
Chapter 116 Chess Pieces

Chapter 116 Chess Pieces

"What do you think about him?"

In the carriage, Lin Huang stared at Qin Xuance with great interest, not understanding why Qin Xuance immediately took a fancy to Lu Han, the most ordinary young man in the group.

"Wuhun Iron Horse Binghe Yanyue Spear, the absolute leader in the world. Given time, in terms of leading the battle, he will definitely surpass Xuanyuan Tibing."

Qin Xuance praised it.

Lin Huang stared at Qin Xuance, because when Qin Xuance said this, he was telling Lin Huang that he could see through other people's martial souls.

Without extremely strong strength or extremely special talent, it would be impossible to see through a person's martial soul.And Qin Xuance's current state of being powerless...

"He's a man with a story!"

After thinking for a long time, Lin Huang said that he realized that he didn't know much about Lu Han.

Can take out more than 2000 million gold.

Know about Yin Yang Valley.

In his hand is a necklace made of silver and jade with Qinglong Mingzi, which can be exchanged for Xuanyuan's promise to raise troops.

Feng Wanli once defended him against a fatal blow.

He is Nan Yunlie's apprentice, and Nan Yunlie is Yan Zangfeng's apprentice, so he is Yan Zangfeng's apprentice, the person who made good use of Xuepiao in the legend of Dongling six or seventy years ago.

He also wants to buy a golden gun, which is very expensive!

But Lu Han's clothes are very poor, his complexion is very dark, his expression is very reserved, and sometimes he blush easily, no matter his psychology, physiology or Jianghu experience, he is a child.

"My favorite person with a story?"

Qin Xuance pursed his lips and smiled, "In this world, people who have no stories are mostly mediocre people!"

"You are going down the mountain now, is it for King Wu's tomb?"

Qin Xuance changed the subject again.

"Do you have any news?"

Lin Huang frowned, not understanding why Qin Xuance mentioned this matter.

"The tomb of King Wu is a situation. Many people will become cannon fodder if they go there. If you die, I will help the old mansion master prepare a coffin for you. After all, you are the young master of the mansion of the gods. The style should not be too low, and I will build you a coffin." Put on the golden jade clothes!"

"You better shut up!"

Lin Huang scolded, why didn't he find this guy so venomous before.

"What do you mean?"

After a while, Lin Huang couldn't help asking.

"Someone is playing chess, and you and I are chess pieces." Qin Xuance sipped his tea with a relaxed expression, "The tomb of King Wu is the bait for fishing, and you are one of the hooked fish!"

"Is King Wu's tomb a fake?"

Lin Huang frowned.

"Naturally the tomb of King Wu is real," Qin Xuance said with a smile, "so people who play chess are very good. They can use the tomb of King Wu as bait, and they are not afraid of accidentally smashing their own feet!"

"Is there any problem with King Wu's tomb?"

Lin Huang was even more puzzled.


Qin Xuance paused for a moment before saying with bright eyes, "The tomb of King Wu is one of the eight golden locks of the Yin-Yang Valley!"

Lin Huang swallowed a cup of boiling water in one gulp.

What Qin Xuance said really shocked him.

"Is King Wu's tomb one of the Eight Ways of Detention?"

"That's why people who play chess are very good," Qin Xuance nodded, "If the game goes wrong, this restriction will be cut off, or the chess player himself wants to cut off this restriction!"

Lin Huang rubbed his forehead with his hands, his head was a little big.

Someone actually used the tomb of King Wu to set up a game, who could have such courage, and who in the East Spirit Realm could really do it?
Five fingers in one slap, enough to count?

Lin Huang thought of someone.

"You came to Xuanyuan City, did you really go to see Xuanyuan Tibing?"

Lin Huang asked.

"I'm going to turn over." Qin Xuance shook his head, then pointed to Lin Huangdao, "Since we met halfway, I will take you to turn over together!"

"I don't need a man to turn me over!"

Lin Huang looked at Qin Xuance disdainfully.

"Do you think people in the Eastern Spirit Realm will think that the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers are on your body or mine?"

Qin Xuance suddenly brought up another topic.

"Of course it's me!"

Lin Huang said categorically.

"Did you pass the Luohe official road three days ago?"

Qin Xuance asked again.

Lin Huang nodded, doubts growing between his brows.

"We also passed the Luohe official road, and found three corpses there. The three dead people all had the strength of the Tianyuan realm, and the person who killed them may be a half-step Wuhou!"

"Guess what the three dead people were going to do, and how did they die?"

Lin Huang fell into silence.

"Those three people came to snatch the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers, and the one who made the move..."

Lin Huang frowned more and more, and after thinking for a long time, he said slowly, "It seems that I have also become a pawn, although it is a pawn that is protected!"

"You are not a pawn. You are at most a bait, the most important bait!"

Qin Xuance smiled leisurely, and continued, "Whoever holds the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers is the bait."

"That is to say, if I get the ancient scroll of mountains and rivers, I will become a pawn in the whole game?"

Lin Huang frowned, this feeling made him very uncomfortable.

"Perhaps, it was already doomed when you met Jia Wanjin," Qin Xuance said silently, "It is even possible that when the news of the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers reached the Mansion of the Divine General, you and I were doomed to become pawns! "

"You mean, because we became pawns, the news of the ancient scrolls reached the Divine General's Mansion?"

