The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 675 bitter sea

Chapter 675 bitter sea
"Ran Deng would like to thank His Majesty here. However, Xibohou is only one of the reasons. Second, I don't know if Your Majesty can give the reincarnation quota for cultivators and practitioners." Daoist Ran Deng wanted to intervene in the reincarnation of the ghost mansion.

"Reincarnation of Ghost Mansion still belongs to His Majesty, we only want an independent part."

"A country within a country?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

"Reincarnation in the ghost mansion is in Gu's hands. If you want to reincarnate, Gu welcomes you. The Dashang Ghost Mansion will not reject any dead ghost. As long as the sins are washed away and the punishment is enough, they will naturally be sent to reincarnation. The Taoist does not need to ask A part of the reincarnation right that needs to be independent."

Lin Fan shook his head and declined, refusing to give up the rights of the underworld.

"As long as the disciple's reincarnation right, Gu can make the decision. But if you want more, Gu will not agree."

"Your Majesty, don't rush to refuse"

"I'm not interested." Lin Fan raised his hand to interrupt.

"The reincarnation of the underworld in Shenzhou, the ghost mansion founded by Yougu is enough, there is no need for more."

Even if the evil gods and gods in remote places die, they will fall into the ghost palace.

The original rights of reincarnation created by gods in some remote places have long been fought back by Lin Fan, and now it is impossible for Ran Deng to take away the rights of reincarnation from him.

Ran Deng talked for a while, seeing that Lin Fan refused to agree, he stopped pushing.

In his opinion, Lin Fanchi has fallen.

If you can't get the Ghost Mansion Reincarnation Fist now, it won't be easy after Lin Fan falls.

Knowing that Lin Fan is about to go to Wangxiangtai to meet other quasi-sages in the underworld, he burns a lamp and asks to go with him.

Lin Fan thought for a while, and agreed to Ran Deng's request.

"Let's go now." Lin Fan summoned Flying Tiger General Huang Yuanji to drive, and did not let Longnu accompany him.

"Fellow Daoist, get in the car"

Ran Deng and Lin Fan got on a chariot pulled by four beasts, and set off from Shanhaiguan to Wangxiangtai.

Wangxiang Terrace is on the other side of the sea of ​​bitterness.

Only by climbing the sea of ​​bitterness can one reach Wangxiangtai.Those who are weak in cultivation, not to mention going to the Wangxiang Terrace, can't even see it. All they can see is the cruelty and horror of the underworld.

"Wangxiangtai Quasi-Saints Association, isn't Your Majesty worried about their troubles? Your Majesty is a living person, and for them, the dead quasi-sages, is no different from a panacea?"

"The Taoists are not worried, so why should Gu be worried?" Lin Fan changed the subject, "The quasi-sages of the underworld are just a group of losers, and it is just right to make trouble, just to test Gu's sword."

Lin Fan was worried that there would be no strong man for him to kill.

Lin Fan's practice is different from orthodox practice, and belongs to the mixed system.

Practicing honestly can improve one's cultivation, and fighting monsters and upgrading can also improve one's cultivation.

It is best to fight with monsters, but it is also okay to fight without monsters.

However, when a monster appeared, it was impossible to have no idea at all.

The quasi-sages on the lookingout platform never expected that they, as quasi-sages, were just prey in someone's eyes.

"Verify your knife? Don't you use a sword?" Daoist Ran Deng cursed insidiously.

He obviously used a sword, but he said he used a knife.

If you really believe that Lin Fan is using a knife, there is a high probability that Lin Fan will be cut by the knife in a fight.

The usage of the sword is different, suddenly turning a sword into a sword can kill many people.

Not to mention, Lin Fan's sword move and sword intent.

"Use a single sword and a sword together." Lin Fan laughed loudly, "In Guyan's eyes, a sword is a sword, and a sword is a sword."

The simple horoscope explained Lin Fan's realm of swordsmanship.

After hearing the words, Taoist Ran Deng decided not to compete with Lin Fan in the future.

He calculated that his chance had something to do with Lin Fan, but he couldn't find where the chance was along the way.

"Could it be in his hands?" Taoist Ran Deng suspected that Lin Fan had concealed his chance.

Thinking about it this way, the more he got along with Lin Fan, the more he was sure that his chance fell into Lin Fan's hands.

"It's not good. Chanjiao supports Xiqi's expedition to merchants. The opportunity falls into the hands of King Zhou. King Zhou will definitely not hand it over. It can only be..."

