The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 686 The Wrath of the Sea of ​​Bitterness

Chapter 686 The Wrath of the Sea of ​​Bitterness

The Fifth King of Shang was overjoyed when he heard the news.

"Blessed by the first emperor, blessed by the heavens, my great business will be hopeful for thousands of years."

He shed tears of excitement.

Once the ghost dynasty ruled the underworld, Shenzhou, the great merchants in the world would have tens of millions of years of foundation.

"Your Majesty is mighty! But..."

Yi Yin said this to Lin Fan, expressing his worries.

"In the Ghost Dynasty, except for Your Majesty, the high-level combat power is lacking. Although we have the right to rule the Underworld Shenzhou, we don't have the combat power to guard the entire Underworld Shenzhou. If we rashly take over all the territory of the Underworld Shenzhou, I am afraid that our Ghost Dynasty will lose our soldiers and lose our generals."

Lin Fan had considered this a long time ago, and he didn't expect a bunch of ghosts and gods with the highest combat power to be only golden immortals to accomplish any great things.

Before Lin Fan came, the territory of the Dashang Ghost Dynasty was smaller than that of the Dashang in the world, one-tenth of it is not bad.

Now it has been expanded countless times, and then suppressed with the previous ghost dynasty's combat power, the flames of war are considered small.

Suppress the extra territory with the strong who surrendered to the Great Merchant Ghost Dynasty?
These strong men only obeyed Lin Fan. Once Lin Fan returned to the human world, although they would not rebel, they were not loyal enough to pay their lives for Lin Fan.

"It's fine to maintain the current territory. The extra territory will be taken when you are capable. It is nothing more than a quota. I don't expect you to be able to occupy it. When you are capable in the future, you will be famous."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, after explaining the precautions, he led Empress Shiji to wait for you to return to the world.

After living in the underworld for so many days, I have seen what I should see, and it is time to return to the human world.

Leaving Huang Yuanji as the guarding general, Lin Fan set foot on the road to Wangxiang Terrace again.

This time, it is not for participating in the alliance, but for returning to the world.

With Lin Fan's strength, he could go back by tearing apart the space, but he took a detour and walked the way of Wangxiangtai, which is really daydream.

Among the strong ghosts and gods in the underworld, there are not a few who pay attention to Lin Fan's movements.

"Strange, how could King Zhou return safely? Isn't he seriously injured? Fellow Daoist Dragon Slayer and others went to intercept him. Is this the result of the interception? Where is Fellow Daoist Dragon Slayer?"

A quasi-sage communicated with Lin Fan far behind.

"So Fellow Daoist Tulong and the others didn't catch up to him and let him escape?"

Another strong man's thoughts crossed the void of the underworld.

Before Tulong Zhunsheng and others jointly attacked Lin Fan, they sealed the space and sealed the battlefield into a small world.

People outside couldn't see what happened in the small world, and naturally they couldn't see the result of the match between Lin Fan and the eighteen quasi-sages including Tu Long.

They thought that Tulong Zhunsheng didn't meet Lin Fan, or that Lin Fan ran away when he met him.

They never thought about the possibility of the complete destruction of the eighteen quasi-sages.

The absence of the eighteen quasi-sages did not arouse their suspicion.

Because it's perfectly normal.

For the quasi-sage of the underworld, time is endless.

Once you retreat, you will not know the years, and you will not leave the customs easily.

The eighteen quasi-sages did not appear, so there are many possibilities, which are quite normal in the underworld.

Even if it is abnormal, they don't know which quasi-sages have fallen.

And, not to mention some quasi-holy ghosts will always remain mysterious and unknown.

Even if you know the quasi-sage, you can't easily get the news.

The underworld is too big, if it doesn't appear, it may be because it went to another underworld to practice.

Those quasi-sages also died aggrievedly, and no one knew when they died.

"Do we need to keep up? King Zhou is about to return to the world, and this is the last chance to make a move. Once King Zhou returns to the world, we will forget about the quasi-sacred soldiers on him. We cannot cross the barrier of the world."

"Let me think about it first."

"What else are you thinking about, go directly!"

"No, there is a saint standing behind King Zhou. If you go straight up, you won't be afraid that the saint will enter the underworld."

"No way, the saint will go to hell for him?"

