
Chapter 115

Chapter 115

In the distance, there is a continuous black line, like a black cloud.Stretching across the sky and the earth, it seems to have cut the sky in half horizontally.

From under that black line, all directions in the wide field are shrouded in shadow, giving people a great sense of oppression.

That... is Xuanyuan City a hundred miles away.

Looking at the looming black line, Lin Huang felt that his breathing was a bit depressed.What a majestic city, its outline can be seen clearly from a hundred miles away.

Dayu Xiongcheng, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that!

When Lin Huang was looking at Xuanyuan City, there was a sudden shock from the rear of the carriage, obviously due to the great force of the impact.

Afterwards, Lin Huang felt the sound of heavy and orderly footsteps outside the carriage, directly surrounding the carriage, and a battle-tested aggressive aura swept over.

"Who are you? How dare you block Miss Ben's way!"

Yan Qing'er scolded angrily.

"I would like to ask you guys, who are the disciples of what sect and sect, and they didn't take such a long way, but they bumped into the carriage of my divine general's mansion!"

A muffled voice sounded from behind the carriage.

"Zhao Changfeng?"

Lin Huang lifted the curtain and stepped out of the carriage.

As soon as he got out of the carriage, a tyrannical and murderous aura rushed over his face, and he saw Lin Huang and the others surrounded by a 300-member iron cavalry group, showing their arrogance to the fullest.

And in the middle of the dark iron ride, surrounded by a bright white carriage.

In front of the carriage, a middle-aged man in iron armor and holding Fang Tian's painted halberd looked back and forth at Yan Qing'er and the others with his tiger eyes. The strong battlefield atmosphere of his soldiers made the latter not angry.

"Zhao Changfeng!"

Lin Huang looked at the middle-aged man and exclaimed in astonishment.

The middle-aged man turned his head and was about to get angry, but when he saw Lin Huang walking out of the carriage, all his anger turned into astonishment, and he rubbed his eyes twice:
"Young...Young Palace Master!"

With just one order, the cavalry surrounding Lin Huang and the others dispersed to regroup!

"Subordinate Zhao Changfeng, pay homage to the Young Palace Master!"

Zhao Changfeng got off his horse and walked up to Lin Huang.

"If you're not staying in the Great Xia Dynasty, what are you going to do in Xuanyuan City?"

Lin Huang asked, he was quite surprised to meet Zhao Changfeng here.Because the Great Xia Dynasty is at least a month away from here.

Afterwards, Lin Huang's eyes fell on the snow-white carriage in the center of the cavalry!
"...Young Palace Master, don't come here unharmed!"

Youyou's voice came from the carriage, but the snow-white curtains had not been lifted, but Lin Huang was very familiar with that warm and jade-like voice.

Qin Xuance!
"If you don't sit in the army, why go to Xuanyuan City, and only bring three hundred cavalry, are you afraid of capsized in the gutter?"

Sitting in the beaded nephrite carriage, Lin Huang asked.

It has to be said that Qin Xuance is a person who knows how to enjoy himself very much. The carriage was covered with sable fur, with hundreds of pearls on the interior and overflowing with fragrant tea, which was quite elegant.

"Look for Xuanyuan to raise troops!"

Qin Xuance didn't hide it, picked up a cup of hot tea, and said calmly.

"Looking for Xuanyuan to raise troops?"

Lin Huang was a little puzzled, "Why are you looking for him? Could it be that you want to attack the Beiyan Dynasty? Bury all the army of my God General's Mansion?"

"That's why I went to find him!"

Qin Xuance smiled, "If you want to dominate the chaotic war of a hundred dynasties, no one can avoid this current No.1 general!"

"Even if it's me, compared with it, it's hard to hold a candle to it!"

Lin Huang nodded, Qin Xuance's words were correct.

"It seems that Young Palace Master has improved his martial arts quite quickly during this period of time. In just a few months, he has stepped into the third heaven of earth element!"

Qin Xuance complimented.

"Don't talk about these things!"

Lin Huang laughed and cursed, and then continued: "How is your research on that thing?"

As soon as he mentioned the 'thing' in Lin Huang's mouth, Qin Xuance's face turned rosy, and he said with a little excitement: "The ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers are really not ordinary things!"

What Lin Huang said was the Ancient Scroll of Mountains and Rivers.

Some time ago, after Lin Huang found the real ancient scroll of mountains and rivers from the black wooden box in which the Town Demon Knife was in full bloom, he secretly handed it to Qin Xuance.

If he wanted to break through the mystery, among the people Lin Huang knew, probably only Qin Xuance could give it a try.

"Tell me the result!"

Lin Huang looked at Qin Xuance's expression of wanting to go around in circles, and immediately said, "Just say, have you solved the mystery?"


Qin Xuance snorted, looking at Lin Huang with a displeased face.

"Then you give it back to me, it's useless to ask you!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly.

"It doesn't matter if the thing in my hands has not been handed over, even if it belongs to you." Qin Xuance looked sideways at Lin Huang and said with a leisurely smile.

"If others know that this real ancient scroll of mountains and rivers is in your hands, I'm afraid you will have to prepare a coffin for yourself," Lin Huang threatened.

"Don't worry, before that, I will definitely let the army of the Divine General's Mansion die incomparably heroically, leaving a name in history!"

The smile on Qin Xuance's face became brighter and brighter.

Lin Huang: "..."

The two chattered for a long while, until the carriages of the two teams were on the road again, and Qin Xuance forced Lin Huang to drink several cups of hot tea before talking about the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers.