Forest Road.

"It's possible." Qin Xuance nodded silently, "So I have to ask that chess player!"

"The chess player is Xuanyuan Tibing? You want to be the chess player?"

Lin Huang asked.

"The world is like chess. There are only four kinds of people in this world. Do you know which four kinds?" Qin Xuance smiled.

Lin Huang sipped his tea, not wanting to answer Qin Xuance's words.

"One is the chess pieces, people like you and me who have been exposed to mountains and rivers and ancient scrolls!"

"The second is people who play chess, such as Xuanyuan Tibing!"

Qin Xuance said.

"Are there two more?"

Lin Huang stretched out two fingers.

"There is another kind that doesn't even have the qualifications to be chess pieces." Qin Xuance shook his head, "This kind of people are probably mediocre, and they may live happily, but they are destined to be unknown!"

"The last type is the one who kicks over the chessboard," Lin Huang continued Qin Xuance's words.

Qin Xuance nodded, "Exactly, but such people are so rare that you can count them on one hand in the entire world. Even a chess player like Xuanyuan Tibing may not even be called a chess piece in the vast world." , not to mention you and me!"

"Is that why you went to see Xuanyuan Tibing?"

Lin Huang asked.

Since in this game of chess in the East Spirit Realm, the player playing chess is Xuanyuan Tibing.And according to Qin Xuance's personality, he would naturally not be willing to be a pawn.

Lin Huang was not reconciled either.

But Lin Huang wanted to be the one who kicked the chessboard, while Qin Xuance liked to play chess.

But today's Lin Huang and Qin Xuance are not enough for this weight.

"The saddest thing in this world is knowing that you are a chess piece, but trying to become a useful chess piece." Qin Xuance shook his head, "Because that way you will live longer, and you and I are just crossing the river now. , my life is in danger."

Lin Huang curled his lips, not knowing where Qin Xuance came from so much emotion, "To live is to obey one's will, and to be killed if one doesn't obey! Where did so many chess players come from, they are just a group of fools who want to control other people's lives in order to gain Abnormal pleasure, a deformed product to achieve a certain purpose."

"So people like you are destined to have only two paths. One is to be a chess piece, rampage on the chessboard, and die miserably in the end. The other is to rush out of the chessboard and become the one who kicked the chessboard over!"

Qin Xuance smiled leisurely, "The people who can break out of the chessboard are all odd numbers!"

"You just read too much!"

Lin Huang shook his head.


In less than half a day, everyone has gradually approached Xuanyuan City.

During this period, the two talked a lot, from Yin Yang Valley to the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties, from Xuanyuan's promotion of soldiers to the list of Marquis Wu, from Zhao Changfeng to the list of famous generals.

What frightened Lin Huang was that Qin Xuance seemed to know everything, whether it was the strong in the East Spirit Realm, history, or secrets.

In addition, Lin Huang also noticed that Qin Xuance was extraordinarily vigorous. He was in Piaoxue Palace for just a few months.Qin Xuance led the army of the Divine General's Mansion to fight from east to west, from south to north, and the battle line stretched thousands of miles.

Under Qin Xuance's hands, the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty expanded four times.It is almost bordering on the territory of Beiyan Dynasty.

If you fight again, you will have to confront Xuanyuan Tibing.

This is also one of the reasons why Qin Xuance came to Xuanyuan City.

After all, that was the No. 1 Xuanyuan Tibing in the world. With only one person's strength, he could crush the army of the Divine General's Mansion several times.

What's more, he has millions of soldiers from the Northern Yan Dynasty!
"Why did you persuade Xuanyuan to raise troops?"

Lin Huang asked, not only about how the army of the Divine General's Mansion approached the Beiyan Dynasty, but also how Qin Xuance changed from a chess piece to a chess player.

The intersection of the two lies in Xuanyuan Tibing.

"To be honest, I think it's pretty good for you to meet Xuanyuan Tibing!"

Lin Huang continued.

Qin Xuance blew on the tea, and the smile on the corner of his mouth spread leisurely, "None of your business!"

Accompanied by a bang, a big hole appeared in the snow-white carriage on the official road, and a snow-white figure was thrown out by Lin Huang, rolling several times on the ground with a look of embarrassment.

"Chop him up!"

Qin Xuance was furious and pointed at Lin Huang.

"I see who dares!"

Lin Huang snorted.

Zhao Changfeng rode his horse, looked up at the gloomy sky, and didn't seem to hear the two people's curses, "The weather is really good today, the white clouds are so white, the sky is so blue, and the sun is so warm!"

For the rest of the journey, Qin Xuance kept a cold face, like an ice cube, and every time he saw the little stains on his snow-white robe, it was so cold that it could freeze people to death.

After another two hours, everyone's carriage finally slowed down.

"Xuanyuan City has arrived!"

Shen Qingsi, who was at the front, turned her head and said, the jade hand holding the rein was clenched so tightly that it turned blue, apparently suppressing the tension and anxiety in her heart.

Lu Han lowered his eyelids with a sullen expression on his face.

Lin Huang's eyes lit up, he got up and walked out of the carriage, and looked up at the ancient city that was hundreds of feet high in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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