
Chapter 1258 The road to the great emperor is not far away

Chapter 1258 The road to the great emperor is not far away

The content in the white jade mirror is not very clear.

It may be very difficult to deduce even a little information about the evil god.

They could only see the fierce eyes.

Just like the ancient demon god.

Even the Saint Emperor Realm powerhouses in the main hall felt the danger of death welling up in their hearts.

The old man in white who walked into the hall earlier looked at the mirror, his eyes locked.

Then he bit his finger.

"Deacon Mao, no!"

At this moment, someone in white suddenly spoke and stopped the old man in white.

However, the white-clothed old man called Deacon Mao just lifted his foot and kicked the white-clothed man out.

Then a drop of blood flew out from Deacon Mao's fingertip.

It landed on the armillary sphere.


Suddenly, Deacon Namao vomited blood, his complexion paled rapidly.

Everyone in the hall was startled, and was about to step forward, but was stopped by Deacon Mao.

Deacon Na Mao sat down, facing the armillary spheres, and a very ordinary compass appeared in front of him.

The compass rotates, guiding the movement of the Armillary Spheres.

The light in the hall became more and more intense.


Quietly quieted down.

Only the sound of compass and armillary spheres turning.

Deacon Na Mao's face became paler and paler...

Gradually, on the most central armillary sphere, Deacon Mao's blood touched the blood of the Evil God.

The next moment, Deacon U's face suddenly became distorted.

His whole body was in convulsions.

Seems to be in terrible pain.

In the main hall, all the white clothes looked at Deacon Mao with worried faces, full of worry in their hearts.

Time passed little by little.

Big drops of sweat fell from Deacon Mao's face.

The already thin figure was even thinner now.

"Cough cough..."

Suddenly, Deacon Mao coughed violently twice.

With blood spilling from his mouth, he opened his eyes.

"Heavenly evil god...cough...has entered the quasi-emperor realm, comprehend the great emperor realm, and..."

Deacon Mao looked extremely weak, and spoke intermittently, "Besides, this old man has already seen the Emperor's Mark!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole hall suddenly boiled.

——The pattern of the great emperor.

That is a sign that warriors are promoted to emperors.

Every martial artist, on the way from the quasi-emperor to the great emperor, will have a kind of pattern in his body, and that pattern contains the way of the great emperor.

That pattern is also called the Great Emperor's pattern.

And once the Great Emperor's Rune is completed, it means that this warrior has stepped into the Great Emperor's Realm!
In the main hall, everyone was anxious and wanted to ask something, but they didn't dare to urge Deacon Mao who is now extremely weak.

"The pattern of the Great Emperor has already been drawn to [-]%!"

Deacon Mao said.

Everyone in the hall was shocked again.

Seventy percent!

This is a scary number.

It hasn't been long since the evil race broke through the seal and slaughtered 70 miles.

But the evil god has already outlined [-]% of the emperor's pattern.

Although the further you go, the more difficult it is to outline the Great Emperor's pattern.

But sketching [-]% in such a short time has already explained too many things.

Evil God...

... The road to the great emperor is not far away!

For a moment, the white clothes in the hall were as heavy as a mountain, and they only felt that there were black clouds covering their eyes.

"Master Deacon, you can see where the evil god is!"

Someone in Bai Yi asked anxiously.

But Deacon Mao's eyes were fixed...

Then, he looked up at the drop of blood on the armillary sphere... There was still half of the blood in the blood.

Deacon Mao then used the compass again to deduce the location of the evil god.

"Deacon must not be like this. Since the Heavenly Evil God has already outlined the Great Emperor's pattern, deducing his existence is a nightmare for me and other commanding masters!"

There are five-star white clothes opening.

"Would you like to come?"

Deacon Na Mao looked back very shamelessly.

Then, he closed his eyes again.

In the main hall, the compass was spinning...

The armillary sphere group also began to rotate crazily.


Time passed little by little.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Half an hour.

In the main hall, the compass is still turning, and the armillary spheres are also turning.

But Deacon Mao didn't move at all.

His expression didn't change at all.

Both hands still control the compass, but they seem to have lost their soul.

Several five-star white clothes finally found out the clues, they approached Deacon Mao... and then their expressions changed drastically!

"Hurry up……"

One of the five-star white clothes suddenly yelled, "Master Mao is lost in the secrets and is in danger!"

"Quickly send a message, tell Deacon Zi and Deacon Chou, and ask them to come to Tianshenguan as soon as possible. After a long time, Deacon Mao will definitely be completely lost in the secret!"

"In addition, tell Yu Beisi the result derived from today's Tianji Pavilion!"

"Let the commanding masters in the Yubei Division take action to find Deacon Mao and awaken Deacon Mao in the secrets of the evil gods!"

"What are you still doing, hurry up!"

In the hall, everyone panicked instantly.

... Lost in the mystery!

This is an extremely terrible punishment.

Commanders who spy on the secrets of the sky and reveal the secrets of the heavens will be punished by heaven.

But there is always a way to avoid the general scourge.

Not to the point of killing someone.

Even if it takes one's life, sometimes it is a kind of relief for the fortune teller.

As for the punishment of God's punishment, the most terrifying thing is to make life worse than death.

For example, Li Baiyi has been peeping at the secrets of heaven for thousands of years, and he has accumulated too much scourge in his body, which has caused him to be unable to walk for thousands of years, and he has heartache day and night, but he cannot die.

What's more terrifying than this is that the commanding master is lost in the secret of heaven.

This kind of loss has surpassed the pain and imprisonment of the physical body, because it will eternally imprison the soul of the commanding master in the secret of heaven.

It's like a heinous person who will be reincarnated forever in the eighteen levels of hell after his death.

The five-star white clothes in the hall, and even Deacon Mao himself, might not have imagined that the Heavenly Evil God is so powerful.

Before the Great Emperor's Rune was completed, it was so powerful that a top commanding master on the mainland was lost in the secret.Such treatment is comparable to that of an emperor!

If he knew this, it would be impossible for Deacon Mao to deduce the position of Tianxie God so hastily.


this day.

Tianshenguan is still calm.

But the Heavenly God Gate was also completely shaken.

When the people of Yubei Division heard the news from Tianji Pavilion, everyone was almost dumbfounded...

They didn't expect that Tianji Pavilion actually deduced the news about Tianxie God.

The realm of quasi-emperor.

Seventy percent of the emperor's pattern.

It can be said that he has seen the direction of the emperor.

The evil god has actually taken such a terrible step.

And... how terrifying the Heavenly Evil God's Great Emperor's pattern is to be able to make a seven-star white robe from the Tianji Pavilion get lost in the sky.

Then how tyrannical he should be after being promoted to the Great Emperor.

For a moment, Yu Beisi panicked.

Orders and messages frantically flew out of the Yubeisi Hall, towards those holy emperors who had never shown up...

We must find the Heavenly Evil God more quickly.

Otherwise, the disaster of the human race is unimaginable!
(End of this chapter)

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