The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 680 The Great War

Chapter 680 The Great War
Wangxiang Terrace temporarily forms an independent space, independent of the underworld and the Three Realms.

Blocked by the long river cut by the light of the knife, the falling star fragments collided with the long river of light and shattered one after another.

The dissipated ghost energy in the human world is blocked, and the comrades who enter the world are lost.

The ghost energy in the world is like a tree without roots, and has no strength to support it.

The blade of the world-destroying blade meets the falling dragon claws.

The dragon claws shattered inch by inch, and the light of the knife that Lin Fan cut out also continued to shatter.

Zhu Yang withdrew his hand, and the dragon sword slashed at him.

The dragon sword shone brightly, and the sound of dragon chant shook the galaxy.

Lin Fan felt that the power of the underworld was overwhelming.

The power of the world, the power of the heaven and the earth, the human power is too insignificant in the heaven and the earth, under the world.

The Mieshi Dao circled around, and Lin Fan punched out with both fists.

Instead of a knife, meet your opponent's sword with your fist.

The blasted fist turned into stars, and the dragon sword was slashed with a heavy blow.

The stars were born and died, and the dragon sword had some cracks under Lin Fan's bombardment.

Zhunsheng, who was watching the battle on the Wangxiangtai, was stunned.

Seventh level quasi-sage soldiers, not ordinary quasi-sage soldiers.

Even ordinary quasi-saint soldiers are not so fragile, are they?

"No, there is a crack on the sword." You Zhunsheng said with sharp eyes.

This is the sorrow of the quasi-sage of the underworld.

There are only quasi-holy ghosts, no quasi-holy bodies, and no corresponding quasi-holy soldiers.

There are also quasi-saint soldiers used during his lifetime.

During his lifetime?Everyone is dead, how can the quasi-saint soldier be intact.

Most of the quasi-sage weapons used by the quasi-sages of the underworld are damaged quasi-sages.

No matter how good a weapon is, once there is a crack, it will be a weakness in the eyes of the strong.

"Nine Heavenly Sword Jue, Shaking Sky Jue!"

The Heavenly Sword came out again, and the sword light brought by the Blood Demon Sword slashed heavily on the Dragon Sword.

Constantly slashing at the blade of the dragon sword.

Lin Fan's target was not Zhu Yang, but Long Jian.

After continuous slashing, Zhu Yang suddenly withdrew his sword and fought with the body of a real dragon.

The sound of the dragon's chant shook the galaxy, and a huge shadow formed in the galaxy, slowly stood up, and turned into a dragon-headed human god, a demon god who ruled the world.

Stepping on the chaotic stars, the rivers of stars swirled, hit him, and shattered one after another.

The empty pupils are like black holes, devouring the light.

Not even the light could escape the swallowing eyes of Zhu Yang.

"Let's go!" Suddenly, Zhunsheng broke through the Wangxiangtai space and left.

Zhuyang fought Lin Fan, and the passage between Wangxiang Terrace and the Underworld was only blocked by a sword light.

Seeing this, some quasi-sages crossed the blade and left, leaving Lin Fan and Zhu Yang to fight in the galaxy.

Soon, the last quasi-sage also left.

Losing the protection of the quasi-sage, the Wangxiang Terrace collapsed in the aftermath of the battle between Lin Fan and Zhu Yang, annihilated into cosmic dust.

The stars exploded and were shattered by the dragon's claws.

Lin Fan's fist met the dragon's claw and hit the center, the light lit up, more radiant than the sun.

A terrifying explosion came out of the light, and one person and one dragon flew upside down at the same time.

"You are not Zhuyang!" Lin Fan coughed up blood, and the nebula shattered under his feet.

"If I'm not Zhuyang, then who am I?"

"Candle Dragon." Lin Fan said.

"King Zhou, you haven't woken up yet. Zhulong died a long time ago, his soul flew away, and his soul dissipated in the world, and he couldn't even be called back."

"Maybe Candle Dragon is not dead? Maybe Candle Dragon has long considered that he has a life-and-death catastrophe, knowing that his soul will fly away, so he has set up countermeasures in the underworld early." Lin Fan thought to himself, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"What's the backhand?"

"Slay the quasi-holy Zhuyang of the dragon clan who is against me, and not kill the ghost of Zhuyang. The ghost of Zhuyang returns to the underworld, stirs up trouble in the underworld, and plunders the ghost of the dragon clan. Zhulong has attacked several times, but has returned without success. Can kill A living Zhuyang has nothing to do when he dies. Fellow Daoist Zhuyang, do you think this is possible?" Lin Fan asked.

"I got a chance in the underworld, can't I go further?" Zhu Yang retorted.

