
Chapter 112 Iron Horse Glacier Moon Spear

Chapter 112 Iron Horse Glacier Moon Spear

In the mission hall, Lin Huang finally understood why everyone had been looking at him strangely before.

Teams of five or more!

Top ten inside!

"I didn't take either of these two conditions," Lin Huang couldn't help sighing, "If it weren't for this, I'm afraid this task has already been scrambled by countless people."

After all, with the temptation of Tianyuan Pill and Xuepiao, even if the mission of Tianjia is extremely dangerous, there are probably many disciples flocking to it.

"This Lin Huang is really impatient. He just wants to accept the Tianjia mission after entering the inner sect!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... Entering the inner sect through Zhanbafang is certainly very popular. But if you want to receive the Tianjia, you may not be qualified."

"Top ten in the inner sect, does he know one?"


Everyone whispered about Lin Huang, although Lin Huang had fought in all directions before, which made everyone pay attention to him.But just entering the inner sect, the foundation is still shallow, and it is still very difficult to accept the task of Tianjia.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Lin Huang curled his lips slightly. He never thought that accepting a Tianjia mission would become a talking point for everyone.

Afterwards, Lin Huang turned his head and glanced at Lu Han...

"What are you looking at me for!"

Lu Han raised his eyelids, feeling something bad in his heart.


Lin Huang was about to speak.

"Shut up! I'm ranked [-]th in the inner sect. It's useless if you call me nephew. The regulations above require the top ten disciples in the inner sect to participate!"

Lu Han grabbed Lin Huang and was about to drag him out of the task hall.

"You'd better give up on this task, it's for the top ten people in the inner sect, don't be ashamed of yourself here," Lu Han babbled, but he felt refreshed in his heart.

"Fortunately, it's a Tianjia mission."

"Fortunately, the top ten disciples of the inner sect are needed to participate."

"This way we don't have to go down the mountain!"

"There's no need to go through Xuanyuan City!"


Just as Lu Han kept pulling Lin Huang out, there was a sudden commotion outside the mission hall. It seemed that an unusual person had appeared.

"A disciple of Moon Worship Peak?"

Lin Huang looked at the indistinct figure in front of him, and stopped in his tracks.

Lu Han, who was dragging Lin Huang, also stopped in his tracks.Looking at the figure walking in front of the crowd in the distance, his dull face suddenly darkened a little.

"Have a grudge?"

Lin Huang put his shoulder on Lu Han's shoulder and asked.

"none of your business!"

Lu Han gritted his teeth.

"Senior brother Wang is here, why don't you hurry up and get out of the way, waiting to be thrown out?" As those figures approached, noisy voices also sounded.

"Wang Chuduan, I didn't expect him to come!"

A disciple looked at the young man at the front and said in amazement.

"The top ten disciples of the inner sect don't show up all the year round, but this 'Tian Jia' task is so powerful. In less than a quarter of an hour, the top ten disciples of the inner sect showed up."

"Wang Chuduan is here, I'm afraid I will miss out on this Tianjia mission!"

Some disciples lamented that even though they looked unwilling, there was nothing they could do. Who would let others rank tenth on the list of inner sect disciples?

The cultivation base of the Earth Element Eighth Layer!

This position cannot be shaken by ordinary people.

"Wang Chuduan?"

Lin Huang frowned slightly, but he didn't expect to meet another disciple who was one of the top ten disciples in the inner sect today. Although he was slightly inferior to Yun Feifei, he was probably quite capable to be among the top ten.

While everyone was talking, Wang Chuduan and others had already passed Lin Huang and walked into the mission hall.

Suddenly...he took a few steps back, turned his head to stare at Lin Huang, raised his eyebrows and asked:
"Lin Huang?"

Lin Huang's eyes fell on the pattern of worshiping the moon peak on Wang Chuduan's collar, and he said with a light smile, "What advice, Senior Brother Wang?"

"Teaching is out of the question!"

