
Chapter 113 The mission was robbed

Chapter 113 The mission was robbed
"What are you doing!"

Outside the mission hall, Lu Han watched Lin Huang rush into the mission hall, and immediately became anxious.

Just now I was all thinking about revenge, I forgot that Wang Chuduan is the tenth in the inner sect, if I had known it, I would not have taken action.

Lin Huang pushed Lu Han away with a palm, raised his eyebrows and said, "You don't have to go down the mountain, but you have to help me with this task!"

Lu Han looked at Lin Huang's serious face, and after struggling and hesitating for a long time, he stretched out his calloused palm towards Lin Huang, and said shyly:
"...Give me the money!"

"I want ten... million taels!"

Seeing Lu Han's serious look, Lin Huang almost gasped, and said angrily, "Good nephew!"

"200 taels!"

Lu Han's face changed.

"Nephew, nephew, nephew, nephew, nephew..."

Lin Huang walked down the road.

"Shut up! It's only one million taels", Lu Han was furious, but he had to give in, staring at him, wishing he could shoot Lin Huang into a sieve.

A smile appeared on Lin Huang's face before re-entering the mission hall.

"There are five people?"

The elder on the rocking chair glanced at Lu Han and said slowly.

Lin Huang nodded. Although he said that five people were needed to accept the task, he didn't say that five people were needed to complete the task. Lin Huang only needed to take advantage of Lu Han's newly promoted tenth position in the inner sect to win this task.

"Lin Huang, a disciple of the inner sect Qilin Peak!"

Lin Huang reported his identity, and then pulled Lu Han who was reluctant, and continued, "Lu Han, also a Qilin Peak disciple, just entered the tenth place in the inner sect!"

"There are three more, namely Bai Xiaopang from Qilin Peak, Yan Qing'er from Piaoxue Peak, and Cang Xue from Misty Peak!"

These are probably the only people Lin Huang knew.

"Boy... are you sure you're not courting death?"

The elder on the rocking chair suddenly stopped what he was doing, turned his head to look at Lin Huang, a cold light appeared in his bewildered eyes, and a dangerous aura immediately enveloped Lin Huang.

"I don't know what the problem is, please tell the elders!"

Lin Huang frowned.

"Tsk tsk, that's a big problem!"

The elder hadn't spoken yet, but a cold and piercing voice sounded outside the mission hall.

Immediately, the crowd surged, and a corridor appeared quickly. It seemed that a remarkable figure had appeared, causing all the disciples present to give way.

Lin Huang instinctively frowned, this voice was all too familiar to him.

Yun Feifei!
"Miss Yan Qing'er is the daughter of the palace lord, what a noble status she is, after going down the mountain, can you protect her well?"

Outside the mission hall, a swaying and noble figure slowly appeared, dressed in a long skirt with purple sleeves and clear lotus, with hair curled up high, matching the decent height, showing a bit of a stand out from the crowd.

The makeup on her face was extremely delicate, without any blemishes, and the raised eyebrows looked a little charming.

The disciples looked at the woman's exaggerated figure, gently shaking the slow-twisting waist of the water snake, and couldn't help swallowing secretly.

Yun Feifei walked into the mission hall like this, her eyes fell on Lin Huang, her mouth was slightly raised with a little sneer and mockery, and she continued:
"And who is Lin Cangxue, don't you know? Now that she has fallen into such a state of desperation, she can still go down the mountain to do tasks? It's really ridiculous!"

Lin Huang didn't get angry, but just looked up at Yun Feifei, and said flatly:

"What does this have to do with you bitch?"

As soon as Lin Huang's words fell, the surrounding atmosphere became somewhat subtle.


Before Yun Feifei met Lin Cangxue, someone called Yun Feifei that.

"It turns out that you are just a softie who only uses your tongue." Yun Feifei suddenly smiled, and the smile was extraordinarily disdainful.It's just that the viciousness and anger that flashed across his face were still captured by Lin Huang.

