
Chapter 1257

Chapter 1257
Outside the god gate.

West Wind roared.

Since the war in the past few days has passed, the entire Tianshen Pass has fallen into a brief calm.

There are even fewer evil races walking on the battlefield.

The human race closed by the gods was even more silent.

They all seem to be recuperating.

However, under this calm, Yu Beisi and Tianji Pavilion became busier than before.

In Yubei Division, news is flying like snowflakes, whether it is outside the Tianshen Pass or inside the Tianshen Pass...every one seems to affect the layout of the entire Tianshen Pass.

Qin Xuance, on the other hand, reappeared in the Yubei Division.

The main reason is that the news here is much quicker than if he stayed in the defense line of the Desolate race.

Moreover, now that the human race and the evil race have ceased their troops, and there are three thousand Phoenix descendant troops staying on the line of defense, he doesn't have to worry too much.

Every day, the most news, apart from the traces of the Human Race Saint Emperor, is about Lin Huang.

Through the thousand-machine mirror, mushroom clouds can be seen rising almost every day.

One after another news poured into Yubei Division.

The barbaric army of the evil race was wiped out overnight.

Lu Yi, the bone of the evil emperor, was besieged and killed by more than 30 holy kings, leaving no bones left.

At three o'clock, the Evil Clan's Skyhawk Legion was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and not one escaped from the sky!


Every piece of news indicates that there is instability in the rear of the evil race.

At the very beginning, Yu Beisi was still a little puzzled.

Could it be that the evil race deliberately released these messages to lure the human race to attack actively? In fact, they have already dug a hole, waiting for the human race warriors to jump in.

Later, they thought that there was an unrecorded Holy Emperor who appeared in the rear of the evil clan to do things.

But Yubei Division is Yubei Division after all.

With the full support of the four ancient clans, it has the top command teachers and strategists in the mainland.

They quickly set their sights on the Desolate race.

Coupled with Qin Xuance's appearance in the Yubei Division, there is no suspense in everything.

For a while, many old antiques were amazed.

Even though there are more than 30 holy kings, they are really not considered top-notch combat power at the gate of the gods.

Unexpectedly, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers...

With such a small number of people, they dare to go deep into the rear of the evil clan and stir up the situation.

However, every time the news came back, everyone in Yubei Division was excited.

It seems that the team is not as fragile as they imagined, but has surprised them many times...

One legion after another of the evil race was destroyed.

And the fall of the evil emperor.

Although this can't hurt the evil race, it can stir up the anger of the evil race and disrupt their layout!

Such restraint will allow Tianshenguan to breathe even more.

As long as there is enough movement, the evil race must mobilize troops to deal with the Huang race and the others.


One of Yu Beisi's commanding divisions secretly sent someone to guide the Xie Clan in the direction of Lin Huang and the others... It was not to kill people with a knife, but to help Lin Huang walk his dog.

When Qin Xuance found out about this matter, he frowned slightly, but he didn't pursue it much.

Doesn't make much sense!
Both he and Lin Huang are too young...

On their heads, there are strong men in the realm of the Holy Emperor, powerful commanding masters, deep-rooted clans and families, and the four ancient clans.

If Lin Huang wanted to really take the lead, then the fastest thing to do in this day's gate would be his military exploits.


Deforestation has accumulated twice.

The first time was to harvest the fourteen evil emperors with residual blood.

The second time was under the defense line of the Phoenix Clan, and defeated the 20 army of the Evil Clan.

In the entire Tianshen Pass, almost everyone knew Lin Huang's name.

But that's not enough...

Because he is too young.

After all, his strength has not yet reached the realm of the Holy Emperor.

Whether it's the aloof saint emperors or the countless warriors guarding the Heavenly God Pass, they all just regard Lin Huang and the Huang race as a rising star.

But there is still a gap, which is like the gap between a general who has won two battles and a famous general in the world.

and so……

Lin Huang needs to constantly accumulate military exploits, gradually transform, and reverse his image in the hearts of everyone.

And this time, it was Lin Huang's best chance to go around the back of the Xie Clan.

It will be a success!

Qin Xuance understood this truth, so he would not interfere too much.If Lin Huang can come back, even if he cannot become a famous general in the hearts of everyone...

But at least he is also a brave and resourceful little God of War.

If you can't come back...

That is Lin Huang's own death!
In the Yubei Division, Qin Xuance was like a bystander, secretly pondering, thinking, and studying the behavior of those commanding masters and strategists, while at the same time passing on information for Lin Huang.

It's like a rebellious boy!

Yubei Division was very busy, but Tianji Pavilion, which was closed by Tianshen, seemed much calmer.

In the hall where the formations overlap and the stars are twinkling, there are several white clothes who are thinking with deep eyebrows, and many white clothes are deducing with their eyes closed...

In the main hall, the most conspicuous one belongs to the armillary sphere in the center!

That armillary sphere...

There are 360 ​​rotation tracks.

Outside the large armillary sphere, there are several medium-sized small armillary spheres, and outside the medium armillary sphere, there are several small armillary spheres, covering as many as seven layers of armillary spheres.

And the trajectory of the outermost armillary sphere is really like a star, emitting silver light, which seems quite mysterious.

When the entire armillary sphere group rotates, it becomes more complex and dazzling.

Like a big sun, it guides the direction for all the white clothes in the hall.



On this day, the armillary sphere in the hall suddenly made a huge turning sound, which instantly attracted the eyes of all the white clothes in the hall.

Then, an old man opened his eyes, walked out from the back of the main hall, and walked towards the armillary spheres.

At this moment, there is a drop of dark red blood on a small ball in the armillary sphere group.

With the rotation of the armillary sphere, the drop of blood gradually moved its position, just like a small tadpole swimming forward, swimming towards the main armillary sphere.


The armillary sphere rotated violently, and as it rotated, it emitted dazzling rays.

The rays interweave, and the light falls into a white jade mirror behind the hall, forming a picture.

The scene in that picture is extremely dark...

Even dark!
But in the darkness, two blood-colored eyes can be seen...

The eyes were motionless, but full of disdain.

The light in the eyes flowed, just like a huge sea setting off huge waves.

"found it!"

At this time, someone in white shouted excitedly.

Almost everyone put down what they were doing and gathered in front of the white jade mirror, looking at the picture in it.

On the armillary sphere, that drop of blood swimming was the evil god before he was sealed back then.

And that terrifying figure in the white jade mirror...

Naturally, it is the evil god!

At this moment, looking at those scary eyes, the group of white clothes in Tianji Pavilion did not have much fear, but their faces were full of excitement.

They deduce day and night at the gate of the gods.

at last……

Finally captured a trace of information about the evil god!
(End of this chapter)

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