The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 637 is not that kind of person

Chapter 637 is not that kind of person
"Who are you, uncle?"


"Miss, it doesn't look like it." Lin Fan glanced at her and found that it was still the original one, and immediately thought of something, "You are the fairy who asked Uncle Bigan to repay her favor, Bai Wuxia."

When Lin Fan meets a beautiful young lady who is capable of immortality, she is called Fairy.

"Sure enough, a person lives up to his name, and the jade is flawless."

Seeing that Bai Wuxia was anxious, Lin Fan put down the scroll in his hand.

"Remember that Gu hasn't arrested Uncle Bigan yet. You let Gu release Uncle Bigan. Do you know what crime Uncle Bigan committed?"

"Your Majesty, Uncle Bigan is only thinking of the great merchants."

Bai Wuxia talked about how Uncle Bigan worked for the country and the people, saving the country with curves.

Lin Fan laughed and scoffed at this.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many ambitious people have decorated their ambitions with magnificence and grandeur.

Just cheat a little lamb like Bai Wuxia, if you want to cheat Lin Fan, in your next life.

Lin Fan could see in the blink of an eye that Bai Wuxia had been sold to him by Uncle Bigan.

Sell ​​it and count the money for Bigan.

Uncle Bigan didn't let Bai Wuxia go, but he saw Bai Wuxia's character and knew that Bai Wuxia would come to him to intercede.

In order to survive, betraying the woman who loves me is disgraceful!

"For the sake of the big merchants, when the lonely and the frontline soldiers are fighting to the death, think about how to be the emperor, think about how to save the country? The lonely is not dead, and the big merchants are not defeated? This is what you said Uncle Emperor, with a noble character? I just think he has no character and no heart."

Lin Fan emphasized his tone.

"Xibohou is ambitious. In Gu, at the time of the decisive battle between Dashang and the Allied Forces of the Heavenly Court, it's fine that Uncle Bigan didn't hold back, and he secretly released Xibohou. What is An De's intention?"

"If it wasn't for Yu Yong's lonely efforts to kill Daluo Jinxian thirty-six and Jinxian one hundred and eight, and end the battle as soon as possible, once Xibohou returns to Xiqi to rebel, wouldn't the lonely big merchant want to fight on two fronts?"

"Uncle Biqian is better at eloquence. He can say that, invest in multiple lines, serve the country and the people, and save the country with curves."

"After you make a mistake, you don't have the courage to take responsibility, but instead deceive you and make you take the initiative to come to Gu to intercede for him"

"Miss Bai, you are entrusting no one. Change to a lover as soon as possible. Emperor Uncle Bigan is not good."

"Your Majesty, you misunderstood, Uncle Bigan is not that kind of person!" Bai Wuxia looked directly into Lin Fan's angry eyes.

"He is that kind of person. Do you know who Gu hates the most in his life? A traitor who pretends to save the country with a curve, but actually seeks personal gain. Uncle Bigan is this kind of person."

Lin Fan suppressed his anger.

Anger comes and goes quickly.

"You don't need to say anymore, after Gu returns to Chaoge, someone must have his heart cut out to see if his heart is dark or not."

"Your Majesty, I beg you to spare Emperor Bigan's life. Wuxia will definitely repay you by being a cow and a horse in the next life."

Bai Wuxia begged, but almost knelt down for Lin Fan.

"Miss Bai, Bigan's scum is not worthy of you. Doesn't he know that you will secretly beg for orphans for him? He knows and still lets you come. Is such a scum worth your money?"

"Your Majesty, please be respectful. Please call me Huangsao."

"Okay, sister-in-law. So you like this tune."

Bai Wuxia blinked, not understanding what the old driver Lin Fan meant.

"How can Your Majesty spare Emperor Bigan's life?"

"It's impossible to spare him, not even in this life."

Lin Fan shook his head and continued to flip through the scroll.

"If you have nothing to do, you go out first. The lonely man and the widow have a bad influence. Gu is a decent person."