Wang Chuduan gathered his water-blue sleeves inlaid with gold, stared at Lin Huang with narrowed eyes, and smiled casually, "But I have to mention something, there is an outer disciple named Jiang Huaiyin, who has been recruited by my teacher before. Respected as a personal disciple, do you know about this?"

"Even though he is the direct disciple of Elder Hong Jiu, when I challenged him, he was still an outer disciple!"

"And even if he is an inner disciple, what about Elder Hong Jiu? There is no regulation in the palace, and Zhan Bafang cannot challenge inner disciples!"

Wang Chuduan frowned, and his thin lips turned cold, "Sure enough, you have to remember, when you receive a letter of challenge from me, Wang Chuduan, the consequences will be much worse than Jiang Huaiyin's!"

"The top ten in the inner sect, is this the kind of bearing?"

Lin Huang looked sideways at Wang Chuduan, and said without fear.

Wang Chuduan smiled sassyly, "Jiang Huaiyin is my junior brother, avenging my junior brother is a matter of course. What's more, don't I have the privilege of trampling a small fish or shrimp to death with my status as the tenth in the inner sect?"


Before Lin Huang could speak, Lu Han beside him suddenly spoke, his voice was full of malice, and Lu Han pushed aside Lin Huang and stood in front of Wang Chuduan.

"Senior Brother Wang, do you still remember me?"

Lu Han asked.

"Of course I remember... tsk tsk, the leader of the outer sect last year," Wang Chuduan said with a narrowed smile, "I beat him to the point of lying on the bed for three months on the first day he entered the inner sect!"

"It's really a life-and-death thing, and it dares to appear in front of me!"

In the air, there was a strong smell of gunpowder quietly.

Lin Huang on the side frowned slightly, but he didn't expect the timid Lu Han to have such an experience.The leader of the outer sect was beaten paralyzed in bed on the first day he entered the inner sect.

I'm afraid that this year, Lu Han felt extremely uncomfortable.

But at this moment, Lu Han and Wang Chuduan are facing each other, maybe it is a little unwise.After all, the latter is the tenth in the inner sect, and has the strength of the eighth heaven of earth element, so he should not be underestimated.

Just when Lin Huang was about to pull Lu Han down, Yan Qing'er ran up to Lin Huang's side and stopped Lin Huang.


Lin Huang asked quietly.

"This Lu Mutou is very powerful," Yan Qing'er whispered, "And don't forget, Wang Chuduan is the tenth in the inner sect, if Lu Duan wins, he will be in the top ten in the inner sect!"

Speaking of this, Lin Huang's eyes lit up, "Top ten in the inner sect, just qualified to take over the experience task of King Wu's tomb!"

But, can Lu Han really defeat Wang Chuduan?
One is the tenth in the inner sect, the eighth heaven of Tianyuan!
A guy with a rusty iron gun who has never shown his landscape.


Outside the task hall, Lu Han didn't speak any more, his eyes were as sharp as a wolf, holding Wang Chuduan firmly in his mouth, making the latter feel hairy.

"What on earth do you want, to be beaten until you kneel on the ground and vomit blood, and lie down for a year or so?"

Wang Chuduan said angrily.

"I challenge you!"

Lu Han paused every word, speaking very seriously, and at the same time took out the iron gun that had been with him for many years.

"You're looking for death yourself." Wang Chuduan narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly, his whole body turned violent, "Since you challenged me, even if you were beaten to death, Nan Yunlie would have nothing to do with me!"

After saying that, Wang Chuduan made a move with his arm, took out a sharp and thick mace with a length of one foot, and threw it on the ground with a bang!

The atmosphere in the air became extremely oppressive at this moment.

Lu Han held a rusty iron gun and stared at Wang Chuduan.The originally somewhat thin figure seemed to have become a lot taller and straighter because of the iron spear, and there was a faint unrivaled vigor.

And the mace in Wang Chuduan's hand was even more fierce, exuding a chilly air.

"Just use one trick to beat you to the ground. I don't have time to play with you. I have to take over the Tianjia mission." Wang Chuduan chuckled, and then rushed towards Lu Han.

