The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 687 Shocking

Chapter 687 Shocking
After the words fell, the surface of the sea of ​​bitterness was turbulent, and huge tsunamis and sea tornadoes appeared.

The tsunami attacked Lin Fan and Shanhaiguan with the power of destroying heaven and earth.

It's a trick of harnessing the power of nature.

Manpower is sometimes poor, but the power of heaven and earth is endless.

The quasi-holy-level tsunami force hit and fell.

Carrying the weight of the bitter sea, approaching the saint with a blow.

The waves are layered upon layer, and the further they go, the stronger they become, until the frontmost wave carries the power of destroying heaven and earth.

The wall was destroyed like paper, and the waves were merciless.

What hit was no longer waves, but energy shocks.

A drop of water is enough to cut down the stars, because the water contains the power of a quasi-sage.

"Nine Juxtapositions of the Heavenly Sword, Heaven Slashing Jue!"

The sword light was like a forest, soaring into the sky, forming a big sword, piercing the sky.

The horizontal sword slashed down, toward the tsunami.

In front of the tsunami and nature, Lin Fan seemed so small and insignificant.

However, it was just that insignificant he sent out a sword that was enough to break the waves.

Jian Guang met the sea tide, and the intense heat brought with it evaporated the water of the bitter sea in pieces.

Lin Fan made a seal, and a sun appeared in his hand, and he threw the sun into the sea water.

The terrifying energy erupted in an instant, and the energy comparable to the explosion of a star swept across, and it was about to evaporate all the sea water.

A wave of destruction came from the palace, carrying the sound of Buddha and the heart of Zen.

"The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless!"

The Buddha's light spread out, as vast as the sea of ​​suffering, boundless and endless.

The demonic energy soaked the Buddha's light, and it was not the Buddha who had escaped from the other shore, but the Buddha who had fallen from the other shore.

With death and evil Buddha light, a dark gold bergamot shot out from the palace, snuffing out the sun in the sea.

Bergamot's momentum continued unabated, and he grabbed Lin Fan.

"Nine tactics of the heavenly sword, facing the dust!"

The blood demon sword was out of its sheath, and with the addition of quasi-saint soldiers, the sword intent of the heavenly sword was even stronger.

The sword energy is as dense as dust, everywhere, and the sword light is as vast as the sea, also endless.

The sword cut the bergamot, making a huge shock.

Lin Fan frowned, "So tough!"

The blood demon sword has added materials such as eternal blue gold that are sufficient to refine emperor soldiers, and has killed quasi-sages. Its power surpasses ordinary quasi-sages, but it can't break through the Buddha's hand
"Thousand-handed Tathagata!" There was an explosion from the palace, and thousands of Buddha's hands were struck out from the sea of ​​bitterness.

There are bergamots, and there are bergamots that are more like the hands of monsters.

"Thousand-handed Tathagata!" Lin Fan also showed the Thousand-handed Tathagata's dharma, and the thousand-handed and thousand-handed Tathagata confronted each other.

During the battle, all the dead souls near the sea of ​​bitterness were destroyed.

To die at the hands of a quasi-sage is no longer enough to describe it as soul-stirring.

Two strikes, the aftermath of the shock spreads.

Lin Fan called out the Mieshi Dao, opened the barrier with the power of Mieshi Dao, and protected Shanhaiguan.

"Fairy, please stay at Shanhaiguan later, come whenever you go alone." Lin Fan said to Empress Shiji.

"Be careful." Empress Shiji reminded Lin Fan, knowing that she couldn't persuade Lin Fan.

"Well, I'll be alone." Lin Fan said as he turned Liuguang into the sea of ​​bitterness, towards the palace deep in the sea of ​​bitterness.

Fighting broke out in the depths of the sea.

In the thick sea water, countless sea monsters were obliterated by the sword energy of the Heavenly Sword.

This is a battle that does not hide the quasi-holy aura.

The quasi-sages who had laid traps on the Wangxiang table felt the fluctuations of the battle and looked over one after another.

Seeing Lin Fan's fighting power in the battle against Kuhai, he couldn't help being shocked.

"Isn't King Zhou seriously injured? How come he still has such fighting strength?"

They all thought that Lin Fan escaped from Zhu Yang's grasp and was absolutely seriously injured.

But I don't know, it was wrong from the beginning.

Zhuyang has long since disappeared, and the Zhuyang they saw was pretended by the ghost of Zhulong.

