Chapter 674
The two walked and chatted, and came to a light door.

He followed Wang Shiba through a light door.

This is a portal that can directly transport people to Lin Fan.

With a flash of brilliance, Huang Yuanji appeared beside Lin Fan.

His words of admiration came to an end.

Looking up, he saw that Lin Fan was still in the human world.

Surrounded by eighteen dragon girls, there are also several Qingcheng fairies pouring tea for Lin Fan, or playing the piano for Lin Fan.

"Flying Tiger General Huang Yuanji, are you here?" Lin Fan asked the ghost to bring the seat.

"Sit down and tell me, what happened to Xiqi and Xibohou?"

"I'm ashamed, I didn't study well enough, so that I died under the knife of the rebels." Huang Yuanji was terrified.

"When I came down, I heard rumors that Marquis Xibo was sick in bed, and I'm afraid he will die soon."

The ancestors of the underworld were all taken over by Lin Fan, so how can they not be sick in bed?
"Sigh, it's not bad to treat him alone. I didn't expect Xibohou to be such a person. He knows people and faces but doesn't know his heart!" Lin Fan sighed, "It's fine if you come, follow me to Wangxiangtai in ten days."

"Your Majesty takes orders. Your Majesty, can I ask why you invited me to go with you? In the Dashang Ghost Mansion, there should be quite a few people with higher cultivation levels than my ministers."

"Do you really want to hear it?"

Huang Yuanji nodded.

"Because you look vicious enough." Lin Fan said truthfully.

Is there anyone who can be called General Flying Tiger with a kind face?
Huang Yuanji looked like a flying tiger from a distance, but he also looked like a flying tiger up close.

Huang Yuanji: "."

On the way to leave, Huang Yuanji heard ghosts and gods whispering.

"Chonghouhu brother Chongheihu has come down."

"I heard that the intestines were cleared with regret, and the screams continued for ten miles."

"He deserves it! Who told him to betray His Majesty, hook up with Xiqi, even his own brother Chonghouhu."

The Xiqi camp was solemn and solemn.

Jiang Ziya persuaded the great merchant general Chong Heihu to assassinate his brother Chonghouhu in order to seize the city.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the conspiracy was revealed, and Chonghouhu seized the opportunity to fight back
Jiang Ziya couldn't figure it out.

So perfect, why do things go wrong?

"There's no need to guess. It was King Zhou who sent a voice transmission from the underworld, telling Chonghouhu that Chongheihu would betray him."

Xibohou said with difficulty, pushing the tortoise shell in his hand.

"Father Shang, my time has come. According to my calculations, my successor will defeat Da Shang and establish Da Zhou. Da Zhou has 800 years of history. 800 years, 200 years more than Da Shang."

"Master Hou, don't use Xianyuan again. You will be fine!"

"No, my time is almost up."

Xibohou held Jiang Ziya's hand tightly.

"I heard, heard a lot of people. They said"

Lord Xibo came down to listen, intending to hear what they were saying.

Jiang Ziya shivered.

No one else in the tent made a sound.

"They say curses"

Xibohou fell, and King Wucheng succeeded to the throne.

The Dashang Ghost Mansion welcomes a newcomer, Lord Xibo.

After the famous powerhouses on the list of gods fall, their names will appear on the platform of gods, and their ghosts will still appear in the underworld.

Only after the conferring of gods is over, will they become gods on the list.

Xibohou obviously didn't wait for the time to be on the list and become a god. As soon as he arrived in the underworld, he was arrested by the big merchant ghosts and gods.

Lin Fan did not let ghosts and gods punish him.

"Master Hou, I treat you well alone, why do you want to rebel?"

The meeting place is also in the back garden.

Lin Fan was sitting while Xi Bohou was kneeling.

Two people, one day, one place.

"Hehe. You killed my son Bo Yi Kao, and then forced me to eat Bo Yi Kao's meat. We have a mortal enmity. You still say you treat me kindly? Is there such kindness? What is wrong with my son? ? But I just fell in love with Su Daji."

