
Chapter 104 The Secret History of Dongling

Chapter 104 The Secret History of Dongling
For three days, Lin Huang stayed in the Sutra Pavilion.After browsing thousands of ancient scrolls, I finally found a clue from dozens of ancient books on the history of the Eastern Spirit Realm.

And the original thread is hidden in "The Secret History of Yin Yang Valley".

Since then, it has been recorded in the book that more than a thousand years ago, the Valley of Yin and Yang was a place full of evil spirits, shrouded in evil spirit all the year round, and crows screamed miserably day and night.

But anyone who entered the Yin Yang Valley never showed up.

At that time, Yin Yang Valley was regarded as the most dangerous place in the East Spirit Realm.


Lin Huang frowned slightly in thought, which reminded Lin Huang of the blood crow that he suppressed earlier.

Then, Lin Huang found a trace of information from "Xuanyuan Zhi", which recorded some information about the Xuanyuan family, and did not involve Xin Mi, but only recorded the development history of the Xuanyuan family.

However, just because of the word 'Xuanyuan', Lin Huang was also very concerned. After all, Xuanyuan, the most powerful person in the world in the East Spirit Realm, was a member of the Xuanyuan family.

According to the records in the book, the first time the Xuanyuan family appeared in the eyes of the world was a young man named 'Xuanyuanzheng'.

At that time, the Yin-Yang Valley was famous for its viciousness. Even the strong Marquis Wu, once entered the Yin-Yang Valley, would never want to get out of it.As described in "Xuanyuan Zhi", Xuanyuan is just a sick and frail scholar with no strength to restrain a chicken.

However, it was him who walked out of the Yin Yang Valley alive.

This is the first person who came out alive in the records of Guan Yinyang Valley.

This incident caused a sensation in the entire East Spirit Realm.

However, in the third year after Xuanyuanzheng walked out of the Yin-Yang Valley, this ominous place in the East Spirit Realm suddenly disappeared from the eyes of the world.

It's like being wiped off the map abruptly.

The book also records that on the day before the Yin Yang Valley disappeared, "The mountains and rivers were in turmoil, and the sound of crows was like thunder, spreading across the land of Dongling. I saw blood clouds covering the sky, as if the sky was falling. The famous Wuhou was also panicked, fearing that Yin and Yang would The evil of the valley brought disaster to Dongling. However, once the time passed, the mountains and rivers were silent, and the blood clouds disappeared. I only heard Xuanyuanzheng's words: In the next 700 years, there will be no Yinyang Valley!"

Strange to say, since the accident that day, there has been no news of Yin Yang Valley for 700 years.

Over time, the Yin Yang Valley was gradually forgotten by the people of the East Spirit Realm.

When Lin Huang read this, he already had guesses in his mind, probably thousands of years ago, Xuanyuan was using a big hand to seal and hide the entire Yin Yang Valley, so it disappeared without a trace.

It's just that he is a frail scholar, how did he do it?
To erase or hide an area is a big deal.


Later, Lin Huang found another clue from "The Strange Talk of Marquis Wu of Qianqiu Dongling".

What is recorded in this book is that for more than a thousand years in the East Spirit Realm, some well-known Wuhou powerhouses around the world, from the growth history of these Wuhous, encouraged or warned future generations.

In this book, Lin Huang found a generation of devil named 'Qiu Dali'.

Qiu Dali, this name sounds very rustic, but it is not without reason, because before the age of 30, this person was just a woodcutter who hunted and cut firewood for a living.

In this person's life trajectory, if there is no great opportunity, I am afraid that no one will care about it throughout his life.

However, at the age of 30, when he was hunting outside the Qinglong Mountains, he rescued a crow that was seriously injured and dying...

The later stories are as wonderful as the storyteller said.

In order to thank the woodcutter for saving his life, the crow took out a volume of peerless martial arts from the tomb of some strong man, sacrificed himself, and became the woodcutter's martial spirit.

In the next ten years, the name of Qiu Dali spread wildly throughout the entire East Spirit Realm, and his legends were spread all over the world.

At the age of 30, he practiced martial arts.

At the age of 35, he entered the realm of Marquis Wu.

At the age of 40, there is no one in the world.

At the age of 42, this person's nature changed drastically for unknown reasons, and he became possessed by a single thought.In one night, a royal family was slaughtered, and the flesh and blood of 10 people were used as a furnace for self-cultivation.

Wherever this person has passed, there are mourners everywhere, and not a single blade of grass grows.Even the seven sects, six factions and four dynasties that were extremely powerful in the East Spirit Realm at that time were tied together, and they were helpless against him.

This nightmare lasted for ten years.

Ten years later, two youths suddenly rose up in the East Spirit Realm.One of them was named Xuanyuan Changge, and the other was named Jia Tiansheng.

These two people possess Fengyun Wuhun, and they can produce infinite power in joint battles.At that time, the two fought fiercely with Qiu Dali for three days and three nights on Wuya Peak, and finally beheaded him.

However, for some unknown reason, the two committed suicide on the spot.

"Xuanyuan Changge, Jia Tiansheng?"

In the Sutra Pavilion, Lin Huang hugged the ancient scroll and pondered carefully, his brows gradually furrowed, then deepened, and he murmured with a slight guess:


The speculation in Lin Huang's heart became more and more intense, and one thing suddenly occurred to his mind. When the news of the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers was exposed, Xuanyuan Tibing appeared in Guojia's mansion.

This forced Lin Huang to link the two families together.

Jia Tiansheng, Jia Wanjin.

Xuanyuan Changge, Xuanyuan Tibing.

