
Chapter 107

Chapter 107
Under the night sky, Lin Huang and the man in black faced each other, and they both stared at each other. It was not until a moment later that the man in black spoke:
"Thousands of years ago, after Xuanyuanzheng walked out of the Yin-Yang Valley, he used three years to seal it, and built the Dragon Locking Land, blocking the Dongling Dragon Vein to suppress the Yin-Yang Valley!"

"300 years ago, the place where the dragon was locked and the seal were loosened, causing a trace of the power of the evil king to emerge from under the seal, thus giving birth to Qiu Dali and the current Blood Spirit Hall!"

"250 years ago, Cao Yangming was used by my Blood Spirit Hall to find the location of the Yin Yang Valley and crack the Dragon Locking Land, only one step away from breaking the seal!"

Lin Huang nodded, and continued, "It's a pity that Xuanyuan Wuxiang appeared and broke your sweet dreams!"

The man in black nodded silently, and continued:
"At that time, my ancestors only knew that Xuanyuan Zheng, who was dying thousands of years ago, left ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers to deal with the crisis 700 years later."

"That time, Xuanyuan Wuxiang was born, not only reshaping the land of Suolong, but also sealing off the Dongling Dragon Vessel again to suppress Yinyang Valley. In addition, according to the instructions in the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers, he established seven detentions and resealed Yinyang Valley."

Lin Huang nodded, he had read about this when he was in the Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

"And according to what Cao Yangming said back then, there is another method of suppressing the Yin-Yang Valley recorded in the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers!"

The man in black gritted his teeth, and finally revealed the secret hidden in the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers.

Lin Huang chuckled twice, "The Land of Locking Dragons, plus the Seven Ways of Detention, and the seal of the Yin-Yang Valley... If you add a method to suppress the Yin-Yang Valley, I'm afraid this valley will never appear again!"

The man in black raised his head, staring at Lin Huang through the dark cloak, "Guo Hui Yi Yao, boy, you really know too much!"

Lin Huang smiled perfunctorily, not afraid of threats at all, and said: "You can tell me so much, I don't know what you are thinking. It's just that as long as I stay in Piaoxue Palace for a day, you won't dare to do anything!"

"It makes sense, if one day you walk out of Piaoxue Palace, you have to be careful."

The man in black snorted coldly and smiled.

"In that case, let's talk about the third question," Lin Huang pouted.

The man in black proudly waved his sleeves, turned sideways to Lin Huang, and said, "Shouldn't you show your sincerity before asking the third question? Is it possible that the old man can answer your three questions for nothing?"

"Good talk!"

Lin Huang beckoned, took out two ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers shining golden, and said: "When I got this thing, there were two scrolls, and I don't know whether it is true or not."

Lin Huang held a scroll in each of his left and right hands, and said with a smile, "Choose a scroll, left hand or right hand!"

The man in black frowned, and his bewildered eyes swept back and forth, but he found that the two ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers were exactly the same, and could not detect any clues.

"...the left hand!"

The man in black hoarsely said.

Lin Huang waved his hand and threw the ancient scroll of mountains and rivers in his hand to the man in black.

After receiving the Ancient Scroll of Mountains and Rivers, the man in black quickly unfolded it, and suddenly the golden light surged, and mysterious rays of light poured out from the ancient scroll, making the man in black dizzy.

"You don't need to read it... If you can understand it, you won't hide in Piaoxue Palace." Lin Huang sneered, "Even the high priest of Piaoxue Palace may not be able to understand everything."

"Ask your third question!"

The man in black pocketed the ancient scroll of mountains and rivers, and continued.

For the two volumes of ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers, he is bound to win them.If the scroll in his hand is a fake, even if he loses his life, it will be difficult for the empress of the Blood Spirit Palace to do so.

And among these two volumes, one volume must be true.

As long as I bring back the real ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers, it will be difficult for me not to figure out when the evil king will be born in the future.

"The third question is very simple. Why did the Blood Spirit Palace attack my sister?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Didn't you say that Lin Cangxue's martial soul was abolished because of Han Qingtian's action. It has nothing to do with the Blood Spirit Hall, so Jiang Huaiyin just helped Han Qingtian."

The man in black suddenly became angry.

Lin Huang's expression turned cold, and he stared sideways at the man in black, with a sarcastic smile on his face, and his voice became even colder: "Do you really think I'm a three-year-old child?"

"Han Qingtian is a half-step Wuhou. If you really avenge your son, how can my sister survive? How can it be as simple as breaking the martial soul?"

"That's Han Qingtian's own business, how does this old man know?" the man in black said angrily, "Don't you think that Lin Cangxue's experience is more uncomfortable than her death?"

"It don't want another ancient scroll of mountains and rivers!"

Lin Huang rolled up his sleeves and snorted coldly.

"Boy, don't be presumptuous. The old man has already told you a lot, I hope you can be a little more modest. You must know the consequences of going against my Blood Spirit Hall."

The man in black snorted and threatened.

"Even the glorious Xuanyuan clan back then is now sparsely populated. It is already a single family of nine generations. Even Xuanyuan Jian, the only son of Xuanyuan's soldier, cannot escape the fate of dying!"