Instead of going out, Bai Wuxia knelt down, hugged Lin Fan's feet and begged bitterly, begging Lin Fan to spare the life of Emperor Bigan.

"Sister-in-law, please respect yourself, I am a decent person."

"As long as His Majesty is willing to let Uncle Bigan go, His Majesty doesn't have to be a human being."

Bai Wuxia begged bitterly.

"Ahem." Lin Fan coughed again and again.

"Sister-in-law, Gu is really a decent person. You should go back first and wait for Gu to find out the truth. If Emperor Uncle Bigan is not that kind of person, Gu will let him go. If so, no matter how much you beg or give, Gudu will only handle it according to the law. No one can override Gu's law, except Gu."

Bai Wuxia still hugged Lin Fan's feet tightly and refused to leave.

"Forget it, since you trust Uncle Bigan so much, Gu will let you see who he is."

With a wave of Lin Fan's hand, immortal essence gushed out.

The air in front rippled like a screen.

On the screen, a picture of Bigan Imperial Palace Garden appeared.

A strange voice came.

"It's better than Uncle Qian? It's really powerful!" Seeing the screen, Lin Fan was stunned.

Bai Wuxia who hugged Lin Fan's feet was also dumbfounded.

"Wuxia, do you know? When I think that you will be killed by King Zhou, my heart breaks. But if you don't stay with King Zhou, I will die. King Zhou, I must kill you."

Lin Fan didn't look at it, and covered his forehead, "I told you earlier, Uncle Bigan's character is not good. If he really wanted to let you go back to the mountain, how could he act like he was parting from life and death? He knows you well." , knowing that you will come to beg alone for him."

"It's fake, it's all fake! Everything is the illusion of your spells."

Bai Wuxia refused to believe it.

In fact, from the moment she heard Uncle Bigan talking to himself, she knew that Lin Fan hadn't lied to her.

Practitioners who are not ears and eyesight, how can they get less wisdom.

Uncle Bigan's calculations can only be calculated for a while, not forever.

"Okay, I'll take it as a fake. Miss Bai, can you let go of Gu first, Gu is a decent person."

Lin Fan felt the softness from his feet, and felt a little itchy in his heart.

"Call me Huangsao." Bai Wuxia looked straight at him.

"Okay, sister-in-law, can you let go first?"

And Bigan, who is far away in Chaoge, is having a sweet dream.

In the dream, Huangtu hegemony was in his hands.

All the gods, immortals, and saints were trampled under his feet one by one.

He is the emperor of the gods, the king of the immortals, and the lord of the saints. He is the supreme master of the three realms, the emperor of heaven.

Bai Wuxia is just one of his many concubines.

I am imagining some indescribable stories with Chang'e, the most beautiful fairy in the Three Realms.

Uncle Bigan was shaken awake from his sleep.

"Ghost!" As soon as he woke up, Uncle Bigan saw a terrifying face.

"Ah, it's you, you scared me."


Bigan found something was wrong.Where are his clothes?

"Erya, what about us last night?" Bigan looked in disbelief at the 43-year-old aunt and maid.

"Necrosis, Uncle Huang. You said that you want to have a monkey with someone, and you want to be with him for the rest of your life. Bad!" Er Ya twisted her hands.

Uncle Bigan couldn't accept the stimulation and passed out directly.

When Lin Fan returned to Chaoge, the whole city was discussing one thing.

The emperor's uncle Bigan ate his aunt's maid who no one wanted.

Appearance is a bonus item for a woman, but a woman without an appearance is an additional bonus item for a man with a reputation.

The news that Uncle Bigan ate the maid who no one wanted after the upside-down post came out, and the people of Chaoge changed their views on him again.

Once again, I think that Uncle Bigan has a good name and is a rare talent.

If you are not a great talent, how can you be willing to accept a dinosaur?
In addition, the voices of cursing Uncle Bigan's water spinach have decreased a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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