
Chapter 114 Going Down the Mountain

Chapter 114 Going Down the Mountain
Under the cliff of Tianpu.

Lu Han has realized that there are gifts in this world that cannot be given out.His anxious eyes were worried, but he heard from the auctioneer that this thing in his hand can change the qualifications of a warrior.

If Miss Cangxue took it, maybe Wuhun would recover.

But now, Lu Han feels that he has encountered the most difficult thing in his life, even more difficult than buying this thing back then, and even more difficult than vowing to kill Xuanyuan Tibing back then.

Why can't this thing be delivered?
Lu Han didn't understand!
As soon as he saw the faint smile on Lin Cangxue's face, he didn't know how to persuade the latter, his head was so empty that he could pour a bucket of paste.


Lin Huang, who was practicing knives in the waterfall, rushed out.

In a blink of an eye, he got close to Lin Cangxue, raised his foot and kicked Lu Han, and shouted at the same time:


Lin Huang had long felt that Lu Han's eyes on Lin Cangxue were not innocent, sure enough!

"what are you doing!"

Lu Han said angrily, this kick came out of nowhere.

Lin Cangxue couldn't help laughing.

Lin Huang snorted, snatched the glazed bottle from Lu Han's hand, stuffed it into Lin Cangxue's hand, and said, "Why don't you want such a good thing!"

Lin Cangxue's face froze, only feeling that this thing was a bit hot.

The thing in the glass bottle is Yehai Flower!
Lin Huang has been thinking about it for a long time, and has exhausted all kinds of methods, and Lu Han is unwilling to hand over the Ye Haihua.I didn't expect... I didn't expect...

This Lu Han has such thoughts.

Looking at the coarse sackcloth, his face was dull, and it was such a big hand when he made a move.

Something worth more than 2000 million taels of gold, you can give it away as soon as you say it.

There is a hole in the brain!
"Is this thing precious? I can't have it!"

Lin Cangxue seemed to have sensed the weight of Ye Hai Hua, and handed Ye Hai Hua out again.

Lu Han got up from the ground, and waved his hands with a smirk in anger.Although he was kicked by Lin Huang, he found that Ye Haihua was in Lin Cangxue's hands.

Just send it out? !

Lin Cangxue stared at Lin Huang, a little angry, she didn't want to receive favors from others for nothing.

"500 million, okay!"

Lin Huang cleared his throat and said.

Lin Cangxue was stunned for a moment!

The things in this glass bottle are worth tens of millions of taels of gold?How much did Lu Han say just now, only worth a few dozen taels of silver?

500 million? !
"I'm not here for the money!"

Lu Han blushed and said.


Lin Huang continued.

"I'm really not here for the money!"

Lu Han roared.

"Twenty-five million?"

"I really really don't want money!"

Lu Han was so anxious that he was about to cry.

He just wanted to give a gift, hoping that one day Lin Cangxue would recover.But I didn't expect that Lin Huang, a shit-stirring stick, would pay money.

Humiliated him with money.

At this moment, Lu Han wanted to kill Lin Huang.

"Don't you want that golden gun?"

Forest Road.

Lu Han stared blankly, and suddenly fell silent.The word "golden gun" was like poison, which instantly hurt his heart.

"We are friends, since that golden gun has special meaning to you, then don't refuse," Lin Huang said very seriously.

To be honest, Lin Huang didn't expect Lu Han to be so courageous.

Before, the reason why Lu Han was unwilling to trade Ye Haihua was to give it to Lin Cangxue.It's fine if it's a wealthy person, but Lu Han is obviously a guy who can only live in poverty.

Priceless things, give it away as soon as you say it!
Therefore, Lin Huang was a little shocked deep in his heart, and he was also grateful to Lu Han.

In the world, there is no one better than Lin Huang who understands the significance of Ye Haihua to Lin Cangxue.

"Then... that's fine!"

After thinking for a long time, Lu Han said with a bitter face that although he was short of money, he just wanted to simply give it to Lin Cangxue.But Lin Huang said that they were friends, and he really needed the golden gun.

Lin Huang smiled slightly.

Lin Cangxue shook her head helplessly, staring curiously at the Yehai flower in the glass bottle.


In the early morning of the next day, Lin Huang went down the mountain early, accompanied by Lu Han.

After missing the task of King Wu's Tomb, Lin Huang asked Lu Han to accept a task close to Xuanyuan City.In this way, after Lin Huang completed the mission, he could head towards King Wu's tomb.

The task is only at the second level, and it is to find a missing inner sect disciple named Chen Jinyi, who is ranked fifth on the inner sect leaderboard.

Finding someone shouldn't be too difficult!
The two of them hadn't walked out of the range of Piaoxue Palace when they heard an oriole-like call from behind, which sounded very pleasant but full of anger:

"Lin nerd, stop for Miss Ben!"

Lin Huang and Lu Han turned their heads, only to see a snow-white horse roaring towards them, and two beautiful figures approaching through the morning mist.

"Why did this little ancestor follow along!"

Lu Han shivered.

The figure on the horseback was Yan Qing'er, and there was another person Lin Huang didn't know, who looked extremely beautiful, dressed in light blue attire, with a little powder and daisy, and had an exquisite face, but there seemed to be a trace of sadness.

"Why are you here?"

Lin Huang frowned.

Yan Qing'er pursed her lips, and stared at Lin Huang angrily, "I'll go down the mountain with you to find Fen Xinlian, do you still want to leave me alone?"

"Go back, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death when you return to Piaoxue Palace", Lin Huang shook his head, Yan Qing'er is Yan Nangui's daughter, what a precious existence.

If the latter makes the slightest mistake, don't say that you can't eat and walk around, I'm afraid you won't be able to crawl.