Around 300 years ago, people from the two surnames were always entangled together. Is it really just a coincidence, or is it for something else?
As for why Xuanyuan Changge and Jia Tiansheng killed themselves, Lin Huang had some guesses in his mind.

I'm afraid that the crow that Qiu Dali saved didn't teach the martial arts of Qiu Dali because of repaying his kindness, but because he was ungrateful and directly took away Qiu Dali.

As for Xuanyuan Changge and Jia Tiansheng, who killed themselves by slaying themselves, they were probably trapped by blood crows when they were fighting Qiu Dali. After a long time, they would eventually be captured by the demons, so they died generously.

This point can be confirmed in Jia Wanjin's body, because Jia Wanjin's body was also withered and his strength disappeared because of suppressing a blood crow.

And Lin Huang discovered from "The Record of Rumors of the Yin-Yang Valley" that after the emergence of Ziqi Dali, the Yin-Yang Valley, which had disappeared for 700 years, reappeared.

What is different from thousands of years ago is that the Yin Yang Valley only appears once every few decades, and it is no longer as fierce and terrifying as it was thousands of years ago.

Although every time Yin Yang Valley is born, it will cause the consequences of losing lives.But the warriors gradually discovered that those who came out of the Yin-Yang Valley alive all became strong.

Over time, rumors of inheritance in the Yin Yang Valley spread.

And this has continued until now...

So much so that not long ago, the High Priest of Piaoxue Palace was so ecstatic when he found out that Yin Yang Valley was about to be born.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang couldn't help closing the ancient scroll, feeling a faint bad premonition in his heart. I'm afraid the inheritance in Yin Yang Valley is not good.

Lin Huang had seen the blood crow's ability before.

In the Sutra Pavilion, Lin Huang finally found a trace of news about the "Blood Spirit Hall", but the source of it made Lin Huang quite astonished.

Because that bit of news about the Blood Spirit Hall actually came from the "Dongling Kanyu Journal".

Kanyu is for Feng Shui!
This book was written more than 200 years ago by Cao Yangming, a master geomast in Dongling Realm, and it records the 370 or two mountains and rivers he has studied in his life.

Among them, the last place that Cao Yangming recorded was the Qinglong Mountains.

This person spent ten years researching the Qinglong Mountain Range, and finally, relying on his terrifying ability to survey, he discovered a place where the dragon is locked in the Qinglong Mountain Range surrounded by mountains.

The so-called Dragon Locking Land is the terrain that can imprison Dong Ling's dragon veins.The dragon veins are locked, the luck of the entire East Spirit Realm is suppressed, and the warriors of the East Spirit Realm will never have a bright future.

For this reason, Cao Yangming single-handedly unlocked the land of Suolong.

But what he didn't expect was that after he unlocked the Dragon Locking Land, it brought an unprecedented disaster to the East Spirit Realm.

Because, Cao Yangming never imagined that the place where the dragon is locked is actually suppressing the Yin-Yang Valley.

In the timeline at that time, a generation of devil Chou Dali died in battle for more than 50 years, and Yin Yang Valley appeared twice during this period, and each appearance and disappearance was extremely strange.

The catastrophe brought about also makes people talk about it.

However, Cao Yangming did not expect that he would find the Yin-Yang Valley abruptly by virtue of his ability to be a public figure. This Yin-Yang Valley was suppressed by the dragon veins of the East Spirit and its trajectory follows the stars.

The place where the dragon was locked was destroyed, and the dragon veins escaped, and the so-called suppressive power also disappeared.Immediately, the Yin Yang Valley reappeared, and the evil spirits in the valley swarmed out, massacring the world...

It is recorded in "East Spirit Chronicles" that the birth of Yin Yang Valley this time brought more than ten times more disasters than before.At that time, the river water in the entire East Spirit Realm was blood-colored.

Inside and outside the Yin Yang Valley, there are even more corpses piled up like mountains!

By this time, Cao Yangming felt that he had caused a catastrophe...

Fortunately, at this time, the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers appeared!

But this time, the person who appeared with the ancient scrolls was none other than the grandson of Xuanyuan Changge, Xuanyuan Wuxiang, who fought with Qiu Dali and killed himself on Wuya Peak!

Xuanyuan Wuxiang, according to legend, is the most powerful orderer in the East Spirit Realm for thousands of years!

After the Land of Locking Dragon was destroyed by Cao Yangming, Xuanyuan Wuxiang became aware of it. In just three days, he gathered the ten most famous commanding masters in the Eastern Spirit Realm at that time.

Xuanyuan Wuxiang gathered the power of ten large groups of commanding masters, activated Tianyan clairvoyance, found the dragon vein that escaped from the Eastern Spirit Realm, arrested it, and then built the power to lock the dragon.

After that, Xuanyuan Wuxiang established seven more places of detention in the East Spirit Realm according to the guidance of the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers, matching the dragon veins to suppress the Yin-Yang Valley.

Afterwards, Xuanyuan Wuxiangyu borrowed the power of the stars to hide the entrance of the Yin Yang Valley forever in the vast sky, making it never appear in the world.

But just when Xuanyuan Wuxiang connected the star map to hide the entrance of Yin Yang Valley, Cao Yangming appeared again!

It was him again, at the most critical moment, who beheaded the ten masters who assisted Xuanyuan Wuxiang one by one, causing Xuanyuan Wuxiang to suffer the backlash of heaven, and died suddenly on the spot. This makes Yin Yang Valley reappear every few decades.

Xuanyuan Wuxiang died suddenly, and the members of the Xuanyuan family were completely enraged by it. They chased and killed Cao Yangming for three years. It was only when Cao Yangming was about to die that the members of the Xuanyuan family found out:
Cao Yangming came from a faction called Blood Spirit Hall!
(End of this chapter)

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