Suddenly, the void vibrated, and a powerful aura rushed towards Lu Han like a tide.Wang Chuduan flew forward, holding a mace in his hand, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, he slashed and killed the forest waste.

Behind Wang Chuduan, a pitch-black wolf figure appeared and let out a long howl, like the order of the wolf king under the bright moon, making the air violent.

It also made Wang Chuduan's move even more terrifying.

Wuhun Black Wolf King!
Lu Han pursed his lips tightly, watching the terrorist attack coming from the head.The dark little face was quite solemn, and then became extremely ruthless. He stroked the spear in his hand, and poured out from his thin lips:

"Iron Horse Glacier... Yanyue Spear!"

The moment Lu Han finished speaking, Lin Huang's expression changed suddenly.

At this moment, the surrounding air quickly dropped to freezing point, the sound of thousands of horses hissing resounded in the void, Lu Han flew up, and his spear swung into the sky like a dragon.

Afterwards, Lu Han took advantage of the situation and headed towards Wang Chuduan.

When Lu Han moved forward, the ice, wind and snow whizzed all over his body, and the horse neighed long and loudly, as if tens of thousands of iron hooves were rushing on the battlefield, and the terrifying momentum crushed away inch by inch along the void...


Lu Han let out a long cry, and the iron spear gleamed with a cold light, and then the spear came out like a dragon, crushing towards Wang Chuduan at an extremely terrifying speed, destroying everything he passed, smashing all Wang Chuduan's offensives to pieces.

On the point of the spear, a cold light shone, piercing into Wang Chuduan's chest in an instant, passing through Wang Chuduan's back in an extremely powerful and domineering posture.

With Wang Chuduan's scream, the latter's body was directly lifted by Lu Han.

Then Lu Han strode forward, swung the tattered iron spear again, and slammed it down, like tens of thousands of black armored horses galloping down from the top of the mountain, trampling on the battlefield of flesh and blood.

Wang Chuduan's complexion changed drastically, and before he could stand up, he suddenly saw the spear zooming in front of his eyes...

There was a heavy smashing sound in the void, and Wang Chuduan was already unconscious, his chest was completely sunken, and his ribs were crushed to powder.

Two moves to defeat the enemy!

On the field, Lu Han only showed a little smile on his dark face, and then carefully wiped the blood-stained spearhead.

The people around looked at the scene in front of them, full of shock.

"This guy... used only two moves to overthrow Wang Chuduan?"

"Damn it, Wang Chuduan is the tenth in the inner sect, and he has the strength of the eighth heaven of earth element, but he was shot in the chest and disappeared."

"Who is this dark guy, why haven't I heard of it before."

"The moment when his martial spirit manifested just now, he was so overbearing! It was as if I had seen thousands of troops competing in the world. It was really terrifying!"


Lin Huang also looked at Lu Han in disbelief. He had sparred with Lu Han many times before, but he didn't find that the latter had such a powerful martial spirit.

Otherwise, Lin Huang wouldn't have the worries he had before.

It's also because they didn't use their martial souls when they sparred.

Although Lin Huang had heard of the 'Iron Horse Binghe Yanyue Spear', he did not expect it to be this terrifying. Relying on the power of a horse riding the world, it is enough to touch the earth-level martial soul.

Iron Horse Glacier Crescent Gun!
Lin Huang squeezed his warm palm, thinking to himself.Lu Han has this martial spirit, if he steps into the battlefield, he is afraid that there will be no one in the world who can defeat him, and he will definitely be listed on the list of famous generals in the world.

"No need to fight!"

After putting away the iron gun, Lu Han looked at Wang Chuduan who had passed out, and muttered.

"Congratulations, you have defeated Wang Chuduan, now we can take over the task of 'Training at the Tomb of King Wu'," Lin Huang looked at Lu Han and said with a smile.


Lu Han scratched his head with a confused look on his face!
 At 8 o'clock and 10 o'clock tonight, there will be another one each!
(End of this chapter)

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