"King Zhou, your conspiracy theory cannot withstand scrutiny."

"No, it stands up to scrutiny. Zhulong went to the underworld many times to crusade against the ghost of Zhuyang. Perhaps at that time, Zhuyang disappeared completely, replaced by Zhulong wearing Zhuyang's skin. You said, Gu is right No, Candle Dragon?"

Following Lin Fan's inquiry, the Wangxiangtai space suddenly became eerily quiet.

Zhuyang stopped attacking.

"Very good imagination. Unfortunately, you guessed wrong. I am me, I am not Candle Dragon. Even if what you said is true, how can I, as Candle Dragon, hide the fate of the Dragon Han and keep part of my ghost?"

"Simple, the moment the candle dragon dies, the candle dragon should go away. The calamity will not destroy the ghosts, only people will destroy the ghosts. The souls that stay in the world are scattered, and the ghosts that stay in the underworld can last forever. All Everyone thinks that Zhulong is dead, but they don't want Zhulong to live in the underworld wearing Zhuyang's coat."

"Hehe. Nice imagination."

Laugh, laugh wildly.

"However, King Zhou, you still guessed wrong. I am not Zhulong, I am Zhuyang." The quasi-holy dragon god raised his head. "He's dead, but I'm still alive."

When the name Zhulong was mentioned, hatred flashed in Zhuyang's eyes.

"I don't know why you imagined me as him, and I don't need to know."

The wind howled, and the dragon claws and the blood demon sword collided with each other, making a series of metal impact sounds.One person and one dragon directly smashed into pieces.

"Because you are about to be a dead man."

The dragon claws bombarded in a row, smashing the meteorite with impact, and hitting Lin Fan's blood demon sword hard.

The battle between the two has become day-to-day.

The brilliance of supernatural power illuminates the darkness, illuminating the dark starry sky of the underworld universe as brightly as day.

Suddenly, Zhuyang groaned.

A sword light that was more terrifying than the previous dragon sword light lit up.

"Didn't you say that I am Candle Dragon? Well, I will let you die under Candle Dragon's quasi-saint soldiers."

With a swiping of the sword, the Liudao Reincarnation Fist cannot stop the sword edge,

Lin Fan retreated quickly, and the Dharma Primer's hand was cut off by hundreds in an instant.

clang!The Blood Demon Sword blocked the incoming sword light.

"Non-destructive quasi-saints, Candle Dragon's sword, Coiling Dragon Sword? But according to legend, the Coiling Dragon Sword fell in the Dragon Han catastrophe." Lin Fan stared at the Coiling Dragon Sword.

"Even if the legend is wrong, in the battle of the fall of the candle dragon, many quasi-sages were besieged and slaughtered, including the Dao ancestor, and the Panlong sword will not be damaged at all."

"Yes, it is impossible to have no damage at all. The reason why there is no damage is because this Coiling Dragon Sword did not participate in that battle at all."

The Panlong sword pierced through Lin Fan's head, nailing Lin Fan to death on the star.

"Long before that, I cast an identical Panlong Sword and put it in the underworld."

"Is this the truth?" Lin Fan's voice came from behind Zhulong.

Zhulong turned his head and saw that Lin Fan was intact.

Looking at the sword again, the person under the sword is not a person, but a straw puppet.

With a flick of the Coiling Dragon Sword, the puppet scarecrow under the sword burst into flames, and burned to ashes in an instant.

"Young man, you know too much. I regret telling you so much, but it doesn't matter, you can't escape Wangxiangtai."

Candle Dragon unfolded the enchantment, and the plane of the dragon enveloped the entire Wangxiang Terrace.

The environment changed, Wangxiangtai was shrouded in an ancient battlefield full of wreckage.

The corpses of gods, monsters and demons can be seen everywhere on the battlefield, and the broken fragments of magic soldiers are all over the ground.The earth was bright red, and what was red was blood.

This is a special ancient battlefield that does not belong to the underworld.

Lin Fan looked around, "An ancient battlefield during the Great Tribulation of the Dragon and Han Dynasty? You used magical powers to intercept an ancient battlefield from that year and refine it into the dimensional space."

"Good eyesight. Although this is not the last battlefield of the Longhan Great Tribulation, it is no less tragic than the last battle. Did you see there?"

Zhulong pointed to a dragon corpse as big as a mountain in the distance, surrounded by broken unicorn corpses, and beside it was a blood-stained phoenix wing.

"The fallen quasi-sage." Lin Fan's expression turned ugly.

He saw not only three quasi-holy corpses, but many more.

The opening of the world is also the period when the aura of the world is the strongest, and masters emerge in large numbers.

As time went by, the aura gradually weakened, and the number and quality of masters began to decline.

(End of this chapter)

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