"It turns out that this incident was also done by the Blood Spirit Hall," Lin Huanghan said.

"Now that we've said it, I'll tell you one more thing," the man in black said with a cold smile: "More than 20 years ago, your father was chased and killed by all the forces in the East Spirit Realm. Escape from the Eastern Spirit Realm. If it wasn't for the help of my Blood Spirit Hall, your father wouldn't have ended up in this situation!"

Lin Huang's expression suddenly changed, and he became completely cold, "Tsk tsk... You Blood Spirit Hall really does all kinds of evil. Do you really think that you can cover the sky with one hand?"

"I don't dare to cover the sky with one hand, but you are a kid in the realm of the earth, and the old man doesn't take it seriously. Looking at the land of Dongling, there are only a handful of people who can make my Blood Spirit Hall afraid!"

"How can you ignore it? How can you be arrogant? How powerful is the Blood Spirit Hall?"

Lin Huang laughed and said, convinced the man in black, "If you don't answer my third question, you won't be able to take this ancient scroll of mountains and rivers!"

Afterwards, Lin Huang waved his sleeves and walked towards the waterfall, ending the conversation with the man in black.


The man in black was furious, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and his withered fingers formed hooks.

"Before you start, I advise you to think clearly. Once you are exposed in this Snow Palace, can you still escape?" Lin Huang said with a sneer without turning his head.

The man in black breathed stagnantly, took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart, and then said in a low voice:
"Lin Cangxue will become the host body, the host body of the evil king's power when the Yin Yang Valley is broken in the future!"

Hearing the hoarse voice from behind, Lin Huang's footsteps suddenly stopped, the words of the man in black echoed in his ears, a surge of anger surged deep in his heart, and his eyes were bloodshot.

host body!

It turned out to be the host body!
Lin Huang only felt that there was a terrifying murderous intent deep in his heart that was difficult to release. He should have thought of it long ago, but he actually ignored it, ignored this crucial point.

300 years ago, Qiu Dali was the host.

The host body that was taken over by the blood crow.

And the elder sister, Lin Cangxue, is a legend of Dongling, a rare talent whose talent is far beyond that of a woodcutter.

If the evil king needs a host body, then who in the Dongling territory can compare to Lin Cangxue?

"Lin Cangxue's growth is too terrifying. In just two years, he has already reached the realm of half-step Tianyuan, and he has the incomparable feat of killing Tianyuan by Earth Yuan. The Blood Spirit Palace is afraid that Lin Cangxue will be able to step into Marquis Wu after a few more years of growth. Realm, it will be troublesome to deal with her when the time comes, so her martial spirit was abolished."

The man in black sneered, but there was worry on his face. This secret was kept secret in the Blood Spirit Hall, and ordinary people had no way of knowing it.Because once the secret is leaked, someone will kill Lin Cangxue, and the body will be destroyed by then...

"You... you really deserve to die!"

Below the waterfall, Lin Huang turned his back to the man in black, but the murderous intent in his eyes was surging wildly, his fingers were clenched tightly, and his nails were deeply embedded in his fleshy palms, but he didn't even notice it.

"Tsk tsk, so what if you die? Do you want to bring down my Blood Spirit Hall just because you are a little earth element warrior?"

The man in black sneered.

"The three questions have passed, it's time to fulfill your promise and hand over the ancient scroll!"

The voice of the man in black became a lot shriller.

"I'm very dissatisfied with the answer to the last question." Lin Huang waved his hand and drew the puppet to his side, and said, "So this other volume, you don't want to get it today. If you want to get it, find someone with a higher level." come on!"

Lin Huang said coldly.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

The man in black was furious, and there was a terrifying water wave all over his body, and he was about to go towards the forest.

"Are you sure you want to fight me?"

Lin Huang laughed loudly, with a cold formation in front of him, staring at the man in black with a cruel look, "I have never seen a thief who broke into someone else's house, dare to shout so loudly!" Screaming!"

"I believe that with your level in the Blood Spirit Palace, you still dare not be presumptuous in Piaoxue Palace!"

Lin Huang's words were full of sharpness.

"Go away, old dog!"

Lin Huang looked determined, "I said, I want another volume, and someone with a higher rank will come. You are not qualified to discuss transactions with me yet."


The popular Qiqiao Shengyan in black said three good words in a row, his bewildered eyes were filled with cold murderous intent, but the offensive around him dissipated. Looking at the figure under the waterfall, he gritted his teeth and said:

"I remember you, I hope that one day you will not fall into the hands of this old man, otherwise this old man will let you have a taste, what is life worse than death, heartbroken!"

As he said that, the man in black stomped his feet and flew towards the outside of Tianpu Cliff.

Under the waterfall, Lin Huang let out a long sigh of relief, and turned around to look at the leaving figure of the man in black, with the murderous intent in his eyes lingering.Then he glanced at the big white cat at the side, and kicked it out.

The big white cat glared at Lin Huang angrily, then remembered Bai Xiaopang's advice, and reluctantly shook its buttocks, following the scent in the air, and followed the direction where the man in black left...

(End of this chapter)

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