The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 658 Jiang Ziya's Confidence

Chapter 658 Jiang Ziya's Confidence
Xibohou was in a very bad mood.

The support from Emperor Fuxi was cut off.

His Hetu and Luo calligraphy came from Fuxi Renhuang. After Renhuang came into contact with Lin Fan, he thought that Lin Fan was a pawn of Nuwa's sage, so he cut off his support for Xibohou.

Sibohou was sitting in the tent, the wind and rain were cold, very desolate.

When he thought about how much happier Lin Fan would be in Lutai while he was sitting in a cold tent, his heart ached a little.

When someone came in to report, and Lin Fan brought the two girls back to Chaoge, his heart ached even more.

Without comparison, there is no harm!

"Wait a minute, you just said, what is the name of one of the women brought back by Lin Fan. Nu Han? Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor's daughter."

Pa, the tea on the table was touched by Xi Bohou.

No one knew better than him what the presence of Xuanyuan Huangdi's daughter beside Lin Fan meant.

This means that the Yellow Emperor supports Lin Fan.

Thinking of this, Xi Bohou's eyes darkened, and he felt that he was about to die.

"No, I have to cheer up, there are saints behind me"

Xi Bohou immediately strengthened his confidence. Although King Zhou Lin Fan is very powerful, even saints may be doomed in the catastrophe of conferring gods. No matter how awesome Lin Fan is, there is absolutely no possibility of breaking the catastrophe!

In the end, King Zhou Lin Fan will definitely die!
Xi Bohou clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were firm.


In Yuxu Palace, the Yuanshi sage was a little confused.

At the very beginning, the sage of Yuanshi just wanted to resolve the calamity of heaven and earth with the great calamity of conferring gods, and King Zhou was just incidental, and he had already ordered to receive the box lunch.

In the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods, there was nothing wrong with King Zhou at all.

However, things developed beyond Yuanshi sage's expectations.

Lin Fan's strength caused the trajectory of Fengshen to deviate, and even made Fengshen his home field alone, involving the entire Three Realms from the original small fights.

"The Yellow Emperor asked Nv Han to follow King Zhou to support King Zhou?"

The Yuanshi sage asked from afar.

There seemed to be a reply coming from the void.

The Yuanshi sage was silent for a while, "Okay, I promise, King Zhou will not fall in response to the calamity in the future."

Obviously, it was Xuanyuan Huangdi who was negotiating terms with the Yuanshi sage.

"However, if King Zhou pushes an inch, you can't blame me."

Huoyun Cave, Xuanyuan Huangdi wiped off his cold sweat,
"Lin Fan, my father-in-law is good enough to you. For you, I will go out of my way to beg the saint."

Mount Sumeru, the second sage of the West.

Seeing Nv Han appearing next to Lin Fan, Saint Zhunti's expression changed again and again.

During the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods, Saint Zhunti had already made up his mind.

With such a change in Lin Fan, Saint Zhunti doubted whether he could still use the backhand he had set.

"Isn't it good for you to be a human emperor? Why do you need such a high level of cultivation. Don't get in the way, otherwise."

Zhunti sage said to himself, and when he raised his hand, the void in front of his eyes shattered, forming a turbulent flow of void.

The saint pinched his five fingers, and suddenly his face changed slightly.

He counted Lin Fan as a major obstacle to the eastward spread of Buddhism.

"Senior brother, I'll go out for a while." Zhunti Saint said.

Jie Yin shook his head and said, "We haven't reached that point yet. We have restrained King Zhou, and now King Zhou has not personally attacked King Wu's army. We have no reason to do so."

The saint can't just shoot casually.

Otherwise, there is no strong person in the world when the big bully the small.

"Then what?"

"It shouldn't be us who are so anxious. Brother Yuanshi is more anxious than us."

"Yes!" Zhunti Saint agreed.

But I guessed wrong, the most urgent one is not the Yuanshi saint, but the Nuwa saint who has not been involved in the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods.

In the heavenly court, the emperor of heaven sings to wine, and sees that everyone is a traitor.