And Lin Fan didn't escape, but killed Candle Dragon Yinhun instead.

The information asymmetry made them miscalculate Lin Fan's combat power.

"Six Paths of Samsara Fist!"

In the sea of ​​bitterness, Lin Fan rotated his fists, and he threw out thousands of punches, and he didn't know how many punches he threw out at once.

The blown fists repelled the bergamot hands, and they all landed on the palace.

In an instant, countless palace monsters were shaken to death.

The terrifying punch shattered the palace wall.

The ancient palace was cracked.

"There is no shore to turn back!" The True Buddha of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness displayed his supernatural powers.

Lin Fan found that the distance between himself and the palace became infinitely far away, but Lin Fan's movement was faster, and he drew his sword in an instant.

"Nine tactics of the Heavenly Sword, breaking the sky!"

The sword energy was invincible, and the palace was blown up with one sword.

Also at this moment, the distance between Lin Fan and the palace became infinitely far away.

Looking back, Wushang's supernatural powers are working.

The palace exploded, and what exploded was not magma, but flesh and blood, and corpses.

This palace turned out to be cast from the corpses of the strong.

A figure with infinite terrifying power walked out from the wreckage of the palace, followed by another figure.

"Two true Buddhas of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness?" Lin Fan saw that the True Buddha of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness who came out from behind was not an incarnation.

In other words, the True Buddha of Kuhai has two real bodies.

"The True Buddha of the Sea of ​​Bitterness met fellow Taoists!"

"Wu'an Taoist met fellow Taoist!"

The two quasi-sages spoke at the same time, and the same person spoke different words.

One is the sea of ​​bitterness, the other is boundless,

"There are really two real bodies." Lin Fan blinked.

"Lin Fan, King Zhou of the Great Shang has met fellow Taoist friends from the Sea of ​​Bitterness and Friends from No Shore."

The two sides made introductions, but the attacks on each other did not decrease at all.

Two quasi-sage powerhouses besieged at the same time.

One uses the power of Buddha, and the other uses the power of Dao, both of which are evil.

Lin Fan either used the Heavenly Sword Art or the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist to deal with it.

The Immemorial Fallen Heart Flame unfolded, and every blow of Lin Fan had a special flame effect.

"What kind of fire is this?" The Kuhai True Buddha, who was recruited, found that the falling heart flame on his body was hard to extinguish.

Even the golden body of the True Buddha could not bear the intense heat.

"Primeval Fallen Heart Flame, a lonely special flame." Lin Fan replied.

The Falling Heart Flame exploded, blasting a hole in the body of Kuhai True Buddha Gold.

Through the hole, Lin Fan didn't see flesh and bones, but only the empty skin.

The real Buddha in front of him is a monster in the skin of a quasi-holy Buddha.

So is the Buddha, the Taoist!

Lin Fan pierced Wu'an Taoist's dharma body with a sword, but he also saw no flesh and bones, only empty skin.

"how is this possible?!"

How can it be? !
The majestic quasi-holy boss, the Kuhai True Buddha with two real bodies turned out to be just a skin.

Did the skins replace the True Buddha of Kuhai and the Taoist Wu'an, or are the Taoists of Wu'an and the True Buddha of Kuhai just skins?

If it's the latter, then who hollowed out the golden bodies and dharma bodies of the True Buddha of Kuhai and Taoist Wu'an.

No flesh and blood, no bones, only empty skin.

Not only Lin Fan was shocked, but even the quasi-sage who was watching the battle from the Wangxiang Terrace was shocked.

If it is hollowed out?What kind of existence can hollow out the quasi-holy golden body?

They are also afraid, because the Kuhai True Buddha and Wu'an Taoist are far stronger than some of them.

The two teamed up, and no one could confidently say that they had played the quasi-sage singles on the Wangxiang stage.

However, it is possible for such two powerful beings to be hollowed out.

Kuhai True Buddha and Wu'an Taoist lowered their heads, looked at the holes in their bodies, and smiled at Lin Fan at the same time, "Are you shocked?"

Lin Fan nodded.

"Do you want to know how it was emptied? It was hollowed out, no, it was emptied by being eaten alive."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Fan's expression changed greatly, and the expression of the Zhunsheng on the Homecoming Platform also changed greatly.

No one believed it, no one dared to believe it.

What kind of existence can live a golden body and a dharma body without a sea of ​​suffering?

(End of this chapter)

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