
Chapter 106 Han Qingtian

Chapter 106 Han Qingtian

"Boy, the old man advises you to be more aware of current affairs, otherwise you won't even know what your death is!"

Under the waterfall, the man in black saw that Lin Huang wanted to change the content of the transaction, and said sharply.

Lin Huang smiled slightly: "You know this is Piaoxue Palace, it's useless to have a loud voice!"

Lin Huang flipped his palm, and a figure like an iron tower appeared beside him, his whole body was as black as ink, full of explosive power, it was Lin Huang's puppet.

Then Lin Huang took out two ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers, looked at the man in black, and said with a smile:

"This is the ancient scroll of mountains and rivers. You can choose to name the person who abolished my sister's martial spirit first. As for the transaction, we will discuss it after you name that person!"

As soon as the Ancient Scroll of Mountains and Rivers appeared, the eyes of the man in black suddenly changed. He stared at the ancient scroll in Lin Huang's hand with golden light, and his eyes shone brightly.

Ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers!

Something that the Blood Spirit Hall has planned for a long time.

The man in black clenched his fists and was very excited. As long as he brought this ancient scroll back to the Blood Spirit Hall, he would be the biggest contributor to the Blood Spirit Hall.

Then his position in the Blood Spirit Palace will definitely be able to take a step forward, becoming the person with the highest position under the four blood lords.

At this moment, the man in black is eager to snatch it.

Seeing the man in black's eyes flickering, Lin Huang put away the ancient scroll of mountains and rivers, and then said: "I advise you not to think about snatching it, after all, I am not a vegetarian. I believe that as long as you roar, Palace Master Yannangui will be as good as you are." It takes a few breaths to get here."

"Boy, don't push yourself too far!"

The man in black said hoarsely, "Give the ancient scroll of mountains and rivers to the old man, and the old man will tell you your name!"

"I said, the deal has changed!"

Lin Huang sneered and shook his head, "Tell me that person's name first, and then we'll talk about the transaction. You should know that you have no room for bargaining."

"Besides, is it that difficult to tell me a person's name? Isn't everyone in the Blood Spirit Hall sacrificed for the sake of the Mountains and Rivers Ancient Scroll?"

Lin Huang's words seemed to remind the man in black, which made the latter relax, "This kid is right, as long as he gets the ancient scroll, who can't sell it except the four blood lords?"

"he is……"

The man in black spoke slowly, still hesitating in his voice, but finally said the latter's name, and continued:

Lin Huang only felt his head buzzing, obviously shocked by the man in black's words, no matter how calm his face was, he couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

Han Qingtian! ?

Han Qingtian? !

Thunder from all directions moved Han Qingtian!
In the East Spirit Realm, one of the four major sects, the suzerain of Tianlei Sect.

Han Qingtian!
Lin Huang never expected that it would be this person, this person with great authority in the East Spirit Realm.

Master of one sect!
Half step Wuhou's existence.

A figure standing at the pinnacle of power in the Eastern Spirit Realm.

It turned out to be him who ran to the little Great Xia Dynasty and abolished Lin Cangxue's martial soul?

"This is impossible!"

Lin Huang said instinctively.

The man in black calmed down a bit, and then said eloquently: "Han Qing was born with a handicap. His left arm is as thick as a baby, but his right arm is normal."

"I've heard of that!"

Forest Road.

"However, what is really scary about Han Qingtian is his baby's left hand. Although it is incomplete, it is born with supernatural power and has the power to move mountains and lift tripods. Do you know this?"

The man in black sneered.

"Do you know how many people have died under Han Qingtian's left-handed sword technique in recent years?"

Lin Huang's complexion changed slightly, but he still remembered that Prince Lingyun said back then that the masked man in black who crippled Lin Cangxue's martial soul used his left hand.

"Do you know that when Han Qingtian was 28 years old, he cut off his left arm with his own hands, and then practiced my Blood Spirit Palace technique, which made the broken arm reborn. Since then, his arm has been no different from ordinary people, but it also has divine power?"

The man in black said hoarsely: "It's just that when he is ordinary, he always shows people with his baby's arms."

"Rebirth with a broken arm?"

Lin Huang frowned, already having guesses in his heart.

Before a martial artist becomes a saint, it is impossible for a disabled body to be reborn with a broken arm.And Han Qingtian can do this by practicing the technique of the Blood Spirit Palace, probably because he has practiced some kind of evil technique.

"Perhaps you don't know that in the last battle of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties, Lin Cangxue almost killed all the geniuses of the Tianlei School, and one of them was a disciple named Han Liusheng."

The man in black continued.

"Is there any problem with Han Liusheng?" Lin Huang asked.

The man in black smiled, with a rather strange expression on his face, and said, "This Han Liusheng is Han Qingyun's son, and Han Qingyun is Han Qingtian's elder brother. What do you think is the relationship?"

Lin Huang frowned slightly, "Even if it's for revenge, it should be Han Qingyun who took the shot. He got Han Qingtian that round, not to mention that he is the suzerain of Tianlei Sect!"

"Then what if Han Liusheng is actually Han Qingtian's son?"

The man in black laughed and said, as if he was very excited because he revealed other people's secrets.


