
Chapter 1233 The Great War Is About to Break Out

Chapter 1233 The Great War Is About to Break Out

In the hall, Lin Huang didn't show any expression, and he couldn't say anything.

Countless people of 300 million miles need to migrate, which is an extremely huge project.And such a project can only be undertaken by the top chaebols and the four ancient clans on the mainland.

They want to profit from it, and no one can say anything.

Because no one can replace the four ancient clans.

"In Yubei Division, what else did you steal?"

Lin Huang asked.

"How can it be called stealing? I always watch and listen openly. You don't know how much those old guys hated me when I said I was going to leave!"

Qin Xuance boasted about himself.

Lin Huang snorted coldly, but didn't believe a word.

"There are now 1000 people in the Desolate race?"

Qin Xuance asked.

"More than 400!"

Forest Road.

Qin Xuance shook his head, "It's less, but there's still time..."

Qin Xuance poured himself another cup of tea, and then said: "Nowadays, outside the Phoenix Clan's defense line, there are already a large number of evil clans, at least 20!"

"Really want to attack the Phoenix Clan's line of defense?"

Lin Huang frowned.

Qin Xuance nodded, "And the time left for the Phoenix Clan will not be too long. Within five days, a big battle will definitely break out, or even three days!"

"In such a hurry?"

Lin Huang frowned.

"It's not all because of you!"

Qin Xuance stared at Lin Huang quietly, "You harvested the fourteen evil emperors with your remaining blood, so that the evil clan urgently needed a big battle to take revenge on the human race and prove themselves!"

"I still killed it, right?"

Lin Huang sneered.

"There is nothing wrong with it, but there is always a fuse. However, those old hermits from the four ancient clans of the Yubei Division almost convicted you, saying that it was because of you that the subsequent war broke out. You will cause countless people to die in battle, you are simply a heinous sinner of the human race!"


Lin Huang nodded perfunctorily, not taking it seriously at all.

It is not the turn of the four ancient clans to judge whether it is merit or demerit.

"How is the preparation of the Phoenix Clan now?"

Lin Huang asked.

"I don't know much... about the layout of the Phoenix Clan, it's very secretive. But according to my observation, it's not easy to hold the line of defense!"

Qin Xuance took a sip of tea and tapped his fingers on the table:

"First of all, when the evil race sends troops, it will definitely attack the entire defense line of thousands of miles. This is to prevent other defense lines of the human race from deploying troops to support the evil race!"

"However, on the other six lines of defense, the evil clan's attack should not be violent, the main thing is a word wrap!"

"Since then, if the Phoenix Clan wants to guard the Tianshen Pass, they can only rely on themselves!"

"20 evil clan... how can there be so many people from the Huang clan to deal with it! In the Yubei Division, the three secular military gods and several strategists have been thinking hard, but they haven't found a mature solution yet! "

Lin Huang interrupted Qin Xuance's words, "But traveling thousands of miles in the realm of the Holy Emperor is only a matter of a few breaths!"

Qin Xuance nodded, "That's the second thing...Even the Holy Emperor on the thousands-mile defense line can provide support at any time. Don't forget, the evil clan also has the evil emperor!"

"The battle between the Holy Emperor and the Evil Emperor is actually a huge fight! Their battlefield is completely separated from the battlefield under the Holy Emperor!"

Lin Huang nodded understandingly, "So, if there is no big difference in victory or defeat in the duel in the imperial realm, then the key to deciding the outcome lies in the 20 army of the Xie Clan and the defense line of the Phoenix Clan!"

"That's the truth!"

Qin Xuance nodded.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, "Is there really no solution?"

Qin Xuance waved his hand, "I made a thoughtless suggestion, that is, to abandon the Phoenix Clan's line of defense now and take the initiative to attack, so that the Xie Clan will be caught off guard!"

"Then I was kicked out by Yu Beisi's people!"

Qin Xuance was still a little angry.

"It's arguable to take the initiative to attack. Giving up the defense line... Such a big risk, once something goes wrong, you, Qin Xuance, will not be able to chop off your head alone!"

Forest Road.

"That's all I'm saying, who said they're going to really give up the defense line? As long as the Xie Clan hears that the Phoenix Clan's defense line is empty, they will think of ways to get into this bag!"

Qin Xuance said disdainfully.

"There is still great danger!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"I'm a soldier in white!"

Qin Xuance was furious.

"You don't have enough power and status, and you said something that sounds so risky, who can wear the same pants as you!"

Lin Huang analyzed the Tao for Qin Xuance.

Qin Xuance took a sip of tea to suppress the depression in his heart.

"I had an idea before..."

Lin Huang said suddenly.


Before Lin Huang could say anything, Qin Xuance said decisively.

"Now that the Great Migration has started, the importance of the Heavenly God Pass has been reduced. We can also let go of our hands and feet... In this way, we can completely leave the Heavenly God Pass and go around the rear of the evil race to harass!"

Lin Huang still spoke his mind.

Qin Xuance glanced at Lin Huang indifferently, "I knew you wanted to do this, and you were poisoned by Qin Changsheng. You wanted to lead an army of surprise soldiers across the territory of the evil clan. Since you first touched the Heavenly God Pass, I I will know!"

"I think there is a certain feasibility!"

Lin Huang said seriously, hoping that Qin Xuance could help him find the blind spots he couldn't see.

"There have been many cases of this kind of strange soldiers in the history of military use in the secular world. Those who can go deep into the enemy's rear and travel thousands of miles and return with glory, most of them have become famous generals in the world. However, more strange soldiers are Died in the enemy's rear!"

"You only see the history of success, but you don't pay attention to the blood of failure!"

Qin Xuance said.

"Whether it's okay or not, it's up to you!"

Lin Huang said angrily.

"Not yet known!"

Qin Xuance shook his head, but still did not answer Lin Huang directly, "Everything depends on the upcoming battle. If the Phoenix Clan's defense line is broken, then the Heavenly God Pass we are in is the rear of the Evil Clan! All your thoughts seem to be It came true naturally!"

"Only if the Heavenly God Gate is completely defended, will your idea have the prerequisites for its realization!"

Lin Huang frowned slightly, then nodded.

"It seems that the trend of the future pattern is all in the next big battle!"

Forest Road.

Qin Xuance nodded, "Don't look at the fact that the Huang Clan is as stable as a rock at the moment, I'm afraid the inside is also extremely panicky!"

"20 evil clans! Perhaps the Phoenix clan can't even see the hope of successfully defending the line..."

"Once the line of defense collapses, the Phoenix Clan will be more than just sinners on the mainland. All the people behind the Heavenly God Pass will bleed for it!"

Lin Huang frowned, a trace of hesitation appeared in his heart.

Perhaps it was because of Huang Lingsha.

Although they had nothing to do with the Phoenix Clan from the moment they left.

But she didn't know what was going on in her mother's mind.

Does she... still miss the Phoenix Clan?

"Don't think about it for the Phoenix Clan!"

Qin Xuance saw through Lin Huang's thoughts at a glance. He walked up to Lin Huang, shaking his teacup leisurely, "Before I left, Yu Beisi received a piece of latest news!"

Lin Huang looked up at Qin Xuance.

"Jun Qingcheng led the army of the temple, rushing to the Tianshen Pass..."

(End of this chapter)

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