"The Yellow Emperor sent his daughter to King Zhou? The Yellow Emperor also peeped at my position, thinking of the Heavenly Emperor? A bunch of rebellious officials and thieves should be killed." The Heavenly Emperor watched coldly.

Chaoge, Lin Fan woke up from the flowers, it was really flowers.

After Nuhan arrived at Chaoge, Lin Fan was kicked out. He thought it was the beginning of happiness, but he didn't expect it to be the beginning of restraint.

Lin Fan didn't care about it.

It doesn't matter if he is driven out, he spends more time on practicing and sorting out his exercises.

Either practicing knives and swords diligently, or pondering the Yellow Emperor's method of transforming into three thousand incarnations.Lin Fan asked the Yellow Emperor, but he didn't get the cultivation method of Yihua Sanqian from Huangdi, and he didn't even have the principle.

"How did the Yellow Emperor turn himself into three thousand and still keep standing?" Lin Fan couldn't figure it out.

Three thousand incarnations are not separated from each other, three thousand one thought, the combat power remains unchanged, how to maintain it?

this is a big problem.

"What are you thinking again?" Nu Han walked over, "It's time for you to go to court."

"While going to court, let's play." Lin Fan didn't have the habit of going to court early.

"Father was very diligent when he was emperor, unlike you."

Nu Han murmured, and replaced Lin Fan with tea.

It can be regarded as accepting the feudal marriage arrangement of the Yellow Emperor.

"That's because he has no strength. Can the emperor work hard to solve major national affairs? It's the people below who should work hard." Lin Fan raised his head, "Are you planning to take Chang'e and the others to the Moon Palace?"

"Well, let them go, so that you can concentrate on dealing with the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods, so that you won't be distracted and fall."

Lin Fan stood up and stretched his waist, "If a saint doesn't make a move, an orphan won't fall. A saint makes a move..."

Lin Fan didn't continue.

Nu Han thought that what Lin Fan said was that if the saint took action, Lin Fan would fall.

As everyone knows, Lin Fan didn't mean that.

Seeing that Nu Han would make a mistake, Lin Fan shook his head, "Are you so unconfident in my strength? Even if a saint makes a move, Gu is sure to deal with it. Otherwise, how could the Yellow Emperor pack you up for me?"

Nu Han didn't believe it, thinking that Lin Fan was bragging.

The saint is the most powerful existence in the world, and even the quasi-sage is not there, so he said that he is sure to deal with the saint.

Don't say that Nu Han doesn't believe it, just say Lin Fan, if someone else said that to Lin Fan, Lin Fan wouldn't believe it either.

"Gu is telling the truth, why no one believes it?" Lin Fan spread his hands.

"Truth? There is really a saint standing behind you, Nuwa saint?"


at the same time.

Xiqi, Fengshentai, Xiangfu Jiang Ziya watched the sky at night, and saw the stars shining brightly.

At this time, Xiqi was encountering a dungeon of Sanxiao Hell, and his morale was low. Jiang Ziya immediately found Xibohou.

"Master Hou, great joy, the star that was supposed to appear has finally appeared." Jiang Ziya said to Xi Bohou.

"Which direction?" Xi Bohou was eager for talents, and felt that the experts from the Three Realms he had recruited before were not worth it.

Each of them boasted supernatural powers higher than the sky.

What Daluo Jinxian, what is beyond redemption, all are bragging.

When the fight really started, Fairy Bixiao used the dragon-binding rope to capture a group, and Fairy Yunxiao cut off a group of those who slipped through the net with golden dragon scissors, and Fairy Qiongxiao finally used the Hunyuan Golden Dou to walk away and refine them. So miserable.

With so many masters dying, the calamity should have dissipated, but the ones who should have died were not the ones who should have died, and miscellaneous fish are not counted in the score.

"Qiantang Pass, isn't Li Jing guarding there? Li Jing is loyal to King Zhou, and he is the most loyal minion of King Zhou's plot to kill Zhongliang. Isn't it very dangerous to be a star at Qiantang Pass?"

"No matter how poisonous Li Jing is, it's impossible for him to attack his own child."

Jiang Ziya laughed, indicating that everything was under control.

(End of this chapter)

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