"Do you want to take over the task of King Wu's Tomb?"

Yun Feifei then pursed her lips and smiled, "You have to watch it!"

Afterwards, Yun Feifei turned her head to look at the elder on the rocking chair, with a waxy voice in her voice:
"Elder Ge, Feifei will take over the task of King Wu's Tomb. Along with him are the sixth Yecheng of the Inner Sect, the seventeenth He Hanxing of the Inner Sect, the 21st Lu Yun of the Inner Sect, and the 29th Qin Han of the Inner Sect!"

Elder Ge on the rocking chair glanced at Lin Huang, then at Yun Feifei, tapped his bong, then sighed helplessly, and threw the mission token from King Wu's Tomb to Yun Feifei.

Although he doesn't like Yun Feifei very much, in Piaoxue Palace today, besides Xie Qinghou, only Yun Feifei is capable of taking on this task.

As for Lin Huang...

If Lin Huang really took Yan Qing'er with him, he wouldn't dare to hand over this task to Lin Huang even if he was killed.

"Thank you Elder Ge!"

Yun Feifei smiled softly, then turned her head to stare at Lin Huang, and shook the token in her hand, the smile on her face was like a silent mockery, piercing into Lin Huang's heart like a spike.

In the mission hall, Lin Huang's face became more and more ugly, his eyes swept over Elder Ge and Yun Feifei, his fists were tightly clenched, and a wave of anger was suppressed deep in his heart...

It's just that today, he is destined to be unable to accept the task of training in King Wu's tomb.

With his current status, it's still a bit too late to compete with Yun Feifei!
Looking at the entire Piaoxue Palace, apart from Xie Qinghou, who else can compete against Yun Feifei?
On the side, Lu Han seemed to feel Lin Huang's anger, and said in a low voice, "How about I try again? It's impossible to challenge Yun Feifei, but there is some hope to challenge the sixth leaf city of the inner sect!"

"It's pointless!"

Lin Huang shook his head, although Lu Han was able to defeat Wang Chuduan with two moves, but facing Ye Cheng, who was sixth in the inner sect, he might seem stretched.

Moreover, what's the point of defeating Yecheng.

There is also Yun Feifei, the second inner door blocked.

In the end, Lin Huang rolled up his sleeves, and walked out of the mission hall with a smile on his face under the playful eyes of everyone.

Looking at Lin Huang's leaving back, Yun Feifei couldn't help a mocking smile on her fair face. In this inner sect, except Xie Qinghou, who can face her?

A Lin Huang is not Lin Cangxue after all.

"You gave up just like that?"

Lu Han followed Lin Huang closely, with a bit of resentment on his dull face. Although he didn't want to go down the mountain, he could feel the significance of King Wu's Tomb to Lin Huang, and it was not a simple task.

"Help me accept a mission close to Xuanyuan City!"

Lin Huang was silent.


Lu Han looked hesitant, as if he was extremely repulsed by the word 'Xuanyuan City'.But after seeing Lin Huang's face getting more and more ugly, he silently returned to the mission hall.

Lin Huang turned around and looked at Yun Feifei in the mission hall. Surrounded by a group of inner disciples, she became the focus of everyone's attention like stars holding the moon, and the murderous intent accumulated in her eyes became even stronger.

The whole day, Lin Huang was smiling.

It's just that the smile is fake!
So fake that even Bai Xiaopang didn't dare to approach, Yan Qing'er pouted and looked at Lin Huang from afar.

She also has nothing to do about the mission hall.After all, once she opens her mouth, this matter will become a big issue, and Yan Nangui will be alarmed at that time, I am afraid that Lin Huang will not only be unable to accept the task.

How could Yan Nangui watch his daughter follow Lin Huang down the mountain, and even go to such a dangerous place as the tomb of King Wu.

But Yan Qing'er is the one who knows Lin Huang's inner thoughts best at this moment.

