
Chapter 105 Reappearance of the Man in Black

Chapter 105 Reappearance of the Man in Black

Only then did everyone in the Eastern Spirit Realm realize that Cao Yangming's unlocking of the Dragon Locking Land had been done on purpose.His purpose is to bring Yin Yang Valley to life.

It's just that he didn't expect that Xuanyuan Wuxiang could repress and block Yin Yang Valley at such a fast speed.

And this is also the name of the 'Blood Spirit Hall', the first time it appeared in the East Spirit Realm.

Afterwards, the Xuanyuan family began to investigate the Blood Spirit Palace, and Fang felt the mystery of this palace.But the mystery is just a mystery after all. The Xuanyuan family has flourished in the East Spirit Realm for more than [-] years, and its background is no less than that of any other sect.

But even so, the more the Xuanyuan family investigated, the more frightened they became.

They discovered that the Blood Spirit Hall was secretly built by Qiu Dali 50 years ago, and the people in charge of it were the four major disciples of Qiu Dali.

And the people in the Blood Spirit Hall all practice the secret technique of blood fiend, which can condense blood crows in their bodies to form terrifying soul-stirring power to control others.Or use the blood crow as a bridge to gradually erode the warrior's cultivation base to improve his own strength.

"So this is the origin of the Blood Spirit Palace!"

Seeing this, Lin Huang finally understood the ability of the Blood Spirit Palace, thinking of the blood crow's soul-stirring power, and what happened to Jia Wanjin, Lin Huang couldn't help but feel chilled.

If it weren't for Tian Shura's natural restraint on the blood crow, I'm afraid he would have already become a puppet at his disposal.

Afterwards, Lin Huangyou continued to read...

Following the Xuanyuan family's investigation, they found that the Blood Spirit Hall had already infiltrated every force in the mainland, whether it was the sect, the rivers and lakes, or the court, there were people from the Blood Spirit Hall.

The only purpose of the Blood Spirit Hall seems to be for the Yin Yang Valley.

The methods used by the Blood Spirit Temple are extremely cruel, taking pleasure in controlling people's minds and minds, cultivating by sacrificing people's flesh and blood, easily stealing people's souls and sucking blood.

For this reason, the Xuanyuan family was completely furious. For the first time in 700 years, this hermit family showed its sharp fangs:
Wu Bu Dongling, bloody rivers and lakes!
Since the order was issued, 840 disciples of the Xuanyuan family, no matter men, women, old or young, all dressed in white and plain onyx, holding the flag of the Xuanyuan clan, entered the rivers and lakes.

Three full years!

The members of the Xuanyuan family uprooted the Blood Spirit Hall with the mentality that one could kill one thousand by mistake and not let one go.Not only that, but in the East Spirit Realm, anyone who commits crimes, who is unfilial, unrighteous, unkind, unkind, and unkind will be hunted down by the Xuanyuan family crazily.

During those three years, everyone in the Eastern Spirit Realm was terrified. Seeing people in white clothes was like seeing jackals, tigers and leopards!

However, the three years of bloody fighting also cost the Xuanyuan family a very heavy price.

The younger generation of the entire family died in battle!

Old man, there are only 11 people left!
Younger, only three of them remain.

A illustrious Xuanyuan family spent three years bloodbathing the rivers and lakes, killing all the remnants of the blood spirits, slaughtering all the traitors and thieves, and using all their lives in exchange for the next 50 years of peace and prosperity in the East Spirit Realm.

As for the Xuanyuan family, there is only one male left.

As a result, until now, the Xuanyuan family has always been sparsely populated, and it has been passed down to the current Xuanyuan Tibing for nine generations.

However, Xuanyuan Jian, the only heir of Xuanyuan Tibing, died in Dongxuanzong, which made Xuanyuan Tibing an old age, and the Tianyuan Realm raised millions of troops to destroy Dongxuan.

Seeing this, Lin Huang finally closed the scroll, Chang Shu breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of admiration in his solemn expression, he murmured:

"It turns out that this Dongling land has been under the protection of the Xuanyuan family for thousands of years!"

From these clues, if Lin Huang can't deduce anything, then he really has a problem with his IQ.

Thousands of years ago, Xuanyuan Zheng appeared and sealed the Yin Yang Valley for more than [-] years.

300 years ago, Xuanyuan Changge was born when a generation of devil Chou vigorously wreaked havoc on the world.

250 years ago, Cao Yangming unlocked the place where the dragon was locked, and Xuanyuan Wuxiang was born. He sleeps at night and seals the Yinyang Valley again with the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers left by his ancestor Xuanyuanzheng.

Then, the Blood Spirit Hall appeared.

Members of the Xuanyuan family devoted their lives to Wu Bu Dongling and uprooted the Blood Spirit Hall.


Every time the people in the Eastern Spirit Realm were devastated and encountered a catastrophe, someone from this family that had been passed down for thousands of years was bound to be born to clean up the treacherous evil and help the Eastern Spirit.

Lin Huang's expression became more and more serious. He never thought that in this world of power disputes, there is still a family that abides by the heart of warriors and protects the East Spirit Realm forever.

For this reason, generations of the Xuanyuan family died generously, and they did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives to keep Dongling in peace.

And after a long time, the Blood Spirit Palace revived again, probably because of evil intentions.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang was full of anticipation and sadness for Xuanyuan Tibing.This time, the Yin Yang Valley will be born again, and the Blood Spirit Palace will surely make a comeback. At that time, Tibing Xuanyuan will be alone, how should he face it?


Lin Huang breathed a sigh of relief, squeezed his fists, and hated the Blood Spirit Hall even more in his heart.

