The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 679 Candle Yang

Chapter 679 Candle Yang
Zhuyang once fought against Zhulong, but was defeated and died, and his soul returned to the underworld.

Zhulong died and dissipated between heaven and earth, but he is still there.

The huge dragon's eyes stared straight at Lin Fan, and the strength of the quasi-sage Qiqi changed the color of the quasi-sages present.

Even Daoist Ran Deng, who was born in teaching, had a serious expression on his face.

Daoist Ran Deng has not obtained the Dinghai Pearl, and he has not yet achieved the success of Wu Dao.Although he is the deputy leader of the interpretation of education, his strength is only three levels of quasi-sage.

Layer upon layer.

Compared with the ancient quasi-sage, the lamp is a rising star, and the difference is too far.

Even saints are rising stars.

Apart from Hongjun, Nuwa was the first to be sanctified in the Lich period.

The Lich was Long Han before, and Zhu Yang had been competing with Zhu Long during the Long Han period.

Saint is really a rising star for him.

However, the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves ahead, and his back waves couldn't keep up with the times, and he fell.

"This is your seat?" Lin Fan patted the throne.

"Gu thinks it's not bad, but I like it, you can sit anywhere."

Lin Fan's steadfastness made the quasi-sages present in shock.

"Is King Zhou stupid? What's the benefit of offending Zhuyang?"

"You guys are stupid." Ao Lie, the dragon ghost, sneered.

"People even dare to offend a saint, so what is a mere candle sun?"

The other quasi-sages stopped talking and watched the development of the matter quietly.

"You want me to sit down anywhere?" Zhu Yang pointed to himself.

"Yes, you can stand if you don't want to sit." Lin Fan pulled the map away.

"You are late, and the division is over. The four seas are lonely now. You can choose other places. The sea area outside China is good. There is a God Emperor there. After you go, you may be able to mix one. Western dragon identity."

Zhu Yang was furious, and his anger boiled with anger.

Burning with anger, scorching flames, the sun comes back to life. The scorching heat revives the silent sun under Wangxiang Terrace.

The dragon's body is in a plate, crossing the way back to Wangxiangtai. If you want to leave, you have to return to the world from Wangxiangtai, or ask Zhulong to make way.

Lin Fan can return to the human world, but other quasi-sages cannot.

Because they are all dead, and their strength is too high to cross the boundary between the underworld and the world.

"Sword come!"

Long Yin shook Wangxiangtai.

The Wangxiang Terrace is built on a star, and the star vibrates, and it is biased towards the Underworld Continent in the dragon's chant.

Once it falls, it will wipe out countless ghosts, gods and ghosts.


Zhu Yang cut out eighteen swords in an instant.

Sword Qi turned into a dragon, and eighteen ancient dragons with a breath of death charged towards Lin Fan.

The destructive energy erupted, submerging Lin Fan's location, and for a while, the dragon sword was full of energy.

"Bao Wuji!"

The fierce sword light shines on the galaxy, and the sword energy breaks out.

"Da Luo Jinxian Jiuzhong?" Zhu Yang found that Lin Fan's cultivation had become stronger.

He put away his tentative sword and controlled it with Qi.

Eighteen divine dragons with the aura of death attacked Lin Fan, each scale was filled with fine sword aura.

Lin Fan swung his saber horizontally, and the saber turned quickly, an astonishing energy burst out, and the fast slashing saber slashed straight at the attacking dragon.

These dragons are not living beings, they are transformed by sword energy, but they are extremely strong and sharp.

The Mieshi Dao collided with the dragon's body, causing sparks.

"Six Paths of Samsara Fist!"

The front of the fist collapses the heaven and the earth, reappears the cycle of the six realms, and the cycle of heaven and earth.

The way of heaven, the way of humanity, the way of Asura, the way of evil ghosts, the way of animals, and the way of hell.

"The collapse of the six realms!"

The eighteen dragons shattered under Lin Fan's fist.

"King of the world, strength is not the reason for your arrogance."

Zhuyang stepped forward.

That's right, he only moved the sword before, but the dragon didn't move.