It would be fine if someone else snatched this mission, but that person happened to be Yun Feifei, the traitor who made Lin Cangxue fall into such a state of despair.

Although Lin Huang didn't say anything, he didn't make a fuss in the mission hall, and even had a smile on his face, I'm afraid the suppressed anger deep in his heart was particularly terrifying.


Lin Huang now only has the Earth Element Third Heaven, if he challenges Yun Feifei at this moment, he will undoubtedly bring shame on himself.At that time, together with Lin Cangxue, they will all be instructed.

So Lin Huang could only endure it until the day when he could trample Yun Feifei on the soles of his feet and tear up this bitch's hypocrisy.

At the foot of the waterfall cliff, Lu Han, Yan Qing'er, and Bai Xiaopang looked at the waterfall, and the figure who swung the knife with the sword looked extremely depressed.

Behind Lin Cangxue, her face was full of distress.Although she didn't understand why Lin Huang insisted on entering King Wu's tomb, she also understood the blow to Lin Huang that Yun Feifei snatched this task in front of everyone.

In the past, Yun Feifei would not survive half an hour.

It's a pity that she, Lin Cangxue, is not the former legend of Dongling after all, and she is no longer the peerless genius who once killed Tianyuan with the earth element.So she could only look at Lin Huang from a distance.

Don't let Lin Huang see his sorrow.

Don't let Lin Huang see his resentment when he sees him!

"Miss Cangxue!"

Just when everyone was in a low mood, Lu Han suddenly lost his mind.He secretly ran to Lin Cangxue's side, showing a shy smile.

Lin Cangxue forced her lips together and smiled.

"Why did Xiaohuang enter the tomb of King Wu?" Lin Cangxue asked Lu Han.

"This, I don't know too well!"

Lu Han looked embarrassed, and felt quite remorseful, "Why didn't I ask myself before?"

"After going down the mountain, help me look at Xiaohuang. Although he has the ability to kill God with a single slash, his level is not as good. I know you have this strength!"

Lin Cangxue stared at Lu Han and said seriously.

"good good good good!"

Lu Han said a few good words on his face, and when Lin Cangxue stared at him, he only felt that his face was hot.After Lin Cangxue turned his head away, Lu Han secretly took out something from his bosom, handed it to Lin Cangxue nervously, and stammered:
"Cang...Miss Cangxue, for you!"

Lin Cangxue turned her head in doubt, looked at the jade bottle in Lu Han's hand, and instinctively frowned.

In Lu Han's callused palm lay a glass bottle as crystal clear as jade, with a circle of precious stones inlaid on the mouth of the bottle, which looked extraordinarily luxurious.

And in the glass bottle, a fiery red flower is burning, which is extraordinarily fiery and gorgeous. Between the stretched branches and leaves, the dancing fire light is as agile as an elf.

"I bought this down the mountain before. It is said to be good for your health. The cheap ones are only a few dozen taels of silver!"

Lu Han said nervously.

"do not want!"

Lin Cangxue said bluntly, pushing Lu Han's hand back.

Lu Han's complexion darkened, and after hesitating for a moment, he brought the things in his hand to Lin Cangxue, gritted his teeth and said, "Miss Cangxue saved the lives of my grandma and me, and Lu Han has never repaid her. If Miss Xue refuses again, Lu Han will feel ashamed!"

"You can just call me Cangxue!"

Lin Cangxue looked at Lu Han's nervous look, and smiled, "What happened back then was just a matter of raising a finger, so don't keep it in your mind. It's just that Lin Cangxue has been abolished, so there is no need for this thing!"

"No, you have to!"

Lu Han shouted anxiously, at a loss.

Lin Cangxue smiled, but shook her head firmly.

Although she didn't know what was in Lu Han's hand, she was the legend of Dong Ling after all. Not to mention the flower in the bottle, the value of the bottle alone was probably as high as tens of thousands of taels of gold.

How dare Lin Cangxue accept it!
(End of this chapter)

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