Lin Huang was a little speechless, he didn't expect such a thing, Han Qingtian actually put a green hat on his own elder brother? !
"Han Qingyun still doesn't know about this matter!"

The man in black smiled dryly, as if he looked down on that Han Qingyun.

Lin Huang nodded, according to what the man in black said, it made sense for Han Qingtian to attack Lin Cangxue.

Moreover, even if the man in black wants to lie to himself, he doesn't need to use Han Qingtian's name.

"Boy, I've already told you about Han Qingtian's name, it's time to hand over the ancient scroll of mountains and rivers." The man in black changed the subject and stared at Lin Huang sternly.

Lin Huang heard the words, but shook his head with a smile.

"What, you want to go back on your word!?"

The man in black's voice was suddenly sharp, his face was full of murderous intent, and the terrifying aura was heading towards the forest like waves.

Lin Huang smiled calmly, and continued: "As I said just now, you tell me who that person is first, and we will discuss the deal. Since you are willing to say Han Qingtian's name, it means that you have agreed with me!"

"It really pushes the envelope!"

The man in black restrained his murderous intent, stared at Lin Huang gloomyly, and clacked his withered fingers, and then said, "Tell me, how do you want to trade?"

"It's very simple, use Han Qingtian's head in exchange!"

Lin Huang smiled slightly.

"you wanna die!"

The man in black scolded angrily, "What is Han Qingtian's status? In fact, he can kill if he wants to. What kind of place is Tianleizong? Does it mean that he can enter when he says so?"

"Isn't he from your Blood Spirit Hall? Is it so difficult to kill him?"

Lin Huang asked with a smile.

"This matter is absolutely impossible, boy, you are sincerely cheating!"

The man in black pointed at Lin Huang angrily, and his whole body became sullen. In the dark night, he looked even more terrifying, which made Lin Huang feel extremely dangerous.

Lin Huang tapped the puppet with his fingers, making a clanging sound.He smiled very calmly, "Since this matter is difficult, let's change the deal."

Lin Huang smiled, he himself had no hope, the Blood Spirit Hall could exchange Han Qingtian's head for the Ancient Scroll of Mountains and Rivers.

Even if it is possible, I am afraid that the man in black in front of him will not be able to make the decision.

Lin Huang was just trying to test Han Qingtian's status in the Blood Spirit Hall.From this point of view, Han Qingtian's status is much higher than that of the man in black.

"I hope this time, you can say something that is practical!"

The man in black snorted coldly.

"Answer my three questions truthfully, and you can take the Ancient Scroll of Mountains and Rivers," Lin Huang said.

The man in black nodded silently, and said, "As long as the four great blood lords are not involved, I can definitely tell you what the old man knows."

"Four blood princes?"

Lin Huang was startled, and secretly wrote down these words, and then asked:
"What is it in Yin Yang Valley that is worth all your troubles, planning and planning for hundreds of years without giving up?"

The first question caused the man in black to fall into silence. It seemed that the man in black was also wondering what was in the Valley of Yin and Yang. After a long time, the man in black said:

"We are honored as the evil king!"

"But this evil king is just a code name, and I don't know what it really is. Maybe it's a person, or maybe it's a monster, or a treasure with mysterious power."

"Evil King?!"

Lin Huang frowned secretly, he was afraid that the existence of this evil king had lasted for thousands of years.The purpose of the Blood Spirit Palace is to break the seal in the Yin-Yang Valley and release the evil king.

evil king...

What the hell is it?
Perhaps only the "Four Great Blood Marquis" in the mouth of the man in black can really understand it.

"Second question, what is the function of the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers?"

Lin Huang continued to ask.

"Function? Don't you know the function of the ancient scrolls?"

The man in black responded mockingly: "Although every time Yin Yang Valley is born, there will be strange power overflowing from under the seal, but if you want to find or release the evil king, you must break the seal!"

"There are only two ways to break the seal. One is to break the seal by force beyond the realm of the Martial Emperor."

"The second is to get the Ancient Mountains and Rivers Scroll. There is a seal pattern in it. Only by knowing how the seal is constructed can you find a way to break it. Moreover, the trajectory of the Yin-Yang Valley is also recorded in the Ancient Mountains and Rivers Scroll."

Lin Huang frowned. According to what the man in black said, as long as the Blood Spirit Hall got the ancient scrolls, he could find the Yin-Yang Valley at any time, and he didn't have to automatically wait for the birth of the Yin-Yang Valley every few decades.

"Is that all?"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows.

"if not?"

The man in black smiled and responded sarcastically.

"250 years ago, Cao Yangming, a great geologist of the generation, was able to find the Land of Suolong, which shows that he has enough ability to deduce the movement trajectory of the Yin-Yang Valley. And he is also capable of breaking through the Land of Suolong. I am afraid that if you give him time, you will not be able to find the land of Suolong. It must be able to break the seal. If so, the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers will have no meaning at all to you!"

Lin Huang replied.

The man in black suddenly fell silent, and after a long time, he said with a murderous intent: "Boy, you really know a lot!"

"Maybe it's more than you think." Lin Huang smiled slightly, with a calm expression on his face, and continued:
"I advise you to tell the truth, what is the real function of the ancient scrolls?"

(End of this chapter)

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