The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 657 Xibo Hou, worried

Chapter 657 Xibo Hou, worried
Dang, the swords clashed, and the sword that the Yellow Emperor dropped was blocked by Lin Fan with Mie Dao and Blood Demon Sword.

I saw that the three thousand Yellow Emperors disappeared, leaving only one.

"There is innocence between the orphan and the girl." Lin Fan pressed the Yellow Emperor with nearly a thousand hands covered with cracks.

Huang Di's face was very ugly.

"It's pure and clear, just like the clouds in the sky." Lin Fan said.

The Yellow Emperor looked up at the sky.

I saw that the sky was pitch black, not to mention white clouds, I didn't see any gray clouds, it was all black clouds.

Lin Fan laughed dryly, "The metaphor of Yun is somewhat inappropriate, but Gu and Nu Han are really innocent."

"Hmph, trust you for now." Huang Di sneered.

"Gu credit, you are worthy of trust."

Before Lin Fan finished speaking, Nu Han appeared in this space.

"Father, he bullied me, kill him quickly!"

Huang Di was not as furious as Nu Han expected, but heaved a sigh of relief.

As an old driver, he could naturally tell if Lin Fan was bullying his daughter.

"I didn't expect you to have some character. However, this only shows that you are not as good as a beast." Huangdi said contemptuously.

At this time, Nv Han finally saw clearly that Lin Fan seemed, seemed to be restraining the Yellow Emperor.

She suddenly became anxious, "Let go of my father."

Huang Di blushed rarely, "Nv Han, you go out first, I have something to talk to him about."

Seeing Lin Fan put away the thousand hands that were pressing on the Yellow Emperor, Nu Han turned and left this world.

The world created by Zhunsheng is a world of its own, independent of heaven and earth.

The ground, water, fire, wind and thunder caused by the battle were turbulent, and all kinds of terrifying destructive auras shuttled through the void, ready to erupt at any time.

These are the remnants of the fighting between the two.

If it is not dealt with, it will still exist after many years, and even kill the latecomers.

"My father-in-law, what do we have to talk about, maybe you want to marry Nuhan to Gu. There is no need to talk about this, because sooner or later, Nuhan will marry Gu."

Lin Fan waved his hand freely, giving Huangdi the urge to strangle Lin Fan to death.

With Lin Fan waving his hand, the turbulent turbulent flow of destruction in the world disappeared.

Below, the magma sea was silent, and the thunder roared in the sky. This time it was no longer the thunder of the world-destroying god, but the thunder with the vitality of creation.

The thunder roared, exploded, and struck in the air, bringing out a series of booming noises and some special molecules.

Immediately, dark clouds appeared in the sky, and heavy rain fell like a meteor.

Sea water soon appeared above the silent magma sea.

It flows continuously, filling all the spaces in the space that should have water in the blink of an eye.

"The creation of the void forms a world of its own. You are also a quasi-sage. No, you are not a quasi-sage yet."

Huang Di looked at Lin Fan as if he had seen a ghost.

"Gu is not yet a quasi-sage, but it will be soon. When the conferment of gods ends, Gu will become a quasi-sage, the strongest existence in the Three Realms." Lin Fan seemed to be telling something that was bound to happen.

"Arrogance! A saint dare not say that he is the strongest existence. You didn't even come to the quasi-sage, so you just talk nonsense, don't you think it's ridiculous? You are very strong, but if you fight seriously, many people are stronger than you .as me……"

"Hehe, is that so?" Lin Fan smiled lightly.

However, what Huangdi said is correct, his strength is indeed higher than Lin Fan, and many quasi-sages are stronger than Lin Fan.

However, it is one thing to be stronger than Lin Fan, but another to be able to beat Lin Fan.

"King Zhou, do you really want to marry my daughter?" Huang Di looked at Lin Fan, and suddenly said with a solemn expression.

"Naturally." Lin Fan said with a smile, he has never been stingy with his love for beauties.

"However, don't worry. After more than 20 years, Gu obeyed the fate and the fate, and left in ashes, leaving the girl Han alone." Immediately, Lin Fan looked at the Yellow Emperor and smiled.

"The calamity can be changed. There is nothing fixed in the world. The Dao is fifty and the sky is four or nine. It depends on whether you can grasp and change it. Even when Pangu opened the sky, there are variables, but no one can grasp it. You That doom is compared with their doom."

Huang Di couldn't continue, his face twitched.

"King Zhou, don't act recklessly, how many saints have you offended?"

"Just a few!" Lin Fan replied.

Just a few, there are only six saints in total.

Huang Di didn't want to talk anymore.

"Starting today, be careful with your words and deeds, and don't create new enemies for yourself. I will help you escape."

"How can I help? Give the Nine Heavens Profound Girl to Gu?"

"Get out!" Huangdi's eyes were burning, he still wanted Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

A few hours later, Lin Fan and Huang Di appeared outside.

As soon as he came out, the Yellow Emperor said to his daughter, "From today on, King Zhou will be your husband-in-law."

"Lady, I said earlier that you couldn't escape from my palm." Lin Fan laughed.

"Father, you are confused."

"Father is not confused. Is there any young talent in the world who is better than King Zhou, which young talent is worthy of you. That's it, don't talk about it, it's settled." Huang Di waved his hand and made the final decision .

With the appearance of a strict father, he suddenly changed his tone and turned to Fairy Chang'e beside him.

"What's the name of this fairy?" Huang Di said, his eyes almost circled.

"You don't even know the famous Chang'e Fairy?" Lin Fan was surprised.

When the Yellow Emperor heard the words, he felt regretful.

Back then, when he heard people say that Fairy Chang'e was the most beautiful in the three worlds, he scoffed.

I thought it was blown by those in the Three Realms who had never seen beauties before.

When I saw him today, Huang Di felt completely remorseful.

If there was still Lin Fan back then, what happened to Lin Fan now.

The facts have been settled, and all regrets have disappeared.

In the end, the Yellow Emperor ignored Nv Han's rebuttal, acquiesced that Nv Han and Lin Fan were a couple, and used his own fallacy.

"What's so good about having more wives?! No matter how many wives King Zhou has, he can have as many as me. I'm just as good as your aunts. It's such a happy decision."

Lin Fan suddenly felt that arranged marriages in the feudal society were beneficial.

After dealing with the thousands of miles of red land in the northwest, Lin Fan took Nv Han and Chang'e back to Chaoge.

To Lin Fan, the land of thousands of miles is just a short distance away.

Soon, Lin Fan appeared in Chaoge.

Lin Fan, who was in a hurry to get back to Chaoge, didn't notice that Zhu Gangli's eyes were wrong from the moment he saw Fairy Chang'e.

Envy and jealousy carry unspeakable emotions.

At this time, no one noticed what was wrong with Zhu Gang.

However, Zhu Gangli quickly recovered his mood and became more and more loyal to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan brought the two daughters back to Chaoge, the first person to fear was none other than Xibohou, who had committed rebellion and rebellion.

He didn't get the news that both women were quasi-sages.

If quasi-sages fight, outsiders will not even notice that quasi-sages are fighting if they don't let out their breath.If Marquis Xibo got it, I'm afraid it would not be fear, but suicide directly.

To create a rebellion no less than the three quasi-sages is different from courting death.

The army was newly defeated, Xibohou was worried, and countless strands of his hair turned gray.

He was in a very bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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