Chapter 682 Lore
Lin Fan raised his sword to meet him, and the battle turned into daylight in an instant.

The Heavenly Sword's sword intent was fully displayed, and the thousand-handed Tathagata unfolded his dharma, and the thousand-handed bombardment.

The combat strength of the Dragon Fist is increased, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist is fully deployed, and the movement is extremely fast.

Combining speed, strength, and destructive power, Lin Fan, who is in full combat power, is extremely terrifying.

Fighting against the twelve witches and gods, or close combat with boxing, supernatural powers, or swordsmanship, or physical collision.

The quasi-saint soldiers cut and suppressed from time to time.

Even Candle Dragon Yinhun, who was watching the battle, felt that this battle was thrilling, no less than every quasi-holy battle in Longhan.

While thrilling, Candle Dragon Ghost was even more shocked.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches he summoned were not the Twelve Ancestral Witches from the Long Han period.

At that time, the Twelve Ancestral Witches were still young and not as powerful as they were later.

And what he summoned were the Twelve Ancestral Witches from the Lich War period.

That was the peak state of the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

Kill the Heavenly Court and fight against the then Heavenly Emperor Dijun and Donghuangtai.

At that time, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were really tyrannical.

There is no saint to support, but the entire heaven is supported by many strong men.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi did not rely on saints, but on their own strength.

Unlike the current emperor of heaven, there is a saint standing behind him.

If you don't stand up to the saint, I'm afraid someone else will go to heaven.

"Nine Art of Heavenly Sword!" With Lin Fan's combat power at full strength, he unleashed both swords and two quasi-saint soldiers with the strongest power.

The blood demon sword and the world-destroying sword light cross the plane of the dragon.

Every time the knife is cut, it will take away the resentful blood floating in the void.

Every time the sword fell, it left a wound on a witch god.

However, the Twelve Sorcerer Gods are not easy people.

No less tyrannical than the real Twelve Ancestral Witches.

Twelve quasi-holy-level powerhouses jointly attacked, and the cooperation was perfect.

12 people form an formation, and the combat power is increased by twelve times.

After a long battle, one of Lin Fan's arms was chopped off.

The severed arm was instantly swallowed and turned into a part of the twelve witch gods.

It was only then that Lin Fan noticed that every drop of blood he dripped would be absorbed by the twelve witch gods and become part of their energy.

Lin Fan knew that the situation would get worse if it went on like this.

"Six Paths of Samsara Fist!"

The emperor-level boxing technique unfolded, transcending Lin Fan's Heavenly Sword technique.

The fist shattered the mountains and rivers, and the twelve witch gods were beaten to pieces in an instant, and red blood continued to ooze out.

The bones of the witch god were smashed.

Lin Fan shot ruthlessly.

Thousands of hands or seal blows down, or cut down with a knife, or strike with a sword, the more you fight, the stronger you get.

The twelve witch gods were beaten up by Lin Fan and cried out in pain.

"Zhulong, do it yourself, or you will be slashed by the sword alone."

Lin Fan hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly felt a terrifying wave that made his heart palpitate.

It's as if an ancient giant god woke up from a deep sleep and a seal, flexed his muscles and bones, and wanted to open up the world.

Heaven and earth screamed.

That was the sound of heaven and earth about to burst.

The twelve witch gods disappeared, replaced by a roar, the roar of the giant god who opened the sky.


Lin Fan looked at the god-man standing between the stars.

He couldn't see the face clearly, but Lin Fan knew that it was Pan Gu, to be precise, it was Pan Gu's real body.

When the twelve ancestor witches gather together, they can summon the true body of Pangu.

The twelve witch gods summoned by the candle dragon's ghost can also summon Pan Gu's real body.

Pan Gu's real body raised the sky-opening axe.

Although the Sky-Opening Ax in Zhenshen's hand was formed by immortal essence and rules, the destructive power and unscrupulous power contained in it were no longer as simple as the addition of the power of the twelve ancestor witches.

Instead, it reproduces part of the power of Pangu's creation of the world.

Slashing down with the ax is exactly the ax technique that splits the chaos and opens the sky.

If Xing Tian's sky-opening ax method is Yinghuo, then Tiandi's sky-opening ax method is a big fireball, and Pangu's real body's sky-opening ax method is Haoyue.

