
Chapter 108 Teacher Xiao Yishan

Chapter 108 Teacher Xiao Yishan

After the man in black left, the murderous intent in Lin Huang's heart slowly dissipated, but the determination in his eyes was stronger than before.

He didn't expect that the Lin family of Blood Spirit Palace still had such hatred.

host body!

Every time he thought of these two words, Lin Huang felt angry.The so-called host body is a puppet...

If the body dies, there will be no freedom, and if the soul dies, there will be no peace!
Lin Huang would never allow such a thing to happen.

"Blood Spirit Hall! It seems destined to be with you forever!"

Under the waterfall, Lin Huang looked in the direction of Lin Cangxue's courtyard, and there was a sharp edge in his suppressed voice.


After most of the night, the big white cat staggered back to Tianpuya, with a round belly and belching, presumably it must have stolen something on the way.

The big white cat babbled and gestured for a long time before Lin Huang understood what the latter meant.

Worship Moon Peak!
"So it was you, Elder Hong Jiu!"

Lin Huang shook his palm, and said with a cold snort, he still remembered in his mind the first day he entered Piaoxue Palace, the latter's countenance of making things worse.

"No wonder Jiang Huaiyin will become your personal disciple!"

Lin Huang sneered.


The next day, Lin Huang went to Qilin Peak early.

Compared with other peaks, Qilin Peak has a lot fewer disciples.Regarding the appearance of Lin Huang, the disciples couldn't help being a little curious, and all looked sideways at the figure in the sun.

A few days ago, they also heard about Zhan Bafang, and several disciples even went to the martial arts field to see it.

Even though Lin Huang was a newly promoted disciple of Qilin Peak, everyone dared not look down on him in the slightest.

It's just that in the past, all the disciples who passed the battle were taken over by Yannan. Fortunately, this time Elder Nan was clever and tricked this guy to come to Qilin Peak early.

"Come with me!"

Walking halfway, a figure in sackcloth suddenly appeared in front of Lin Huang, "Only you wander around like a monkey, and you can only find the main hall of Qilin Peak at night!"

"You are from Qilin Peak?!"

Lin Huang looked at Lu Han who suddenly appeared, with a slightly surprised expression.

Lu Han smiled dryly, "No?"

"I haven't heard you say it before," Lin Huang said with a smile. The two of them had been practicing at the foot of the waterfall before, but they really forgot to ask Lu Han which peak he came from.

"After entering Qilin Peak, you will have to call me Uncle Master in the future." Facing Lin Huang, Lu Han said seriously, "Every time we meet in the future, you have to salute!"

Lin Huang: "..."

He wanted to greet him with a punch.

"In the future, if the uncle wants to borrow money, as a nephew, he can't refuse, understand?"

Lu Han then said meticulously.


Lin Huang scolded.

"You have such a high seniority in Qilin Peak?"

Not long after, Lin Huang suddenly asked.

"Otherwise, if my nephew respects my uncle a little bit in the future, it won't be a problem to have my uncle around to protect you, but the monthly filial money must not be less!"

Lu Han said thoughtfully.

"You better shut up!"

Lin Huang shook his head, never thought that Lu Han would be Nan Yunlie's junior, so who is his master?Who is Nan Yunyeol's master?

"Boss Lin, you are finally here, your senior brother has come to see you!"

Outside the square, the sound of ducks croaking suddenly sounded, and a meat ball rolled over from a distance, stopped in front of Lin Huang, and stretched its body a little, revealing the face of Xiaopang Bai, who was astonishingly crafted.

Lin Huang's eyelids twitched twice, he didn't expect that Bai Xiaopang was also from Qilin Peak.

It’s over.

There will be no quiet days anymore!
"Saw Master Uncle, why don't you be polite?"

Lu Han stared at Bai Xiaopang seriously and said.

"You bastard..."

Bai Xiaopang looked at Lu Han's face, and as soon as he got angry, he put his hips on his hips and started cursing: "Look at your two taels of flesh, it's not enough for me to play for half an hour, so I'll be my uncle with me. Grandma's ...See if I don't hit you and make you circle in circles..."

Before Bai Xiaopang finished speaking, he stopped abruptly.Looking at the long gun stuck in his throat, he smiled charmingly at Lu Han twice, shook his buttocks and called shyly: "Uncle!"

Lin Huang put his hand on his forehead, couldn't bear to look directly at him, and ran away...

"Boss Lin, I've called you boss for five years. Can't you call me senior brother?" Bai Xiaopang followed behind Lin Huang, sneering.

"Besides, my second dog, did you do a great job for you last night?"

Bai Xiaopang grabbed the big white cat by the ear, and brought it to Lin Huang's eyes.

Lin Huang snatched the big white cat, threw it out, and kicked Bai Xiaopang away...

Along the way, Bai Xiaopang and Lu Han chattered and talked, but Lin Huang didn't let Lin Huang call out senior brother or uncle. The three of them dragged their feet all the way and finally reached the main hall of Qilin Peak.

The two of them gave Lin Huang a hard look, and walked in triumphantly, "When you pay homage to the master, you will meet the senior brothers, and see if you can open your mouth then."


In the main hall, Nanyun Lie sat on the first seat, staring at Lin Huang with squinted eyes, with a smile on his old face, "This brat has finally been brought over."

Before Zhan Bafang, Lu Han mentioned Lin Huang, but Nan Yunlie didn't believe it at the time.