"I want you to take care of it!"

Yan Qing'er snorted, "You go to your King Wu's tomb, I'll look for my Fen Xinlian, who cares about being with you, at most they're going the same way."

"Is there anyone on the same road as you?"

Lu Han shouted.

Yan Qing'er stared at Lu Han with a dark face, and hummed twice, "If you dare to yell at Miss Ben again, Miss Ben will sell you as soon as you enter Xuanyuan City!"

Lu Han's eyes widened, and he became wilted immediately.

"Who is this?"

Lin Huang pointed to the anxious looking woman on the horse.

"This is sister Shen Qingsi, and we went to Xuanyuan City to look for Chen Jinyi," Yan Qing'er said, introducing the beautiful woman in front of her.

"Shen Qingsi?!"

Lin Huang's face changed slightly.

Shen Qingsi, the disciple ranked seventh on the inner sect leaderboard.

The woman looked at Lin Huang and smiled, and said, "Senior Brother Chen and I are family friends. We grew up together, and we have a very good relationship. After training and leaving the customs last night, I realized that this task was taken over by you." .

Lin Huang nodded, thinking that Chen Jinyi and Shen Qingsi were childhood sweethearts.

Afterwards, two unexpected figures of Lin Huang appeared under Piaoxue Palace.

Lin Huang had a relationship with the Mo brothers of Law Enforcing Hall, and that was the first day Lin Huang entered Piaoxue Palace.These two people were following behind Tie Wuxin.

The two came on horseback. In the early morning mist, their white robes were like the wind, their black hair fluttered with the wind, and their sharp-edged faces were stained with frost, making them look a little cold.

Mo Canfeng.

Mo Canyun.

Lie Ma neighed and stopped in front of Lin Huang.

"We will go down the mountain with you!"

Lin Huang didn't know whether it was Mo Canfeng or Mo Canyun who spoke, but the person who spoke was expressionless, with a somewhat stern feeling of a law enforcement hall.

Lin Huang was slightly puzzled, he had never met these two people.

"Miss Cangxue is kind to my brothers!"

The other person spoke, the meaning was obvious, the two of them went down the mountain because of Lin Cangxue's kindness, and had nothing to do with Lin Huang.

Lin Huang nodded helplessly, and just asked, "Who are you?"

"Come on!"

said one of them.

Lin Huang waved his hand, these guys really look exactly alike, but they still wear the same clothes and even have the same hairstyle, how can people tell them apart?

Isn't this intentionally embarrassing others?

"Let's go!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth and said, the joining of the Mo brothers is two major help.After all, Lin Cangxue once said that when the two fought together, even Xie Qinghou, the number one in the inner sect, did not dare to take advantage of him easily.

One person cultivates Wangtu.

Cultivate hegemony alone!
"Boss Lin..."

Everyone didn't take a few steps, and suddenly there was an earth-shattering duck call in the distance.In the hazy mist, a big snow-white ball suddenly rolled over, and rolled to Lin Huang with a rumble.

"Boss Lin, if you want to go down the mountain without taking me with you, then you want to be a heartless person?"

Bai Xiaopang stretched his whole body, stared at Lin Huang with an aggrieved face, and unconsciously pinched the big white cat in his hand, making the big white cat babble.

"Get back!"

Lin Huang frowned.

"Hehehe...I can't get out," Bai Xiaopang said with a deadpan face, almost hugging Lin Huang's thigh like that.

"Go back and guard my sister!"

Lin Huang said seriously.

If he needed Fatty Bai to go down the mountain with him, he would have called him long before going down the mountain.

Bai Xiaopang's face trembled, "But..."

"I didn't discuss this matter," Lin Huang said decisively, "And even if you were here, it wouldn't be of much help."

Bai Xiaopang's face darkened, the smile on his face froze, he lowered his head and said, "Sister Xue asked me to come!"

Lin Huang smiled warmly, patted Bai Xiaopang on the shoulder, and said: "In Piaoxue Palace, I only trust you, so you should understand my thoughts."

"Then...then you take this second idiot away!"

Bai Xiaopang grabbed the big white cat on his stomach.

Lin Huang stared at Bai Xiaopang and shook his head.

As Bai Xiaopang's brother, Lin Huang naturally knew the significance of this cat to Bai Xiaopang. Although it seemed harmless to humans and animals, it was an extremely dangerous existence.

Both Bai Xiaopang and Lin Cangxueruo need the protection of this cat.

"...Then, then I'm going back!"

Bai Xiaopang said with a bowed head, and turned around with a disappointed expression.

"My sister is your sister. If she makes a mistake, I will not spare you when I return to Piaoxue Palace," Lin Huang continued.

Bai Xiaopang turned his head back, grinned with a forced smile, and then walked slowly towards Piaoxue Palace, which was very different from the cheerfulness when he came.

"Let's go too!"

Lin Huang beckoned and led the crowd away.


"Actually, Bai Xiaopang is with us, and Sister Xue will be fine in Piaoxue Palace." After walking for a while, Yan Qing'er couldn't help but said, "You drive him back like that, you clearly mean to dislike him."

"Just act like this!"

Lin Huang smiled and didn't explain anything.How could Yan Qing'er understand Lin Huang's thoughts, going to King Wu's tomb is extremely dangerous, and he hoped that Bai Xiaopang would take such a dangerous risk.

In the days that followed, everyone was on their way!

After a few days of contact, everyone has become acquainted. Except for Shen Qingsi who has always been a little worried, the Mo brothers are not as cold as imagined.

Lin Huang discovered that under the icy faces of the two of them, there was a sullen heart.

A few days later, Xuanyuan City is already in sight!
(End of this chapter)

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