
Chapter 117 Xuanyuan

Chapter 117 Xuanyuan
The ancient majestic city stands for thousands of years, reaching a height of more than hundreds of feet, like a majestic sword piercing into the sky.The city is surrounded by vast wilderness, making the city like a prehistoric monster crawling on the land of Dongling.

Majestic and majestic.

Ancient and powerful.

After the vicissitudes of life!

The mottled city bricks are full of marks from swords, spears, guns and swords, and the black and dry blood stains are stacked on top of each other, revealing the sense of ancient vicissitudes, but it stands for thousands of years, and has become the supporting city of the East Spirit Realm!

Standing under Xuanyuan City, one can feel a horrible and oppressive atmosphere, desolate and simple, permeated with the long time.

Xuanyuan City!
Above the city gate, the three big characters are not very clear, but they are painted with iron and silver hooks, and the desolation soaked in blood is revealed in the majestic atmosphere.

Lin Huang's expression was serious, he didn't expect such a majestic city to exist in this Eastern Spirit Realm.Since it is named Xuanyuan, it is probably due to the accumulation of generations of Xuanyuan family.

Such a majestic city can only be seen in those large domains in the Sky Continent.

"Who is coming?"

The soldiers under Xuanyuan City saw a group of cavalry that did not belong to Beiyan, and immediately rebuked them angrily. The murderous aura burst out all over them instantly, and dozens of soldiers immediately lined up in front, pointing their spears forward, stopping Lin Huang and others.

"Everyone waits to be stationed outside the city. Zhao Changfeng, you disarm your troops and follow me into Xuanyuan City!"

Qin Xuance stepped out of the snow-white carriage and ordered.

Then he explained to the soldiers guarding the gate of Xuanyuan City, and after spending a long time talking, he was stared into Xuanyuan City by the soldiers like a thief.

"As expected of Xuanyuan Tibing's army!"

Qin Xuance walked slowly, and said with a sigh: "Even the aura of the soldiers guarding the city gate is no less than that of the elite of my God General's Mansion. I don't know how terrifying the Tiandi Xuanhuang four-character battalion under Xuanyuan Taibing is. !"

"After all, he is the number one army god in the world, and there is nothing wrong with his elite soldiers and powerful generals," Lin Huang said with a smile. If it is said that in the territory of Dongling, who can compare to the million-strong army in the hands of Xuanyuan Tibing...

I'm afraid that if all the top [-] people on the list are tied together, it will be hard to hold a candle to!
After all, in the Dixuanhuang four-character camp that day, the soldiers of the lowest rank also had the strength of the Diyuan realm, let alone the corps leader, Baihu, and Qianhu.

Pick out any character at random, and they are all famous existences in the Eastern Spiritual Realm.

After entering Xuanyuan City, Shen Qingsi went to Chen's house alone, with a worried look on her face when she left, presumably she was extremely worried about Chen Jinyi's safety.

But Lin Huang and the others found a restaurant, and traveled for a few days, eating coarse grains, which made Yan Qing'er, a greedy cat, impatient.

"Do you still remember what I told you about King Wu's tomb?"

After taking his seat, Qin Xuance looked at the bustling market outside the window and said leisurely.

"Although it is a bureau, there is still an opportunity to take advantage of it. I must enter the tomb of King Wu!"

Lin Huang said very firmly, he went down the mountain just for the Fen Xinlian in the tomb of King Wu, how could he not enter the tomb of King Wu.

Qin Xuance smiled calmly, "Do you know how many people came for the tomb of King Wu this time? If the estimation is correct, in Xuanyuan City, people from the four major sects, six major families, and ten dynasties have all appeared! "

"I'm afraid it's more than that!"

Lin Huang went on to say, "After all, it is the tomb of King Wu. Even the strong Marquis of Wu are quite tempted. I don't know how many Marquis of Tianyuan exist in this city."

"It's good that you know it," Qin Xuance sneered, "but this is only a part of it. What if there are some characters that even Xuanyuan Tibing can't easily contend with?"

"What do you mean?"

Lin Huang frowned.

Qin Xuance waved his hands, looked at the silent Lu Han and the greasy Yan Qinger, and then said: "The tomb of King Wu is one of the eight golden locks that lock the Yin-Yang Valley, and it can be used as one of the locks. In the place of detention, there must be a great treasure or inheritance!"



Lin Huang's heart moved. Could it be that what Qin Xuance said was the relics of Buddha and God guided in the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers?
"Hey, have you heard? There are many treasures and inheritances in King Wu's tomb this time."

Just as Lin Huang was about to ask, there were voices of discussion in the restaurant.

"Who doesn't know, it's the tomb of King Wu, a tomb that even Marquis Wu is quite jealous of. It is said that there are already six of the top [-] on the list of Marquis Wu, and even the second-ranked Jiang Licheng has appeared."

"Don't forget, this is Xuanyuan City, and it's only a hundred miles away from the tomb of King Wu. With Lord Tibing here, I'm afraid others will not be able to benefit from it."

"Hey, if I can enter the tomb of King Wu, it would be great, even if I get a little something, I'm afraid I will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of my life."

"It's just you? I'm afraid you will be ordered to go in but never come back. In Xuanyuan City, people from the four major sects, six major families, and ten dynasties all appeared. Even if they dare not enter the tomb of King Wu easily, you are just a small Yuan warrior. I want to have such a big spring and autumn dream."

"So, let me take a look. I just don't know if Lord Tibing will make a move this time... You know, Lord Tibing hasn't made a move for many years."

"Speaking of Mr. Tibing, I have heard some bad news."

A middle-aged man lowered his voice, mysteriously forgetting his surroundings.

"what's the message?"

The people around suddenly regained their spirits, and they couldn't help but move their heads closer.

