
Chapter 1232 Qin Xuance's Results

Chapter 1232 The result brought back by Qin Xuance

The gods closed, and the paralyzed people were silent for a long time.

Until Lin Huang stood on the top of the city, his voice was like a rock: "If the evil race attacks at this time, you will definitely die... Even though it is cruel, it is also very realistic!"

Above the city gate, everyone in the Huangzu climbed up.

They looked at Lin Huang without saying a word, but their eyes were full of approval.

Recognition of forest waste.

Acknowledgment of his identity as a barren race.

Lin Huang slowly unloaded the corpse behind him, and glanced at Song Changling behind, "The clothes were buried behind Tianshen Pass, and told those who came after that someone died in battle on this land. Send the ashes back to their hometown , Let them return to their souls!"

"Establish the Hall of Heroes, and all those who die in battle will have their tablets entered!"

Lin Huang's voice was silent, making the surroundings depressing.

Afterwards, the seventeen soldiers of the Huang tribe who died in battle were turned into a little bit of dust in the raging fire.

Lin Huang stood at the forefront, and behind him all the Huang people lined up solemnly.

"Everyone is brave!"

"Please rest in peace!"

Lin Huang was wearing iron armor, bowing and bowing!
"Everyone is heroic! Rest in peace!"

Everyone in the Desolate Race roared.


The earth was stained with blood, and the wind roared.

War is often cruel, it is like an indestructible steel knife, sharpening everything in the world.


human nature.



Everything, under the haze of war, revealed its truest appearance.

Just like on this Tianshen Pass, among the more than 400 people under the banner of the Desolate Clan, not everyone is a good person.But under the impetus of war.

They set foot on the gate of the gods.

They are united.

They will be angry because of the death of their comrades in battle, they will cheer for the deaths of the tribes of the evil tribe, they will also open their mouths to curse their comrades, but they will also stand up for their comrades on the battlefield.

There is no perfect human nature in the world.

But there are very touching moves.

And on this Tianshenguan, all the touching things are the same hatred on the battlefield, and the mutual protection of each other on the battlefield.

Standing on the top of the Tianshen Pass, Lin Huang looked back at the raging fire, and at the more than 400 tribesmen of the Huang tribe who were unwilling to leave, he sighed, and his heart was extremely complicated.

Perhaps now, he can understand a little bit of Lin Beichen's state of mind throughout his life.

I can also understand how heartbroken Lin Beichen must have been when the God General's Mansion was disarmed in one day.

Lin Huang rolled his sleeves, not feeling too much.

Otherwise, he feels like an old man, without the vigor of a young man.

Feeling useless, the most urgent task right now is still the Heavenly God Gate.

It lies in the evil race.

It may also be in the Phoenix Clan.

He could feel that there were fewer and fewer evil races on the [-]-mile defense line, which also meant that there were more and more evil races outside the seven-segment defense line.

That line of defense is likely to be the line of defense of the Phoenix Clan.

I don't know if I can keep it?

He should trust Yu Beisi, right?
Lin Huang shook his head, full of worries again!

"Keep recruiting!"

Lin Huang said to Song Changling who was beside him, "We still only need warriors in the realm of martial saints, and the number can be expanded to 800 as much as possible!"

Song Changling nodded, "I'm afraid there will be too little time... Once the evil race starts to attack, it will be difficult for the wild race to defend if they can't unify the [-]-mile defense line!"

"No matter how much time is available, it is impossible to unify!"

Lin Huang rolled his sleeves, "Because among the aristocratic families and clans within the two thousand-mile defense line, there must be existences attached to the four ancient clans!"

"I have no hope that the two thousand miles of defense can really be defended!"

Lin Huang turned to look at Song Changling, "What I need is an invincible army, surpassing the iron army of Zuo Jiaming's sect!"

"What do you mean? You want to give up the two thousand miles of defense?"

Song Changling frowned.

"Of course I won't give up... But if the Heavenly Evil God doesn't die, then this Heavenly God Pass will be very difficult to defend. Unless there is a great emperor from the human race, or someone who is infinitely close to the great emperor!"


Lin Huang shook his head, "Why do you think Qin Xuance ran to Yu Beisi in such a stupid way, he actually only wanted one thing!"

Song Changling frowned, "Before fighting, but looking for a way out first, this is the appearance of a defeated army!"

"I see!"

Lin Huang nodded, "The Huang race will not be defeated!"

"What do you want to do?"

Song Changling sensitively felt that something was wrong with Lin Huang.

"I didn't want to do anything, I just asked you to recruit people!"

Lin Huang spread his hands.

"As far as the two or two things in your stomach are concerned, I advise you not to mess around... Fighting in the battlefield is no joke!"

Song Changling reminded.

"You talk too much!"

Lin Huang kicked Song Changling out.

Moyo night is very.

Qin Xuance, who had disappeared for almost ten days, finally returned from Yubeisi.

His lips were cracked, as if he had spoken a lot these days.

"How's it going?"

Before Qin Xuance could rest for a quarter of an hour, Lin Huang began to ask questions.

"A group of old stubborn..."

Qin Xuance cursed loudly.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, knowing it in his heart.It seems that Qin Xuance's trip was in vain.

"It took me a lot of effort, but I can make sense of them. Those people from the four ancient clans still want to escape responsibility, bah... I just took off the hat of righteousness!"

Qin Xuance seemed to have quarreled too much these days, and he was no longer as elegant as before.

"That means success!"

Lin Huang looked at Qin Xuance with some surprise in his eyes.

"Successful, the people of 300 million miles have migrated to the [-] major regions on the outskirts of Zhongzhou, and it will start tomorrow. All matters will be handled by the Western Heaven Buddhist Kingdom, and the other three ancient clans will be responsible for paying for it!"

Qin Xuance said.

Lin Huang exhaled suddenly, and a big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

As long as the hundreds of millions of people behind Tianshen Pass migrate, all forces on the entire defense line can give it a go.Because after Tianshenguan, there is a second line of defense.

At least, the human race can, to a great extent, stop throwing rats.

"However, the amount of work to complete the migration is too large. Even if all the space ferries among the top ten chaebols on the mainland are released, it will take three months!"

"Why do you want to migrate outside Zhongzhou? As long as you get behind the second line of defense, isn't that all right?"

Lin Huang frowned.

"Think with your brain, how is this possible!"

Qin Xuance glanced at Lin Huang, "You have to know, that is the ancient Great Wall of Dafeng Qingtian, under the ancient Great Wall, it suppresses the dragon veins!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, and suddenly understood.

Under the ancient Great Wall, there are dragon veins.No matter how powerful the ancient Great Wall is, it cannot stop the dragon energy from dissipating naturally inward over time.

And if these people live close to the ancient Great Wall, then these people will grab the escaping dragon energy... In this way, the people close to the ancient Great Wall benefit, but it blocks the luck of the entire continent Replenish.

Neither the Four Great Ancient Clans nor the Tianji Pavilion could agree.


Qin Xuance swallowed a mouthful of tea, and then said: "Besides, the farther you move, the greater the consumption! The greater the consumption, the greater the room to profit from it... How can you miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so easily?"

(End of this chapter)

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