strong outside the pass exude coercion.

The air of terror permeated the air, which was daunting, and the air alone could damage the morale of the big merchants.

Lin Fan took a step forward and appeared above the clouds.

Pulled by the breath, one person blocked the aura and coercion emanating from the strong outside the pass.

One person confronts the immortals in the heaven, the masters of the Buddhist kingdom, the masters of the Shura clan, and the masters of the monster clan.

The aura spread out, and the Mythical, Earth Immortal, and Celestial Immortal masters who were fighting in the sky were shocked to move away from the battle circle.The defense line of Hangu Pass is strong enough for them to fight along the pass.

"Come on, don't waste time, kill you all alone."

Lin Fan said proudly, his voice reached the ears of every soldier.

"No, it's just miscellaneous fish. There's nothing to be afraid of, and there's nothing to worry about. You go on the road together, and one person will send you on the road alone, so that you won't be lonely on the road to Huangquan."

The soldiers on the wall looked straight at Lin Fan's figure, worshiping and admiring him.

At this moment, they forgot about Lin Fan's absurd legends, forgot that Lin Fan's various evil deeds were actually the evil deeds of the former King Zhou, and there was only one figure in their eyes, the figure of Lin Fan.

No matter what Lin Fan did, at this moment, they worshiped and admired Lin Fan, and were willing to die for him.

This is the king, fighting the world alone.

Lin Fan slammed his fist into the void, and a powerful fist blasted out, piercing through the space, and the road to Huangquan suddenly appeared in the void.

Huangquan Road twists and turns to the underworld.

"Everyone, it's time to go on the road. Pick a good time to reincarnate. Let's go on the road together, and there will be companions on the road to Huangquan."

Lin Fan was the first to strike, he couldn't wait.

Putting the points in front of my eyes, I am sorry for myself if I don't accept them.

"King Zhou, you are looking for death!" A golden fairy nine-fold tiger demon king in Xihe Niuzhou sneered, with one tiger claw, he met Lin Fan to attack.

"My tiger's claws are like a knife, your fist can block my knife"

The sharp tiger claws met Lin Fan's fist, and the power burst out, and the tiger claws shattered.

Before the Tiger Demon King could finish his sentence, he saw a fist flying towards him, and the fist smashed his nails.

Click!There was the sound of bones breaking.

Lin Fan's fist landed on the tiger demon's face, killing the tiger demon with one punch.

The tiger demon's body, which was as big as a mountain, crashed down to the ground below, and blood fell from the sky like a river.

The little demon below was hit by blood and died on the spot.

"Weak! Too weak!" Lin Fan shook the blood off his hands and sneered.

"One Golden Immortal Nine Layer Tiger Demon King dares to fight me hand-to-hand, I want to die!"

"Come together and kill him!"

Yiming Yaoxian's face was icy cold.

He invited so many people to participate in the battle, not to make Lin Fan pretend to be B.

"The cloud-dispelling hand, disaster clouds descend from the sky!"

With one palm, he absorbs the demon cloud with a radius of hundreds of miles, and the demon cloud dissipates, but the demonic aura still envelopes the sky.Pei Ran blasted towards Lin Fan.


At the same time, other masters from all sides also made moves one after another, only the masters from the Shura clan did not move.

Phantoms of divine beasts and ancient strange beasts appeared in the void.

Roaring, roaring again and again.Countless tricks and supernatural powers exploded.

With so many supernatural powers, even if Da Luo Jinxian came, he would be blasted to pieces.

However, Lin Fan didn't even draw out the Blood Demon Sword, but stood in the void and formed a seal in the air, very calm.

"Thousand-handed Buddha!"

Lin Fan actually used Buddhist supernatural powers to show a thousand gestures.

The Buddha's light was running, and at this moment, Lin Fanruo shook the golden Buddha, and the vajra was indestructible.

A thousand hands are enough to deal with a siege of a thousand people.

The big move bombarded, and the air wave rolled.The aftermath of the destruction rushed down, causing many Heavenly Court allied forces to die tragically.

Yu Bo rushed towards Hangu Pass, and was about to hit the pass wall when a blue and gold long sword fell from the sky.

Blood Demon Sword!

The blood demon sword landed on the wall, and the sword energy radiated spontaneously, blocking the aftermath of the impact.

The aftermath contacted the bombardment, and the Tianting Allied Forces immediately stopped the attack and retreated a hundred miles.

Don't retreat, waiting to be bombarded to death by the aftermath of supernatural powers?Not everyone can block the aftermath of magical powers.

"How can he have Buddhist supernatural powers?" Yiming Yaoxian's cloud-dispelling hand was instantly smashed by Lin Fan.

He wasn't the unluckiest.

The most unlucky ones were the few Xihe Niuzhou Golden Immortal Ninth Layer Demon Gods who rushed to the front. They rushed too fast and were bombarded and killed by Lin Fan's thousand hands.

"Kill the old Dragon King of the East China Sea, and get the method of Buddhist practice."

Lin Fan explained that the speed was extremely fast.

Some supernatural powers bombarded Lin Fan's body, and a golden light burst out.

The golden light dissipated, but Lin Fan was seen standing still, the golden body was not damaged at all, the Buddha's light lingered around him, the Buddha's voice was surrounded, and the golden lotus danced along with the Buddha's seal.

"The Vajra is not bad?! This is the highest level of cultivation of the Thousand-Handed Tathagata." The Buddhist Golden Immortal was shocked.

The highest level of the Thousand-hand Tathagata is not the thousand-handedness, but the thousand-handedness is just the premise. The highest level is that the diamond is not broken, and the water and fire are not invaded.

The Buddhist Golden Immortal couldn't help being shocked.

Thousand-handed Tathagata is easy to learn but difficult to master. Although it is profound, Buddhism is distributed all over the world, and anyone who is strong enough has a chance to get it.

However, no matter whether it is Buddhism or outsiders who practice the Thousand-handed Tathagata Dharma, no one has reached Lin Fan's current state.

Even if it did, it didn't have the power that Lin Fan had displayed.

"The demon that harms the Buddha! It should be killed!"

The cultivation base of the Demon Sect Golden Immortal suddenly broke through the Golden Immortal, and reached the third level of the Daluo Golden Immortal.

A purple gold bowl appeared above the head.

The purple gold bowl lingers on the thunder light.

Lin Fan glanced at Zijin Bowl, "Da Leiyin Temple?"

"What Daleiyin Temple?" The Buddhist Daluo Jinxian was puzzled, but it didn't prevent him from suppressing and killing Lin Fan.

In order not to affect the grand plan of conferring the gods, the heavenly court crusade against Lin Fan did not invite a few Daluo Jinxians.

Worried that too many powerful Da Luo Jinxians would be invited, and the saint would intervene.

After all, King Zhou was still needed for the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods, and Lin Fan could not die.

Unexpectedly, the Buddhist Daluo Jinxian actually hides his cultivation.

"Do you still need face?" Zhu Gangli, who was in charge of making soy sauce and serving as the crowd eating melons, muttered.

A word of complaint made him turn into a pig fetus and become a pig later.

(End of this chapter)

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