Taoist Ran Deng's eyes turned cold, and he made a secret decision.

Lin Fan watched the scene of the sea of ​​bitterness, but did not pay attention to the changes in the eyes of Taoist Ran Deng.

Even if he noticed Lin Fan, he wouldn't care.

The emperor is dignified and upright, and he overwhelms people with great power.

For conspiracies and tricks, Lin Fan has always used his sword to break them.

As for evil spirits, Lin Fan always used his strength to kill them.

The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, and there is no end when you leave the shore,
Unless you look back.Back to shore!
Without turning back, the ship sails on the sea of ​​suffering, and the shore will never be seen, and the creatures swimming in the sea of ​​suffering will never see the shore.

The sea water is turbid waves, bad waves, emitting all kinds of foul smells.

The souls of the dead swim in the sea one by one, trying to reach the other shore, and there are dead sea monsters devouring the souls of the dead in the sea.

Not that hell is better than hell.

The warship that Lin Fan was on was a Da Luo-class warship, and wherever it passed, it had a strong pressure to drive away the monsters and dead souls in the sea.

Suddenly, the sea exploded.

A huge monster broke through the water, opened its mouth, and swallowed the sea water.

All the dead souls in the sea were devoured by him.

After swallowing, the whale-like monster with octopus looked at the warship and planned to swallow it.

"How courageous!" Huang Yuanji, the general of the flying tiger, showed the attitude of a fierce tiger, with a ferocious appearance and a terrifying power.

I saw him grab a big knife.

One is Jinxian, the other is Daluo Jinxian, there is no comparison between the two.

Flying Tiger General Huang Yuanji had no lack of courage, and suddenly drew his sword.

"Warrior too!" Daoist Ran Deng couldn't help but praise when he saw this.

Not everyone can dare to show their swords to those who are countless times stronger than themselves.

"A true warrior, Your Majesty will be a strong general from this point, even if your cultivation level cannot keep up for a while, in the future."

Taoist Ran Deng froze in his praise and coughed again and again.

General Flying Tiger's blade did not slash at the whale big Luo, but slashed at the void.

What was cut was not a move to kill the enemy, but the blade brought music.

The torrential music is thick and solemn.

"Your Majesty, 666"

Taoist Burning Lamp: "."

You are so solemn and vicious, you just called 666?
Is that how you became a general?
The unpredictable power swallowed by the whale reminded Taoist Ran Deng of Kunpeng, the sorcerer who disappeared after the Lich War.

"Bao Wuji!"

Even more unpredictable than power is the Mieshi Daomang with the sword intent of the Heavenly Sword.

The bright sword light blooms dazzling brilliance over the sea of ​​bitterness.

Lin Fan displayed the Dharma image of the Thousand-Handed Tathagata, which is ten thousand feet high and straddles the sky above the Sea of ​​Suffering.

Tathagata is not a specific Buddha name, and it is not a literal understanding of Tathagata Buddha.

It is the meaning of consciousness and wisdom, which is a state.

Lin Fan has reached the realm of Tathagata.

The Tathagata Dharma is grand and majestic, the golden Buddha's light is mighty, and the Buddha's voice is like thunder, shaking the sea of ​​suffering.

"The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, turn back to the shore!"

Lin Fan's voice spread.

The voice full of wisdom and supreme immortality reverberates over the sea of ​​bitterness, and the lost souls of the sea of ​​bitterness are rescued.

Hearing Lin Fan's voice, the dead souls who were fighting to cross the sea of ​​bitterness all showed signs of awakening, as if they had comprehended great wisdom at this moment, and turned their heads one after another.

At this time, compared with the vast Buddha light illuminating the sea of ​​suffering, the light of the knife seemed insignificant.

The insignificant Mieshi Daoguang broke through the power of whale swallowing, and beheaded the whale Da Luo with a single blow.

The corpse directly turned into the sea of ​​bitterness and fell down.

The Da Luo Jinxian level sea monster that devoured the dead souls of the bitter sea turned into the sea water of the bitter sea.

Even Taoist Ran Deng was surprised when he saw it.

"how is this possible?"

Taoist Ran Deng was puzzled, and a more magnificent Buddha's voice sounded.

With endless resentment, hatred, evil, and poison, the Buddha's voice deviates from the Buddha's will, and the Buddha turns into a demon.

(End of this chapter)

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