Chapter 636
The carriage turned around and ran towards Bigan's mansion.

In times of crisis, Uncle Bigan still took care of his hometown, which showed that Uncle Huang was a family-friendly person.

However, the outcome was quite the opposite.

When Uncle Bigan came home, the first thing he did was to find his wife.

In the garden, a 20-year-old woman is leaning on the railing, dignified and elegant, gentle and virtuous, with elegant beauty in every move.

Beside her is a sea of ​​blooming flowers, compared with it, the flowers pale in color.

She is Bai Wuxia, the wife of Uncle Bigan, a high-minded Taoist who pursues immortality, and does not belong to the Sanqing sect.

The prehistoric world is so big, Sanqing is not the only one who belongs to the Taoist sect.

How many talents are there in Sanqingmen?It seems like a lot, but in the whole world, it is just a drop in the ocean.

The moment he saw his wife, Uncle Bigan had a lingering haze in his eyes, betraying him with a heavy heart.

Bai Wuxia noticed something was wrong at a glance, and hurriedly asked why.

After repeated questioning, Bigan finally told the truth.

"Miss, blame me for being confused for a while, blame the unfairness of fate, I shouldn't peep at the throne of the emperor. But am I wrong? If Your Majesty is defeated, how can I, the people of the Great Merchants, be blamed? I only stood up to protect the people of the Great Merchants."

Uncle Bigan talked about spying on the throne.

In his description, he is glorious and majestic, and everything is for the people of the big business, for the big business, and for the curve to save the country.

No one would believe such a mentally handicapped reason.

However, from the mouth of Uncle Bigan, the uncle with seven apertures and exquisite heart knew that he was a gentleman at a glance, which made people have to believe it.

"Then what should I do?" Bai Wuxia was in a hurry, her beautiful face was full of anxiety.

"Miss, it's fine. You go back to the mountain to practice first. Your majesty is generous and won't do anything to me."

Speaking of this, Bigan couldn't go on.

King Zhou's character is unknown to the great merchants.

"No matter what I say, he is His Majesty's uncle. It is troublesome to let Marquis Xibo go."

Uncle Bigan pretended to be relaxed.

"I rescued him secretly and made an appointment with him. Once Dashang loses the battle against the Allied Forces of Heaven, and I become emperor, he will return to Xiqi. In case I fail to save the country with curves, he can continue my unfinished ambition. Continue to lead the people to fight against immortals and demons."

"If Da Shang wins, he will go back to prison. Who would have thought that such a wise man as Xi Bohou would betray his trust and go back to Xiqi when Da Shang wins. My heart aches, and I lost another A moral friend." Uncle Bigan sighed.

"Miss, you go back to the mountain to practice first, Your Majesty will not do anything to me, after all, I am the emperor's uncle. I will go to you again after the limelight is over. The faster you go, the better." Emperor Bigan asked to pack his luggage .

"I'm not leaving, we're going together." Bai Wuxia shook his head.

"Mistress, listen to me, let's go. I'll be fine. If you stay, treat yourself as Your Majesty."

Uncle Bigan couldn't say anything after that.

Lin Fan is a human being, no one knows.

Not interested in mortal women, he began to look at fairies, dragon girls, and high-level female cultivators.

And Bai Wuxia is just a female cultivator with a high cultivation base.

"Miss, you must go. If you don't go, I will die in front of you."

Uncle Bigan drew his sword and compared it to his own neck.

"Okay, I'll go." Bai Wuxia's eyes were red, he didn't even need his luggage, and flew from the garden to the clouds.

"Sir, you will be fine."

She left with a cloud.

The moment Bai Wuxia left, Uncle Bigan's heart was bleeding, and he was secretly glad that a great humiliation welled up in his heart.

He knew that his life was saved, and he knew even more that Bai Wuxia didn't go back to the mountain, but went to find King Zhou.

His acquaintance with Bai Wuxia was like the acquaintance of Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen.

The same is to repay the favor, and it is also to fall in love with the benefactor on the way to repay the favor.

He deliberately acted sadly out of his understanding of Bai Wuxia.

He knew that if he did this, Bai Wuxia would definitely go to Lin Fan secretly.
After finding it, the beauty trick.

Thinking about it this way, Uncle Bigan only felt that his hair was a little green.

I haven't touched it myself, so it's so cheap for others.

This man is still a scumbag.

Not fair, not fair!
"Come on, I want a drink."

The moon and stars were sparse, and Uncle Bigan, who had been drinking all day, was drunk.

at this time.

The people in the mansion had already fallen asleep, and there were only a few old ladies walking back and forth.

Other than that, there is no one else.

Bigan drank in a daze, the more he thought about it, the more sad he became.

The aunt who came to clean the garden was surprised. She looked around but saw no one.

"Where's Erya?! It's so strange, I clearly saw her coming this way."

"Could it have been robbed by flower pickers?" Another aunt said.

"Nonsense, no one wants Erya to put it upside down on the side of the road. Otherwise, it will be 43 and still be the original."

A certain emperor uncle who was eating a big meal didn't feel anything, only felt that he was brave like never before.

At the same time, an elegant nun stood in the clouds above Lin Fan's tent.

Bai Wuxia stood on the cloud, watching the camp below.

I saw a forest of masters in the camp, with pillars of tyrannical energy soaring into the sky.

The air column is the breath emitted by the master, which is invisible to the naked eye.

Only those with a cultivation level above the mythical level can see it.

With so many masters, layers upon layers, and layers of formations, it would be hard for outsiders to get close to Lin Fan's tent.

There is a tangled, hesitant look on her beautiful face.

"What should I do? No, I must save Emperor Bigan!"

She landed from the clouds, and was discovered by the camp defense circle before she even landed.


A general flew into the sky, but no one was found.

"Escape, or? Strengthen your guard."

After the general gave his orders, he disappeared into the sky.

At the same time, an unexpected visitor came to Lin Fan's tent.

"Someone? Come in." Lin Fan flipped through the scroll and found someone was outside.

He is skilled and courageous, and since he fought against the Emperor of Heaven, his self-confidence has inflated, and he no longer makes sneak attacks.

The current him, apart from sending out two or more quasi-sages, there is nothing he can do.

It is impossible for a saint to make casual moves, but for a quasi-sage, it is too difficult for two quasi-sages to make a move at the same time.

Two are difficult, let alone three.

It can be said that Lin Fan is a sideways existence in the Three Realms.

"There is tea on the table, sit down."

Finding that the person who came was an elegant and dignified fairy in white, Lin Fan raised his head, pointed at the table next to him and said.

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head again and continued to deal with the scrolls on the table.

"Wait for a while, I'm busy dealing with state affairs. If you don't mind, you can just tell me, why are you looking for Gu?"

Lin Fan is now a strong man who can be compared to a quasi-sage, and he has his own status as a strong man, so naturally he will not embarrass the younger generation.

"Your Majesty, King Zhou, please spare Emperor Bigan." The woman begged.

"What's the matter with Uncle Bigan?" Lin Fan didn't raise his head.

Beautiful girls have seen too much and are used to it.

In addition, he is not a person who loves flowers, and his pursuit of beauties is more like a collection.

"Isn't Uncle Bigan staying in Chaoge? Something happened?" Lin Fan said casually.

"I implore Your Majesty to let Uncle Bigan go. As long as Your Majesty lets Uncle Bigan go, I will promise you anything." Bai Wuxia said firmly.

She gave up.

(End of this chapter)

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