Until in the martial arts arena, Nan Yunlie took a look at Lin Huang, and felt that this boy was not bad, a good seedling of a thief, and he was fighting across the third layer of heaven...

In the nearly 30-year history of Piaoxue Palace, only Lin Cangxue can do it!
Originally, disciples who had just entered the inner sect could set foot on the sixth floor of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion for the first time.If it wasn't for Nan Yunlie's trick, Lin Huang wouldn't have entered Qilin Peak so easily for the sake of hegemony.

Unexpectedly, Nan Yunlie admired his own IQ from the bottom of his heart.

"Meet Elder Nan!"

Lin Huang clasped his fists.

"Well", Nan Yunlie nodded kindly, and stroked his goatee in a mature way, like an elder caring: "Have you started to practice hegemony?"

"I practiced for half the night last night, and I haven't started yet!"

Lin Huang replied.

"Cultivation, don't rush into it. You have to learn it slowly. Ba Ye is an extraordinary skill. It's normal to have no clue after only practicing for one night. When I have time in the future, I can personally teach you!"

Nan Yunlie said kindly.

This remark caused many disciples to change their expressions slightly. When Nan Yunlie said this, he revealed an obvious message, "He wants to accept Lin Huang as his personal disciple."

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help being a little envious or jealous.

As soon as he entered Qilin Peak, he became a direct disciple, which is extremely rare.At least I and others don't have such an honor, but they are relieved to think that Lin Huang entered Qilin Peak in the form of Zhan Bafang.

On the side, the corners of Lu Han's mouth trembled twice.

Last night he had seen Lin Huang practice Baye. Although he hadn't practiced for a few hours, his appearance was somewhat similar to that of Nan Yunlie when he used Baye...

"Okay, you can start apprenticeship!"

Afterwards, Nan Yunlie shook his sleeves with both hands, sat upright and said, "I have one disciple, seven direct disciples, and 87 registered disciples. Since you are a new disciple, even though you entered my Qilin Peak by fighting against all directions, your foundation is still there. I owe, I was supposed to be a registered disciple."


Lin Huang looked up at Nan Yunlie with a serious face, and nodded leisurely.

"However, if you think that it is not easy for you to practice, your aptitude is fair, and you are also motivated. I can make an exception and accept you as a personal disciple. In the future, I can be by my side and be taught within the gate wall. Do you understand the painstaking efforts of this old man? "

Nan Yunlie suppressed the pride in his heart, and secretly said, "Although the old man intends to accept you as an in-house disciple, he still has to take it step by step. First, I will tell you that you are only qualified to be a named disciple. Now that I accept you as a personal disciple, wouldn't it be unfair to the old man?" Thanks Dade?"

"In the future, I will show you kindness and accept you as a disciple. You must not be obedient to this old man, will you follow me?"

Nan Yunlie thought about it leisurely, and couldn't help being quite proud of his ability to control people.


Lin Huang nodded sincerely.

Lin Huang understood that Bai Xiaopang beside him was a little anxious, he was just Nan Yunlie's registered disciple now, if Lin Huang became a direct disciple, even if he started late, his status would be higher than his own.

How amazing is this?

"Grandma, if I knew it, I would have gone to Piaoxue Peak as a direct disciple. I really shouldn't have listened to this old man's tricks and tricked me to come here. I am still a registered disciple who doesn't love my uncle or grandma."

Bai Xiaopang was furious, with a look of grievance on his face.

"Since you understand everything, it's very good. Then I don't need to say anything more. After the apprenticeship ceremony, you will be the eighth personal disciple of the old man. I hope you can do good things in Qilin Peak in the future!"

Nan Yunlie smiled kindly, he didn't expect that Huyou Linhuang was so simple, and then continued: "Do you have any questions, if you don't have any questions, start apprenticeship!"

Nan Yunlie gathered his sleeves and sat more upright, waiting for Lin Huang to kneel down to worship his teacher.


Lin Huang said suddenly.

cough cough.

Nan Yunlie choked, caught off guard by Lin Huang's words, glared at Lin Huang fiercely, and then asked kindly, "Then tell me, what's the problem?"

Lin Huang arched his hands, clasped his fists and said, "Before this disciple entered Piaoxue Palace, he once paid homage to a preaching master. The so-called preaching master is as kind as a father, and the disciple must ask the master's opinion first!"


Nan Yunlie tilted his crown and asked with staring eyes.Then he knew that he had lost his composure, and after coughing twice, his face was full of grief, "Going astray, going astray! You are young and ignorant, how can you easily worship the mentor of the preaching, or the teacher you worshiped before entering Piaoxue Palace, I am afraid that this person will continue to die The countertop of the door can’t even go up!”

"You tell me the name of your preaching mentor, the old man said to him, why do you misunderstand your disciples when your knowledge is too shallow, and you are called a preaching mentor!"

Nanyun Lie took the lead.


Lin Huang hesitated.

"You don't have to worry, there is an old man here, and I will let you terminate the master-student contract with this person, so as not to miss your way!"

Nan Yunlie said righteous words, but his heart was full of anger, "Grandma is a bear, how can the apprentice who the old man likes to enter the house be taken by others. When the old man finds you, see if I don't beat you to beg for mercy every day!" A hundred times!"

"Tell me, who is your preaching teacher?"

Nan Yunlie stood up filled with righteous indignation, waved his sleeves and said proudly, and the braids on his temples flew up.

Lin Huang opened his mouth, then cupped his fists and said:
"Master...Xiao Yishan!"

(End of this chapter)

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