"It took me a month to solve the first layer of mystery!"

"How many floors are there in total?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Four floors!"

Qin Xuance stretched out four fingers, and continued:
"The first floor is the entrance to the Yin Yang Valley, which is hidden in the orbit of the stars!"

Lin Huang frowned, "It's useless for you to find the entrance, the trajectory of the stars is missing, every once in a while, the entrance of Yin Yang Valley will automatically appear!"

"But now, I can know where the entrance is at any time, such as... under your feet?"

Qin Xuance narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"What are the other three layers?"

Lin Huang changed the subject and asked.

"The second layer is the eight-door golden lock. It should be the most complicated part of the entire ancient scroll. It will take at least three months to unlock it!"

Qin Xuance said.

This is the second problem he has encountered in recent years.Among them, the first one is Li Baiyi's sermon map of heavenly secrets, and the second one is this ancient scroll of mountains and rivers.

"Eight golden locks?"

Lin Huang was a little puzzled.

Qin Xuance went on to say, "The place where the dragon is locked, plus the other seven places, form the Eight Paths of Detention, suppressing the Yin-Yang Valley. That's why it's called the Eight-Gate Golden Lock!"

"Is it a large formation?"

Lin Huang asked.

"The big one can't be bigger!"

Qin Xuance sighed, "Using the entire East Spirit Realm as the formation map, how big is this handwriting!"

Lin Huang was shocked for a moment.

Taking the East Spirit Realm as the formation map, and the place where the dragon is locked is only one of them, it can be said that it is not scary.

"It's just that some of these eight places of detention have been destroyed!"

Qin Xuance continued, "According to my previous investigation, among the eight places of detention, only three or four places are still functioning!"

"Three or four places?"

Lin Huang frowned.

"Although the detention is mysterious, there are always traces to follow. As long as there is a powerful order guide, every time Yin Yang Valley appears, a place of detention can be deduced!"

Qin Xuance analyzed, with a trace of confidence on his face, "This is not a difficult task."

"And what about the third and fourth floors?"

Lin Huang continued.

"The third layer is the seal array in the Yin-Yang Valley," Qin Xuance said bluntly, "But the completeness can only be judged after the Yin-Yang Valley appears!"

"As for the fourth floor..."

Qin Xuance seemed a little hesitant, and then gritted his teeth, "The fourth layer should be the most mysterious existence, and I don't know anything about it. To unlock the fourth layer, you need the power of blood!"

"The power of blood? What do you mean?"

Lin Huang scratched his head.

"Where the Ancient Scroll of Mountains and Rivers came from is whose blood is needed," Qin Xuance said, "To unlock the fourth layer of the Ancient Scroll of Mountains and Rivers, Xuanyuan Tibing is needed!"

"So the Ancient Scroll of Mountains and Rivers is a key?"

Lin Huang continued.

"It can be understood in this way," Qin Xuance nodded, "The first floor is the entrance, and the second and third floors can be regarded as seals. As long as you hold the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers in your hand, it is very easy to want to be born in the Yin-Yang Valley, or to cut off the detention!"

"Where is the place where the dragon is locked in the eight golden locks?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Do you have an idea about dragon veins?"

Qin Xuance stared at Lin Huang with a pair of clear eyes, and said with a little warning: "I advise you not to pay attention to it, it is related to the luck of the entire East Spirit Realm!"

"If there is no dragon vein, the warriors in the entire East Spirit Realm will never have a bright future within a thousand years!"

"I don't have that idea yet!"

Lin Huang waved his hand, he didn't think too much about the dragon veins.However, he vaguely remembered that the former Jun Qingcheng once said that the purpose of coming to the East Spirit Realm was precisely for the dragon veins!
If Jun Qingcheng appears, Lin Huang will be very sure of what he will do...

"As long as you can defeat Xuanyuan Tibing and the family that has guarded the East Spirit Realm for generations, you can take the dragon veins," Qin Xuance sneered.

"Do you know the meaning of Xuanyuan family's existence?"

Lin Huang was a little surprised. He came to such an uncertain conclusion after reading thousands of ancient scrolls in the Sutra Pavilion of Piaoxue Palace.

How did this guy know?
"Is it difficult to analyze this?"

Qin Xuance stared at Lin Huang, as if he was looking at a mentally handicapped person.

"Then you know the Blood Spirit Hall?"

"It's just a group of people who live in the dark and can't see the light." Qin Xuance smiled disdainfully, "Although the Jia family who guarded the East Spirit Realm has fallen with Jia Wanjin's death in battle, there is still Xuanyuan Tibing This current mythology exists, and there is also the character thirteen kills!"

"The Jia family is also the guardian family of the East Spirit Realm?"

Regarding this point, Lin Huang did not think of it.


Qin Xuance said leisurely.

"What else do you know?"

There is a hint of pride in Qin Xuan's strategy: "Except for what is in the Yin Yang Valley, and who are the people in the Blood Spirit Hall".

"It turns out that you don't know the most important thing," Lin Huang sarcastically said.

"But I can unlock the Ancient Scroll of Mountains and Rivers. Unlocking it is equivalent to unlocking the secret of the Eastern Spirit Realm. Can you?"

Qin Xuance glared at Lin Huang coldly, and said.

Lin Huang snorted coldly, "I can grab the ancient scroll of mountains and rivers!"

Qin Xuance waved his hand, feeling that Lin Huang was a bit boring and childish!

Then, Qin Xuance suddenly set his eyes on Lu Han, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, and said:
"What is the origin of that guy in sackcloth with a dull face?"

(End of this chapter)

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