The dragon's claw fell, the star shook endlessly, and the surface of the star erupted in succession of explosions.

The power of the explosion is comparable to that of a quasi-sage.

But the power of Zhuyang was transmitted to the entire star.

Near the stars, the nebula is densely covered, spanning an unknown number of miles, the sacred and the evil coexist, and the ghostly atmosphere envelopes the starry sky, spreading from the Wangxiang Terrace to the human world.

The power of the quasi-holy of the underworld permeates the world.

The place where the power penetrated was the vassal state affiliated to the Great Shang, living in Kunlun slaves, with dark skin.

Now, with the infiltration of ghost energy carrying quasi-holy power, countless people in a radius of thousands of miles died tragically and turned into evil spirits to rampage the world.

Even the immortals died tragically under the evil spirits of ghosts and Xinhua.

"What a ghostly aura!"

Chaoge, Fairy Qiongxiao looked to the west.

"The power of quasi-holy ghosts and gods has penetrated into the human world."

"Sister, what should I do?" Fairy Yunxiao was a little anxious.

"That direction is the location of the Great Merchant's vassal state. Shall we go and have a look?"

"It's not real body crossing the border, let's go." Bi Xiao excitedly said.

She couldn't help being excited at the thought of witnessing the power of the quasi-sage of the underworld.

The number of times quasi-sages of the underworld use quasi-sage power to attack the world is extremely rare.

It was the first time since the collapse of the old heaven.

Qiong Xiao hesitated for a moment, and decided to check it out.

"Let's talk first, if something goes wrong, leave immediately." Qiong Xiao reminded.

"Okay, sister. I know you are worried about the people of the faint king, so let's go quickly. Hurry up, maybe we can wipe out the quasi-holy ghost spirit escaping from the underworld and save some people." Bi Xiao couldn't wait .

The three fairies turned into streamers and flew to the west.

When I came to the western land, I saw the vast virgin forest turned into a dead sea, with no living beings, only ghosts.

Seeing this, Fairy Qiongxiao sacrificed the Hunyuan Jindou.

The endless flames of chaos flew from Jin Dou and fell to the earth.

In an instant, the continent where the Kunlun slaves lived turned into a boundless sea of ​​flames.

Chaos fire burns with ghost energy as fuel.

Under the scorching fire of chaos, the ghost energy escaping from the underworld was quickly burned away.

Losing fuel support, the Chaos Fire began to return to the Hunyuan Jindou.

The last ray of fire sank into the golden bucket, and Fairy Qiongxiao put away the golden bucket.

She looked down at the ground below, only to see smoke rising from the ground.

The once fertile land was burnt into grains of sand, like an endless black desert.

The three fairies tried to seal the influence of ghost energy.

Xianyuan attracts rain clouds, and the rain falls, bringing faint vitality to the land that has turned into a desert.

"The influence of the ghost energy has been eliminated, but the influence of the burning of the ghost energy by the fire of chaos is still many years away, and this place will become a desert." Fairy Qiongxiao pinched her fingers and calculated.

"Sister, look quickly, there is a non-chief below." Fairy Bixiao pointed down, and a Kunlun slave who kowtowed to them exclaimed.

Non-Chief is Lin Fan's name for Kunlun slaves.

Black, too African-like.

When the quasi-sage was angry, the world changed color!

The power of Zhuyang is beyond imagination.

The dragon claws grabbed Lin Fan, and a terrifying force erupted.

The star supporting the Wangxiang Terrace collapsed directly.

The broken star fragments scattered with terrifying pressure. With the addition of quasi-sage power, each fragment has a destructive power.

The quasi-sages on the lookout platform tried their best to block the incoming star fragments.

Star fragments seem to be endless, overwhelming.

Some star fragments fell to the land of the underworld.

It immediately caused chaos in the underworld, and countless ghosts, gods, and ghosts died in the catastrophe of the falling stars.

The Mieshi Dao Dao Guang reappeared, splitting time and space with one blade, blocking the connection between Wangxiang Terrace and the underworld and the human world.

(End of this chapter)

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