Xi Bohou tried his best to raise his head, staring straight at Lin Fan.

But no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see Lin Fan's face clearly, let alone his strength.

"Gu never let anyone kill Bo Yi Kao. What's wrong with Bo Yi Kao? It's a joke. You and Bo Yi Kao were not the ones who besieged and killed Gu? Bo Yi Kao's death was just his random luck to heal his wounds. , to suppress his strength, so that the dignified Jinxian was hit to death by mortal chariots and horses on the street, what does this have to do with Gu?"

Lin Fan asked: "You say that Gu is cruel, but where is Gu being cruel? Killing demons and corrupt officials is what you call cruel. Such a reversal of right and wrong, it turns out to be the virtuous Lord Xibo who is famous far and wide. You use hypocrisy The mask deceives the world, but it cannot deceive Gu's Dharma Eye. Pull it down."

Xibohou was dragged down and imprisoned, roaring unceasingly.

"King Zhou, I don't accept it. Everything is your fault. You disrespect the gods and gods, and you will perish sooner or later."

"The howling of a defeated dog!" Lin Fan disdained to be with a hypocrite like Xi Bohou.

After that, Lin Fan looked towards an open space in the garden.

"Come out, Yang Jian."

Yang Jian held a three-pointed two-edged knife and stared at Lin Fan angrily.

The murderous aura burst out, and the flowers and plants in the garden were affected by the murderous aura, swaying restlessly.

With a flick of his hand, Lin Fan pressed down the murderous aura.

"The saint asked you to come?"

"No, I came here by myself. Where is my mother?" Yang Jian seemed stiff and hesitant when he asked the last one.

"Fairy Yaoji is in the Moon Palace, with Fairy Chang'e, are you drinking tea?"

Lin Fan poured tea for Yang Jian himself.

"Don't be so cautious, and don't be so bitter and bitter. There is no great hatred between us. Speaking of which, you should be called Gu Dad."

The teacup in Yang Jian's hand shattered, and the three-pointed, two-edged knife was placed on Lin Fan's neck.

The sharp edge of the blade touched Lin Fan's skin.

"Don't dare to talk nonsense again, I..." Yang Jian couldn't continue.

Even a quasi-sage couldn't kill Lin Fan, so naturally he couldn't either.

However, he was unwilling to take back the three-pointed two-edged sword.

Lin Fan in front of him ate not only Fairy Yaoji, but also Yang Chan, all of them.

Lin Fan gently grasped the tip of the blade and pulled it away.

"Although Gu is a little bit overwhelmed, he is still a good man. Fairy Yaoji and Sanshengmu don't object to being with Gu. Why can't you accept this fact!"

"King Zhou, I'm going to kill you!" Yang Jian shot angrily.

Anger increases combat power, eighty-nine mysterious skills are in operation, and a knife strikes down.

Lin Fan stood still, not even calling out the protective immortal energy.

With a loud noise, everything seemed to be frozen.

Not a single plant or tree was moved in the garden.

Yang Jian's three-pointed and two-edged knife hit Lin Fan's forehead, causing sparks to break even the defense.

Lin Fan's eyes were slightly cold, "Gu's tolerance is limited, you step back."

With a wave of Lin Fan's hand, Yang Jian felt dizzy and was sent away from the underworld.

As soon as Yang Jian left, Lin Fan smiled and said to the void on the left: "I made you laugh, Daoist Ran Deng."

A Taoist came out of the void.

There was a burning ancient lamp hanging above his head.

The ancient lamp is a magic weapon, a quasi-holy weapon.

"Landeng, a loose man in the mountains, met His Majesty King Zhou." Ran Deng saluted Lin Fan.

"The Taoist was joking, when did the deputy leader of the interpretation of education become a loose man in the mountains and fields?"

Lin Fan returned a salute with a smile.

"The Taoist came to the underworld to see Gu, maybe it was because of Xibohou's ghost. If so, please rest assured, Taoist, Gu is only interested in beauties, not the old man."

Burning Taoist heard this, his smile froze.

(End of this chapter)

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