According to Lin Huang's speculation, there must be an evil force in the Yin-Yang Valley, driving the people in the Blood Spirit Hall to do evil in all directions, looking for a way to break the seal of the Yin-Yang Valley.

Moreover, how could Lin Huang let go of the revenge of Lin Cangxue's martial soul abolished by the Blood Spirit Palace!

Lin Huang also became more certain in his heart that the man in black in Piaoxue Palace who asked him for the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers was the person from Blood Spirit Palace.Because the secrets in the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers are mostly related to the seal of Yin Yang Valley.

"Blood Spirit Hall, the ghost is really lingering!"

In the Sutra Pavilion, Lin Huang sneered, with a murderous look on his face.He considers himself not a person with great righteousness in his heart, but he will never forget his hatred until his death.

Just relying on the Blood Spirit Palace's action against Lin Cangxue, Lin Huang will never die.

During the three days in the Cangjing Pavilion, Lin Huang sorted out his previous doubts, and a main line related to whether the East Spirit Realm was devastated or not.

Jia Wanjin.

Mountain and River Scrolls.

Blood Raven.

Blood Palace.

Yin Yang Valley.

All these things were caused by the Blood Spirit Hall's search for the ancient scrolls in order to break the seal of the Yin-Yang Valley.And the key to all of this is the Ancient Scroll of Mountains and Rivers.

Thinking of the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers, Lin Huang smiled wryly, especially feeling that there was a long way to go, what Jia Wanjin left him was not as simple as a hot potato.

That's a fucking big bomb!

After leaving the Sutra Pavilion, Lin Huang returned to Tianpuya.Looking at the setting sun in the sky, thinking about the Blood Spirit Palace, a look of anticipation could not help showing on his face.

Tomorrow he will enter Qilin Peak!
The man in black never showed up.

If he doesn't show up tonight, then the man in black must be the elder of Qilin Peak.

Therefore, Lin Huang felt that the man in black would appear tonight.

He dared to conclude now that the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers had a fatal temptation for the latter, and he couldn't tolerate the man in black giving up.

Outside the waterfall, Lin Huang stroked the chubby big white cat, causing the big white cat to let out a humiliating cry, as if Lin Huang stroked its body, it was an endless insult to it.

However, Lin Huang didn't care about these, but gradually waited for the night to come.

The moonlight is like water, and the waterfall is like practice!

When the moon was passing through the middle of the sky, Lin Huang, who was practicing, suddenly caught a sound of wind passing by his ears, then grinned, walked out of the waterfall, and said:

"Since it has appeared, why hide?"

In just a few breaths, a figure walked out of the pitch-black night, its entire body was as black as ink, blending into the moonlight, and only by staring at the two glowing eyes could one clearly see that there was a person standing in front of Lin Huang .

The man in black looked at the young man in front of him, and a hoarse laugh came from under the black cloak, "I really didn't expect that you were able to pass the battle. It's really gratifying... Tsk tsk, just like Lin Cang back then." Bright as snow."

"What's the point of saying this? You really think I don't know, isn't it the people from the Blood Spirit Palace who abolished my sister's martial soul?"

Lin Huang sneered.

The man in black's complexion changed, the smile on his face froze immediately, and his hoarse voice was filled with cold murderous intent, "You actually know about the Blood Spirit Hall".

Lin Huang smiled slightly: "It seems that you are really a member of the Blood Spirit Hall. Why, don't the people of the Blood Spirit Hall dare to show their true colors? Hiding in a dark corner and surviving is your creed in life?"

"you know too much!"

The man in black showed murderous intent, and the smile on his face shuddered.

Lin Huang suddenly felt a terrifying aura oppressing him, like a mountain, it was difficult for him to breathe, but Lin Huang had a relaxed expression on his face:

"If you have the guts, kill me!"

The man in black's expression froze, his eyes fixed on Lin Huang like sharp swords.Then the aura around him dissipated like a tide, and he snorted coldly and said:

"What about the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers?"

Lin Huang was not in a hurry, stared at the man in black quietly, and said, "Shouldn't you tell me first, who from the Blood Spirit Palace abolished my sister's martial soul?"

"Boy, do you really think I'm here to make a deal with you? Do you think the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers are really important to the Blood Spirit Palace?"

The man in black smiled disdainfully.

"It's really not important, as long as you have another Cao Yangming, you can find the place to lock the dragon without using the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers!"

Lin Huang nodded.

The man in black looked slightly stagnant, his eyes under the pitch-black mask had incredible colors, and his hoarse voice was extremely cold:
"Even Cao Yangming knows it. It seems that you also know the relationship between the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers and the valley of Yin and Yang."

"Just a little bit," Lin Huang waved his hand, "You have been planning for hundreds of years, if there is no ancient scroll, tsk tsk..."

The man in black was lost in thought.

He understood that Lin Huang already knew the significance of the Ancient Mountains and Rivers Scrolls to the Blood Spirit Hall. If there were no Ancient Mountains and Rivers Scrolls, even if the Yin Yang Valley appeared ten times, it would be difficult to break the seal.

For more than 200 years, the news of the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers finally came out. If you don't seize the opportunity this time, once the Yin Yang Valley disappears, you don't know how long you will have to wait for the next one.

Then, under the pitch-black cloak, came the cold voice of the man in black:
"The old man can tell you who destroyed Lin Cangxue's martial spirit. But at least you must let me see that the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers are indeed in your hands."

Seeing the tone of the man in black getting softer, Lin Huang shook his fingers and said:

"Our deal, maybe it will be fair to change it!"

(End of this chapter)

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