How dare the light of fireflies compete with the bright moon.

From the point of view of intention alone, Xingtian and Tiandi are left out.

Intention doesn't mean strength, it's just coercion, plus a part of strength.

Under the Sky Axe, Lin Fan felt the powerlessness and fragility of his soul.

"Nine tactics of the heavenly sword, the tactics of cutting the sky and destroying the sky!"

Lin Fan made sword moves with one saber and one sword.

The Heavenly Sword Nine Jue was born to deal with Kaitian.

It's the same moves as Kaitian.

The bright light exploded, and the two sword glows that Lin Fan had cut shattered.



"Heavenly Emperor Fist!"

Qianshou hit Ye Tiandi Tiandi Fist with all his strength.

The emperor's might is vast and unstoppable, even Pangu's real body collapsed under the fist of the Heavenly Emperor.

"how is this possible?"

Zhulong Yinhun couldn't believe that Pan Gu's real body was destroyed by Lin Fan's fist.

The collapsed real body did not disappear, but scattered into blood.

Seeing that it was about to condense again, the Blood Demon Sword cut towards the bloody water.

Xie Yi's sword absorbed all the blood, resentment, and death energy.

"Why is it impossible? After all, they are not the real Twelve Ancestral Witches?" Lin Fan asked.

When masters compete, they fight for every cent, and for an instant.

Snipers even have to consider wind power and air humidity in sniping, let alone quasi-holy masters.

A dragon sword slashed at it, interrupting the Blood Demon Sword's absorption of blood energy.

The blood dripped down and appeared behind the shadow of Zhulong.

This time, they no longer transformed into twelve witch gods, but merged into two people.

"Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi?"

The two deceased emperors reappeared, and joined forces with the ghost of Zhulong to kill Lin Fan.

"The Emperor of Heaven stepped on time!" Di Jun drew out his sword.

Although he knew it was false, the power of the sword move still spanned the long river of time, but it was not the phantom of the emperor, but the phantom of the candle dragon.

The candle dragon in the Long Han Dynasty is not the ghost of the candle dragon in front of him.

During the Longhan period, the three clans of dragon, phoenix and kylin divided the world into three, and there were three heavenly emperors.

Candle Dragon is one of them.

It is not wrong that the Emperor of Heaven summoned the phantom of the candle dragon.

"East Emperor Bell!" Donghuang Taiyi used the East Emperor Bell to attack.

"Long Xiao Nine Heavens!" Zhulong blasted out his big move, and shot with all his strength.

"I remember you said to Gu that Gu knows too much. Gu will tell you now that you know too much. Some of Gu's secrets don't want to be known to outsiders, so please die!"

Heavenly Fist!
Diwei dispelled Longwei, covering the entire dragon plane.

"You want to use your fists to kill saints?" Zhulong Yinhun raised his head in astonishment.

Lin Fan smashed his sword with his fist and pierced his heart.

He looked at Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, and found that the Emperor of Heaven was crushed under the fist of the Emperor of Heaven, and Di Jun was blown away.

Donghuang Bell and Donghuang Taiyi were also blown up by the Heavenly Emperor Fist.

"I have this idea." Lin Fan replied, and the Candle Dragon's ghost disintegrated, and it dissipated very slowly.

"Success or failure is nothing! I thought I was calculating every step of the way, but I never thought that I would still be unable to escape the doom of the Dragon and Han, and finally dissipate in the world. I hate that I didn't see the fall of all enemies and enemy races. I hate that I didn't."

Candle Dragon Shadow looked up at the sky.

".See Hong."

Lin Fan added another punch and knocked out the candle dragon ghost directly.

The last thing Zhulong Yinhun wanted to say was Hongjun.

Lin Fan couldn't let him say Hongjun's name, because once he said it, Hongjun would feel something.

In this space, saints may not be able to sense it, but Hongjun who surpasses saints can.

"Win!" Lin Fan coughed up blood.

This time, he was really hurt.

A lot of energy was left, destroying his golden body.

Among them, the energy left by Zhulong Yinhun, Dijun, Donghuang Taiyi, and Pangu's real body is the most terrifying.

If you want to recover from the injury, you have to dispel the energy first.

(End of this chapter)

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