Lin Huang also turned his body sideways, carefully listening to everyone's conversation.

"It is said that Master Tibing is injured!"

The man said cautiously.


The people sitting with him suddenly shouted, their faces full of disbelief.Afterwards, they noticed that they attracted surprised eyes from around them, smiled awkwardly, and put their heads together again.

"Just three days ago, three people entered Xuanyuan Mansion, two old and one young," the middle-aged man who knew the inside story continued, "about three hours later, one of the old was carried out, Then Xuanyuan Mansion was completely sealed off."

"The old man who was carried out is dead?"

someone asked.

"The dead can't die anymore," the middle-aged man said firmly, "but I heard that Master Tibing was also seriously injured, otherwise it would not be the Tiandi Xuanhuang Four-Character Battalion who blocked the Xuanyuan Mansion."

"It is said that just yesterday, the genius doctor Sun Buer entered Xuanyuan City."

"My God! The Tiandi Xuanhuang Four-Character Battalion is actually dispatched. That is the Four-Character Battalion that claims to sweep all warriors in the world. Even the genius doctor Sun Buer also appeared."

Someone exclaimed.

"I'm full, let's go out for a stroll first!"

When Lin Huang was eavesdropping on everyone's conversation, Lu Han suddenly put down his chopsticks, got up and left the restaurant...

Lin Huang looked at Lu Han's leaving back, a little puzzled, and then listened carefully to everyone's conversation.

"Do you know the origins of those three people?"

Someone asked.

"I'm not too sure about this... But it is said that the young gentleman Duan was extremely powerful, but he looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, but after he left Xuanyuan Mansion, he beheaded Tianyuan Wu's long bow."

"Wu Changbow? That's the Patriarch of the Wu family, with the strength of the seventh heaven of Tianyuan, and he was beheaded by that young son? Could it be a rumor?"

"Now the Wu family is in chaos, and a mourning hall has been set up. How could this matter be false!"

Listening to everyone's conversation, Lin Huang was secretly startled.

"Eighteen or nineteen?"

"Slay the seventh heaven of Tianyuan?"

"Could it be someone from Dayu?" Lin Huang thought of a possibility. Throughout the territory of Dongling, although there are countless geniuses, he could not find a single person who killed the seventh heaven of Tianyuan at the age of eighteen or nineteen.

If Lin Cangxue has not yet fallen, it is not impossible.But Lin Huang knew that Lin Cangxue's talent was absolutely rare in this Eastern Spirit Realm.

Then there is only one explanation.

This person is from a great domain beyond the Eastern Spirit Realm.

Then Lin Huang turned his head and looked at Qin Xuance, "You just said that there are people who can't be easily resisted by Xuanyuan Tibing, do you mean these three people?"

Qin Xuance smiled, "Now there are two!"

"Before I came to Xuanyuan City, I had deduced the secrets of the sky. In the space in the East Spirit Realm, there were two cracks and fluctuations, which caused the stars to move."

"One of them was these three people."

Qin Xuance continued.

"What about another crack wave?"

Lin Huang asked.

Qin Xuance shook his head, "I'm not sure, but it is said that two mysterious women appeared in the Dongling Restaurant in Xuanyuan City a few days ago!"

"Mysterious woman?"

Listening to Qin Xuance's words, Lin Huang gradually frowned.

"Are they all here for King Wu's tomb?"

Lin Huang then asked.

Qin Xuance also shook his head, "Maybe it's King Wu's Tomb, maybe it's Yin Yang Valley, or maybe something else. The only thing I can be sure of is that King Wu's Tomb is just the beginning, the beginning of a storm that will set off the East Spirit."

"It's a bit alarmist for you to say that."

Lin Huang smiled.

"Am I alarmist? It doesn't count if you say it." Qin Xuance shook his finger, "Let's just watch it carefully. Starting from King Wu's tomb, the pattern of the East Spirit Realm that has been maintained for thousands of years will change."

Lin Huang curled his lips, he couldn't believe Qin Xuance's words, but he couldn't believe it, after all, the person sitting in front of him was not someone else, but the future Qin Xuance.

The ghostly calculation that made the whole continent frightened!
"Well, Grandpa the High Priest also said so!"

Yan Qing'er, whose belly was full of greasy food, said suddenly.

Looking at Yan Qing'er with an innocent face, Lin Huang couldn't help falling into silence. If Qin Xuance said that alone, he might still have some doubts, but if even the high priest of Piaoxue Palace said that, it might be a certainty.

Lin Huang was a little confused again, as if there was a huge mystery hidden in the East Spirit Realm, shrouded in front of his eyes, impenetrable, but real.

Mountain and River Scrolls.

Tomb of King Wu.

Dragon veins.

Buddha relic.

Yin Yang Valley.

There is something hidden in it that makes all the sect dynasties flock to it, even people from Dayu come here.

There is also the Blood Spirit Hall.

Eighteen or nineteen-year-old son of Dayu with the realm of Tianyuan.

Two mysterious women.

Xuanyuan raises troops.

Even Qin Xuance in front of him.

And Lu Han who just left in a hurry.

What kind of identities are they each playing?
Lin Huang doesn't want to care about these things, he just wants to practice martial arts well, step into a higher realm, and become stronger.But Jia Wanjin's ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers drew him into the game.

Let him become a pawn after all.

In addition to the Burning Heart Lotus in the tomb of King Wu, he had no choice but to plunge into it.

And the mysterious relic of Buddha and God.

Lin Huang had no choice but to unravel everything behind this, to unravel this mystery that had plagued his heart for a long time, if he didn't know what was hidden in it, he might not even know how he died.

"It seems that the present world of King Wu's tomb really gathered all kinds of wind and clouds!"

Lin Huang sipped his wine and said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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