The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 681 2 Ancestral Witch

Chapter 681 Twelve Ancestral Witches
During the Longhan period, the rich aura of heaven and earth made it easier for creatures to practice and become masters, and there were not many strong people comparable to quasi-sages.

Why can't I see it later?Because of the joy of jumping, they all fell.

As the saying goes, the one who laughs last is the winner.

If you don't have the last laugh, you will be a quasi-holy corpse.

The better ones can enter the underworld, and the worse ones will be scattered.

Lin Fan saw no fewer than twenty quasi-holy corpses on the plane of the dragon.

There are three clans of dragon, phoenix and kylin, as well as demons, gods and demons.

Every corpse exudes a powerful and astonishing coercion.

Even after falling for an unknown number of years, the quasi-sacred blood can still cut down the stars.

What's even more frightening is that the quasi-holy blood carries with it the residual power of supernatural powers, the remaining powers of supernatural powers left behind back then.

"Are you surprised? There are quasi-holy corpses of other races on the battlefield of the Longhan Great Tribulation?"

Lin Fan nodded and guessed, "Are they vassals of your three clans?"

Zhulong shook his head, "Dragon-Han catastrophe, at the beginning, the dragon, phoenix and kylin clans fought for each other, but as the war progressed, the strong of the three clans died in battle, and their combat power weakened. The prehistoric clans ruled by the three clans were about to move. At that time, we The patriarchs of the Qilin and Phoenix tribes don't care about them, thinking that a pile of miscellaneous fish can't turn the tide."

"However, reality tells us that we were wrong. We were so wrong. When our three tribes were exhausted from fighting each other, the prehistoric tribes under our rule suddenly attacked us."

"Their quasi-sages are no less powerful than the quasi-sages of the three races. Among them, there is one who is above the saints." Zhulong Yinhun pointed to the sky, meaning Hongjun.

"Otherwise, how do you think he would become holy before all the saints, and even surpass the saints. He has seized the luck and opportunities that belong to our three clans."

Lin Fan frowned, what Zhulong Yinhun said was different from the prehistoric history he knew.

But after thinking about it carefully, Lin Fan felt that there was no problem.

If you want to be the first, you have to defeat many opponents.

Hongjun was able to surpass all the saints because of his own efforts, struggles, and opportunities.

Otherwise, just sit at home and wait for yourself to become a saint?

"In addition to that one, there are other quasi-sage-level powerhouses. Later, the puppet dynasty's rebellious emperor Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi. Relying on the sharpness of their innate spiritual treasures, they killed many quasi-sages of the three clans. Their shots are similar to those of the three The destruction of the clan has a lot to do with it."

"The ancestor witches also took action. Twelve ancestor witches? Did you know that there were not only twelve ancestor witches in the Longhan period. The rest died, and there will be the later twelve ancestor witches. Hahahaha!" Zhulong let out a loud voice Laugh out loud and laugh like crazy.

"In the subsequent history, you also know that the three clans were defeated. The other clans of the Great Desolation won. Among them, the witch clan headed by Zuwu, and the monster clan headed by Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi won the most war dividends. Their brilliance, Built on the corpses of the three clans."

"However, I am very happy. Because Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches all died, tragic death! The glory that was established also disappeared."

After hearing this, Lin Fan was shocked.

Hearing what Zhulong said, he realized that the winners of the Battle of Longhan had all fallen.

The only one who ended up the best was Empress Houtu, and the other quasi-sages couldn't be found in the underworld.

Can't find it in the underworld, there is only one possibility, the soul is gone.

The victors of the year were all destroyed.

"Is it you who did it? Or is it the backhand left by your three clans?" Lin Fan asked, not in a hurry to attack, not in a hurry.

He should be in a hurry, because the dragon plane is continuously drawing his power.

"No, it's not me. The ghost of the quasi-sage can't get out of the underworld, and it's not the back of the three clans. Long Han is destroyed, do you think the strong of the three clans can survive? Those who survive are either bereaved dogs, or they are all kneeling. Kneeling The traitors who killed the three clans were more ruthless than other clans in the wild."

"Since they are not behind, then the winners of the Dragon Han Dynasty, Di Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches all fell? Even the ethnic group did not end well. You won't tell me it's a coincidence, will you?"

The witch clan was destroyed, leaving only a small part of the reincarnation of the Empress of the Earth left.

Desolate, genocide!
"Young man, you are very smart. But smart people often don't live long."

In terms of Zhulong's long life, it is not an exaggeration to call Lin Fan a young man.

"Don't worry, Gu can live until the world is destroyed. The world is destroyed, but Gu is still there." Lin Fan replied.

"What a big tone! You guessed right, their demise is not a coincidence. The final battle of Longhan, the three clans fought to the death, and the last bloodshed. Before the fall, curses are issued. Curse the winners, curse their clans."

Zhulong suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"I'll tell you another piece of news. There were so many strong people back then, why are the Six Sages now sanctified?"

"Why?" Lin Fan asked.

"Because those who are qualified have fallen."

"The Six Sages didn't attack you back then?"

Lin Fan felt a chill in his heart, what a terrible curse.

It was so silent that even the quasi-sage couldn't guard against it.

It is estimated that the fallen quasi-sage, until his death, only thought that his fall was because the other party wanted to kill and seize the treasure.

Zhulong Yinhun sneered, avoiding this topic, "All the mediocre people in the wild think that Sanqing is the authentic Pangu, but they don't know that Sanqing has never said that he is the authentic Pangu. Those mediocre people, when they see others succeed, the first thing they think is that they have a success." A good background, not someone else's efforts, deserves to be mediocre for a lifetime."

Not quasi-sage, in the eyes of Zhulong Yinhun, they are all mediocre.

"If my dragon clan had a talent like you back then, how could it have been destroyed? What a pity! He is a hero, my enemy is my enemy, his mediocrity is my talent. Unfortunately, you are not a dragon, otherwise I would really hate to kill you. Know With that much, you can die in peace.”

Zhulong took a deep look at Lin Fan, his deep dragon eyes seemed to be able to see through the void of the universe.

The terrifying power erupted, and the immortal essence was as vast as the sea, endless, flocking to the land of the dragon plane.

On the ground, countless blood, countless resentment, and death energy gathered, and then the river of blood rose into the sky, and the phantoms of twelve demon gods condensed behind the ghost of Zhulong.

The demon god stood in the void, turning the void into reality, showing a face shrouded in magic light.

The Twelve Ancestors!

The twelve demon gods are exactly the twelve ancestor witches.

Gong Gong, Ju Mang, and Zhu Rong are so lifelike that it is hard to tell whether they were transformed by the immortals or the real ancestral witches who came from the past to the present.

"They are transformed by my magical powers. I call them the Twelve Witch Gods! Do it!"

Zhulong didn't do anything, but the twelve witch gods summoned by Zhulong.

Twelve violent shouts rang out in unison, and the shouts shook the world.

Click, the fragments of Wangxiangtai floating in the void exploded again.

This time, it exploded without leaving any fragments, and was directly annihilated into powder.

The twelve witch gods shot with all their strength, each bursting out with the strongest combat power.

The divine body is incomparably stalwart, exuding an ancient and ferocious aura.

Not a witch, not a god, not a fairy, not a human.
The divine dragon stepped on by the sorcerer God Zhu Jiuyin turned into a long knife, and cut it down with one blow, the light of the knife covered the sky and the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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