"It's hard to say. Keep hiding your identity, otherwise the sage will pursue us, and we won't be able to go around. Let's go to Wangxiangtai to ambush, which is the place King Zhou must pass through when he returns to the world."

The quasi-sage idea of ​​communication disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

In the direction of Wangxiang Terrace, there are more unknown experts.

A strong man covered the Wangxiang Terrace with great supernatural powers.

Lin Fan didn't know about the changes in Wangxiang Terrace, and if he knew, he would probably be overjoyed.

Another quasi-holy-level powerhouse came to his door. Just thinking about it made Lin Fan excited.

Killing the strong can get massive points.

The sea of ​​bitterness is raging, and the sea is full of dead souls who have crossed the sea of ​​bitterness in an attempt to reach the other shore.

However, the sea of ​​suffering is vast and boundless, how do these dead souls reach the other shore?

The souls of the strong who participated in the battle of the gods fell into the sea of ​​bitterness.

The dead souls of the strong on the Conferred God Stage have their own luck and will not fall easily.

The monsters in the bitter sea avoided these strong men one after another.

There are also soldiers from the Great Shang Ghost Dynasty guiding the lost souls to Shanhaiguan on the edge of the sea of ​​bitterness.

These soldiers are the soldiers of Shanhaiguan, the souls of the dead who were stopped and led by Lin Fan's will to go to the sea of ​​suffering to die.

The Dead Sea is weird, and the soldiers dare not get too close to the Dead Sea, and often lead the souls of the dead more than ten miles away.

If it is less than a dozen miles, there is no need to guide them, because if it is less than a dozen miles, they will also be affected by the strange power of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness and turn into souls trying to cross the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness and find the other shore.

This is the true meaning of the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, whether there is a shore when you turn back, or there is no shore.

Once stepping into the area of ​​influence of the magic power of the bitter sea, whether there is a shore or not is the choice of the dead souls who have stepped in.

All the dead soul can do is cross the sea of ​​bitterness, waiting to be eaten, or sent back to the shore, or perish in the sea of ​​bitterness.

Such a horrific scene made the soldiers guarding the Great Merchant Ghost Dynasty and guarding Shanhaiguan tremble with fear.

I'm afraid that one will be accidentally hooked by the sea of ​​bitterness, or killed by the monster of the sea of ​​bitterness and devoured ashore.

On this day, the soldiers guarding the Shanhaiguan wall found a large number of monsters pouring out of the sea and heading straight to Shanhaiguan.

Monsters invaded, and Shanhaiguan fought again.

Since guarding Shanhaiguan, monsters have invaded every day.

Only this time the demons are endless.

After a fierce battle for a long time, the guards found that the monsters did not recede as before, but more and more.

With so many numbers, the runes and magic circles on the wall have long since been wiped out.

The guards retreated again and again.

Seeing that the whole pass was about to fall, a thunderous rumbling sound came from the sky.

The Heavenly Sword sword light descended from the sky.

The sword energy was like rain, covering Shanhaiguan in an instant.

In just a split second, the falling sword energy killed the monster in Shanhaiguan.

Lin Fan walked out from the void, followed by Empress Shiji.

"Thank you for your help, Your Majesty, I am ashamed of your Majesty's kindness because I have not been able to defend the pass." The surviving soldiers hurriedly said.

"The opponent is too strong, no wonder you guys. Gu didn't think carefully." Lin Fan waved his hand, indicating that they don't need to worry about it.

His eyes fell to the sea of ​​bitterness, as if he wanted to see the sea eye palace hidden under the sea of ​​bitterness through the thick sea water.

"True Buddha of the Sea of ​​Bitterness, Gu hasn't found you yet, but you have found Gu, very good!"

Sound like thunder.

Beneath the thick, foul sea stood a palace.

Scary monsters came in and out of the palace, more like a monster's lair.

The ancient decorations on the palace seem to have been passed down from a long time, telling ominous and death.

The sound of thunder from the sea made the sea of ​​bitterness turbulent, and the sound was transmitted directly to the palace through the sea.

"King Zhou, it's not me looking for you, but you not letting me go."

The voice of the True Buddha of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness came from the palace.

"My intuition is right, you want to kill me. Since you want to kill me, why can't I do it first."

(End of this chapter)

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